Throwing Thoughts To The Void - Tumblr Posts
Look controversial take I don't know.
But hang with me here;
Aidan Gallagher (Five from Umbrella Academy) would fucking kill as Tim Drake but only a Tim Drake in a movie with atleast 3-5 other members of the Batfamily outside Batman.
Come on DC get. your. head. in the game and let's do. They're practically handing it to you at this point.
You know what I think is really fucked up is that this Ben obviously misses his siblings, his academy, soooo much and the narrative just..... doesn't care.
Whatever their problems were they were his siblings, his family and he watched them all die terrible tragic deaths before they ever got a chance to escape the clutches of their abusive father. And now he's stuck with this group who is insistent on seeing him as an asshole version of their ben that they and the narrative kinda act like his family never existed and that is so fucked up and such a missed opportunity.
Here is me proposing that maybe not the song but the vibes of Sabrina Carpenter’s “Please Please Please” music video is very Mishanks.
Just the general vibes of being super embarrassed not about the fact that your partner is a criminal but because they are so pathetic about it.
Mihawk reading the morning News Paper and seeing that the red haired pirates have ransacked an armoires navy ship and the front page is an obviously posed picture of Shanks giving what he thinks is a pretty boy smile and finger guns. And Mihawk just sighs morning cup of coffee ruined can’t believe he’s attached his name to this ingrate.
It’s interesting that shanks is a red head and left handed both things associated with being of the devil in a lot of cultures.
I’m not cooking anything with this I just realized and thought it was interesting.
But also they are called Devil Fruits and so there is obviously some kind of devil figure in the world of one piece. And the celestial dragons especially holy knights and the gorsei are considered gods and we already know the D clan are the people meant to bring about the fall of the celestial dragons they are the “devils”. Between Roger and Luffy, Shanks is the only one in the Strawhat line not to bear the D which would make sense if his celestial dragon heritage was true. But Shanks doesn’t fit with the Ceiestial Dragons doesn’t have their “divinity” Shanks has red hair, red eyes and is left handed, he’s always been too much devil to be god.
He’s the fallen angel forming the link between two “devils” Roger and Luffy. Not quite a devil but not holy either.
I think Haikyuu makes an effort to be a great example of all the different ways innate talent can manifest, and all the ways it can go unrecognized or under appreciated when we stick to the ridged rules of what it means to be “gifted”
Take Kageyama and Oikawa. Both insanely gifted and innately talented people. But Kageyama’s genius is obvious it’s grounded in an exceptional skill in physics and mathematics anybody with a basic interest in volleyball can tell his sets are basically perfect, he is lauded as a genius because he is one!
And then there’s Oikawa whose innate genius is a little harder to see especially if you’re not paying attention, because he does it so well that you don’t even think to notice it. it’s not very technical or flashy so it’s been overshadowed by the more trained flashier aspects of his playing. But Oikawa’s genius is that he knows people. He knows how to finely tune a set, adjusting the most minute details to fit the spiker like a glove and he does it all in a split second like he doesn’t even need to think about it he just knows. That is actually insane. Hell it’s even pointed out by Iwaizumi, nobody is better than Oikawa at knowing his players and knowing how to set to his players.
But the world they (and by extension we) live in, is so used to seeing genius in only a constrained specific light that Oikawa’s innate talent is woefully underrepresented so much so that it leads to him ( and by extension most of the fandom) believing that he has no innate talent, that he’s not a genius. Oikawa somehow believes that he is less that kageyama because kageyama was “born to do this” but if you think about it so was he!
Even despite his self aggrandizing and petty selfishness Oikawa innately, more than anyone else in the whole show, understands what we all tend to forget (across many sports), Volleyball is a team sport.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the single most best techical player out on the court; there are 7 other people out there as well and like it or not they’re playing too. Who then can say that knowing how to make 7 other people move as if extensions of your self with an ease taken for granted, isn’t a sign of genius?
Something about Yuta being one of the strongest not because he has some fancy technique like gojo and yuki or because he is a literal walking army like geto or not even because he’s just so masterful of everything jujutsu like sukuna.
No he’s one of the strongest simply because he has the power to overwhelm. He has nearly bottomless pits of cursed energy, throw anything you want at him and he will simply outlast and overwhelm.
It really tickles my brain.
I think of any jjk character in terms of the way their power works Yuta is the most comparable to a natural disaster. No finesse, little skill, just the overwhelming destructive power of pure nature/curse energy
I just know Crocodile brought on Mihawk because he thought he would be sensible, calm and collected, low maintenance. He thought it was going to be them against the idiocy that is buggy. And it is to a degree.
What he failed to calculate is that Mihawk is just as bad as buggy.
Worse even because at least Buggy can be bullied into doing paperwork. I just know everyday Crocodile is astonished by the absolute commitment Mihawk has to his aesthetic. Walks into his tent just to find that he has somehow converted this circus ass tent into a mid century gothic castle. Somehow carpeted the whole thing end to end is burning more that a 100 candles for “mood lighting”, has a fully open fire pit and a sewing machine in the corner.
Like Crocodiles essentially a mafioso he can appreciate the wanting nice things. Still won’t prepare him for the day Mihawk’s brings him a wine budget, a tailoring budget and an embroidery budget all painstakingly itemized.
Won’t prepare him for having to replace every single wine glass because buggy drank out of one and he can’t break up a set but refuses to use a cup that buggy’s put his mouth on.
He’s starting to think that the real reason the Warlords were disbanded was because they simply could not afford to pay for Mihawk’s upkeep anymore and decided they’d rather pay in cadet lives than see one more wine budget.
He is essentially being held hostage, in his own guild, by the whims of a bored middle aged vampire, and a fucking clown.
It’s interesting that shanks is a red head and left handed both things associated with being of the devil in a lot of cultures.
I’m not cooking anything with this I just realized and thought it was interesting.
But also they are called Devil Fruits and so there is obviously some kind of devil figure in the world of one piece. And the celestial dragons especially holy knights and the gorsei are considered gods and we already know the D clan are the people meant to bring about the fall of the celestial dragons they are the “devils”. Between Roger and Luffy, Shanks is the only one in the Strawhat line not to bear the D which would make sense if his celestial dragon heritage was true. But Shanks doesn’t fit with the Ceiestial Dragons doesn’t have their “divinity” Shanks has red hair, red eyes and is left handed, he’s always been too much devil to be god.
He’s the fallen angel forming the link between two “devils” Roger and Luffy. Not quite a devil but not holy either.
Mihawk the type of dude to try food because he heard it's pair well with a bottle of wine he already had.
This is why he doesn't like hotpot it doesn't go with red wine.
Shanks and Ace as brothers that don’t know how to relate to each other but are low key similar.
Like we have the same dad but he “left” my other dad and me to be with your mom and I am 15 years older than you and your little brother is like a son to me and I think in some ways he gave both of us our purpose.
Our father loved us no doubt but his legacy wasn’t meant for either of us. And that little boy we both knew binds us together more than he ever did. And you call someone else dad now.
And he hurt us irreparably simply because he was who he was. And I still can’t talk about him without being consumed by the grief of it all. And you didn’t love him like I did and it’s not fair what happened to you and I don’t know how to be your brother but maybe for the sake of that little boy we both love I can be your friend.
Because why did mugibaras on twitter say that Mihawk doesn’t like hotpot because it is a communal meal and it just clicked for me. Because yeah he would fucking do that.
He is such a fucking weirdo. He is taking protecting my peace to literally like be so for real right now.
I think Zoro and Shanks could get on famously if only that wasn’t his father whore.
And Zoro can move past a lot but he will never be able to move past the knowledge that he only knows this man because he is fucking his dad and Shanks doesn’t even have the decency to be even a little bit ashamed about it.
So, I Watched Challengers and I am now very obsessed with Tennis AU Mishanks.
Because I think Mihawk is very Tashi coded and their whole relationship stinks of Art and Patrick, like what if your lover was also your greatest rival.
But also, and stay with me here, the hilarity that would between Mihawk's never had a day of media training ass and the hungry for even a scrap of a story Morgans magazine press.
Just imagine Mihawk's P.R team and Manager (Probably Buggy and Croc respectively) trying to put out the fires from the walking P.R nightmare that is one Dracule Mihawk? The shitstorm he would reign on all their heads when he announces that he thinks a newly limbless shanks is less of a player and he will never play him again.
Crocodile would have to resort to creating an entire crime syndicate to give Morgans more salacious news than Mihawk's latest pr fuckup. The only reason Buggy starts a circus is to distract the masses from his worst client. Mihawk gives not one single fuck.
Mihawk: You’re being a child.
Shanks (on shot what? of gin) : You'd better watch who you're calling a child, Dracule. Because if I'm a child, you know what that makes you?
Shanks: A Pedophile.
Shanks (drinking the gin bottle dry) : And I'll be damned if I'm gonna be lectured by a pervert.
Mihawk: ……..😑
Safe to say that Shanks is no longer allowed to drink gin. Because, As it turns out, spirits turn him into a bit of a mean drunk
I think Zoro and Shanks could get on famously if only that wasn’t his father whore.
And Zoro can move past a lot but he will never be able to move past the knowledge that he only knows this man because he is fucking his dad and Shanks doesn’t even have the decency to be even a little bit ashamed about it.
It’s so funny to think about but because Shanks is who he is. He probably threw a party for Mihawk the first time they met up after Mihawk was finally tall enough to wear Yoru straight down his back.
Bonus if Shanks had already had his growth spurt and Mihawk was getting genuinely worried he had hit his final height and would never complete his aesthetic. (Also Shanks already lords over the one inch he could not have handled a several inches height difference it would have actually killed him if he didn’t kill himself first)
Also of course he pulls up with the Long coat and the hat already in checks who do you think this is?
I think Mihawk would be a psychologist wet dream
Like what the fuck is exactly wrong with him? Who fucking knows not them.
Like he is literally just this scene from b99
Rosa and Amy are obviously represented by Benn and Shanks respectively and this is a red haired party with another crew. Benn was assigned to making sure an overstimulated mihawk doesn’t kill anyone duty while Shanks plays the ever gracious host. Who knows why the psychologists are there I don’t
What I think is so funny about the parallels between Luffy, Zoro and the men they wish to meet again and surpass.
Is that Luffy wants to fight Shanks like a son showing his father everything he’s learnt; look how far he’s come, who he’s become.
And Zoro wants to fight Mihawk like a feral cat fighting god in a back alley; Inevitable, preordained, there can only be one.
And both are equally as valid.
Another way that Mihawk’s perfectionism and obsessiveness rears its head is that he wanted Shanks to love him best.
Realistically in terms of people Shanks was probably all Mihawk had and so by default he loved him best but Shanks has so many people an ever growing list of people that he loves and where does Mihawk fall on that list? It’s easy to belive for a long time that he’s at the top. After all it’s him that Shanks keeps crossing oceans for. It’s him that Shanks comes back to again and again testing steel against steel, skin and skin. And things are good
But then Shanks goes to lay low in a little village in the east blue and meets a little boy.
And Mihawk doesn’t even know that he’s “lost” till it’s too late. Until Shanks has already sacrificed an arm and a hat for that boy and how could Mihawk ever compete with that?
And what’s the point of competing if you can’t win? If you can’t be the best?
So he leaves.
Mihawk and Shanks arguing about Shanks sacrificing his arm for a child. And Mihawk just fundamentally does not understand WHY? And shanks in a moment of pure frustration goes
“What if it were me? What if I was dying? Would you risk it all to save me?”
And Mihawk goes quiet not because he wouldn’t but because he realizes that he would despite everything that he believes, everything that has been taught to him, he knows that he would, without hesitation he would risk it all if for Shanks just for Shanks.
And then where does that leave him? The foundation on which he’s built decades of selves on gone, in an instant.
All because he knows that if this man right infront of him should die he might well take Mihawk with him. ,