kaiyodei - i don't know what is going on here
i don't know what is going on here

i don't know. 99.9% womany, myrsexual myrromantic fictosexual. is this where I list all my medical and mental health problems? I wish I could be a hot mess, but I'm only a mess

522 posts

Oh Well Thats A Thing

oh well thats a thing

yu can be a wolf-eagle-tyranosaur

you can be a griffon

you can be tomas the tank engin. but you can't be a star

you can be a toaster

you can be pinkie pie

unless that star is still alive.

there goes having making one of my characters, maybe lived as a star. then again I guess I would be seeing my character as a type of elemental. which of course you could be a creature of water, and I don't mean an Undine.

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12 years ago

just don't

it is one odd thing to dream of "dead friends", in which when you do, you have the idea of "I know you are a ghost, hey someone else can see you? that is cool"

and then their sibling is in the dream, "oh good you see them too?" during that one time I thought the other had died to.

but then she did.  and now there is a "didn't you die? why/how are you here?" but their sister is no longer in the dream and I don't know why.

it is so weird.

and dogs. I dream of our dead dogs, and family wants me to feed the dogs. but I'm not taking care of ghost dogs

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12 years ago

i want something pretty

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12 years ago

Please (do not) give a welcoming round of applause to our newest entry—Raijuu! Here is their main blog.

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12 years ago

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