Tea Witch Aesthetic

Tea Witch Aesthetic
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Honey Jars

A little history:
Honey jars are used to “sweeten” a person or a situation towards you. They originated and are still used frequently in hoodoo. When honey jars were originally used the sweetening agent that was used was according to the persons skin color. For example if someone’s was trying to sweeten a white male or female to them they would use sugar water/corn syrup, a black male or female brown sugar water/molasses, etc. When these jars originated they were often used to sweeten people to another’s will, however, they can be used to sweeten a situation as well.
How to make a honey jar:
The example I’m going to give is for a simple money-honey jar. Let’s say you were having some trouble with the flow of your money, you could use this jar to sweeten up money and bring it your way. You will need:
1. Honey or some other sweetening agent ( As stated in the past originally the sweetener was selected based on skin tone if used on a person, however if you are sweetening a situation to you, in my experience it has never mattered what I used. I have had positive results with maple syrup, and also honey. By default, I usually just use honey.)
2. Patchouli
3. Bay laurel
4. Cinnamon sticks or powdered cinnamon
5. Allspice
6. Any kind of oils you feel resonates with your purpose (fast luck, better business, money, etc) this is *optional, I just like to use oils in mine
7. A jar or container with a metal lid, mason jars are perfect for this. A cheap alternative is baby food jars if you don’t want something too big)
8. A candle (color selected based on purpose. E.g green for money)
9. Coins and dollar bills *optional (if you don’t feel comfortable using real money you can use fake money. Most dollar stores sell this)
10. A paper stating your intention. (I write my petitions on brown paper bag but you can use whatever you like)
I assemble my jars using a layered method. So, a little bit of honey, herbs, more honey, more herbs, etc until I have incorporated everything.
Of course all the herbs listed here can be substituted for any you like to use to draw money. If you make a honey jar for a debt you owe, bank dirt would be great to use in here.
Once your jar is assembled, you can write money signs on the lid or underneath it, or even sigils if not that’s okay too. You would then burn the bottom of the candle your using just so it’s a bit melted and stick it to the lid of the jar.
You could then dress the candle if you’d like for extra oomph but that’s optional. You’d then light your candle and let it burn completely down. These jars are meant to be kept somewhere. When you feel they need a little refreshing, you could burn another candle on top. Or burn another candle on a certain day every couple weeks or really whatever you want.
If letting a candle melt down all over the jar is too messy for you, I have used 7 day novena glass encased candles as well and that has worked fine for me. I’ve also used birthday candles and had great results too. It’s all about intention Tip: it’d be a good idea to write your name and birthday somewhere in or on this jar just as a tag lock. You can also use hair if you’d like.
Cosmic Tonics
Aries: Drink lots of water and move your neck often to make sure it doesn’t become stiff, you probably know the outcome of this and it’s likely a headache. Fast acting relief will only work for so long. You need head massages and wear your glasses like you are supposed to, don’t use your wounds and injuries as another form of exploration. An ice or cool press when feeling unwell, stressed, panicked, or have trouble sleeping can help. When everyone is agitating you, it’s time to stop, breathe, rest, and take some time to yourself
Taurus: Rest your voice, and feel the soothing sense of whipped cream running down your throat. Warm honey in the morning and evening may stop the sore, dry throat you can wake up with. When you don’t have plans tune your daily routine into the sun and moon, sleep when you are tired, eat when you are hungry, and don’t think about time. Affection and neck massages, cooking and enjoying substantial, nourishing, wholesome food is good for your health, but look for the pleasure of satisfaction in moderation, and not excessive and mindless satiation.
Gemini: You breathe quickly or skip a breath without noticing, so whenever you can remember to take some deep and mindful breaths and just focus on counting them. You need clear lungs so you can keep talking, it’s where your spiritual energy is most abundant, but that fear of boredom, nerves, and urge to do something with your hands can be the reason for smoking and contaminating this sacred place, when you breathe in toxicity there is a moment of relief but a more wrenching tension to follow. You will have better focus and mental productivity with a mindful routine of eating substantial and nourishing food instead of hastily preparing or forgetting, and attending to earthly duties, it helps to reground and rebalance you. Arm, head, and hand massages are good for you
Cancer: Blocked emotion can upset the inner balance and cause a high rush of sugar cravings or unsatisfying hunger. Hunger pains are not good for you, it means you are not thinking or feeling clearly. Try not to turn on your phone, social media, or news right after you wake up, your emotions are sensitive and easily provoked during this time so it can make you too overwhelmed and exhausted before you even begin the day. Getting as much sunlight and warmth in the morning as possible redirects your compass and spins your diurnal body clock. Taking care of people is also letting them take care of you
Leo: If you start to feel the blood rush into your face and your cheeks burn it’s time to stop, take deep breaths, slow down your heart, and re-orient yourself. You can’t control time or outside forces, and nobody expects you to either. You will help people more by taking care of yourself when you need it, and not burning yourself out in self-sacrifice. Affection is good for you, so are dogs and babies and old people. Surround yourself with loving people because heartbreak is a physical, emotional, and spiritual breakdown. Lower back massages are good for you, and so is Sun Salutation, solar naps, falling asleep listening to a heartbeat, the press of somebody’s body against your heart
Virgo: A panadol to relieve a headache won’t poison you, but a ritual of 2 a day probably will. You attach to whatever works with ease and efficiency, so you can adopt quick fixes and band aid habits that become automatic or relied upon as routine. Too little of something can be just as damaging as too much. You push the limits of how far you can go in terms of perfecting and stabilising your work, physical appearance and health, responsibilities, and skills that your inner needs, conditions, and psychological pleasure and balance are pushed aside and begin to decontaminate. While you are chasing that perfect self-image, don’t forget to take care of the one you have now, the one that is real and important. Head, neck, and hand massages are good for you. Dogs and pets are good for your health
Libra: You need to stay as well hydrated as possible as Libra rules the kidneys and acidic balance, so the strain of collective contaminants can cause low back pain, keeping this area well cleansed and flushed can relieve the pressure. Back massages are good for you and so is the moderation of sugar intake, because you intellectualise as a reflex to emotion, a desire for sweets or insatiable hunger can be a symptom of frustration, a recent conflict, unstable mood or emotional discomfort. You may feel better if you take the help that people offer you
Scorpio: Try to express, demonstrate, and release your emotions because keeping it inside can be very destructive. If it eventually sinks into the unconscious, you may be up for a trialing and enduring battle trying to find and validate it again. Your past always has a way of coming back to you, regardless of the lengths you take to run from it. Extremist behaviour is part of your nature, your diets can become famines and your exercise schedule can become militant regimes so moderation is important, establish a threshold that is challenging but not lethal
Sagittarius: Restless legs can be a symptom of emotional or psychological tension, lack of substantial movement and motion or too much of it. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach, and your desire is greater than your physical limits it will probably feel better to satisfy yourself until you are full rather than you are sick, not everything has to be a competition with yourself. Thigh and hip massages are good, and so is frequently stretching and keeping these areas flexible. Dogs and pets are good for your health
Capricorn: A routine of deep stretching or yoga can be very beneficial because there can be a tendency to become extremely stiff, tense, and suffer repetitive stress injuries, it can also relieve the pressure in your back and shoulders. Good, therapeutic conversation where you share and release your worries can stop them building into contamination and straining your skin, causing irritants and reactions, fresh, country or salt water air is also cleansing for your skin
Aquarius: It’s always going to be difficult for you to reach a meditation of ‘thoughtlessness’ because your mind is so active, so establishing a method where you can engage in a sublime, non intrusive rhythm of thought and self reflection can be a meditative state, and because your spiritual energy is contained in the calves, it may be something like taking a long nature walk or swimming. The meditative experience may come easier through group meditation and dogs and pets are good for your health
Pisces: Anything that massages, soothes, flexes, and restores the feet is good and nourishing for your inner balance. You can be restored by walking with bare feet along the shoreline or the sand, and it’s important that you have the right supportive shoes for your total equilibrium, when your shoes don’t fit in the right way you can become intensely irritable and be unsure of why. The water is good for your spirit, its like a baptism and revival, swim or listen to the ocean sounds whenever you can, sleep when you can, sleep when you are tired or you begin to lose a sense of what is real emotionally