Madazumi Mystilief With Pachipachi Vine

Madazumi Mystilief with Pachipachi Vine
This well-like plant draws water from the ground. It is native to Coraln Sing, the continent known for its abundance of water and flooded desert aesthetic.
Since the plant acts like a drain on surrounding land, sometimes plants with lower water needs find shelter by it, such as the Pachipachi Vine.
Madazumi Mystiliefs also tend to become incubators for seedlings that find its way into its expansive blossom, lending to their nickname "Mother Mystilief"
Pachipachi Vines are thought to be related to the Spotil family because of their similar fruits. The fruits themselves have a sour, almost electrifying taste well-balanced with sweetness. Since they only grow around Mystiliefs and other land-draining plants in certain conditions, they're a rather rare find. Nevertheless, their fruits are sometimes used during the Tea Festival when enough of them can be found, either as refreshments or as part of tisanes. Their particular flavor and biological make-up help prepare one for the Ultimate Tea, as their powerful flavor is connected to the amount of ultiminium they contain.
Parts of Madazumi Mystiliefs can be used as decorations, and the sprouts that grow in its water are particularly flavorful. Though the hard texture of Mystiliefs makes them inedible, the water they pull up from the ground is particularly sweet and powerful. It is also thought to infuse ultiminium into the water it pulls up, which could explain why Pachipachi Vines thrive near them, as they require ultiminium to fruit in large quantities.
Water gathered by Madazumis is thought to be an ingredient in the Ultimate Tea, but given the vast amount of it served each year, it is likely that there are other sources of similar ingredients that can be found in larger quantities.
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More Posts from Kazeharuhime

Razzisky Zazzleflower
Images of two Razzisky Zazzleflower specimens were among some of the first images recorded of the newly discovered Razazzle Dimension. The dimension itself is hostile to JI matter, so the initial machines sent to document it did not last long in R.Z.'s energy-charged ethos. The flora in the dimension seem to thrive on this hostile energy despite the parched fragments of ground they exist on. Though it's hard to say at this point what the soil composition is, as the rovers sent to scope out the dimension did not get that far before their signal got eroded, the specimens seem rather anomalous compared to standard JI flora, so it might be safe to assume that the energy they're enveloped in plays a non-negligible role in the flora's persistence.
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The discovery of this high-energy dimension poses some concerns, as an external data analysis reveals that the Razazzle dimension has begun to root itself in several locations on the JI Planet. If this trend continues, civilians may be at risk of being exposed to the dimension's high-energy field if any of these locations are somehow unlocked. Though there are some suspicions that the Razazzle dimension may have inhabitants capable of opening these gates from the inside. If the gates are opened from the inside, serious measures will need to be taken against a potential influx of high-energy into the JI proper.

Whitia Boubou
A rare flower found in north Wing Alayna, the Whitia Boubou produces a white nectar that, when set out to air, slowly hardens into a cheese-like substance. It has a sweet note to it and the consistency of the hardened nectar is still a bit liquidy like fresh mozzarella, ricotta and other fresh cheeses. Though considerably a rare commodity, it has quite a following for the many applications that its nectar can be used for, and wherever it is found, it is seldom found without Jara Flora set out to collect the nectar that falls from its dangling flowers.

Taking a bit of a left turn on the usual formula since I'm running low on traditional plants in the compendium (theoretically still have enough to make it through, but motivation towards those remaining is low).
Haven't talked a whole lot about Buddys (tis the species name so funny spelling) here lately, so a lot of this info may come out of left-field or be hard to contextualize, but here goes.
Flower Buddy Lilypods
Also known by their more scientific name, Flowering Amicans, Flower Buddys are a unique species of Buddy that are born from Lilypods, as featured here. As they're an accessory to Flower Buddys themselves, Lilypods deviate from the traditional model of flora categorization quite a bit, and as such aren't typically listed in flora compendiums. Nevertheless, seeing as they are very much like flora, they could be counted in an annex of an extended compendium in theory.
Lilypods are found naturally in the Flower Buddy Dimension. The first Flower Buddys grew there inside their Lilypods and emerged into the world proper along the coast of Reline Ah, where the Flower Buddy Dimension is connected to. Flower Buddys used to be a lot more outgoing, sailing to many different places on their Lilypads and sleeping in their pods at night. However, after the first Shadow Buddy War, the Flower Buddys retreated back to Fuline Ah and hid there for many years. Some millennia later, brave new Flower Buddys emerged from their dimension and began to explore again. Though there are thought to be others still living on the continent in seclusion, brave explorers are still few. Though they emerge now and then from their dimension, Flower Buddys are still scarcely seen worldwide in JI proper.
As for the Lilypods themselves, Lilypods can be manipulated by the Flower Buddy born from them and have two forms: Pod and Pad Form. Pod Form is featured above as is the Lilypod's default state. When Flower Buddys wish to use their Lilypods to sail without their natural reeds getting in the way, they can will the reeds to recede back into the center of the Lilypad. They can will the reeds back up when they wish to sleep or hibernate within their Lilypods, and can control the internal environment of the pod depending on if they want to sleep for a night or much longer.
Being an extradimensional plant, Lilypods' needs are quite different from a traditional plant's. They are sustained primarily by the dimension itself, sometimes even while outside it, though they may change to a darker shade of green and act a bit more 'sluggish' when apart from their home dimension. When in an environment suited to their needs, they can also rely on it for nutrition in a similar way that they do in their home dimension. They prefer a medium temperature, rich sediment, dispersed light, and for their roots to always be submerged in water. When any of these conditions are not met, they can rely on their connection to their home dimension to provide for them, but as mentioned before, may change appearance and act 'sluggish' by comparison depending on how out of their element they are.
Lilypods can only spawn in their home dimension, and do so independently of Flower Buddys themselves. Flower Buddys themselves bare children the normal Buddy way via Heartegg (though there is scarce documentation about this due to Flower Buddys' reclusive nature and dubious success rate, especially with non-plant species partners) and may select an empty Lilypod for their child to mature in back at the dimension. For this reason, Flower Buddys developed this way may or may not know who their parents are as they emerge from the Lilypod fully mature. That said, not all Flower Buddy pairings choose this method, or may only make use of it for the duration of fetal development, so some Flower Buddy hybrids may indeed be raised by their parents in a more traditional manner.
The Flower Buddy dimension itself is an expanse of water and mist with no discernible sun, though it may still have a day-night cycle that corresponds with JI's day-night cycle. Anything else in the dimension is constructed by Flower Buddys or whoever else has found their way there, typically Flower Buddy partners. There are no other known flora that grow there aside from Lilypods, though there are likely microorganisms and perhaps fish, but there has not been much research in that area as of yet.

Hariana Tuftoa
A species of Hariana found in Furheart Iiah. They are much softer than their Fulinean counterparts, who have stiffer, more petal-like bristles than their Furheartian counterparts. Because of this difference in texture, it is sometimes argued that they are in fact not a Hariana at all, but much more closely related to something like the Gloagli Lavilav, with its thin, curled stems and hanging flowers. It has thus been proposed to be renamed the Furheartian Tuftoa, but as it also has many differences from other Tuftoas growing in Furheart Iiah as well, even its second name has also been thrown into question. So it is still up for debate whether it should be classified under the Harianan or Tuftoan family, or even one closer to the Gloagli Lavilav due to their similarities.
Nomenclature aside, Hariana Tuftoa 'fur' is quite popular with Fashion Buddys, especially those who travel and need warmer coverings against the sailing winds.

An attack primarily for Chocobir on ArtFight. Their char here Choco reminds me a bit of one of mine. More deets about the other characters featured in it below.

Shelf: Top row, left to right: 1. @kaybdoodles's Zip! Such a cute lil kingfisher~ 2. KiRAWRa on ArtFight's Daffodil! Love the concept :) 3. cawffeejelly " 's Whisk! Love me some Chao~ 4. neomblue " 's Bubblegum Sucker! Such a cute simple-shape character :) 5. @hercury's Sine! Had been meaning to draw them for a while~ 2nd to top row, left to right: 1. BootlegSeraphim on ArtFight's Cable! Such a funny long boy. :) 2,3. @robotomia's Fizzle and Jufo! Such delightful designs. Fizzle looks especially delightful. 4. momopafu's A! Feel like this char is a really creative take on the Katamari OC style :) Middle row, left to right: 1. yuexci on ArtFight's Luelle! Really love the design ;u; 2. @i-luv-queen's Poko! Such a cute lil guy~ 3. Twili-Skull-Kid on ArtFight's Beck in Korok form! Really wanna see if I can draw their Kokiri form one of these days too~ 4. Sabrina_TheAlchemist " 's Chestnut! Such a mischievous little guy. 2nd to bottom row, left to right: 1. @cynicjovial's Tati! She seems like a pretty funny character. :) 2. @hologram-cat's Minko! Really loved your more detailed take on the Katamari style~ 3. CapnPerri on ArtFight's Nii! She's such a cute baby ;u; 4. SUMJCHAZ " 's RUE! Love your little keychain pal you've got here~ Bottom row, left to right: 1,2. @skumpy's Sweet 'n Sour! Loved the idea for these two. :) 3. @krispiifloof's tsudrats! Such a funny lil pal~ 4. @bunnie-bunners's Usagi! Absolutely adorable design~ 5. cel-phone's Howl! Very fitting for the theme this year~ 6. rocketdirtball300 on Artfight's Jamie! Super cute design ;u; Shelf wall on the right, top to bottom: 1. @footlongdingledong's Marina! Love the idea of her head being inside the tank XD; Poor girl. 2. Seaslugartist on ArtFight's Pyrite! Really adorable idea, love the Katamari inspiration~ 3. @linkandorf's Spoil! Had this one in my bookmarks forever too. So happy to give Spoil a little spot here~
Bonus sketch. This had originally been planned to be a short comic, but would have ended up with Choco and my chars on separate pages, so I decided to just keep this as a little bonus sketch ;)

Kursha and her pal Vrmylne, who she calls various nicknames. XD