kaariigai - kaariigai

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184 posts

I Realised I Turned Into My Mom When It Made Me Happy To See Fabric Softener And Detergent In A Combo

I realised I turned into my mom when it made me happy to see fabric softener and detergent in a combo offer. #adultingsucks

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2 years ago

I realised "keeping it together" doesn't mean, saving your sanity so you don't fall. It actually means losing it everyday, you are already inside the motion of endless falling.. and yet you have to live and do everything you need to do to survive. Now that is "keeping it together", surviving when you don't know when you'll drop down and die, but you know you are falling.

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2 years ago

β€œWe’ll survive, you and I.”

β€” F. Scott Fitzgerald

2 years ago

All these positive notes and reminders keep telling us to live, and not to survive. Not to just merely exist with routine and be sad at the end of the day. But isn't it also a part of living? Isn't it part of being human to be exhausted ?! Why should I be made guilty of a normal human emotion? I survived today. Not happy. What's wrong with it? I'll live tomorrow!! Let me survive today without guilt.

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2 years ago

be my peace

be the change in my life

hold my hand through

the greatest storms

and look me deeply in the eyes

when things feel wrong

i promise you

we'll win all the wars

that exist between us.

α΄› ᴏ Ι’ ᴇ α΄› ʜ ᴇ Κ€.

β€” IČ