kaiyodei - i don't know what is going on here
i don't know what is going on here

i don't know. 99.9% womany, myrsexual myrromantic fictosexual. is this where I list all my medical and mental health problems? I wish I could be a hot mess, but I'm only a mess

522 posts



transethnic, a new term so weeaboos can feel good?

so, this is more of "I was born in Kansas, raised by very very American people, good old flag lov'n folks. but I can't quite shake this feeling that I should of been born into another nationality, It's not just that I am a Francophile, but I really feel I should of been born in France, to French parents"

More Posts from Kaiyodei

12 years ago

Maybe the reason people/beings get mixed up about their identities is that it’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference between what you identify as and what you identify with.

You can identify with lots of different things: plants, animals that you think are cool, elves, anything really....

12 years ago


self loating and season born misery and lost of  lostness of selfitude and withdrawls of mood stablelizing drugs

and i am so indesscriblbly miserable I hope this is not waht drunk feels like.

because wtf. why

and i just do not like myself always and hate it all. my head swims with the confussion and lack of knowing how to fix anything while doing it alone and having only people that might not be the best to do it

to fix me.

just shut up and buck up and do it and fly right and stand tall.

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12 years ago
Glow Action Fan Art. 3x3. Drinking 3 Coffie Mug Sizes Of Black Tea Makes For Difficulty In Fine Detail.

glow action fan art. 3x3. drinking 3 coffie mug sizes of black tea makes for difficulty in fine detail.

used craft acrylic and varnished

I am thinking of selling but for how much?

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12 years ago

so much a sorry

i feel so terrible I cannot easily get into contact with a kiln and don't think it is right to ask those places where it just feels like a "stop by, pay money, paint your own pottery" to go "yo! how much to just fire this thing? it has glaze, it just needs to be fired. I don't want to feel like these horrible people and kids from the internet who break promices and run off with money"

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