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The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)

The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)
The Penultimate Batch Of Flowers! Look Forward To The Last One Tomorrow. :)

The penultimate batch of flowers! Look forward to the last one tomorrow. :)

Jara Flora While glass-like plants usually grow in Crescent Minoria, many of them can also be cultivated in the shady Great Buddy Forest. The Jara Flora is one example of this. While usually found in Crescent Minoria, it was brought over and cultivated here. Jara Flora can make convenient storage and can be tied up by means of the tendrils on the plant's sepals. Usually though a little extra work is needed to make the jar waterproof, but since the petals are made of a sort of malleable glass-like material, sometimes the petals just need to be pressed together tightly and hardened, but a little sap between and over the petal seams can go a long way. Generally though they're used as dry storage unless for vases, in which case the former process is used. Even without doing anything though, they can usually maintain small amounts of water fairly well. Waterbubbles are often stored in Jara Flora to bring home, or else carry for a walk without needing to worry about accidentally breaking them.

Clusteria The fruits are favored in jams. Raw they can be pretty tart, tasting a bit like strawberry, blackberry or grape depending on the ripeness and season. They are usually found in northwestern Amicaia, as well as deep south beyond the mountains, near or on the border of Laykia Layna. Left unattended, though, the ones on the border don't grow quite as well as the ones up north, which can be left pretty much unattended.

Lulia Pathvine One of the three types of Pathvines. Here and there across JI grow enormous vines, bridging land and sky. They are hubs for travelers going up to Sky Buddy World or down to the land, in this case, Wing Alayna. They are meeting places, since are easy to spot; landmarks, and ancient plants that have seen many come and go, and survived many a Buddy-Shadow War. Powercloud drivers get a lot of their business near Pathvines, as a climb up the vine alone is arduous at least and impossible at best. Pathvines also serve to bridge the cultures of Winged Amicans and the non-winged, representing harmony. All in all, it's common knowledge that if you want to get to Sky Amicaia, find a Pathvine. You can either get a ride up from there, or have a little fun climbing a giant vine and then probably getting a ride anyway once you've given up trying to scale it by yourself.

Furubara & Stafflant For a long time, the Furubara (left) and Stafflant (right) were considered to be one plant, called the Furubara Stafflant. However, research has come out that this is not the case... in some cases. Reports have come out about Furubara vines growing from Stafflant plants, so the issue may be more complicated than first supposed. However, the two plants are rarely if ever seen growing apart, particularly naturally. The current consensus is that they are strongly symbiotic plants that either can merge or appear to be merged together at times. Whatever the consensus, though, the Furubara is enjoyable for its sweet and yet spicy, cinnamon-like taste. The Stafflant does not have the best taste, but can definitely be used as a more durable water supply than a Waterbubble fruit, though it can crush when pressed enough. If bits of the Stafflant head are sweetened, they are not terrible in a salad.

Yelia Belia A rain-gathering flower that grows during the rainy season. Its flower can be detached and used as storage. It will continue growing back as long as the rainy season lasts, but once it ends, the flower closes up, so it's customary to leave its flower be at the end of the rainy reason. But for those who've brought their own containers, the flower can be easily tipped to fill them up as much as needed. It is said the flower survives on affection when rain water is scarce, allowing Amicans to take as much water from it as they need, so long as they care for it.

Lifi Kleeflower This lily pad-like flower has a very sweet center, that, when the inside of it is exposed to air, quickly hardens into a crystal-like shape. However, it can be melted down and made into a syrup, though usually other ingredients are added to keep it from crystallizing again when it cools. The petals are mostly decorative, but they do have a mildly sweet taste, so they can make an interesting garnish on a desert, especially crystallized in a thin coat of its bud's syrup. The petals keep fairly well as well, so they are even occasionally seen in costumes made or worn by the fashionable Spinning Amicans. The syrup could technically also be used to sculpt the flowers into non-eating decorations, but with their sweet taste they probably wouldn't last long.

Rolawayva Pichi This plant is well-known for both its leaves and its fruit. The Pichi fruit tastes like a sweet peach, but with a hint of banana around the stripes. The leaves, though usually tasteless on their own, make great wraps, though they may need to be softened a little first as raw can taste a bit rubbery unless you get them young or grow them just right. Nevertheless, if you ever get a wrap in Buddy World, you're likely get something rolled in a Rola leaf.


A rare, exotic flower found in the recesses of Furheart Iiah, the depths of Warminia Songlianne, and a rare sighting indeed in Amicaia, Wing Alayna. Highly sought after for its patterned petals, which, when consumed by Fashion Buddys, enable them to produce patterned thread. Which pattern depends on the petal consumed, and there are many different combinations that can be made by consuming multiple. It can get a little unpredictable if you're after a lot of thread, so patterned petals are often saved and traded among the Fashion Buddys depending on who needs what pattern.

Crescia Yoruana A slow-growing, nocturnal plant that grows in shady places such as forests and under overhangs. Though its crescents may fool you into thinking it grows in Crescent Minoria, you'd be surprised to find it only on select islands near it, and looking quite different. Yoruanas that grow close to C.M. get glassy stems and leaves, and if they bear fruit at all, they are much harder, though still tasty if boiled soft. The most common place to find them is Wing Alayna, and even then they're quite rare. There have been some sightings of it on islands near Furheart Iiah, as well, but these also take on some different characteristics, throwing skepticism on the idea that the islandic Gapponian variant of the plant is even the same species at all, or only a plant that is either related or looks similar. Either way, if you can get your hands on the elusive plant and its fruit, you'll find quite the dish can be made from it if you're feeling particularly decadent. Also called the Night Spotil, it shares many of its traits with the renowned staple fruit, though some say it tastes more melon-like than the more appley Spotil. The ones near Crescent Minoria, if you find one soft enough or steam it lightly, taste almost like jellybeans. Others of the Wing Alayna variety have been reported to be more grape-like in flavor, and some think it has to do with the phase of the moon or the time of year when it grows. Either way, its glowing crescents (which can also be half moons, full moons and so forth depending on when these spots form) hold their phosphorescent quality even after being cooked, so many a fantastic and delicious dish can be made merely by using the spots and some of the flesh as an addition to any dish that you want to be absolutely radiant when prepared... quite literally.

Holo Senia Usually found near water. Found in Koraln Sing and parts of Wing Alayna. Its hollow center allows it to send and receive its windblown pollen and seeds easier, which is especially important in Wing Alayna where they are scarce. The petals and leaves are often used for tea, and the petals in particular give a slightly sour taste to an otherwise mild tea.

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Inktober 2019 #26: Maesula SpaisulaA Coastal And Islandic Plant Beloved For Its Spicy Seedpod. The Fruit
Inktober 2019 #26: Maesula SpaisulaA Coastal And Islandic Plant Beloved For Its Spicy Seedpod. The Fruit
Inktober 2019 #26: Maesula SpaisulaA Coastal And Islandic Plant Beloved For Its Spicy Seedpod. The Fruit

Inktober 2019 #26: Maesula Spaisula A coastal and islandic plant beloved for its spicy seedpod. The fruit of Maesula Spaisula is used to season a great many dishes, but too much can be overpowering, so it should be used sparingly. The taste is similar to that of cinnamon and some other common spices, and has a distinct fragrance that comes out more when cooked.

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I forgot to post this. A WIP from a while back of my character Tsuname.

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Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!

I’ve been neglecting to upload these to tumblr, so here we go! Floratober/Inktober days 1-10!

Aprai Liflower

The Aprai Liflower is a small plant that craves lots of sun. During rainy months and at night it will close up, and during partially rainy months it may even retreat into the ground completely to await the return of the sun. Found in the Amicaia region of Wing Alayna primarily, though it had been known to prefer the longer days and drier climate of the Warminia Songlianne continent.

Red Magnificentia

A rare flower found deep in the valleys of the High Amica Mountains. The plant is known for its powerfully red petals, redder than any other red. It is prized and sought after for dyes, but attempts at cultivation have been tricky, as it is quite particular about its habitat. Though there are rumors of one that grows deep in the Greater Amican Forest...

Swirlah Tree

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"On the Lonlar, a lone Lar-leaf."

Prized for its leaves and fiddlehead-like stem, most every part of the Lonlar can be cooked and enjoyed. The Wing Alaynan variety is sweeter, but the Reline Ah variety, depicted here, has a much milder taste, like lettuce.


Deep in the Greater Amican Forest, on a certain day of the year, one may happen upon a glowing field of Radiani flowers. Though a field of them can be spectacular in the day, in the dark of the forest at night, they're something else entirely. Though efforts have been made to determine the day they bloom on, it seems to be different every year, and so does the annual Radiani festival held each year around the blooming fields of Radianis.

Topberry Waterbush

The Topberry Waterbush is a strange bush that grows in water. It can do so in oceans or lakes, but the oceanic variety will have a saltier tang, take longer to grow and will not grow as large. They can be fairly easily cultivated, and their sweet, tart berries are a beloved addition to any dish. They can also be enjoyed raw, or ground up and dried to be steeped with tea leaves to make a quite enjoyable tea.

Shizukumi Plant

Shizukumi plants are a common sight during the rainy season in Wing Alayna. It's good to get them now, though--they quickly disappear once the season is over, and their fruits make wonderful portable water sources if you can carry them right.

Straigeg Plant

Coveted for its rich blue hues, the Straigeg fruit has many applications, from dyes to gourmet dishes, or just plucked and eaten raw. It has a refreshing, cool taste somewhat reminiscent of blueberry or blue raspberry.

Tama Aquabullas

a.k.a Tama Waterbubbles, Tamatama Aquabullas

A bit of a throwback to last year, we have another variety of the Aquabulla Plant, the Tama Aquabulla Plant! For when Yura Aquabullas aren't enough, you're lucky if you can find the larger Tama variety! They're a bit fragile, so finding and keeping them intact can be difficult, especially on long journeys. But, if you can find an intact one and have a container for them or a careful hand, they can make for convenient and larger sources of water than the tiny Yura waterbubbles.

Lila Sumita

"Oh the tales I would tell--if only I had sense to tell them."

"Whisper your love into its petals, and your one--however far in space or time--will surely hear it."

The Lila Sumita is something of a fable, said to bloom only when the lovelorn are near. In the legend of Helia and Karuha, it blooms on the hill that the protagonist declares his love on. Many have sought it out after hearing of the legend, and though they have found similar flowers, they seem in comparison quite plain--but that doesn't stop romantics from doing as the poems tell them.

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5 years ago
#29 Egalitops Aquana
#29 Egalitops Aquana
#29 Egalitops Aquana
#29 Egalitops Aquana

#29 Egalitops Aquana

A rare aquatic plant that can be found on the northern end of the Great Buddy Lake. Similar varieties can be found on other continents and bodies of water, and the plant can also grow well in a simulated climate. The Egalitops resembles a Spotil in many ways, but it's flesh is more plum-like with a gooey, almost egg-like center. The goo inside is favored in dishes, but the fruit itself does not cook well unless served very lightly simmered.

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5 years ago
Inktober 2019 #31: Chuwana FlowertreeA Plant Found Only On Mewga Island, By The Southern Cape Of Wing
Inktober 2019 #31: Chuwana FlowertreeA Plant Found Only On Mewga Island, By The Southern Cape Of Wing
Inktober 2019 #31: Chuwana FlowertreeA Plant Found Only On Mewga Island, By The Southern Cape Of Wing

Inktober 2019 #31: Chuwana Flowertree A plant found only on Mewga Island, by the southern cape of Wing Alayna. The canopy of translucent petals it grows can come in pink, light blue, light green and other soft, pastel colors. Its petals are beloved by Fashion and Dancer Buddys alike, as it was once remarked by the Queen that the flowering head of the plant resembled a "tutu," an article of clothing worn by dancers in some distant world. Attempts to emulate the pattern have been made, but as far as reproducing it goes, efforts are still ongoing. The Chuwana Flowertree will grow nowhere else aside from Mewga Island, though it is theorized a different strain of the species may be able to be introduced to Furheart Iiah. It does not often produce seeds by itself either, so cultivating seedlings takes time and patience by itself without the added complications of relocation.

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