Life Is Strange - Tumblr Posts

Prazer, esse sou eu.
hey guys. ive realized that ive never promoted my terrible shitty fanfiction on here before so here we go.
its cowritten by my worst friend, @lesbian-jack-barnabas
to summarize it would be to describe a dream. this shit is entirely insane and self indulgent. we just kinda add whatever we're currently interested in into this melting pot, so if youd like to turn your brain off and succumb to the brain rot, feel free!!
this fic features a pride parade, bowling, the backrooms, superjail, great wolf lodge, target (the store), midsommar (soon!), and many more to come!!!
we even try to upload weekly :)
You know you're addicted to fanfic when you look at a 100,000 word fic and think "only a hundred thousand words! Pffft piece of cake"
7 hours later: *begins to regret life choices*
I haven't played lis in a hot minute, so maybe I'm wrong on this one, but I highly doubt that David even thinks that Max is genuinely dealing pot. He works at the same school Max goes to, has never heard anything about Max dealing or even smoking, and I feel as if he wouldn't be surprised to know that Chloe smokes, especially given that he has a whole ass camera system set up in the house.
If so, it's so petty of a fully grown man to report a teen for something he at least doubts she did, jeopardising her education and future employment.
Something I love about Life Is Strange is the moral ambiguity of all the choices.
I don't think a single decision in the game is an open and shut case of doing right or wrong. You can debate all day what someone should do in that situation and the "right" answer is going to boil down to your moral beliefs.
I think a good example would be taking the blame for Chloe's weed or not.
It's easy to make a case for why standing with Chloe is a good thing. She's a long term friend who has a shitty home life and just did something incredibly kind for Max (Giving her William's camera) moments before. Standing with her and protecting her from David is an act of loyalty that shows how much Max still cares about her wellbeing. Therefore making it a very understandable choice.
However, I do feel like you could argue that Max shouldn't be expected to take the blame. If she takes responsibility for the joint that isn't hers, David threatens the scholarship that got into Blackwell. That's a huge finical blow that will put Max's educational opportunities in jeopardy. It's not an empty threat either as we learn from Mark in Episode 2 that David has told Wells that Max is dealing pot.
So in that regard is it selfish of Chloe to expect Max to loose a major opportunity for her? Or is it selfish of Max to let someone she cares about get hurt? Are both choices selfish since either outcome screws one of them over? Or are neither really that selfish since both girls are placed in a really bad spot?
I could make a post like this about of the choices. All of them are wrong to a certain extent just as much as they are right. Nothings black and white and a lot of the choices simply boil down to "Who do you want to screw over more?" Which is an interesting moral dilemma as it means you can never really win.
"college is the best years of your life" "college is for meeting new people and expanding your mind" wrong. college is for discovering new types of grief. also the timeloop
"I'm so introverted and shy!!" max caulfield says as if I'm not making her have whole yap sessions with every single character possible

Got a little silly in class and drew those lesbians that die and go back in time and die and go back in time and die and go back in time and die and g

idk how you guys are gonna react to me not posting official stuff but here's some fanart i made! [Image Description: Fanart of Chloe Price from Life Is Strange, made as if the viewer was looking up at her. She's sat on a railing, her head turned to the right, a cigarette in her mouth. She wears a dark grey shirt with a white skull drawing on it, a brown hoodie, heavily ripped jeans, shoes and a blue beanie. Through one of the holes in her jeans, a small tattoo can be seen on her left leg, which is three letters: ANX. The background is a grey-ish blue, and has a spiral. End Image Description] Image Description Credit to @mushroomjar
Max Caulfield is possibly the funniest guy I know. Literally minutes after becoming a god she starts abusing her powers, but almost exclusively to trick teachers and fellow high-schoolers into thinking she's cooler than she is.
My favourite is when you can rewind to impress Jefferson with his own John Lennon quote, which Max does seemingly just for extra brownie points even though she just watched someone get shot

finally made a thrasher out of her 🤟🏻🙂↕️

While I agree with what Samuel is saying and think it sums up the "Was Rachel a good or bad person" debate pretty well, it's insane (In the good: "I'll think about this for ages" way) for Rachel to be compared to a light.
Because she is a light. She's a fire that gets mistaken for the sun.
She's so bright and warm and brilliant that you assume she's the sun. You assume she's the beauty in dawn and the amber hues in dusk. You assume she's what everything revolves around and what makes the world go around. But that assumption is wrong, because Rachel is a raging fire.
She IS bright and warm and brilliant. She's beautiful and radiant and frightening and so hard to tear your eyes away from. She's the rage in a forest and the warmth in a hearth. She's a torch that lights a lost man's way and the match that burns out. She's the beauty of candle and the ugliness of gasoline and a lighter.
She is Rachel Amer. A light that casts shadow. A flame that is both warm and unforgiving.
(max caulfield voice) man i sure do love autumn, halloween, and everything related to october! sure hope nothing bad happens on this day october 7th 2013!
Sketch of the firecamp scene from Life is Strange 2