jxnko-png - Jxnko

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Wake Up

Wake up

Type: Angst, a bit of Fluff

{Minghao wakes up after a “acquaintances with benefits” encounter with you}

Minghao POV

Something was warming my skin. Not like the warmth, I felt of you last night but rather the heat of the sun. My eyes felt heavy but I forced them open. My vision, clouded, but a few blinks fixed that. 

I was staring at the morning sun through the window, I should be admiring this beautiful view but my mind kept traveling back to last night. Remembering every moment of ecstasy and pleasure, I almost feel guilty.

Guilty for not getting to know you, for us not getting closer beforehand, for not knowing you. But I couldn’t change that now could I?

I turned my back to the sun, my back now feeling the warmth my face felt moments ago.

Now I was facing you and I didn’t care that we were nude, I didn’t feel any compulsion of wanting to relive yesterday like I did as I replayed it before I turned to you. 

Instead, my eyes traced your face, trying to ingrain the memory of every detail of your face into my mind. You weren’t super-model gorgeous, no instead a piece of art and art isn’t always supposed to look beautiful it’s supposed to make you feel something, you made me feel something.

I memorized every wrinkle, acne scar, and pimple. I memorized the way strands of your hair would fall every time you snored. I never considered myself as someone who would fall so quickly in love, I don’t even know if this is “love”. 

I placed my hand on your waist underneath the blanket and moved closer to you. I pulled my other hand from underneath me and began tracing the features of your face, lightly so I don’t wake you up.

From your eyes to your nose to your lips-

I suddenly felt the warmth of the sun again on my face. I held my eyes shut closely hoping it wasn’t as I thought, but sure enough, it was. I desperately tried to fall back asleep and continue that beautiful dream of you.

But no, the dream was over.

You weren’t by my side, I wasn’t tracing your face, my hand wasn't on your waist. Instead, I turned around to my bed empty and my clothes on the floor, and you not in sight. The scent of your perfume still lightly embedded in my furniture.

I heard the door close and I pushed myself to get up even if my body wanted to rest still. I hurried and put on my underwear and shirt, hoping I could catch you before the elevator door closed. 

I ran like hell to try and catch you, almost tripping on my neighbor's package they failed to pick up yesterday afternoon. Just as I got down to the end of the hall the elevator doors were already 3/4 of the way closed but you saw me still and I hoped you would push the button to reopen the door but you didn’t. 

I walked back to my apartment in defeat, mentally hitting myself for not getting your number or not waking up earlier. I sat on my couch ignoring my empty stomach that growled at me, only thinking of you. Just as I was going to try and go back to sleep and dream of you there was a knock on my door. 

I didn’t bother checking the monitor to see who it was, not caring anyways because you were already gone. I opened the door with my head hung low not wanting to see anyone right now. 

“I think I can stay longer... I didn’t think I’d wake you up, sorry.”

My knees went week hearing your voice and I really hoped this wasn’t another dream. That thought was diminished when I looked up and saw you standing there, I fought my every nerve to not hug you. 

“No no I’m just glad you came back..” 

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More Posts from Jxnko-png

5 years ago

Ahahahaha.... I’m not crying bc of the fluff I’m not crying bc of the fluff I’m not-

Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should
Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should

“Ooh!” You exclaim, your lips spreading across your face. “This lemonade is really nice. ‘Cheol, you should try it!”

Presenting the drink, Seungcheol leans back from his chair slightly, eyes shifting back and forth to your bubbly expression and the straw nearing him. He surrenders at some point, shown through his visible sigh, as he closes the distance between the straw and him, sipping a fair amount of the drink.

His eyebrows raise, lips lingering on the drink a little longer. “Did they put honey into this?” He speaks between the straw.

Enthusiastic, you nod. “Now get your dirty lips off the straw, it’s my drink.” Seungcheol complies, slowly backing away from the drink before he steals a few more seconds of drinking, finally sat in his place when you complain. “Those five hours were worth it after all,” calm, you take in the fields and families coming to visit.

Seungcheol hums in agreement, not looking at the scenery, but rather the sight in front of him. When you turn to him, you wave a hand in front of his face.

“‘Cheol? Hello? Do you want my cake? Is that what you want?”

Not waiting for his response, you already stab your fork into your piece of cake, lifting it to the male’s face. For a few more seconds, he continues to look at you before his eyes flutter down to the dessert, a tiny smile forming as he takes a bite.

“Thanks Honey,” he chuckles to himself, his grin only growing.

“Everything alright?” You can’t help but ask, noticing the lack of conversation Seungcheol was making. “You seem tired. It’s been a long day, huh?”

Seungcheol shakes his head. “Just thinking.”

With that, you could just nod. You didn’t register the sound of the chair legs scraping the ground until a low cough reached your ears, finding Seungcheol stood near you, his hand reached out.

“Let’s go somewhere, I wanna view this place one more time before we leave.”

Not skipping a beat, you take his hand in yours.

Leaving the cafe, you head to a nearby hill, a grand tree placed right in the middle, and sit as you look at the place at a different perspective.

“I’m totally moving here when I retire.” You comment, earning a laugh from Seungcheol. You twist your body to him. “Retire with me?”

“How could I not? Might as well stick to each other all our lives.”

You smile at the comment, thinking how Seungcheol couldn’t be more right. From birth, through high-school, to college; a few more decades wouldn’t be so bad.

Sleepy, you rest your cheek against Seungcheol’s arm, leaning on him. “If I asked for us two to stay here forever, would that be too much?”

“Well… We’ll have to get through a couple of things first, but we could make it work.” He feels the smile on your face shaping itself, his hand holding your head gently, fingers playing with your hair.

The breeze flows past the two of you, distant voices from the remaining people visiting getting lost into the wind.


Your head tilts toward the soft call. Seungcheol was looking at you too, yourself noticing the raw emotion on his face, no wall built in front of it or facade that’s kept.

You catch the slight hitch in his voice, slowly smiling into the thought.

And somehow, you couldn’t help but meet the distance between you.

In the moment, your thoughts began to flood horribly, panic struck within you — maybe Seungcheol didn’t have feelings anymore, or he found someone else in the time frame you were gone, the action was too sudden, too rushed, for god’s sake you didn’t even ask for permission.

He doesn’t feel the same, you dwell, realising how much you have to make up for that awkward moment.

Pulling away, your lips move to spill out your attempt at an apology until you’re pulled back in for another kiss.

A kiss that’s waited years to happen — no lust or mindless meaning — cared with feelings that should’ve unravelled themselves years ago, like a ball of yarn rolling down a staircase, its trail blooming memories and moments where love showed itself, whether it be a playful I love you to sharing an umbrella on a rainy day.

Shy, the love remained subtle; child-like, more like. Feeling Seungcheol smile in between felt like a flower coming alive in spring, exploding in colour. A hand reaches to your cheek, holding up your chin as you and Seungcheol part.

All you could do was smile. There were no words to describe how you felt; none were needed.

Because one glance upon Seungcheol already told you, this time, you’ll finally get that happily ever after.

Ooh! You Exclaim, Your Lips Spreading Across Your Face. This Lemonade Is Really Nice. Cheol, You Should

OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART FOURTEEN — Hopeless Romantic!Seungcheol x Hopeful Romantic!Reader

I was surprised how creatively I went for the kiss O.o i also had the chance to use happy ending at the end but thats what you all thought FOOLS (you arent fools im sorry ily)

one • two • three • four • five • five ½ • six • seven • eight • nine • nine ½ • ten • eleven • eleven ¼ • eleven ¾ • twelve • thirteen • fourteen • fifteen


5 years ago

HULLO HEHEEH I LOVE YOUR WRITING ❤️ can I request a highschool!baller Mingyu where you're in gym class and he's teasing you by holding the ball over your head, 1v1ing you and ankle breaking you? 😂 it's sounds mean but it's really cute hehe

Imagine you’re in gym class, just sort of walking around the basketball court, zoning out. “I need to return that library book today, and I have homework for Mrs...” “hey! Hey! Come play basketball with me! Please! I’ll go easy!” HighSchoolBaller!Mingyu, you haven’t known him that long, though you had done a few projects with him. At first you didn’t think he was talking to you but as he ran closer you realized he was, “why the hell is calling me over?!” You thought to yourself. “Will you play me? 1v1 I’ll go as easy as I can, promise.” “Fine I’ve got nothing better to do this period.” “Yes! Ok les go!” You went and played, which was hard because of how freaking tall this guy was, any chance he got he would tease you. Throwing the ball over your head, holding it over your head, at one point you’re sure he jumped over your head but that seems a bit impossible. Then it happened, you were getting serious about the game and apparently Mingyu was to. He goes in for the shot and you have a quick second to get the ball, you went in and BAM 💥 you hit the floor. You can’t believe it he ankle broke you so hard. You weren’t injured but it hurt so much. “I’m sorry im sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!” “It’s okay” “it’s not! Let me help” “it’s o-” he had picked you up and was rushing you to the nurses office. He stayed with you while you got checked out and walked you back to class afterwards. “I’m so sorry...” “it’s really okay Mingyu” “how about I take you out to ice cream after school? It’ll put my heart at ease, just let me take care of you for today.” “Fine, just promise you won’t develop a crush on me by the end of the day haha” at this point he really didn’t know if he could keep that promise.

{ah jeez I’m sorry if it’s bad!}


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5 years ago

Imagine idol!Wonwoo being so infatuated with you. As a foreigner the one of the only jobs you could find was as a library assistant at a small library around the corner from your apartment. You have a few other odd jobs to make ends meet but all things considered you’re living pretty well. You know Wonwoo, you know of seventeen, you would consider yourself a carat. But you would never in you’re wildest dreams imagine that you would see the Jeon Wonwoo. In person. In the small library. Everyday. The owners said he came in once in awhile but that every since you started working there he’s been there constantly. One random day he just so happens to be in the isle you’re organizing. I mean he didn’t “just happen to be there” it was the kids isle. “You into kids books?” You questioned. “No yeah I love.... “the little lamb”” he said picking up a random book. “Ok no, I’ve actually been wanting to talk to you, I’ve seen you around, noticed bong bongie on your backpack, I’ve maybe purposefully seen you walk to the convenience store...” are you stalking me?” “No- I- I’m just so nervous to ask you out on a date...” “well I am pretty busy all the time...” his face dropped assuming what you were about to say. “But maybe if you stick around the library and I just so happen to be here we could go to the staff room and eat lunch together?” He couldn’t have said yes faster, and so it began his infatuation burned deeper than ever before.


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5 years ago

Imagine the boys have been on tour for a few months. Idol!Jihoon hasn’t been able to call you and text are rare. In fact, the last time he texted you was a week ago. You understood, he’s busy but that didn’t change the fact that you felt lonely. You blamed yourself for feeling so entitled to him, for being selfish. You had your doubts, “Maybe he’ll break up with me soon” or “he probably feels burdened by being with me”, all those thoughts came to mind. 

Tonight you were feeling especially doubtful. He was coming home today but unlike on other tours, he didn’t send you a message saying he much he wanted to come home and relax with him and just be with him. Instead, you got a single message, “I’m Sorry”. 


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5 years ago

Imagine you and boyfriend!Vernon are watching Adventure Time on the floor of your new apartment together. You didn’t have a lot of furniture so instead you guys grabbed all the blankets and pillows from the bed and made a makeshift couch bed thing. It wasn’t perfect but it was enough for the both of you. All the lights were turned off, phones turned off, Finn and Jake going on adventures, and you and Vernon snuggled together on the living room floor surrounded by pillows, stuffies, and blankets. Perfect. You soon drifted off to sleep as Vernon sang along quietly to Marceline’s “slow dance with me”.


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