Rin Itoshi - Tumblr Posts
" It's the brightest star reborn, yes, indeed "
this was the art style crisis i mentioned, does it look silly good :D

i was ai for halloween last year and i have photos :3
(blue lock rp ppl, rp with this if ya want /nf /it'd be fun)

draw ur oshi going to school with you (and maybe add ur native language ^^)
@the-rini-rush I wanted to show you this since I saw you like Blue Lock
Explaination: In this AU, Zarabeth (White hair girl with blue uniform), Evie (Black hair girl in red uniform), Zar (Black hair boy in blue uniform), are the older sibling to Rin and Sae who are in Starfleet. They use their free time to visit Rin and Sae. And regularly it’s Zarabeth who sends him letters. One day, they went to war with the Kavims, an evil alien planet who waged war on Starfleet. And Rin received a letter from their captain named ‘Jenna T. Kirk’….
The note said “Rin Itoshi, the war between the Kavims are over, but, this isn’t Zarabeth. It’s Jenna, her captain. I wrote you this letter to give you the news that, Zar Itoshi, Evie Itoshi, Zarabeth Itoshi, have passed away. We found their bodies near fallen rocks with some of their limbs torn off and bloodied up. We concluded they died from wounds. I hope my best wishes in mourning to you.”
— Captain Jenna T. Kirk
They were found smiling. Smiling. It was like they were in comfort that they were with each other even in death. They were nicknamed the ‘Cadets Who Smiled In Death’.
Why did rin choose isagi
Why did rin choose isagi? It’s something i’ve wondered about for a while . So, why did rin choose puzzle boy instead of the king, the lazy genius, or the red panther? Doesn’t make sense if you ask me. In his first decision he chose bachira instead of nagi or isagi which makes sense since bachira was the play maker and isagi was useless without him while nagi was already handicapped having left reo.
But in their second encounter he chose isagi instead of Barou, nagi, or Chigiri. Chigiri relies mostly on his speed because it’s one of the things that he excels at while Barou is a selfish “king” who only works to achieve goals of his own. He isn’t interested in team work and most definitely isn’t a team player. That cancels out Chigiri and Barou, but why not nagi?
We all know nagi can’t survive on his own because he’s incredibly and painstakingly lazy. He forgets to eat breakfast (it’s canon that isagi used to wake him up to eat) and he refers to anything that involves having to work to as a hassle. That is enough reason for rin to not choose him but rin picks players after seeing which one of them is the best and not judging by how that person acts. So if nagi is better than isagi in play style. Why didn’t he choose him?
Simple. Nagi left reo to be on isagis Team because he wagged to play with isagi. Isagi was basically his drive for playing football at the time because he was the first one to give him the taste of defeat. If isagi wasn’t on the team then the quality of nagi’s play might decrease - putting rins team at a disadvantage. So instead, he gave isagis team a handicap by taking away the player that’s holding everything together. Taking away the player that this team was associated around. Taking away isagi.
There, ladies and gentlemen, is why rin chose isagi.
Um, so, Rin says this to Sae:

And the very next scene we get this:

Does this mean Kaiser is the "amazing someone" Rin is going to "fight", "destroy" and "die like that"???
And does this mean Kaiser and Rin will self-destruct with by each other and Isagi gets to score the final goal?!! 💀
please tell me that isn't what's gonna happen please

@zenokei oh most likely, it's just as you say ::fingers crossed for a rin goal next chapter::
and rin does mean he wants to destroy everything (the way he was doing during the vs u20, bringing out the best of his opponents and destroying them in the worst possible way haha) buuut the only difference between now and then is that Rin kinda went into his Berserker ModeTM by instinct then; whereas now he has come to the realization what his "True Nature"/Berserker Mode is,, and that involves..... "Life Risking Destruction"

It's the "life-risking"/"and die like that" part of his words that's worrying me as I said in the original post... cuz what does it mean that he is trying to destroy himself in the process? dunno, could be something rather simple lol and I am thinking too much lolol
Also, we have Kaiser awakening too in this match--he lets go of his fixation on Isagi and comes into himself, the reason for playing soccer etc. etc.--which means we are pitting two "awakened" players against each other and waiting to see who comes out on the top. Personally, I feel Rin's Berserker will overwhelm Kaiser's awakening,, but iirc Kaiser is also one of the NW11 same as Sae (and so far I have not seen him do anything of that world class or maybe I am just not easy to satisfy ghkfjk) so how much his awakening would influence his playmaking is hard to say.
Plus, Kaiser vs Rin is one on one afais. In the previous chapter, Isagi was pointing out how Kaiser is all alone of the field like in a cage, bc Isagi had allies on his side who'd pass to him (once again, personally, I feel ditching an excellent midfielder on your side in the middle of the match is a seriously bad move on kaiser's part but idk what's going on in Kaiser's brain or in the author's lmao) but anyway, my point is that Kaiser vs Rin is gonna be a one-on-one so whoever comes out on the top will reign as best striker ig? Neither is gonna go down without a pull-no-punches fight? like the Noa vs Lavi kind? Probably more? Hairpulling, shirt grabbing, sinking teeth into throat, cursing like a drunk sailor kind?
so ig either Rin will score (likely), Kaiser will quell his Berserker and score (kinda..... unlikely), or someone (Isagi, Kunigami, Shidou? Ness? I will lmao if Ness jumps in, said fuck you to kaiser and scores ghkjkf) will take advantage of their "fight", get to the exact position to receive as they destroy one another trying to come out at the top and score..... ooor maybe it's not that big of a deal and it's just another week of passing the ball around lol
Um, so, Rin says this to Sae:

And the very next scene we get this:

Does this mean Kaiser is the "amazing someone" Rin is going to "fight", "destroy" and "die like that"???
And does this mean Kaiser and Rin will self-destruct with by each other and Isagi gets to score the final goal?!! 💀
please tell me that isn't what's gonna happen please
rin doesnt want something casual
just the word irks him, hes never done anything casually in his entire life
he pursues you because the blood nearly stops flowing to his heart when he first sees you, because the shape of you is an outline he wants to touch and trace so badly its got his palms itching, and because hes been pining for victorious matches for forever yet hes never wanted something as bad as hes wants you
a single kiss, date, or fuck, its not enough he needs to crawl into your skin and make a home there
•The following contains bullying and smut that may trigger the reader•
Warning: + 18
If you are a minor, please do not read!!! I am not responsible if you continue.
Please do not steal my work without credits
Sorry for the grammatical mistakes.
Let's begin。

I swear I wasn’t planning to go to the prom - my last day as a student. But there would be free food so how could I miss that?
The lights were low giving off the vibe of a club. Or actually because the dancing floor was packed with people grouping and kissing their partner rather than dancing. Disgusting. In that situation you would never be noticed at the buffet.
“The food is good”, a boy said after swallowing a big bite. He was not that close to you but you both stood out with you faces towards the buffet and your backs to the dancing floor.
“I find comfort in loneliness. You are ostracized by your class. Don’t confuse things in an attempt to start a conversation with me.”
He looked down embarrassed and his dark hair hid his eyes.
The deafening music died down. The principal scuffed on the microphone with his cough to test if he was heard. An imbecile’s choice because everyone’s ears deafened.
“I welcome all classes of our high school. This night is special especially for the third. Their last day as students. After your hard work and with your fighting spirit not to give up…
And continue fucking in the gym’s closet
…and continue studying for your prominence, you finally achieved in finishing school.
And now your roads are open to enter the university of your choice and structure your career. But we ought to applaud the best. To give hope and strength to the younger generations to follow the same footsteps. Someone who stood out this year with excellent marks at all subjects!”
What a lame speech.
“It will probably be Stephanie”, the boy beside me exhaled.
“Well, what did you expect, Rei?”
“You know my name?”, his eyes sparked in the dim light.
“Shut up”, you whispered.
“I would like for Y/n S/n to come up to the stage and receive her prize!”
“Am i delusional or I just heard my name?”
“I heard it too…”
“So you are also the delusional…”
“Miss Y/n?”
The dickhead did call me out.
Leaving Rei's side, you adapted your introvert self to look smooth as you ascended the stairs. To no avail, you tangled your hands after you arrived by the principal’s side. Timid as always in front of crowds, no- Anxious would be the correct word.
You shouldn’t look down but you didn’t feel like looking at your classmates. Your eyes moved towards the horizon. At the end of the gym, the door before freedom stood closed. You would gamble that a figure leaned on the wall beside it. Too occupied to bother, you eyed the principal waiting your award.
You just wanted to leave. Even if they were only whispers mixed together, you could feel the disappointment and the disapproval. Everyone wanted Stephanie to get the price and so you did, if you could escape this situation.
“Would you like to say something to your classmates?”
You pressed your lips together thinking how you should sound. Timid? Kind? Inspirational?
You always held back. Even if all that bullying went on and on, you didn’t react.
Fuck that.
Fuck the principal. Fuck my classmates. Fuck the school. Fuck everyone.
⇀ Fuck her ↼
“A lot of people are against this outcome and would prefer this spot to be given to certain someone. But I say to all of you:
Knowledge is power.
The most knowledgeable is the most powerful.
I’m the one on the top of the pyramid.
Suck it up losers.”
Leaving the microphone to a baffled principle, you snatched the price and walked down dynamically. You gave a pat to Rei’s head and said “Good night” before moving towards the exit. However to your surprise the figure did exist.
He moved.
“I thought the whole school was full of pesticides but I was wrong…”, he grinned devilishly.
Shidou Ryusei.
A complete pain in the ass. No sign of self restrain. He could beat up everyone if they weren’t so scared of him. A bully to the weak but especially to those who acted mighty but were deep down double-faced cowards.
One step crashing the distance between us.
“Apologize to Stephanie”, her bestie and loyal puppet shouted at you. Followed by the most beautiful and popular at school, the Majestic Stephanie, along with her boyfriend.
“I will let it slide if you apolog-
“Shut up bitch or I will open your skull”, Shidou interrupted Stephanie.
The woman was too stunned to speak - this meme characterized her expression perfectly.
Her boyfriend as the strongest in basketball team got between them and threatened Shidou.
Not that smart...
Baseless rumors that a demon like him would never been shaken by.
One kick on the stomach and he slid down to the floor. The predator’s eyes traveled back to his target only to find her missing.
As the two girls helped the one on the ground get up and looked frightened at the blonde demon, a big smile appeared on his face.
He was more than satisfied.
With small smoothing movements with no break, you slowly walked backward to avoid being noticed—one slow push of the door and kindly opening with the same slow rhythm not to creak. You finally exited.
One stop before leaving the school for good and for ever.
“I love my desk”, you exhaled laying your head on it and hugging it.
«Bitch-Slut-Disgusting» and the scratches on it went on. The only attachment was to the phrase «Hope you die» whenever your eyes traced it, you would think “Why wish something that is going to happen anyways?”.
Your heart tightened and you raised your head to rest your chin on your hand. Someone was near.
With a quick jump, more like that of a beast than a human, he landed on your desk. You were taken aback. Ready to push your chair back and get up, his legs trapped you on spot first. Unfortunately.
“You thrill me down to the core”, he announced like he was at the stage of orgasm.
“Why do I always attract the pervents?..”, your thought slid out of your tongue.
He grinned back living in his own ecstasy.
“When it comes to sex…”
He wants to have sex with me?
“…the better you understand the other person, the better it’ll feel”
You averted your eyes from his gaze and anxiously spotted his hands reaching you. He grabbed your palm and tangled it to his.
“Look carefully at their hand”
He then let go and caressed your cheek before touching your ear.
“Their ear…”
With his skin imprinted on your face, he traced down your lips. Touching them with his finger, he opened your mouth slightly.
Your heart skipped a bit. What did he try to accomplish?
“And let your finger be bitten by them…”
His finger had slid into your mouth. Unconsciously, you were taken over by the urge and stuck by his purple eyes, you bit it faintly.
“Harder”, he commanded with a severe tone.
You bit harder.
A fellow Chainsaw man fan.
“Let me go”, you stared at him ferociously.
“But-”, he whined childishly before you shushed his lips shut with your finger.
The beast was captivated by your sight.
“I only accept yes or woof for answers”
“Woof”, he answered back.
You raised up and put your hands on both sides of his body.
“Ryi…”, you whispered nearing him as close as kissing. That teasing combing with the playful cut of his name into a nickname only used by you was enough to excite him even more. “Tell me. Have you kissed someone before?”
He moved his head quickly left and right plenty of times in a row.
“Whenever you do, that’s how you should remember what your kisses taste like”, you took out of your pocket small balls of chocolate wrapped in colorful decorations.
You folded one open and threw it for him to catch.
“Memorize it”
You opened another one. He let his mouth wide open for you to let the piece in and so you did.
His lips touched yours. To your surprise, you gasped leaving yourself uncovered for him to slide the chocolate inside your mouth.
He let go and stared at you awaiting your reaction. You munched and swallowed the sweet.
“Thankfully your saliva didn’t intervene with the taste of chocolate”, you said blandly but he didn’t listen. He continued rubbing his face on your cheek.
“Tell me what you want me to do so I can ask anything from you...”
Like I would let that happen.
You freed him from his chains and moved your legs to exit the class.
“I am ready to come ♡ ”, he opened his hands to welcome the arousal.
“Hold back your orgasm at school at least…”, you halted and turned back to him.
One jump and his face was over your because of your height difference.
(Author’s Note: I hope you're shorter than him)
“It’s past midnight. Rapists roam the streets. Will you return me back to my house?”, you looked up at him.
“But until your door. Afterward, you ought to make my request a reality!”
“What request?”
“Spend the night with me at my house”
“Why would I ask you to escort me to my house when I must come to yours? Futile effort…”
“It’s your choice to make. We can skip your house and go immediately to mine!”, he smiled devilishly yet again.
“I forgot your leash so I will allow it this time”, you offered your hand and he grabbed it.
Why did I imagine us walking together? He sped up and you breathed hard running as fast as possible.
“Slow down!”
“But I am not even running!”, he turned his head to you as you descended the stairs together.
I can tell, this night will be unforgettable. In the worst way possible. For who I cannot tell yet.
-To be continued-
• The following contains sexual content that may not be suitable for the audience •
Warning:- +18
Do not copy and repost my work without credits!
Sorry for the grammatical mistakes.
Let's Continue~

He opened the door for you to get in first. You leaned your head inside. One kitchen, the door of the bathroom and the bedroom further at the end.
Taking out your shoes, you walked quietly towards the bedroom. You exhaled and laid flat on the bed. The sheet smelled like him…
How was I able to recognize his smell when I knew him only for a day?
He walked inside after you with a grin on his face, pleased that you had already taken your place.
“It’s my first time”, it seemed more like you monologued this phrase rather than referred to him.
“I am not going to be rough on you…”, his grin over your face as his legs had trapped your body between his muscular hips on the matress.
“Sorry if I dissapoint the experienced…”, you scoffed playfully than to seem hurt by your own confession.
“It’s my first time too!”, he announced.
“How so?”
“I may look like a dog which cannot control itself but that happens only in front of my master”, he explained before smelling a tuft of your hair.
He licked his upper lip and dove on you.
“Do you forget something?”, you blocked his chin with your palm to change the direction of his face. “I am not doing anything without condom”
Surprisingly obediently, he jumped up and stormed out of the apartment.
One minute, you raised up to extend the ends of your body. Two… and the door opened. He must have run but he didn’t seem to have caught up his breath -the maniac of unlimited stamina.
He held it up to his hand.
“How thoughtful of you that it is my first time and we will do it only once-
He let go of the end of the condom and more unwrapped reaching the floor.
“If you feel pain in the morning, I’ll comply”, he walked slowly but more like storming in, yet again on you.
He leaned on.
He stopped. Your stare fixed on his purple eyes intrigued him more. His tongue hanging and scratching the surface of your neck. Yeah… That sensation of burning up lower down your tummy.
He slid up reaching and biting your ear. His eyes signaled one thing «It’s payback time».
Your breath rushed uncontrollably. His tongue arrived at the entrance of your mouth. You opened it embarrased of what you should do.
They tangled and played together without following the rules of the original french kiss. The kiss deepened and you gasped for air after parting ways with him.
His hand caressed your exposed hips under the school uniform. He went further. You had not let a gap between to move further indeed.
He looked up.
You looked away and opened a little. His hand slid between that small opening and caressed your underwear.
With the other hand, he unbuttoned your shirt. Lowering it under your shoulders, your bra straps followed exposing your nipples.
He licked the invisible line separating them on the center of your body. His hand fondled your breasts while his tongue played with each nipple in turns. He bit each and shivers slid with your sweat down your spine.
“Ryi…”, you whispered to avoid your voice ending up in a moan.
It tickled more and more. The burning feeling kept arousing inside you. You wanted it to stop, yet you wanted him to exploit you more and make you explode.
He lowered your underwear. His frustration because of your clothes still covering parts of your body heated up.
You distanced from the corner of the bed. Kneeling at the center, you took out your clothes and opened your arms to welcome him in a hug.
“It’s embarassing to be the only one naked…”, you nagged as he laid you down and placing your legs on his shoulders, he kissed them from toe.
He noticed and leaving you be for a split of second he got completely naked.
“How long are you erected?”
His blushed face smiled paralyzed in the bliss.
“A lot...♪♪♪”
With no remorse, you touched his abds. Kissing him on the neck, you sucked up the spot. A reddish mark was left before his hot breath tickled your forehead.
You planted more kisses on his muscular upper body.
Should I do that?
You gulped and started moving your hand around his member. Looking carefully at his expressions, you continued to please his hidden spots while eleveting the rhythm.
His cum spilled on your chest.
“Sorry…”, he whispered and rested his head on your shoulder.
You patted his head. Curiosity took over you and you painted your finger with his fluids. Like icecream, you licked it.
“Why did you do that?”, he questioned.
“It’s hot… I feel turned on”, you let your mouth open in satisfaction.
“You are cheating!”
His words confused you.
With one move, he roughly threw you down. He dug one finger inside awaiting your reaction.
“I have masturbated before. I don’t feel something with only one finger”, you said blandly.
He dug two and before your adapting to the change, he leveled up the rhythm to the extreme. In and out, so quick, so soon, you could not tell even if a split of a second passed between them.
He got bored after your expression relaxed again.
Your legs were tangled around his neck. He knelt down. This time his tongue was hitting the corners of your insides.
You blocked your mouth from moaning.
You hated porn. Women were constantly moaning like cows to arouse their partners. The small true moans were covered by lies. Let’s not talk about the acting skills… As result, the expectations about sex were abnormal. Women should moan loudly for their partners.
You wouldn’t. You swore you wouldn’t fake it.
“Ahhh♪♪♪”, Ryi moaned after his tongue was filled with your cum. He raised his head. His pupils drown in orgasm were meeting yours.
He wanted you to cum more for him.
He wanted you to make him moan more.
-To be continued-
Some chats with bllk characters! :3

#2 blue lock x reader chats!

Bllk x reader images #3


With: Rin Itoshi
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Sub! Rin, reader is fem coded, gagging, lots of drool and saliva, unrealistic potrayal of oral fixations, cringey dialogue in beginning, tears, reader spits in his mouth, cumming in pants, biting
A/N: this is gross. also, i have a oral fixation and i know this is not how it works, but whatever this is fanFICTION let me live lol

Rin Itoshi has a bad mouth. Sure, his vocabulary is not too full of curse words, but by god he insults people way too much. Whats crazy about it, is he actually believes what he says, and often times you have to cover his mouth before he accidentally picks a fight with someone. He is cool and collected 90% of the time, and because of his aloof attitude, it drives people insane when they hear his rude, blunt words.
You are working on it with him, or at least trying to. Whenever he is rude to someone, you quickly scramble to apologize and reassure that he meant nothing harmful. By the end of it, he always gives you the strangest stares, wondering why you care enough to explain himself to the other person. But you were kind, and he…had other good qualities about him.
He discovered something new about himself during this time as well. You were sitting on his lap, talking to some guests at the two of yours apartment, when one of the guys teased Rin’s cold personality just a tad. Before your lovely boyfriend could bark back a probably way too passive aggressive reply, you covered his mouth with your hand, accidentally slipping one of your fingers into his mouth.
He stared at you in silence while the others gently laughed, and moved away from the conversation. He teasingly licked at the digit, and your smile widened to hide back a shiver, pretending nothing is amiss to the others. You pulled your hand away a couple seconds later, and he unconsciously followed it, blinking at you when you stared at him in confusion.
And ever since that day, Rin found himself feeling…strange. It didn't affect his day to day life, but he realized that having stuff in his mouth, made him feel strangely calm. After a quick google search, he realized he must have an oral fixation that he has not discovered until now.
He took to lollipops for a week, justifying himself to you by blaming it on his sweetooth (that he doesn't have). Once you teased him about ruining his teeth from all the sugar, and he stopped. He bit his nails for two days, and even if it did help him focus on the task at hand, it made him feel unsanitary and gross. He considered trying smoking, but his career depended on his lungs, so he threw that thought away.
Toothpicks and gum are his savior currently. With either of the two in his mouth, he finds himself less uptight, and it calmed his day to day nerves. It made him feel better all and all, and it didn't hurt him, so he was fine with his fixation.
But, ever since that day where he felt your finger in his mouth, he has been daydreaming about it. Two, or three of your digits would make his mouth completely occupied, and with them, he probably wouldn't be lost in his thoughts. It was just a passing thought in the beginning, thinking that maybe he nonchalantly ask you to put your (clean, he would specify) fingers into his mouth, but recently, the thoughts have gotten more lewd.
What would it be like to have your fingers forcefully roam his mouth while he blinks back tears from the roughness? What would it be like for you to gag him when you reach too far in his throat? Would you laugh at the noise, or would you coo at him? What would it be like for you to spit in his mouth? After that thought, he decided to never talk to you about it. He had a pride to withhold.
But you quickly noticed your boyfriends new found stress reducer. He didn't necessarily hide it, but when you ask about it, he always deflects the conversation and then gets cranky when you don't let it go. You know Rin’s ridiculous behavior by heart now, so you know he is hiding something.
So, on the one day off he has from practice, you decided to confront him on whatever the hell was going on. With gifts.
“What the fuck is this?”
You cringe, and let out a breath. You definitely shouldn't have bought that. “Uh…A pacifier?”
Rin raises his eyebrows, peering into the plastic bag with a frown on his face. “Why did you bring home a bunch of gum, butterscotch, toothpicks, are these cigarettes? Really? And a pacifier.”
You probably should have just stuck with the gum. Even the toothpicks would be pushing it. “Suprise..?” You meekishly let out, afraid of the outcome.
“This is for me?” Rin questions, setting the bag down with a sigh, and turning to you with a blank stare.
“Well one of us has an oral fixation, and its not me,” You say, watching the way your boyfriend immediately flushes red, and looks away.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. “And where did you get that idea?”
You lean in closer to him, grabbing the bag with a huff. “From the weeks of you constantly having something in your mouth. After the fourth time of you pulling away from me, mid makeout session to spit out your gum, I figured something was up. And the internet is free you know.”
He peers at you, and doesn't say anything. You were right of course, but he was too embarrassed to admit it. Nor the idea of where this innocent fidgeting thing led to. “So you bought me cigarettes and a pacifier?” He accuses, tone harsher than before. It was unexpected how angry he got over something like this.
“I'm just trying to help you. What do you want me to do, stick my fingers in your mouth or something? Fuck, you dont got to be an asshole about it,” You quip back, growing annoyed at his behavior. He was being a brat for no reason, and although you did give him stupid gifts, he didn't have to be rude about it.
He glares at you, taking a step forward toward you. “Yeah? Maybe you should. Stick your fingers in my mouth, like the disgusting pervert you are.”
You bark a laugh at him. “Of course you make this sexual! Maybe I should, shows how desperate you are for a little attention,” You hiss, grabbing at his shirt and pulling you closer to you. You forcefully open his mouth and shove two of your fingers in. He gags, glaring up at you from under has lashes from the mere forcefulness.
You press the pads of your fingers to the roof of his mouth, his head tilting upward from the pressure. “Does this fucking help? Maybe I should just do this for….” You trail off, the bite in you dying down when you feel his tongue graze your finger. You begin to pull away, but he grabs onto your wrist, forcing it inside. “You really…Wow, okay,” You mumble, staring at your boyfriends now half lidded eyes.
He glances up at you, cheeks slightly flushed from embarrassment, but he would never admit that to you. Instead, he just mumbles, “Shut up.” which comes out a little garbled, making the complaint just sound cute.
You lead him to the couch, and motion for him to kneel on the carpet below. He glares at you, nipping gently on the tips of your fingers at the idea. “What? Obviously you are enjoying this way too much. So if you want my fingers in your mouth, then you can sit on the floor. You are too tall, I'll grow tired from reaching up,” You reason, fighting back the urge to roll your eyes as he continues to gnaw on your fingers in complaint.
He thinks about it for a second, and finally decides that you are right, so he takes his spot in between your legs, still holding onto your wrist like he is afraid that you are going to pull your fingers away. You pet his head, and finally relax your hand, your fingers falling limp on his tongue.
It doesnt take him long to start gently suckling on them, his tongue gently roaming around the two digits. You watch with amusement as his eyes grow heavy, and the thoughts seem to leave his brain. He looked so content like this, it was fascinating. The usual frown on his face gone, and drool beginning to bead at the corner of his lips.
“Mwove ‘em,” he demands not after long, and you bite back a laugh, knowing that his personality hasnt done a complete shift. But you abide to the command, and drag your fingers over his teeth, pressing them against the wall of his cheek, admiring how cute he looks when his lips are forcefully dragged to the side.
He takes notice to this and bites you again in warning, and this time you do laugh. “So temperamental, Rin. Thought you wanted me to move them around?”
“Dont make fwun of me.”
You hum, and use your hand to brush away his bangs. Then, you continue your exploration in his mouth, accidentally jabbing your fingers too far back, making him gag. You wince, apologizing immediately, but he doesn't say anything, gripping onto your wrists and pulling them deeper into his mouth. “Fuck Rin…This is....Kinda hot,” You murmur, cupping his cheek with one hand and plunging your other fingers deep into his mouth just to watch him gag again.
At your words his blue eyes flicker downward to his pants, and you follow them to see his hard on pressed against the fabric. You let out a breathless laugh, and put your finger to the top of his mouth again, forcing him to look up at you. His eyes are watery from the gagging, but other than that, he looks completely blissful, staring at you with hearts in his eyes. “Aw, this isn't bout your little oral fixation anymore, is it?" You taunt, narrowing your eyes at him. "You just wanna be face fucked, yeah Rin? Want me to abuse your pretty mouth until your throat is all bruised up and you are drooling all over the place?”
He gags again when your fingers travel back deeper in his mouth, but he doesn't say anything. He looks at you again, flushed in the face, and nods once, looking away immediately after. You play with his bottom lip, and grin at him. “God you're so pretty,” You praise, and he gulps, cock twitching in his pants.
Your fingers seem to travel every inch of his mouth, and his tongue follows them around, licking at them, even when you scold him to relax. Then, you begin to move your fingers in and out, and he gags with each thrust, tears dripping down his face as he forces his eyes shut. You listen to the gross sound of his throat being abused, and stare at him, completely fascinated about how hard he is right now. How something as strange as this could turn him on so much.
Suddenly, you grab his tongue and pull it out of his mouth. He winces at the harshness, and stares at you, slightly afraid of what's to come next. He feels vulnerable in this position, which he rarely feels, so he begins to squirm unconsciously. You lean forward, curling yourself over your legs and just above his face, the shadow of your frame darkening his face. “Hey Rin?” You whisper darkly, running your thumb over his tongue teasingly.
“Hmm?” He tries to hum, fists clutching onto your pants. He feels his tongue begin to dry up, and the force of your hold is uncomfortable, but he can't help but be extremely turned on. It was better than he imagined.
“Can I spit in your mouth?”
His eyes widen slightly, and his dick twitches in his pants. He takes a deep breath through his nose, and then tilts his head back, trying to open his mouth wider, but failing considering your hold on his tongue.
You grin at the action and lean forward just above his mouth, letting a glob of saliva fall from your mouth and into his. You release his tongue, and he immediately swallows, shivering at the feeling and the act of this really happening, all the while you coo at him. A couple seconds go by and he opens his mouth again, and you smile, seeing his tongue bare.
He trembles, repeating the scene in his head. Tears drip down his cheek, and drool coats his bottom lip, but he doesnt take notice to it, because all he can think about is how wet he is now.
“Oh Rin, did you soil your pants?” You laugh, and he grinds his teeth together, rushing to cover himself with his hands.
You grab his arms, forcefully pulling them to the side to see the noticeably dark spot directly above his crotch. Sure enough, Rin came from you spitting in his mouth. You feel blood rush to your groin, and you blink at him. “Oh god Rin, you fucking pervert.”
But before he could deny anything, you shove two fingers back into his mouth, and almost instinctually he begins to melt, already forgetting about the warm sticky feeling in his pants.


rin 😩
☆ || featuring. RIN ITOSHI
-> oral (m->f) || mdni

RIN ITOSHI eats you out so so sloppy. A very messy eater and he absolutely adores it this way. Tongue leaving all over your cunt before he makes out with your pussy like he would with your mouth. Only satisfied when your folds glisten with his saliva and your juices. A real pleaser when it comes to eating you out, but only because it gets him off when he’s able to slurp up your juices and cum. Fully enjoying how you pull on his hair or push his head deeper into your cunt when Rin eats you.
The Itoshi is a spitter too. Drool any- and everywhere on your cunt and marked up thighs that he squishes along with your ass every time you squirm in his hold. He just loves spitting on your clit before wrapping his lips around the bundle of nerves. Usings all his fingers to give him better access to your pussy too. Some hold you open and the others work themselves in and out if you while Rin sucks on your clit smothered with drool. He adores making an absolute mess out of you, having you shiver on his mouth.
Filthy words leave his mouth when Rin gets mind numbing pussy drunk. „You like that ? Look how fucking tight you squeeze around my fingers. God, I love fucking you with my mouth. Sloppy cunt sucking my fingers in so greedily“, he says. Getting off on the way your thighs squeeze around his head. He moans just as loud as you do, not getting enough of your taste.
Adores to make you cum on his tongue over and over again. Your boyfriend wants to drink up your cum mixed with his spit at least two times when he goes down on you. And god forbid if you squirt on his face. Rin will go absolutely crazy when you make a big mess on his face, neck and chest. Of course he’s going to clean it up too.
His second favorite must be stuffing your drooling cunt with his cock after, finally being able to get out of his cum sticky boxers he released inside multiple times while eating you out.

mdni, every character is 18+
© RINGASM 2023, please do not translate, modify or republish my works

Turquoise Twinkle: A Day in the World of Soccer and Surprises
Chapter 10 || love unlock
The next day you somehow manga to get the school and into your class, thanks to the address in your notebook.
You took your seat and watched as all the kids played around or talked. It felt like you didn't belong here.. it was true you weren't from here.
But it still hurt. You wanted to go home, to your real home. You sighed and put your head on your desk as a way to stop yourself from crying.
"HI! Y/n chan!" Someone greeted you with a loud and cheerful voice as they took their seat beside you.
You looked up and was surprised to see the person in front of you. "what are you doing here... yumiko?" You asked confused as you saw her tilted her head sideways also confused "what do you mean?" She asked "I'm always with you right." She smiled but something about her smile was off...
Yumiko's cheerful demeanor seemed almost too perfect, her wide smile stretching a bit too far, and her laughter ringing a tad too high-pitched. As she playfully hit your head, you couldn't shake the eerie feeling that something was amiss.
"But didn't I transfer schools...?" you muttered, confusion still clouding your thoughts.
"Silly, I did too!" Yumiko chirped, but her laughter carried an unsettling undertone, leaving you with an unsettling sensation in the pit of your stomach.
You nodded in response to Yumiko's statement but chose to focus your attention on the front of the classroom, as if the blackboard held all the answers to this strange situation. Soon after, a peculiar change began to unfold.
It was as though the presence of Yumiko had cast a magical spell over your desk. Students who had previously treated you as if you were invisible started approaching, one by one. They struck up conversations, shared laughs, and included you in their discussions. It was a stark contrast to the few minutes ago when you felt like a ghost in the classroom.
This sudden shift in social dynamics left you with an unsettling and eerie feeling. It was as if the entire class had been waiting for Yumiko's arrival to acknowledge your existence, and you couldn't help but wonder why.
And so on the whole day at school went by fast and was very weird.

As you walked along the familiar path toward your home, a familiar sight caught your attention. There, on the nearby playground, you spotted Rin and Sae in their school uniforms, energetically playing a game of soccer.
A wry smile crept onto your face as you watched them chase after the ball, their laughter and shouts filling the air. "Why does everyone seem to love soccer so much?" you muttered under your breath, your voice tinged with sarcasm.
The realization dawned on you as you continued to observe the scene. "Oh right, I isekaied into a soccer otome game or manga thingy," you mused aloud, the irony not lost on you. It seemed that, in this world, soccer was a central theme, and you couldn't help but find it amusing, even if it wasn't exactly your cup of tea.
You decided to join Rin and Sae in their soccer game, thinking it might be a fun way to unwind and spend time with them. You approached the makeshift field with a playful grin, ready to kick the ball around and enjoy their company.
However, as fate would have it, the universe had different plans. Just as you were about to join in, Sae took a powerful shot at the ball, and it went flying straight toward your face. The impact was unexpected and caught you off guard, sending you tumbling to the ground.
In the blink of an eye, both Itoshi brothers sprinted toward you, concern etched on their faces. They knelt down beside you, worry in their eyes, and asked in unison, "Are you okay, Y/n?"
You groaned a little, holding your mouth where it hurts the most. You noticed the metallic taste in your mouth, you looked at your hand and noticed the blood and something else.
"Oh" the three of you noticed that one of your baby tooth had fallen into your hand.
Maybe it was you or your 9 year body but seeing the blood and the broken tooth made the Tears streamed down your face uncontrollably, a mix of pain, shock, and the sight of your own baby tooth. To your nine-year-old body, it felt like a significant loss, even though you knew it was just a part of growing up.
Rin, in his usual panic, hovered around, unsure of how to help. However, Sae stepped in with a calm and reassuring presence. He led you to a nearby water fountain and gently encouraged you to rinse your mouth, washing away the blood and calming your racing heart.
As you rinsed your mouth, Sae patted your back comfortingly and assured you, "It's okay, Y/n. It's just a tooth. This happens to everyone when they're growing up." He spoke from experience, having been through similar situations with Rin.
Gradually, the tears subsided, and your breathing returned to normal. You looked at Sae with gratitude.
"Thanks" You said while he wiped your tears away.
Rin came up to you still worried and asked "are you okay? Does it hurt?"
You gave Rin a reassuring smile and nodded. "I'm okay now. It doesn't hurt much anymore,"
Sae, although still concerned about your well-being, couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. "Well, I guess that's one way to lose a tooth," he remarked, finding the silver lining in the unexpected event.
You, on the other hand, managed to smile through the pain and slight embarrassment. "Guess so," you replied, holding the tooth carefully in your hand. "I hope the tooth fairy still visits for soccer-related incidents."
Rin and Sae shared a laugh with you at the mention of the tooth fairy. It was moments like these that made you feel even closer to them. Despite the little mishap, their presence and humor lightened the situation.

This was basically your every day things now. first spending time with yumiko in school and after school spending time with rin and sae and after do some tasks the system gave you.
Homework or study was never a problem since your mind was 17 years old and those problems were 4th grade level.
Hack you would even help sae sometime. Keyword sometime since that would either make the adults suspicious of you or would think your a genuine.. which you unfortunately were not.
That aside right now you were studying with rin and sae.. or at least was they were. You got bored.
Rin seems to have gotten stuck a question it seems, so you took a peek.
'6 × 90' was the problem it was easy for me but for him.. not so sure.
"It would be 540" I answered, Rin's eyes widened in surprise as you quickly provided the answer to the math problem. He couldn't help but smile back at you. "You're really smart, Y/n," he said, genuinely impressed by your quick thinking.
Sae, who had been focused on his own work, glanced over and chuckled. "Looks like you have your own personal tutor here, Rin."
You blushed a bit at the compliment but were happy to help. "I can even solve your one too sae!" I exclaimed, getting over excited.
"I don't think so" sae said "5th grade questions are hard unlike the 4th and 3rd grade" he smirked
Sae's playful challenge only fueled your determination. You leaned in a bit closer, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Oh, Sae, you underestimate my math prowess," you teased.
Rin watched with amusement as the two of you engaged in this friendly banter.
You sat super close to sae to see the work. You noticed him blushing and looking away but played no mind.
+ 5'
As you swiftly calculated the answer to Sae's math problem, you couldn't help but savor the moment. You revealed your solution with a triumphant smile. "The answer is 43,190."
Sae's eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting you to solve it so quickly. "Wait, really?" he asked, double-checking your work. After a brief examination, he admit with a pout, "Wow, you're good."
Rin cheered you on, his face lighting up with pride. "Y/n onee-chan, you're amazing!"
You chuckled at their reactions, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "See, Sae, don't underestimate the power of a common man- I mean 4th grader!"
Sae couldn't help but pout as he admitted defeat. "Fine, fine, you got me this time, Y/n. But don't think you can beat me every time"
Rin joined in the playful banter, grinning from ear to ear. "Y/n onee-chan, you're pretty awesome!"
You laughed, enjoying the light-hearted atmosphere. "Well, I do my best! Now, what's next on the study agenda, gentlemen?"
With renewed energy and a sense of camaraderie, the three of you continued your study session, turning it into a delightful game of wits and laughter.

This time you were invited to rin ans Sae's soccer game. Going to their school was exciting since their school was far more bigger than yours.
The was game was good, itoshi bros won of course. But what catch your attention was a little boy crying from the losers team.
"Ah hentai protagonist hair is crying so hard" you muttered to yourself.
ᴺᵉʷ ᵗᵃˢᵏ
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Reading the message you sighed. You shouldn't have looked his way.. clicking on accepted, you went towards him while thinking of a way to make him happy.
"Hey there," you began, trying to sound as friendly as possible. "Tough game, huh?"
The boy turned to you, his teary eyes widening in surprise as you approached. "Yeah," he mumbled, sniffling slightly.
"It's okay we have ups and downs in our life all the time" you tried to comfort him as You gently reached out and lifted his chin, using your thumb to wipe away a few of his lingering tears. As you did, you couldn't help but notice something remarkable—his eyes. They were a stunning shade of Turquoise reminding you of ocean.
"Wow," you couldn't help but whisper in awe. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."
The boy blinked, taken aback by your unexpected compliment. His cheeks reddened slightly, and he gave a small, hesitant smile. "You think so?"
You nodded earnestly. "Absolutely. Your eyes are like gems. You should be proud of them."
He seemed to brighten up a bit, his confidence growing. "Thanks," he replied, his voice a bit steadier. "I guess I do have pretty cool eyes."
"That's the spirit," you encouraged, giving him a warm smile. "Remember, even when things get tough, you've got something special that makes you stand out."
You couldn't shake the feeling of piercing stares burning into the back of your head as you conversed with the boy. Unbeknownst to you, the Itoshi brothers watched intently, their eyes fixed on you like hawks on prey. The intensity of their gazes was palpable, sending a shiver down your spine.
"I can feel the stares of the Itoshis," you gulped inwardly, but you dared not look behind to confirm your suspicion. Instead, you focused on the task at hand, trying to help the crying boy feel better.
As the conversation continued, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a small, brightly wrapped candy. With a friendly smile, you offered it to him. "Here, take it!"
The boy's eyes lit up with surprise and delight as he accepted the candy. "Thank you!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.
With that, you left the boy, not knowing the how much of a big impact you did on thus little boy named 'ikki niko.'
"What were you doing with that boy from the another team??" Sae's voice carried a tinge of jealousy as he questioned your interaction with the boy from the opposing team. His protective instincts flared, and he couldn't help but feel a bit possessive.
Rin, on the other hand, unleashed a fierce, silent glare in the direction of the little boy, his expression an unspoken warning to anyone who dared to approach you. His protective nature matched Sae's intensity, making it clear that they both held a special place for you in their hearts.
"Well, I was just trying to help," you replied, trying to explain yourself to the Itoshi brothers. The way they were reacting almost made it seem like you had committed a crime by comforting a crying kid.
Sae crossed his arms, still wearing a somewhat annoyed expression. "Helping the enemy, huh?"
Rin, not one to mince words, chimed in, "Y/n onee-chan, you're too kind. But remember, we're the good guys here!"
You couldn't help but chuckle at their possessiveness and sense of rivalry, even in such a trivial situation. "Don't worry, guys. I'm on Team Itoshis all the way."
Sae and Rin exchanged a satisfied glance, their jealousy momentarily appeased by your declaration. It seemed that, even in the midst of an ordinary soccer game, your presence had a way of stirring up emotions in the Itoshi brothers.
As both of the brothers pulled you toward their school, you couldn't help but think, 'I have to be careful with those two. They're starting to look like potential yandere characters...'
You chuckled softly to yourself, finding the situation both amusing and slightly unnerving.

Istg this is becoming more of a rin x reader x sae- 💀 can't help it they are my favorites 😭 don't worry I will try to quickly get on with the blue lock timeline 🐧

I was bored and ended up messing around in ibis paint lol
Redraw of that one rin art i did last year

For reference, here's the old one:

I think the new chapter got me back to falling head over heels for rin
Imagine isagi, bachira, nagi, chigiri and reo train together outside of blue lock. And that by some miracle they managed to bring rin with them. (#pls save him).
Stuffed that at one point isagi made a bad move and the ball hit the head of Rin who was from behind drinking. Isagi started freaking out and apologizing almost bending over backwards seeing rin turn his head slowly towards him with a look that said a lot for his life ; The others behinds were trying to hold back laughter, Nagi was still focused on his phone. (This kid had already dropped out of practice before they even started. 💀)
I'll let you guess what happened to isagi..he was such a nice boy 🙁.
Look at them<33

@oo-mi-ru-oo !! <3