Darkmuse - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Because someone said, "don't just take pictures of everything you want to remember, but also take pictures of everything easy to forget.."

Because Someone Said, "don't Just Take Pictures Of Everything You Want To Remember, But Also Take Pictures

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2 years ago

Maybe I'm like that first Chalk in the pack

Half way through, and everyone wants new.

Maybe my overthinking is bad.

It's not like, I can dial it down to zero!

It's something I've always had....

But Gotham got an hero

After one scared boy's over-reaction

To what 'you' call a normal human emotion.


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2 years ago

At any point in time, she was equally filled with guilt and hope.

He knew it was a dangerous configuration for a heart to be.

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2 years ago

They say, once you leave home, you can never go back to the same.

Maybe it's true.

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2 years ago

People keep telling me to move on.

But from what? From this ability to love even after I've been dead. From the strength to trust even after being lost. From being human even after realising only few are left??

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2 years ago

Being strong does not mean, you keep your heart rigid to let anything affect you. Being strong is keeping your heart open and soft, let everything the world has to offer reach your heart, affect it beautifully, when it pains...get back up. That's called being strong.

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2 years ago

Being the darkness itself makes it easier to find light, only if you accept who you are.

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1 year ago

Love is bound by third law of thermodynamics.

The total energy in a system remains constant, although it may be converted from one form to another.

But staying in love is bound to work only by Newton's third law.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

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1 year ago

Suffering is cheap as clay and twice as common. What matters is what you make of it.- Bhagra.

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1 year ago

I have a superpower, I don't give up.

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1 year ago

Isn't it funny how sometimes, being kind to someone else reminds you that life won't be that bad, only if you were kind to yourself that much.


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1 year ago

If the mortal remains, those of the passed away that haven't been consumed by earth is a connection to them to this plane... Wouldn't oceans be the beacon of all ghosts ?!

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1 year ago

I greedily wish to write about everything.I know it's impossible but I wish to feel everything. Isn't it very funny to think that not one soul in the entire universe over endless time would have felt exactly how or what you felt.

I wish my heart to be everything. Listen, cry, laugh, grieve, celebrate, shy away, be ashamed, lost, found, lust, rage, empathy, jealous...

I wish I could feel and write about everything..Because only then I might get a chance to understand love.

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1 year ago

I mourn for all the poems that died in my head when I was alone.

I apologise for not being lonely enough to give them life.

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1 year ago

Passing clouds maybe...

But I can handle the dark ones that stand still and pour down. It was the bright light ones I trusted, made my life gloomy by hiding my sun.

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1 year ago

The first time in a veryyyyy long time when you actually believe yourself saying 'Im fine' is magic. ✨

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1 year ago

Comfort. The power this word holds. The very easiest way in which someone can get access to your well guarded mind and self. Comfort. The one greed disguised as need that humans couldn't resist.

The power 'comfort' holds and how underrated it plays our lives.

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1 year ago

They are not going to be proud about something you were expected to do ?!

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9 months ago

I am sorry you misunderstood my need for reassurance for romance!

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