ketchfantrolls - . ketch's alternia .
. ketch's alternia .

ketch - 18+ - @windy-trickster ilyyyyyother art blog is @ketch-sideblog

630 posts

Nice Style, Jixmex!

Nice style, Jixmex!

Anyways, what would be the last book you've added to your extensive book collection? And for what reason? :O

"aww, thanks!"

>The Burgundy thinks, tapping their chin in thought.

"hmm.. i think it's gotta be The Last Blood, the seventh book in the Foghatched series! it was released a ppretty short time ago, but i managed to ppreorder it supper early."

  • windy-trickster
    windy-trickster liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Ketchfantrolls

1 year ago

[NALLEA] ===> Introduce Yourself! :)

[NALLEA] ===> Introduce Yourself! :)

"sure, I guess."

>A bronze blooded girl looks over with a confused but mildly interested look. She has several black bracelets adorning her right arm and bandages wrapped loosely around her left. Her thick hair is barely contained by fuchsia-colored hair ties.

"my name's naLLea paqres. I like... hanging out with my dorky ass matesprit. and exercising with my friend, I guess. I don't have many friends, but if you mess with the ones I do have, you'LL live to regret it, if you live at aLL. you can usuaLLy find me wherever sejcei is."

>She rubs her upper arm while clearing her throat awkwardly.

"I'm not super interesting and I'm not good at talking about myself for very long. sorry."

Nallea is now open for asks!

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2 years ago

Well,,,, Back to the topic of male Fuchsias in general. Do you know any other male Fuchsias that exist on Alternia? Surely you've met a couple in your life!

Well,,,, Back To The Topic Of Male Fuchsias In General. Do You Know Any Other Male Fuchsias That Exist

"...I know a few."

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2 years ago

What's your Lusus like Jixmex?

What's Your Lusus Like Jixmex?


What's Your Lusus Like Jixmex?

"she's just the sweetest lusus ever! she's fluffy too, supper fluffy feathers! i believe she's what humans call a "silkie chicken", for anyone wondering,,"

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2 years ago
"JJixmex Darling! YoU ShoUld've Told Me YoU'd Be Arriving~ I WoUld've Happily Welcomed YoU With Open

"JJixmex darling! YoU shoUld've told me yoU'd be arriving~ I woUld've happily welcomed yoU with open arms~ How is my little chickpea, hm~?"

"JJixmex Darling! YoU ShoUld've Told Me YoU'd Be Arriving~ I WoUld've Happily Welcomed YoU With Open

"oh, hi jelame! :) i'm doing really good! very nervous, and anXious, but eXcited! and good! :D <3"

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2 years ago

Prissssssym!!!! Hi hi <3333 I've heard that it's quite rare for a male Fuchsia blood to exist. Do you find that weird as well, or do you feel it's more common to see a male Fuchsia blood than others think it is?


Prissssssym!!!! Hi Hi

Let's just... Give him some time to wake up.



Prissssssym!!!! Hi Hi

"Ugh. I don't know. Maybe? I guess? I see the perceived lack of males as quite arbitrary compared to the lack of my entire caste as a whole. But honestly, in my experience at least, there have been a pretty even amount of both primary sexes in the Fuchsia caste. The women just tend to dominate more in royalty-standards. Which is fine. I guess."

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