k8-marsh - k8-marsh

"it's your life, the life you fought so hard to have. and for the first time in a long time, you just live."this blog is where i mostly post (life is strange) text-based games as well as loose ideas!!

46 posts

K8-marsh - K8-marsh - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

lis2 sean diaz wolf squad patch!!

Lis2 Sean Diaz Wolf Squad Patch!!

hey guys!! i really enjoyed making the other patch so i embroidered a small version Sean's hoodie design as practice for making a bigger one!

Lis2 Sean Diaz Wolf Squad Patch!!

if anyone is interested, here are the things i used:

nail scissors to cut fabric and thread because i couldn't find my regular scissors

fabric from an old white t-shirt!

blue and red embroidery thread (split into half and tied together at the end to secure it in the needle)

smaller and larger needle

regular black thread doubled over

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1 year ago

life is strange patch!

hey guys! i love putting fabric patches on my clothing, but i couldnt find many life is strange fabric patches so i decided to try make my own :) as you can see i am CLEARLY not very advanced, this was done solely with household materials lol! but it was super fun :D if the merch you want doesnt exist make it!!!!

Life Is Strange Patch!

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1 year ago

Oooh!! You got to finally play love is strange!!! Did you enjoy it?? Thoughts on the routes???

i loved it!!! :) i really liked how they did the art particularly :D i also loved all the changes they made to the default GUI and the art in the journal... just as a sucker for chloe i loveddd the chloe route, but i also really enjoyed the kate one, it was super fun!! i still have yet to play the victoria and rachel route but i bet they'll be awesome too; which one did you like the best?

1 year ago

updates - RenPy!! :)

hey guys!!

sorry i have been inactive for a while - i finally figured out how to download renpy (as well as love is strange, i played through all the pathways obviously) and i've been having a lot of fun :)

at the moment i don't think i could make anything as skilled/full-length as love is strange, but it's a lot of fun experimenting and just making games :D

i might continue to do things on replit, but for now i'm just going to check out renpy more.

Updates - RenPy!! :)

this is a screenshot a (Very) brief weird criminal mafia chloe game i was making on... honestly i just wanted to use these awesome sprites i made by uploading Chloe's 3D Model onto https://www.mixamo.com/ , you can download them below :) i can post more if you guys like the images, i honestly just love this bit because theyre great photos haha :D

Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)
Updates - RenPy!! :)

also, side note and this might be a long shot, but does anyone remember watching this life is strange MMD youtube video of max and chloe dancing to Rockabye because i'm pretty sure it got taken down for whatever reason and i am HEARTBROKEN.

anyway i hope you all have a nice day! :)

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1 year ago

hello! how is renpy? what would the lis visual novel be about? (no rush, ofc!) ^^

hey!! thank you for the question :) i haven't really been active on it at all recently - just school and everything got in the way. i did find out that i can use external text files in the code, so maybe with that i could figure out how to make save files! as for the visual novel, the app is still not installing properly on my computer </3 hopefully i'll figure it out soon, but i appreciate the question!! have a nice day ^^

1 year ago


hey guys sorry to point this out, but the server that i like to code my life is strange games on doesn't allow other people to run them anymore for some reason </3 i am so sorry about this - if you really want to try and play it you can play 'Fork' and it should make your own version that you can run, but i think you might need an account for this (free but you know still) so sorry for the hindrance... i'll try to find a better platform soon!

on another note, i was trying to install this app called renPy that allows you to make visual novels wiht python - so similar to what i'm doing but with visuals too!! the only issue is, my computer seems not not allow me to download any new apps so i have to get that sorted out...

i think the creators of Love is Strange also used this platform which is why i'm excited about it :) unfortunately i haven't been able to actually play and download that game either, but it looks super beautiful (here's the link if you wanna check it out, i think you'd also need to download the itch.io installer)

Love is Strange by Team Rumblebee
A fan dating vn based off Life is Strange.

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1 year ago

big updates!!!!

hello everyone!!!

so i had a sudden burst of motivation today and added a lot of aspects to the life is strange text game as well as a tiny bit of plot too :)

here's what i added/changed:

removed dana (for now at least, sorry

dana ward sitting on a bed with black text that reads 'rip...'

added a 'bag' item - this is a big one! it's got sort of like two main cool bits:

the phone - here you can catch up on texts that are different depending on how you interact with the characters, sort of like in the original game :)

Big Updates!!!!

the other part is there are some items you can pick up that might affect the story/what you can do!

Big Updates!!!!

i also just added a bit more plot (finally) although i have yet to completely finish the cafeteria scene - some interactions still aren't totally done.

overall though this game isn't meant to be super dramatic or anything like that, it's just for fun! there's a dance at the end that you can choose to attend (or not) with specific characters so that's sort of where the plot is going.

also this new version is on a different file; it's not hidden or anything, but i might just wait until i finish a few things to share the link (otherwise it could show errors if you try to play while it's being edited)!

thanks again everyone :)

1 year ago

big updates!!!!

hello everyone!!!

so i had a sudden burst of motivation today and added a lot of aspects to the life is strange text game as well as a tiny bit of plot too :)

here's what i added/changed:

removed dana (for now at least, sorry

dana ward sitting on a bed with black text that reads 'rip...'

added a 'bag' item - this is a big one! it's got sort of like two main cool bits:

the phone - here you can catch up on texts that are different depending on how you interact with the characters, sort of like in the original game :)

Big Updates!!!!

the other part is there are some items you can pick up that might affect the story/what you can do!

Big Updates!!!!

i also just added a bit more plot (finally) although i have yet to completely finish the cafeteria scene - some interactions still aren't totally done.

overall though this game isn't meant to be super dramatic or anything like that, it's just for fun! there's a dance at the end that you can choose to attend (or not) with specific characters so that's sort of where the plot is going.

also this new version is on a different file; it's not hidden or anything, but i might just wait until i finish a few things to share the link (otherwise it could show errors if you try to play while it's being edited)!

thanks again everyone :)

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1 year ago

i just found this old website i never finished for a computer science project lol :)

I Just Found This Old Website I Never Finished For A Computer Science Project Lol :)

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1 year ago

updating time!!

i haven't really gone anywhere near this recently but i noticed a few things i might wanna change or add so i might be working on that :)

a backpack with different possessions depending on your interactions (maybe???)

the ability to talk to more than one person in the hallway in the morning before having to leave

naming your character (totally unsure about this...)

anyway, i'll post the new update if i finish it but thank you guys!! let me know if you guys have any other ideas or requests for me to add :)

Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)

Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)
Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)
Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)

hi everyone!! i don't really know how tumblr works but i just wanted to share this python game i've been working on for a little while;

life is strange text game!!
text-based adventure game in life is strange :) will add more hopefully!! info for playing: - the current characters that you can possibly

it's super simple but it's really fun to work on :D at present it's nowhere near finished-- i wanted to share it to see if you guys have any feedback or ideas on what needs to be added, thank you very much :)

1 year ago

hey everyone! i think i have some motivation so i might work on the life is strange text game (first post), i'm just wondering if anyone has any requests/ ideas for things to add! if not i'll just continue working on the cafeteria and afterwards probably :)

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1 year ago

whats your favorite part of game development?

first of all thank you for this question it makes me feel all fancy. second i just love sort of imagining what will happen (doing storyboards or plans or things like that), it's super fun :) it's also cool that you can write your own experiences into the game and things like that!

1 year ago

Life is Strange - After the Storm Chapter 1!!

Life Is Strange - After The Storm (Chapter 1)
hello everyone!! there is some brief info and tips at the start of the game if you'd like to read that, but this is just the first chapter o

hello everyone!! sorry i haven't posted much recently, honestly i just wasn't working on much because i had exams and all that... but anyways! now i think i'm sort of finished with the first chapter of this game :)

it was really sweet how many people were interested - if you're not sure what this post is about, it's a python-based text game like the first one i posted on this account, based on what happens after Max and Chloe leave Arcadia Bay.

i don't really know how much to say here, i think it's sort of longish(??) but definitely shouldn't take super long to play! (just depends on how fast you read/type.)

i hope you guys let me know what you thought, and if you have any feedback/noticed any errors i'd be happy to hear it :)

in the meantime i do have a story planned out for the next chapter, but i might work on other things too for a while.

thanks for reading, hope you have a nice day!!! <3

side note: it was sort of a big chunk of code. so sorry if it takes a while to load!!

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1 year ago

Hey how's the game coming along?

good question!! :) i haven't been working on it a lot recently because i've got some exams and stuff (also just a motivation issue), but chapter 1 is pretty much done.

i just need to finish a few things and then i could post it if people would like to play it- honestly, i didn't know if anyone would be interested, so thanks for asking! :)

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1 year ago

there's this woman's voice singing along in some parts of the background of 'piano fire' by sparklehorse and i like to imagine it's chloe singing along since it's one of the songs she plays in her room :)

There's This Woman's Voice Singing Along In Some Parts Of The Background Of 'piano Fire' By Sparklehorse

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1 year ago

kate marsh my therapist will be hearing about you.

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1 year ago


hello everyone!

sorry i haven't posted much recently -- i haven't been working a whole lot on the life is strange text game :c

that's cool though, because instead i've been working on a game about max and chloe traveling after the storm!!


i want it to be pretty long, and because of the nature of the game and how i can't make a save feature as of yet, it has to be played in one chunk (it can be played over a bunch of days as long as the tab is still open), so i'd prefer to post it when it's finished!

in the meantime maybe i'll post, like, a short demo of the first chapter or something, but it's super fun to work on :-)

i've got my own exams coming up soon so it'll probably take me a while to finish the game; i hope that's okay!

thank you to everyone for liking or reposting or following or whatever, it's really sweet and it makes me motivated to keep making more things!! i hope everyone has a nice day!!! <3

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1 year ago

im having a lot of fun ngl

Im Having A Lot Of Fun Ngl

the best thing about making a game is i can make chloe say anything. im honestly this close to making her say 'jeepers creepers' because yes, i think she would say that.

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1 year ago

first or third person???????

hey guys!! im working on a game based on one of the ideas i posted earlier (i'll reveal more if i manage to finish the first chapter lol), but i was just wondering how i should format the narrative, since you'll be making choices as max - would first or third person look better?

example of first person:

You and Chloe have a sick dance break while the shopkeeper watches you in shock.

example of third person:

Max and Chloe have a sick dance break while the shopkeeper watches them in shock.

additionally, i was wondering about dialogue -- is it better just to keep it indirect like in the game i've posted previously, or just put direct quotes? indirect might make it seem kind of more detached, but for direct there's a risk that i would write chloe's dialogue in a way that doesn't really seem like something she would say (sorry for all the questions, it would just be super helpful to see what you guys think looks better!!!)

indirect example:

You decide to play the Gummy Bear song for the fiftieth time in the row. Chloe rolls her eyes, groaning about how stupid the song is.

direct example:

You decided to play the Gummy Bear song for the fiftieth time in the row. Chloe rolls her eyes.

"Dude, again? This song is so fucking dumb!"

if you guys have any thoughts about this, please let me know! it would be super helpful :-)

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1 year ago

possible ideas for future games

hey guys!

i’ve been adding to the game bit by bit and i’ll continue to do that, but i think it would also be kind of cool to work on something else and post it when it’s reasonably finished!! :-)

i’ll probably do a bunch of these not just one — i just wanted to see what people would be interested in, or if anyone has any cool ideas!!!!

these are my ideas:

life is strange:

kate’s experience at blackwell (either before or after the events of lis1?)

max and chloe sort of being homeless/ on the run after sacrificing arcadia bay (i guess similar to lis2 in a way!!)

being victoria after the events of lis1 (sacrifice chloe ending)

chloe just sort of walking around arcadia bay (after rachel’s disappearance and before she meets max)


some sort of brief fantasy rpg thing (i love fantasy)

yeah, i guess most of them are kind of life is strange themed because i’m super fixated on it right now :D

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1 year ago

brief updates!!

thanks again everyone for being so kind :)



i finished the interaction, i might change some wording or colours but it’s pretty much done for now!


you can either choose to stay with victoria or leave with rachel (i added more story to either :-)

(whoever you sit with in the cafeteria will mean you have another interaction with them in the future, although the future hasn’t been added yet :c)


added a tiny bit more plot after you leave the cafeteria as well as a choice involving nathan (this will lead to you meeting chloe in the future)

NOTE: this game isn’t really supposed to fit into a specific timeline in the original games because you can talk to some bts students and lis1 students!! it’s just for fun so you could meet a wider range of characters (and i get to avoid blame for plot holes lol). in the future, i might make games that make a bit more sense in the game’s context, for example; one centered around kate’s backstory, or what happens after you sacrifice chloe or something like that!!

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1 year ago

chloe's band posters in the early build

Chloe's Band Posters In The Early Build
Chloe's Band Posters In The Early Build
Chloe's Band Posters In The Early Build
Chloe's Band Posters In The Early Build

this isn't related to the game but i wanted to share some of the posters i saw in chloe's room in the early build of life is strange called 'What If?', i'm pretty sure some of these aren't in the finished game :) if you want to watch the full thing i took screenshots from TrashRBPlayer's video (below), they post really cool videos of the beta game!!!

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1 year ago

quick update!!

sorry i haven't added much recently because there's been so much for me to do, but i really appreciate all the attention it's so sweet :)

my plan is to work on it bit by bit when i have the time, and i'll post when i add bits to let you guys know of updates!!

i have some ideas on what the plot will continue and maybe some other games i'd like to work on, but if anyone has any ideas feel free to let me know it'd be super helpful!

i think that's all but thank you very much <3

optional poll:

in the meantime i might try to add more characters/more interactions with characters in the existing narrative but that's just sort of a maybe :)

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1 year ago

Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)

Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)
Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)
Life Is Strange - Text-based Game :-)

hi everyone!! i don't really know how tumblr works but i just wanted to share this python game i've been working on for a little while;

life is strange text game!!
text-based adventure game in life is strange :) will add more hopefully!! info for playing: - the current characters that you can possibly

it's super simple but it's really fun to work on :D at present it's nowhere near finished-- i wanted to share it to see if you guys have any feedback or ideas on what needs to be added, thank you very much :)


the server that i like to code my life is strange games on doesn't allow other people to run them anymore for some reason </3 i am so sorry about this - if you really want to try and play it you can play 'Fork' and it should make your own version that you can run, but i think you might need an account for this (free but still a bit of a hassle) so sorry for the hindrance... i'll try to find a better platform soon! :)

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