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Mermay #19 - Blind Cavefish Mer “Light? I’ve never heard of light before... What’s it like?” So after the random fish generator gave me blind cavefish after a couple of tries, I looked up what they looked like I came up with a sad headcanon for a mer... That’s where this guy’s from. XD

Mermay #20 - Hakee Second in the series of old characters from a mer RP, there’s this thing. From the same tribe as Tirak, a small girl about the age of six who is an albino shark mer and wanders about like a ghost. They say she’s an outcast, but she gets along fairly well for her status.

Mermay #21 - Kitch as a mer So on a different theme, today I decided to draw as a mer a random alien side-side character who (almost) no one on tumblr will recognize. XD I thought doing chars from my Aliens series as mers would be fun, so here’s one XD Not even a main she’s like a side of a side character who comes in with a bunch of other random characters who temporarily travel with the mains after being rescued from a slave ship, but she’s fun sometimes and I realized she reaaally needed an update... not that she’s a mer ordinarily, but you know. XD Her ears got a lot longer from her first ref... (ugh ew this art is four years old now don’t click the link EAE okay well maybe click it but be warned this is ancient) And who could resist a minor catfish theme to her mer design since she’s a feline-based alien? XD Anyways... so this was a fun quick thing to do. I know I’m all over the place with themes, but I’m just trying to keep my inspiration up so I can get caught up >.>;; Almost caught up though! Just one more to go and I’ll be caught up to current day XD;

Mermay #23 - Moon Jellyfish Mer Right on track today. Starting sketching this one up last night around midnight and all finished today. Yaay~ XD It feels good to be caught up and not have like 4-5 of these hanging over me XD Soo yeah. I got inspired looking at jellyfish and other jellyfish mers peeps have done via google images and decided to draw one myself! I really liked how some people made the top jelly bit a hat and some people did both hat and bottom half so I figured why not? Now she’s kind of a... double jelly thing but I dunno I’m kinda satisfied with how it came out. XD

Mermay #24 - McCosker’s Wrasse Mer So this time I didn’t feel like doing the twiggy lady mers I usually draw and designed to make this one a little more beefier, if only in the arms. XD; ...and outfit came out kinda punk-rockish so that too. Although... upon further research into wrasses I found out the design I chose was for a male one... I should have figured with the colors, since in nature usually the males are a lot more colorful XD; But alas. I dunno it’s just patterning though and she’s a mer so maybe it’s different for mermaids? I dunno. Anyways, that embarrassment aside, here’s a mer. XD

Mermay #25 - Brittani Mer Another one from the same band of misfit mers as Finny, this is Brittani. She has Amazon boto and gray seal markings ordinarily, but here’s her as an actual mer because it’s Mermay. XD She was fun to do. I’m glad her shirt came out pretty well too, considering I made it blue at first and then changed it back to her more iconic purple. XD

Mermay #27 - Wally the Walrus Mer Another one for the mer pod into actual mers, it’s Wally the walrus mer. XD He’s always been begrudgingly walrus-patterned and walrus-like ever since an incident during his walrus hunting days when he got imprinted with the walrus pattern, but as an actual walrus mer I think he hates it even more. XD Even when he’s just patterned he doesn’t like stepping foot in any familiar places with too many people around, so this really just makes it a lot worse for him. XD

Mermay #28 - Owen the River Otter Mer Gee I don’t even know if this is allowed XD since otters aren’t really a cetacean but they’re kinda aquatic?? So?? I dunno. Well anyways. So this is Owen, the... river otter... mer... XD He usually just has an otter pattern but as per Mermay I decided to make him a... what even would you call this. This is more like... a half-otter thing than a mer XD But anyways so he’s another Zenithian that the mer pod meet. He sometimes accompanies them on trips so he’s kinda only half part of the pod but he’s kinda among their ranks I guess as it were sometimes... XD Sooo yeah. Whether this counts as a mer or not here’s Owen. XD

Mermay #29 - Fay as a Mer So I was gonna jump in to doing more of my chars, but the idea of doing this adorable child owned by CC as a mer was simply too tempting... So I doodled her up, even though I wasn’t even sure about making it a Mermay thing. And here it is anyway. XP Maybe I’ll do one of my chars again next. We’ll see.

Welp. I didn’t expect this but somehow another Inktober thing spawned.. I think the prompt list is really helping XD I woke up this morning and I was like, oh yeah! I have prompts!! So this happened. And it looks like the girl from last time is back, investigating a mystery. Wonder what happened to the person she was texting before? Hmmm... >w>

Pinwheria Magnificentia
A tall flower of the Magnificentia family with curled petals. Though best known for red, they can be found in a variety of colors, usually being accompanied by two other colors resembling beams of light. Occasionally translucent and much fainter than the prominent curly petals, these parts of the plant might more accurately be considered bracts or sepals. A webbing is often found on the lower leaves that can be used to create candy floss or hard candy when boiled down. However, in older specimens, a hard, clear coating is known to form from the webbing, sweet to the taste. Whether one makes their own candy or prefers the leaf coating, if you find a rare Pinwheria in the wild, you'll know you're in for a treat.
Pinwherias prefer high altitudes with dry climates. They dislike rain and clouds and like getting lots of sunlight. They can be found in the Great Buddy Highlands or in the Great Buddy Mountains—particularly on the leeward side of the mountains—in Wing Alayna, as well as in central Warminia Songlianne.

Kopp'tura Rainbola
Often kept as houseplants out doors, Rainbolas usually serve as a household's own personal cistern. They store excess water in the stem and roots, so they rarely overfill, even in the heaviest of rainstorms. Even if they do, the surface tension on the petals help the water travel straight down to the roots where it can be stored.
Rainbolas are hardy plants that can survive even long periods without rain thanks to how much water they store. Kopp'tura Rainbolas are uncommon in the wild, mostly cultivated as cisterns by the Plains Buddys. During the long months without rain, they are thought to subsist on the love and affection bestowed on them by the family that owns them.
The plants can be found sporadically throughout Wing Alayna, even in Laykia Layna, the southern half of the continent. It is also known to be found in Reline Ah, although the Rainbolas there are said to be more 'stoic' from how reclusive the Flower Buddys are.

Gumidro Sweetflower
A legendary flower said to grow in the Sweetfields of Furheart Iiah. It is reported to have been seen in the heart of the continent, but only if you bring with you a maiden of mysterious origins with pink hair...

Clearleaf Namiida
Thought to be a cross between the Flyona family and some of the clear plants from Crescent Minoria, the Clearleaf Namiida bears particularly sweet blossoms which rivals that of the Sweetpetal Flyona. Namiidas are also said to glow on nights where the moon is particularly full, leading some to believe it may also be related to Flarowan Pikanas.

Pampikana Siliana
A tree native to continental Fuline Ah. The seeds of the Pampikana are popular food items, and the fruits themselves are sometimes dried and carved decoratively, much like Warahara pods.
Pampikana seeds have an earthy, nutty flavor. The fruit itself has a savory, somewhat watery and vegetable-like flavor.

Gloagli Lavilav
A plant specially bred in one of the Queen's gardens. It had some distant relations to flora in Crescent Minoria, as well as Furheart Iiah. Its closest relative lives in Warminia Songlianne, where much of the crossbreeding took place. Though attractive to Neonyas and Kitonyas, it isn't actually good for food for them or for Buddys. Its purpose is primarily decorative, and it is highly sought after by Fashion Buddys for its color and texture.

Klaudee Minia
Once thought to be the juvenile form of the Surfing Klaudee, it is now understood that Minias are their own species. It is occasionally spotted as a wildflower in Sky Buddy World. Its stamen glow during the night, making them a popular item with Fashion Buddys savvy enough to find them.

Cloudpetal Founta
A relative of the Biminia Cloudpetal, Cloudpetal Fountas look a bit more tree-like, with large, drooping leaves like palm branches. The 'petals' of the Cloudpetal Founta are actually soft seedpods that contain still more cotton within them. The softest garments made by Fashion Buddys often use the inner cotton from Cloudpetal Founta seedpods.

Dellana Pichrüt
A rare tuber-producing plant that can sometimes be found growing near the Great Buddy Lake during the dry season. It can be a bit finicky, not liking too much water but also not wanting to be without it.
The taste of the Pichrüt is comparable to that of a peach, though it also has some turnip-like qualities to it.
The disappearance of the Dellana Pichrüt caused many to believe that they no longer could be found anywhere in the world, but a few sightings of them by the Great Buddy Lake have proved that the plant does still in fact exist.

Hariana Tuftoa
A species of Hariana found in Furheart Iiah. They are much softer than their Fulinean counterparts, who have stiffer, more petal-like bristles than their Furheartian counterparts. Because of this difference in texture, it is sometimes argued that they are in fact not a Hariana at all, but much more closely related to something like the Gloagli Lavilav, with its thin, curled stems and hanging flowers. It has thus been proposed to be renamed the Furheartian Tuftoa, but as it also has many differences from other Tuftoas growing in Furheart Iiah as well, even its second name has also been thrown into question. So it is still up for debate whether it should be classified under the Harianan or Tuftoan family, or even one closer to the Gloagli Lavilav due to their similarities.
Nomenclature aside, Hariana Tuftoa 'fur' is quite popular with Fashion Buddys, especially those who travel and need warmer coverings against the sailing winds.