kacievvbbbb - Vast And Unknowable!
Vast And Unknowable!

Hi!||She/her||Throwing thoughts into the deep and endless void that is my ping-ponging interests and hyper fixations||currnt favorite emoji:šŸŒøNow have a twitter! @Kacievvbbbb It's just more stuff like this

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God What Even Do I Do With This Chapter But Here Are Some Of My Thoughts.

God what even do I do with this chapter šŸ˜­ but here are some of my thoughts.


- what the fuck

-ā€œMaybe itā€™s time to try living for someone elseā€ okay the itafushi shippers really won with that one, I canā€™t lie. But at the same time it feels like Megumiā€™s always been living his life for someone else specifically Tsumiki. so it kind of feels like the stronger message would have been to decide to live for himself? Kind of how yuujiā€™s journey went from finding this greater purpose to live and fight to simply just living is okay as well. But thatā€™s just me. Im interested in hearing other peopleā€™s take on the situation

- this is from last chapter but I so really like the parallel of yuuji in this fight for his life with Sukuna and Mahito and being so weighed down by everything that he has lost and everything he is still trying to save and then Kugasaki hits that resonance and Yuuji sees that heā€™s not alone and god something about it always being Nobara and her insanity breaking him from that sorrow and giving him that last push to fight like he's not alone.

- also I do think seeing Nobaraā€™s resonance after having to be the one to break it to itadori that she wasnā€™t recovering, really solidified that there where things still worth living for.

- I donā€™t know something about Sukuna finally after all these chapters acknowledging itadori by finally saying his name is so very Sukuna off him. Itā€™s like the inverse of him going into Jogoā€™s flashing life and telling him heā€™s strong. This time heā€™s the one dying and heā€™s finally acknowledging the boy that killed him. Say what you want about Sukuna but he ainā€™t no sore fucking loser.

- God how fucking Yuuji Itadori of the whole thing to after everything all the terror and the torture and the pain to still offer Sukuna a chance to live and live better. A chance to not be a slave to his nature to this curse in their blood. God Yuuji what do I even do with you.

- okay so not even a fucking frame of the Hakari/Uraume showdown. Really šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. It looked like things were happening too. With that final parting it looked like theyā€™d reached some kind of understanding and not even a fucking frame. Gege the way your mind works.

- really not even one punch? Not even one gambling shot. Iā€™d have payed good fucking money to see Hakari explaining how a pachinko machine works to a 1000 year old curse servant.

- the little ā€œyouā€™re just lucky is the best compliment for a guy like meā€ and the ā€œyeah I guess it isā€ was a great exchange tho. Which is is why I wonder. Really not one fucking framešŸ˜­. I wonder if mappa will just ignore this and give them a fight scene anyway like they elongated the Sukuna vs Mahagora fight.

- and now finally, some good fucking food.

- Gojoā€™s little I killed your daddy note is so funny. What the fuck is wrong with him

- again. What the fuck.

- Nobara being as rude as fucking always god I love her. She is taking no prisoners. Fuck you mean you arenā€™t weeping at her feet at her return.

-Them trying to do the whole box suprise for Megumi and him catching them in the act is so stupid I actually canā€™t šŸ˜­. They really only have one braincell

- Nobara not giving a single fuck about her mom like what. Also what did she mean by ā€œSpecial grade authorityā€

- crazy that they all got face scars now. Theyā€™re a matching set.

- I wonder what Yuujiā€™s talk with gojo was. I wonder what parental figure gojo exposed for him.

- I dunno this chapter making me feel like he might come back. Gojo Satoru just might make a come back.

- Iā€™m glad that atleast after everything itā€™s gunna end with the three of them. Maybe a little damaged and worse for wear but together and that counts for something.

-lastlyā€¦..what the fuck m.

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More Posts from Kacievvbbbb

6 months ago

I think itā€™s interesting how as time goes on Zoro kind of becomes more and more like mihawk in some ways whether thatā€™s just because if you spend time with someone for 2 years youā€™re bound to pick up their habits or a deliberate attempt to emulate him is a conversation for another time. And Mihawk and Zoro where already pretty similar at the start so itā€™s a little hard to notice now.

But yeah whether unconsciously or consciously Zoro is becoming a bit more like Mihawk and itā€™s interesting to think that while this means maturing in some ways (heā€™s swordsmanship for one but heā€™s also just quieter much more assured of himself) it also means deaging in some others.

Despite their significant age gap and general dispositions, when it comes down to it Zoro is just a lot more emotionally mature and developed than Mihawk is. And a big part of why is because he found something larger than himself to devote his life too, hell Mihawk himself even kind of acknowledges this when he agrees to take Zoro on as a student when Zoro begs for the sake of his captain and crew. He acknowledges that putting aside his own ego and dreams for the sake of someone else isnā€™t something he can do and sees it as a fault in himself and a strength in Zoro.

Mihawk may be outwardly mature and his skills defiently did not stagnant but Iā€™d wager that Mentally Mihawk is still stuck at the same age he was when he took over the title of worldā€™s strongest swordsman. Honestly maybe even younger. And it isnā€™t until training Zoro, letting Perona stay with him, for probably the first time in his life taking charge of lives outside his own did he finally unarrest his development.

If Zoro is purposely trying to emulate Hawkeyes, which it wouldnā€™t be a surprise if he was thatā€™s who heā€™s trying to be Afterall, then it would honestly set him back emotionally because fundamentally as he is now Mihawkā€™s attitude doesnā€™t work in a crew. Itā€™s too singular, too abrasive. And while that abrasiveness can be useful in Zoroā€™s role as Luffyā€™s first mate sometimes it makes him a little too callous a little too apathetic, like with his disregard for Luffyā€™s sadness over vegapunk.

But Zoro has his crew to temper that, they are honestly just too ridiculous to ever stay serious around. And try as he might to hide it Zoro is also just a silly dude who likes to be horrifically petty with his opponents. And zoro still has so much fire in him, so much he has too prove and so much he wants to protect to ever really fall into Mihawkā€™s apathy. Zoro has Luffy who even after they reach their dreams will probably still continue to turn the world upside down forever keeping Zoro in some kind of trouble and his life interesting.

Zoro canā€™t be Mihawk because even Mihawk canā€™t be Mihawk anymore. Being with crossguild and crossing with the Red hair pirates and the strawhats is going to change him, it has too. if Mihawk is going to live after losing his title heā€™s probably gonna have to become a little bit more like Zoro.

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can you tell how much I like the phrase arrested development mihawk is essentially mentally still a teenager and honestly that tracks in psychology terms he never developed his super ego everytime I write a long post Iā€™m so scared that I didnā€™t make any point at all and itā€™s just a bunch of jumbled nonsense and half points so I hope this made sense šŸ˜­ zoro and Mihawk are great they are so alike yet the little differences matter so much donā€™t you just hate when people say Zoro has no character arc? they arenā€™t even two sides of the same coin they are literally just Son learning from the mistakes of his father I canā€™t lie before I really got into timeskip I also thought the changes in zoro was just Oda choosing to rewrite him diffenrtky more badas I also missed the loud smiling and laughing zoro but the truth is that heā€™s still there and maybe it is just Oda deciding to make Zoro cooler but itā€™s honestly so in line with who he already was and makes so much sense given who he was training with that it still works as character development zoro can still be loud and silly and maybe his digs are not said instead of screamed and maybe his smiles are a little meaner instead of genuine and maybe he doesnā€™t laugh out loud anymore but honestly sometimes thats part of growing up Zoro is the way he is so Luffy can be who he is thatā€™s why they work. somebodyā€™s got to take it seriously somebodyā€™s got to feel the weight of being an emperorā€™s crew. might as well be Zoro one piece throwing thoughts to the void zoro appreciation post dracule mihawk hawkeye mihawk roronoa zoro zoro character analysis one piece meta goth fam goth family one piece goth family the strawhats strawhat pirates
6 months ago

Truly from the depths of my struggling heart. Viva La Vida by Coldplay belongs to one Toshinori Yagi aka the one and only All Might.

Coldplay should just sign over the rights of the song at this point promptly too.

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the song just works on so many levels cause yeah thereā€™s the grander theme off glory days gone past but thereā€™s another layer of was; I really effective or good if the minute I left everything that I had built crumbled around me because Toshinori was the symbol of peace but any peace that canā€™t survive without one man isnā€™t true peace at all itā€™s a stalemate hero society should never have been so easy to collapse without all might and honestly even though it was never really fully explored that was always a layer of the story I enjoyed the ways in which a complete dominance in a field especially one as important as heroing can hurt just as much as it can help. because if yagi had actually let people stand beside him if he hadnā€™t helped to create a space where other heroes could grow complacent because all night was there. hero society would never have collapsed so easily without him. itā€™s touched on but not a lot not dope if icalry about all nights dominance itā€™s why I feel like if you watched the show and your geniune conclusion was that Deku should have become the new symbol of peace then I just think we didnā€™t watch the same show And don't get me wrong I'm not saying that yagi was wrong for saving people or using his powers to the max but it was touched on repeatedly this kind of deep fear/belief that he had. That only he could save these people and if something happened to them it was on him. Like every case could only be solved by him and it wasnt a pride thing if anything it was a trauma response same with Izuku the tags for this got so long i swear i don't mean to do thisšŸ˜­ the symbolism symbol of peace all might yagi toshinori mha toshinori mha bnha boku no hero acedamia my hero acedamia mha analysis music coldplay
6 months ago

Imagine if there is a cross guild, red haired pirate and Strawhat three way Davy back fight. And Mihawk and Zoro actually do get matched up but instead of a sword duel like theyā€™d be hyped up for itā€™s a gun fight. And the only person that actually nominated a gunnman, Beckman, is the red hair pirates.

The first half of the competition is just Yasopp teaching both of them how to actually shoot a gun while Beckman watches amused at the identical look of upset on the swordsmen.

(This was all Shanks plan so he could go all get Mihawk on his crew)

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