Floratober 2022 - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Pinwheria Magnificentia
Pinwheria Magnificentia
Pinwheria Magnificentia

Pinwheria Magnificentia

A tall flower of the Magnificentia family with curled petals. Though best known for red, they can be found in a variety of colors, usually being accompanied by two other colors resembling beams of light. Occasionally translucent and much fainter than the prominent curly petals, these parts of the plant might more accurately be considered bracts or sepals. A webbing is often found on the lower leaves that can be used to create candy floss or hard candy when boiled down. However, in older specimens, a hard, clear coating is known to form from the webbing, sweet to the taste. Whether one makes their own candy or prefers the leaf coating, if you find a rare Pinwheria in the wild, you'll know you're in for a treat.

Pinwherias prefer high altitudes with dry climates. They dislike rain and clouds and like getting lots of sunlight. They can be found in the Great Buddy Highlands or in the Great Buddy Mountains—particularly on the leeward side of the mountains—in Wing Alayna, as well as in central Warminia Songlianne.

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2 years ago
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla

Vahna Aquabulla

The third member of the Aquabulla (colloquial name: Waterbubble) family. Found in the Great Buddy Lake along with its other relatives, the distinctive feature of this variety is its vein-like structures which anchor its bubble to the plant. Given time, these bubbles detach and float to the surface, sometimes leaving behind the veiny structures, or having them come with if the plant detaches from the stem. Slightly more travel-friendly than Tama Aquabullas, Vahnas are known to have a slightly bitter taste, probably due to the fact that more plant matter tends to accompany them to the surface than their less veiny counterparts. As such, they are generally less preferred in use, but are more favored as houseplants by Aqua Buddys than their land counterparts.

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2 years ago
Fyra Flora
Fyra Flora
Fyra Flora

Fyra Flora

These flowers produce heat on their own, and can even be made to ignite by tapping the stamen together. This causes a reaction which stimulates the flower to produce more of its flammable nectar, and in the right environment and with enough flowers, they can even be used to cook food with. The introduction of Fyra Flora into the kitchen revolutionized the way Buddys prepare food, opening up many more options and ushering in the era of culinary science.

Fyra Flora are an introduced flower of uncertain origin. Cultivated in Sky Buddy World and the Palace, they are seldom seen in the wild. Though some have been seen growing near the outskirts of the Great Buddy Forest, as well as in clearings and on the outskirts of Pachimori. In central Wing Alayna they are thought perhaps to be an escaped plant, as they are often brought there for the annual Tea Festival to help prepare food and keep tea warm. However, even then, they tend to revert to seed when the rainy season comes.

Fyra Flora prefer ground water to rain water, which is something to consider when cultivating them. This also seems to explain why the beginning of the rainy season usually marks the disappearance of wild Fyra Flora.

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2 years ago


The petals of the Foliana have a leafy flavor; when simmered for tea, they can be quite good. They are plentiful in central Wing Alayna, a bit rarer south, and hardly seen at all north.

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2 years ago
Kokohan Tangalia
Kokohan Tangalia
Kokohan Tangalia
Kokohan Tangalia

Kokohané Tangalia

The sticky strings on the ends of the leaves often get tangled in the wind. Kokohané Tangalias are only found in Furheart Iiah, and are prized for their leaves. They are used to create teas with properties like no other. Drinking Kokohané Tangalia tea often leaves one with the feeling of staring up at a starry sky. For that reason, Kokohanés are also referred to as Stellanas.

In addition to being used to create their own tea, they are also an ingredient used in other special teas to enhance their properties.

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2 years ago
Kopp'tura Rainbola
Kopp'tura Rainbola
Kopp'tura Rainbola

Kopp'tura Rainbola

Often kept as houseplants out doors, Rainbolas usually serve as a household's own personal cistern. They store excess water in the stem and roots, so they rarely overfill, even in the heaviest of rainstorms. Even if they do, the surface tension on the petals help the water travel straight down to the roots where it can be stored.

Rainbolas are hardy plants that can survive even long periods without rain thanks to how much water they store. Kopp'tura Rainbolas are uncommon in the wild, mostly cultivated as cisterns by the Plains Buddys. During the long months without rain, they are thought to subsist on the love and affection bestowed on them by the family that owns them.

The plants can be found sporadically throughout Wing Alayna, even in Laykia Layna, the southern half of the continent. It is also known to be found in Reline Ah, although the Rainbolas there are said to be more 'stoic' from how reclusive the Flower Buddys are.

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2 years ago
Korana Alnia
Korana Alnia
Korana Alnia

Korana Alnia

The larger, solitary relative of Korana Minia. Similar to the Minia, the Alnia stores a heavy, syrupy liquid like that of cough syrup. It has a sweet, medicinal taste that tends not to mesh well with other flavors. While it's culinary use is not yet fully understood, it is generally appreciated more for its aesthetics.

Alnias are always found on flat corals, and for a while it was thought that the plant itself was a hybrid of coral and plant. However, it is now understood that the plant is merely epiphytic and has a symbiotic relationship with the corals it grows on.

Alnias prefer to grow in warm, shallow water, with plenty of access to sunlight. It is thought that the taste of its nectar is stronger the deeper the plant grows. It is definitely known, however, that ones that grow deeper tend to be smaller than those that grow in shallower water.

They are found near Koraln Sing and in some of its interior basins.

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2 years ago
Biminia Cloudpetal
Biminia Cloudpetal
Biminia Cloudpetal

Biminia Cloudpetal

A tall flower found in Sky Buddy World. It has few known close relatives, and not much is known about what it is used for materially-speaking. Due to its tall nature, it could serve as a landmark of sorts, if only cloudground stayed in place instead of floating about. Due to their longevity, they still have a place in Sky Buddy culture as one of the icons of their realm.

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2 years ago
Pinkheart Tuftoa
Pinkheart Tuftoa
Pinkheart Tuftoa
Pinkheart Tuftoa

Pinkheart Tuftoa

Thought to be related to the cloudflowers of Sky Buddy World, the Pinkheart Tuftoa may have adapted to grow low to the ground due to the fact it grows in central Furheart Iiah, away from most free-flowing water sources and depending largely on being able to gather water from the mist that always surrounds the continent and from the occasional drizzle. This might also explain the recess in its middle, low to the ground closest to the roots where the water it gathers can nearly touch the roots already.

Cotton from the Pinkheart Tuftoa is highly sought after among Fashion Buddys, though it usually needs to be processed first before use as the plain cloud-like material is usually very soggy due to its spongy nature, another feature that comes in handy in its natural environment.

When dried out, though, the cloud-like material floats on its own, which can make for some ethereal, sky-themed looks especially popular among Fashion Buddys with ties to or lineage from Sky Buddy World.

Using Pinkheart Tuftoa cotton for stuffing pillows and the like is generally not recommended unless one would like for the objects in question to float away in the night. It usually needs to be processed into a heavier form for use in objects that are not meant to float away.

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2 years ago
Winfiddle Lilyhead
Winfiddle Lilyhead
Winfiddle Lilyhead

Winfiddle Lilyhead

A hybrid between the Lar and Lilyhead families, Winfiddle Lilyheads can be found in bodies of water near and on the continent of Fuline Ah as well as in and around Laykia Layna. They have been known to wander out to sea much like Seafaring Mamolias, though they are not thought to be too closely related. They are much closer to Lifi Kleeflowers as they both share the lilypad trait, even though Winfiddle Lilyheads lack the clear petals and purple stem that Kleeflowers are known for.

There is not much to be said for their taste, but as they tend to stay close to land, they're often a good signal for sailors that they are close to land.

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2 years ago
Gumidro Sweetflower
Gumidro Sweetflower
Gumidro Sweetflower

Gumidro Sweetflower

A legendary flower said to grow in the Sweetfields of Furheart Iiah. It is reported to have been seen in the heart of the continent, but only if you bring with you a maiden of mysterious origins with pink hair...

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2 years ago
Warahara Tree
Warahara Tree
Warahara Tree

Warahara Tree

A tropical tree found on the coasts and islands around Fuline Ah. The pods can be used as decorations or steeped to create a cocoa-like drink.

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2 years ago
Springa Fressha
Springa Fressha
Springa Fressha

Springa Fressha

A plant believed to be descended from the Crescent Minorian Luna Cirrala and other similar plants. Springa Fresshas tend to crop up early and late in the rainy season throughout the northern half of Wing Alayna, particularly on clear days after rain. The water they draw up from the ground into their flowers tends to be clear and pure, the most delicious water you could find anywhere. As they are rather rare and scarce, though, they have not been domesticated like the Kopp'tura Rainbola. And either way, Springa Fresshas tend to be small, squat flowers in comparison. 6 or 7 inches, maybe a foot in the tallest specimens, but little more.

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2 years ago


Thought to be a relative of the Okipla Mineep, Pitiana leaves are often used as tea leaves during the annual Tea Festival. It is traditional to use the petals as sweeteners, as they have add delicate, sweet, floral touch.

Pitiana are often found growing in groups in various parts of Buddy World, Wing Alayna. They tend to grow near rivers or lakes, and can weather the rainy season fairly well, though their flowers might close up after long periods without sun.

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2 years ago
Rainleaf Plant
Rainleaf Plant
Rainleaf Plant

Rainleaf Plant

Can be found only during the rainy season in Wing Alayna proper, but grows year-round in Laykia Layna. It can also be found in places on Fuline Ah.

The leaves are often detached and used as coverings for rain as they have a tough, thick, waxy nature that allows them to resist wear and tear against rain.

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2 years ago
Rakarai Akalia
Rakarai Akalia
Rakarai Akalia

Rakarai Akalia

The leaves of the plant have a spicy, herbal flavor that is very popular in Wing Alaynan cooking. While they can be found naturally in Furheart Iiah, they adapt well to artificial environments too and can be found in the Queen's garden as well.

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2 years ago
Hariana Blosoma
Hariana Blosoma
Hariana Blosoma

Hariana Blosoma

A rare flower thought to be related to the Hariana family as they both share thin, hair-like petals and grow in the Fuline Ah region. However, Blosomas are only found on certain southern islands on the west side of the continent, whereas Harianas tend to favor the mainland (though some still can be found here and there on the islands, especially the larger ones)

The petals are sometimes used as decorations in dance ceremonies. They can also be candied and eaten as sour treats. The nectar of these flowers has a sour taste to them as well, and this flavor can even be detected in the stem and roots of the flower, though the stem is much milder than the roots.

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2 years ago
Lesser Skypetal Flyona
Lesser Skypetal Flyona
Lesser Skypetal Flyona

Lesser Skypetal Flyona

A member of the Flyona family, Lesser Skypetals are distinguished by their leafy stems and lack of antennae-like stamen. Generally known as a wild version of the Sweetpetal Flyona, sweetener made from Lessser Skypetals is a lot less sweet, and generally takes more to boil down as its naturally sweet fluid is much more watery than its preferred counterpart. Still, a type of liorice can be made from boiling the stem and it is widely enjoyed, giving it one advantage over the more famous Sweetpetal.

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2 years ago
Clearleaf Namiida
Clearleaf Namiida
Clearleaf Namiida

Clearleaf Namiida

Thought to be a cross between the Flyona family and some of the clear plants from Crescent Minoria, the Clearleaf Namiida bears particularly sweet blossoms which rivals that of the Sweetpetal Flyona. Namiidas are also said to glow on nights where the moon is particularly full, leading some to believe it may also be related to Flarowan Pikanas.

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2 years ago
Pampikana Siliana
Pampikana Siliana
Pampikana Siliana

Pampikana Siliana

A tree native to continental Fuline Ah. The seeds of the Pampikana are popular food items, and the fruits themselves are sometimes dried and carved decoratively, much like Warahara pods.

Pampikana seeds have an earthy, nutty flavor. The fruit itself has a savory, somewhat watery and vegetable-like flavor.

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