Aquabullas - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla
Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla
Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla

Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla

a.k.a. Yura Waterbubble Plants, Yurayura Aquabulla

Found particularly in the Great Buddy Lake and River, though they can also be found in the lesser lakes and rivers of Laykia Layna.

Yura Aquabullas are popular commodities among Buddys. They make for quick, portable sources of water, and when stored with caution, can last a long time.

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4 years ago
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!
Ive Been Neglecting To Upload These To Tumblr, So Here We Go! Floratober/Inktober Days 1-10!

I’ve been neglecting to upload these to tumblr, so here we go! Floratober/Inktober days 1-10!

Aprai Liflower

The Aprai Liflower is a small plant that craves lots of sun. During rainy months and at night it will close up, and during partially rainy months it may even retreat into the ground completely to await the return of the sun. Found in the Amicaia region of Wing Alayna primarily, though it had been known to prefer the longer days and drier climate of the Warminia Songlianne continent.

Red Magnificentia

A rare flower found deep in the valleys of the High Amica Mountains. The plant is known for its powerfully red petals, redder than any other red. It is prized and sought after for dyes, but attempts at cultivation have been tricky, as it is quite particular about its habitat. Though there are rumors of one that grows deep in the Greater Amican Forest...

Swirlah Tree

Well-known for its delectable berries reminiscent of peaches, as well as its fragrant, cinnamon-like bark, the Swirlah tree can be a lucky find if you're ever lost in the Great Buddy Forest... Or, if you're just out for a stroll in the woods.


"On the Lonlar, a lone Lar-leaf."

Prized for its leaves and fiddlehead-like stem, most every part of the Lonlar can be cooked and enjoyed. The Wing Alaynan variety is sweeter, but the Reline Ah variety, depicted here, has a much milder taste, like lettuce.


Deep in the Greater Amican Forest, on a certain day of the year, one may happen upon a glowing field of Radiani flowers. Though a field of them can be spectacular in the day, in the dark of the forest at night, they're something else entirely. Though efforts have been made to determine the day they bloom on, it seems to be different every year, and so does the annual Radiani festival held each year around the blooming fields of Radianis.

Topberry Waterbush

The Topberry Waterbush is a strange bush that grows in water. It can do so in oceans or lakes, but the oceanic variety will have a saltier tang, take longer to grow and will not grow as large. They can be fairly easily cultivated, and their sweet, tart berries are a beloved addition to any dish. They can also be enjoyed raw, or ground up and dried to be steeped with tea leaves to make a quite enjoyable tea.

Shizukumi Plant

Shizukumi plants are a common sight during the rainy season in Wing Alayna. It's good to get them now, though--they quickly disappear once the season is over, and their fruits make wonderful portable water sources if you can carry them right.

Straigeg Plant

Coveted for its rich blue hues, the Straigeg fruit has many applications, from dyes to gourmet dishes, or just plucked and eaten raw. It has a refreshing, cool taste somewhat reminiscent of blueberry or blue raspberry.

Tama Aquabullas

a.k.a Tama Waterbubbles, Tamatama Aquabullas

A bit of a throwback to last year, we have another variety of the Aquabulla Plant, the Tama Aquabulla Plant! For when Yura Aquabullas aren't enough, you're lucky if you can find the larger Tama variety! They're a bit fragile, so finding and keeping them intact can be difficult, especially on long journeys. But, if you can find an intact one and have a container for them or a careful hand, they can make for convenient and larger sources of water than the tiny Yura waterbubbles.

Lila Sumita

"Oh the tales I would tell--if only I had sense to tell them."

"Whisper your love into its petals, and your one--however far in space or time--will surely hear it."

The Lila Sumita is something of a fable, said to bloom only when the lovelorn are near. In the legend of Helia and Karuha, it blooms on the hill that the protagonist declares his love on. Many have sought it out after hearing of the legend, and though they have found similar flowers, they seem in comparison quite plain--but that doesn't stop romantics from doing as the poems tell them.

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2 years ago
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla

Vahna Aquabulla

The third member of the Aquabulla (colloquial name: Waterbubble) family. Found in the Great Buddy Lake along with its other relatives, the distinctive feature of this variety is its vein-like structures which anchor its bubble to the plant. Given time, these bubbles detach and float to the surface, sometimes leaving behind the veiny structures, or having them come with if the plant detaches from the stem. Slightly more travel-friendly than Tama Aquabullas, Vahnas are known to have a slightly bitter taste, probably due to the fact that more plant matter tends to accompany them to the surface than their less veiny counterparts. As such, they are generally less preferred in use, but are more favored as houseplants by Aqua Buddys than their land counterparts.

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