kensqueent - kens

iluv ghibli, grave of fireflies made me cry. luvluv tokyo revengers, blue lock, haikyuu, jjk, kenji sato

345 posts

Guys Its Too Cute

guys its too cute

Pilates Workout | Ushijima, Hq
Pilates Workout | Ushijima, Hq
Pilates Workout | Ushijima, Hq

pilates workout | ushijima, hq

𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃

content: ushijima asks you for help on improving his core and balance

warnings: timeskip!ushijima x reader, established relationship, just a tad suggestive, fluff

characters: ushijima

word count: 502

a/n: you can tell how much i've been thinking about this😅...ushijima’s muscles go brrrrrr

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

“Toshi—no, you have to tighten your core more.”

You were determined to support your boyfriend, so when he asked for advice on strengthening his core and enhancing his balance, you took it as your mission. You were aware of Ushijima’s resolve and aimed to match it.

“Mm,” he grumbled, acknowledging your guidance as he adjusted his arms, moving back into the planking position.

Despite his incredible strength, the strain in his muscles was visible as he struggled to maintain his posture. His wide shoulders trembled slightly, and sweat trickled down his temple.

Circling him, you focused on making sure his workout was effective. “C’mon, just thirty more seconds. Keep your arms straight.”

As his hips began to sag again, you sighed lightly and crouched beside him. Gently, you placed your hands on his waist, feeling the warmth of his skin. “Here, like this,” you said softly, guiding his hips back into position.

His quietness was telling, the occasional nod indicated he was taking in your instructions. You could sense the effort in his muscles.

“I should add this to my workout schedule,” he stated, his voice steady despite the exertion.

“To spend more time with you,” he added sincerely.

Leaning in, you whispered, “I’d like that.” His words pulling on your heartstrings.

Your hands stayed on him a little longer as you looked into his olive-green eyes.

The sound of your phone alarm shattered the moment. Yet, the warm feeling lingered even after you turned it off.

Ushijima gently reclined on the yoga mat, the fabric sticking to his sweaty skin. He lay flat on his back, drawing deep, steady breaths. His powerful arms moved behind his head, veins bulging as he began to cool down.

You brought him a small, white towel and crouched near his head. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, you leaned in closer, pressing a quick, affectionate kiss on his forehead.

“Your reward,” you whispered, smiling at him.

His eyes opened slowly, meeting yours with an intensity that quickened your pulse. His gaze traced your features, saying more than words could.

His chest rose and fell rhythmically, his body glistening under the soft light. The sight was mesmerizing as your peripheral vision caught a glimpse of his waistband, which hung low enough to reveal the two sculpted grooves that trailed even deeper down.

Ushijima reached up, the back of his hand brushing against your cheek. “Thank you,” he murmured.

“Anytime,” you replied softly, your heart racing as you hoped the warmth blossoming on your cheeks matched the heat of his hands.

There was a certain part of you, a hidden, daring side, that wanted to push him even further, just to see more of the sight of him now— sprawled out on the floor taking deep, heavy breaths.

A playful smirk crossed your face.

“What’s with the face, my love?” Ushijima’s deep voice pierced your bubble of thought.

“Oh! Nothing,” you assured him. “Now,” you clasped your hands together, “let’s continue, shall we?” you suggest, blinking innocently.

𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼

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More Posts from Kensqueent

7 months ago

attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀

i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)

Attractive Things Bllk Characters (unintentionally) Do?

nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.

rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.

barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.

kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)

reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.

hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.

shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.

oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.

ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.

yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.

loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.

isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?

chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.

noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."

kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.

sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:

absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.

helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.

this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.

when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.

bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.

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7 months ago

heyy idk if you are open for requests/suggestions or not but i was thinking of an idea where reader shares her bf satoru with her roomie geto and they basically have a power play over sub!satoru (ignore this if you don’t take suggestions or if you’ve done this alr!!)

— minors dni, subby! satoru, overstim, established rs, satoru x reader x suguru, double handjob (?), praise, fluff, aftercare , woooahh why’d it get kinda soft at the end 🤨

Heyy Idk If You Are Open For Requests/suggestions Or Not But I Was Thinking Of An Idea Where Reader Shares

satoru was sure he’d never find a better view he adored more than you and your bare body. when you’re naked beneath him, folded in half as he fucks into you like it’ll be his last chance, or on top of him, bouncing on his dick like you own it (and he makes sure to let you know that you do. over and over and over again in broken, ceaseless whimpers against the shell of your ear). either way, his gaze only holds enough room for you, you, you.

and suguru, apparently.

“don’t go too fast.”, you remind his best friend, and suguru slows the pace of the strokes. “he cums so quick, it’s kind of cute.”

you sigh into wispy threads of suguru’s hair. the dark strands of it tickle your skin as he trails greedy kisses up your neck, sucking and biting where he sees fit, marking you, satoru’s girlfriend, as his.

suguru pulls away for a second to glance at your boyfriend, who’s red and huffing for air, though can’t force his captivated blue eyes away from the show that you and geto put on.

“ ‘course he does.”, suguru teases. “he’s a minute man, after all.”

satoru scowls at that. “hey, i last way longer the second round—“

and before he can finish his remark, suguru squeezes his best friend’s cock in his hand, further intertwining his fingers with yours in the process and pulling a ragged moan from satoru’s throat, promptly shutting him up.

you giggle as your snowy-haired boyfriend sinks his teeth into his lips, not before he gives suguru a teary, pointed glare. satoru tosses his head back as you and his best friend continue to pump him—slow and easy, hands laced together around his twitching, pink cock.

“so mouthy.”, suguru chuckles. he makes direct eye contact with satoru, eyes hazy and blue like a clouded sky, as he pulls you in for another kiss, rumbling out a low grunt and he can just see the jealousy in gojo’s eyes. it’s fun, it’s amusing, it’s cute, the way his friend’s lip juts out in a pout whenever you two aren’t giving him your full, undivided attention. jerking him off isn’t enough, satoru craves both pairs of eyes on him as his are on the two of you.

but when you finally do look at him, despite this being his biggest desire as of now, satoru can’t handle you and suguru staring him down the way you are. with his weeping cock in your palms, you thumbing over his leaking slit as suguru fondles his balls—it’s all too much. it makes him feel small—small in a way that turns him on. weak in a way he’s not usually used to, unless it’s at the hands of you or his best friend, people he can trust. no matter how pathetic he looks, satoru knows you two will take good care of him.

with that thought, his hips suddenly have a mind of their own, bucking carelessly between your and suguru’s clasped hands, fucking his needy cock between them and moaning, groaning, whiny as those blue, angel eyes streak tears down his tinted cheeks.

“oohh, look.”, you cast suguru a knowing glance, taking the initiative to speed up the strokes around your boyfriend’s dick. “someone’s getting all excited~.”

suguru laughs with you, a pair of patronizing taunts, ones that makes satoru’s cock jump again as he gets closer to blowing his load. “already? wow, you really are a minute man, i was mostly just joking about that.”

you give a short hum, leaning in to give suguru a peck on the lips before turning back to satoru. “ya know you’re just short of five minutes. why don’t we count down, and you can cum on 0? ready?”

satoru isn’t given a chance to agree or not; you and suguru are picking up the pace, squeezing his cock and massaging his balls and you tweak at one of his perked nipples. whether he was ready or not, you two were going to make him cum,

“…3…2…1…”, the two of you end the countdown and, as if on cue, satoru is shooting out his load, crying out a broken ‘f-fuck—!’ and gushing like a champagne bottle, making a sloppy mess all over the three of you. he gives stuttered, desperate thrusts into your palms, wet, slick sounds loud throughout the room as satoru rides out his high. after a few more weak pumps, his hips grow still, legs shivering and fists clenched onto the sheets, his broad chest heaving and lids fluttering shut as satoru struggles to catch his breath.

he only opens his eyes again at the sensation of you threading fingers through his hair. satoru relishes in the feeling of you two pampering him with aftercare, pressing loving kisses on his sweaty face and showering him in praises and compliments.

‘you did so good, satoru.’

‘good boy.’

‘look at you, so pretty for us.’

and maybe satoru stands corrected. maybe this, the sight of his girlfriend and his best friend, snuggled around his body as they rain upon him their eternal love and affection, is the best view he could ever have.

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7 months ago


.𖥔 ݁ ˖ LOOK, MOM! — nanami kento

. LOOK, MOM! Nanami Kento

yuuji accidentally calls you mom

contents: nanami x fem!reader, husband nanami hehe, this is very silly and random and stupid, fluff, nanami & reader are yuuji's adoptive parents fr, words: 1059

. LOOK, MOM! Nanami Kento

“nanamin!” yuuji waves at the figure approaching from behind you, a flashy grin appearing on his face as he glances at the blonde man over your shoulder. “i didn’t know you were coming by today!”

kento's hair sweeps over his forehead in the wind, a few strands coming free as he heads towards you. it's a brisk day, and he has two hot coffees in his hands that he'd picked up after his mission.

a bead of sweat drips down yuuji's temple, and he wipes it with his sleeve, still breathing heavily. you'd spent the last hour training together, pushing his physical capabilities. gojo had been busy recently, between all the missions and his conversations with the higher ups.

so, of course, you'd volunteered to teach the newest student when he couldn't. quickly, he became your favorite of the three first years.

“i’m in between assignments.” kento hands you the coffee, places a gentle hand on your lower back with a smile that is hardly there. “mind if i steal my wife away for a bit?”

yuuji shrugs, his face still bright as he glances between the two of you. ever since he’d found out two of his favorite sorcerers were together, he’d hardly shut up about it.

“no problem. i’m going to meet up with fushiguro anyway.” he brushes the dirt off his pants, waving to the two of you.

“good job today, yuuji!” grateful for something to warm you up in the chilly air, you take a sip of the coffee. it’s perfect, as always, just what you needed. “you’re improving a lot!”

he grins, proud of his accomplishments. “thanks, mom! see you later!”

there's an elongated moment of silence.

you choke on your coffee as kento stiffens beside you, watching while yuuji comes to a skittering halt.

all three of you freeze. you cough, clearing your throat, and kento's hand, steady on your back, has stilled. “yuuji—“

“oh,” the teenager says, his face turning bright red as he realizes what he’s called you. he glances between the two of you, embarrassment evident. “i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to—“

though, you don’t give yuuji enough time to protest. within seconds, you’ve gathered him up in your arms, squeezing the younger boy to your chest. “kento, we have a son!”

you feel yuuji tense, before he relaxes, and throws his arms around you in an even tighter hug. there’s some sort of thanks resting there. he laughs, carefree, a sound you never want to be taken away from the boy who manages to shine so brightly in such a dark world.

kento stares at you, folds his glasses up in his pocket, as if to show you both how unimpressed he is. “do we?” he asks, lips flat, though, you see through the facade to the amusement hidden in his irises. “i'm certain i would’ve remembered something like that.”

you make a face at him, covering yuuji’s ears dramatically. “oh, don’t listen to your dad, yuuji. he’s old, he doesn’t know what he’s saying.”

kento blinks, and then sighs, wrinkling his nose. though, when he sees yuuji’s wide grin, his eager expression, he decides to play along.

“well, then... there must be a lapse in my memory." kento crosses his arms over his chest as he regards the two of your extensively, searching for something. "that would certainly explain the striking resemblance between us.” he says drily.

yuuji laughs, a loud snort. he looks nothing like either of you, but you’re not sure he’s ever gotten to witness kento's sarcastic sense of humor, the one that not everyone really gets.

“exactly!” yuuji quips back to kento’s blank expression. "everyone tells me i have the same smile as my dad!

kento’s trying hard not to let yuuji win that one, but you can see the slight wrinkle around his eye, the tiny quirk of his lips. beside the pink haired boy, you choke out a few giggles, covering your mouth.

“yes," kento nods, solemn. "i’ve heard that as well.”

"so you do know how to make jokes, nanamin!" yuuji shouts, nearly jumping in the air as he cheers. "i can't wait to tell fushiguro this."

kento rolls his eyes, but yuuji’s so pleased, and he releases you, his eyes soft and bright as he pulls away.

though he doesn’t say it, doesn't thank you for anything, you can tell he’s grateful. itadori yuuji may be happy with his life as it is now, may have found a home within the friends he’s made at the high school, but you know he misses his grandfather. sometimes, perhaps, he even longs for the conventional family he never really got to have.

you ruffle his hair, the pink strands catching between the cracks of your fingers. “tell him i said hello too.”

yuuji nods, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he steps away. “i will!” his cheerful gaze is pinned on your husband, a secretive smile making a home on his lips. “bye, dad.”

kento shakes his head, and sighs again, though you can tell, a part of him is touched to have won so much of yuuji's admiration. “have a good evening, itadori.”

you watch the young boy scurry away, hands in his pockets as he braces himself against the cold.

"you should be nicer to your son, kento."

kento snorts, throwing an arm over your shoulder as he brings you closer to him. "i am nice to him," he says, kissing your temple softly. "a little hard on him, maybe, but i just don't want anything bad to happen to him."

you soften, look up at him with warm eyes, and you squeeze the hand that is resting on your shoulder. "i know," you say, your heart clenching. you've thought about it before, thought of kento with a tiny child that looks just like him, cradled against his chest. thought of him with a little girl whose hair he can braid, a little boy he can raise to be a gentleman.

but you hadn't talked about it; you'd always thought your life was too busy, too dangerous for children.

"you'd make a good dad, ken," you say, your cheeks flushed as you grin at him.

kento's eyes flash. "really?" an array of emotions scurries across his features before he leans down, kissing you softly. "is this your way of telling me you want a baby, sweetheart?" his voice deepens as he whispers against your lips, smiling. "because i'm more than happy to give you one."

. LOOK, MOM! Nanami Kento

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7 months ago





adventures in getting lit with jjk men ❤

warning consumption only for 18+MDNI. possible side effects include: dr*gs, smut, dubcon, sex while high, greening out, accidental dr*gging, sonophilia, brat taming, comfort, some fluff, some angst, and lots of banter. status: ongoing restock alerts: comment to be tagged


canonverse: sorcerer!reader



» sukuna just ate all your edibles and is now more lit than tokyo tower—great. now you have to fuck his high n' grumpy ass calm before you're the one that's actually fucked.

edibles [x]



» it's only a little bit irresponsible for a Jujutsu High teacher to meet her plug/situationship during her lunch break, right?

hot boxing [-]



» wait, so your straight-laced boyfriend smokes weed and can even roll joints?! since when?! you were worried about having him keep up with you, but can you keep up with him?

greening out [-]


college au: bimbo reader



» you can't stop fucking your drug dealer with the big dick but you can't let your reputation be ruined by actually dating him—he'll just have to deal with it—or is it that he will end up dealing with you?

plug!choso: p1[x] p2[x] p3[x]



» [this will be a continuation of fratboys!satosugu x virgin!reader so i cant give up plot until the first part is out]

bong rips [-]


©blkkizzat 2024. all rights reserved. do not copy nor plagiarize. do not translate.

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7 months ago


It's An Old, Beaten Up Square In A Secluded Corner Of The Mall And Toji Already Knows That Whatever The

it's an old, beaten up square in a secluded corner of the mall and toji already knows that whatever the fuck it is, he's going to hate it. there's neon photo strips of people in various poses and plastic, artificial smiles along the side and he vaguely registers then and there that it's a photo booth. he hasn't seen one of these in a while.

he hisses at the five dollars required for the photos, already in the process of walking away and suggesting you two check out some frilly little cafe you've been eyeing all day, when he notices you're still standing outside the booth.

your eyebrows are furrowed and your gaze is stuck to a particular photo on the wall. a couple, he realizes, looking so absurdly awkward in a way that only teenagers can pull off. "you know, toji. i don't think we have any pictures together."

"sure we do, doll. we get lots of pictures on your little phone all the time. some videos too, if i'm lucky—"

he appreciates the way your ears perk up and how your eyes avert his gaze. "n—no! not... not pictures or videos like that. i mean, like... god, forget about it!"

you try to walk away, only to be pulled back in by his impossibly muscular arms, always a tad faster and stronger than you. you hear him let out a deep, low chuckle and you pout. "you want a picture so bad? a real picture? c'mon, you shoulda just said so."

he's hustling you into the booth before you can protest, coming in after you and you try to resist the urge to laugh at how cramped the two of you are in the little space.

toji's head is so close to bumping against the ceiling and you're all up in each other's personal space, shoulders bumping uncomfortably together but the rush in your lungs overtakes any need for privacy. you're excited. he fishes out a worn five-dollar bill into the tiny little slot and waits.

suddenly, the screen in front of you flashes to life.

after the instructions and carefully selecting what you want the strip to look like (not without an argument, of course. toji wants the simple black and you want the cheetah print), the screen starts a countdown. toji tries to pull you into a sloppy makeout session for the camera before your hand comes to block his face. "toji, no! something sensible, please!"

he grumbles, but allows his lips to curl upwards just slightly as you beam positively at the camera.

for the next photo, you wrap your arms around him while you're situated on his lap, giggling when you see how utterly unamused he looks. his eyes soften when you press a warm, chaste kiss against his cheek.

finally, you let him pull you into a deep kiss for the last photo and you squeal when you feel a flash of his tongue, humming appreciatively when your lips part to give him entrance. toji kisses like a starved man and it's got you melting into his lap.

when the flimsy strip of photos develop in your hands minutes later, it's everything you've wanted and more.

toji sees the lovestruck expression in your eyes and pushes you back into the little booth, another five dollars be damned.

It's An Old, Beaten Up Square In A Secluded Corner Of The Mall And Toji Already Knows That Whatever The

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