Jixmex Jippin - Tumblr Posts
[JIXMEX] ===> Introduce Yourself! :)
![[JIXMEX] ===> Introduce Yourself! :)](https://64.media.tumblr.com/664d2c87fafc13ec9905c913aac69fda/1fe5f91f8f84e371-ea/s500x750/4efcf1639abd969aefd7ae9f320380fbca6153a7.png)
“i would love to!” > A short burgundy blooded troll sits cross-legged with an awkward but friendly smile. They rub their neck before continuing. “hello! my name’s jiXmeX jippppin and i’m happppy to be here! i love art and writing, but only in sppecific mediums. i also love fantasy stuff!” > They tap away at their palmhusk; the case is absolutely covered in stickers. They show you the screen, pointing at it insistently. “this is my book collection! it takes up the whole shelf, ppretty cool, huh? anyway! i’m also into sppiritual things, but mostly for the mythology and beliefs about nature and stuff.” > The troll fidgets with their sleeves, laughing nervously. “well, i guess that’s all! i’m not the most interesting troll, but i hope i can meet some of you!”
Jixmex is now open for asks!

"JJixmex darling! YoU shoUld've told me yoU'd be arriving~ I woUld've happily welcomed yoU with open arms~ How is my little chickpea, hm~?"

"oh, hi jelame! :) i'm doing really good! very nervous, and anXious, but eXcited! and good! :D <3"
"JJixmexxxxxxxx~!" -> A certain Cerulean plops down beside the Burgundy blood, lazily tossing an arm around their shoulders "Entertain me, chickpea. Tell me all aboUt yoUr little book collection. I mean- I know most of them, bUt I like hearing yoU talk."
"o-oh wow, i'd love to!" > Jixmex beams. Their leg instantly starts vibrating with excitement. "so basically ALL of these books are in the same universe, and they reference each other sometimes and share lore, like how the gods were first created out of the literal corppse of the first god and-" > They continue rambling and ranting on and on, barely pausing to breathe. Yeah... There was no stopping them at this point.
Woah neat stickers on your case! Do any of them mean anything in particula?
or is it just some you thought looked super cool for decoration?
"the first opption! well, and kind of the second one too,, i have stickers that refer to my quadrantmates and friends, and others that i just thought looked really cool!"
Nice style, Jixmex!
Anyways, what would be the last book you've added to your extensive book collection? And for what reason? :O
"aww, thanks!"
>The Burgundy thinks, tapping their chin in thought.
"hmm.. i think it's gotta be The Last Blood, the seventh book in the Foghatched series! it was released a ppretty short time ago, but i managed to ppreorder it supper early."
Jixmex, what's your favorite mythological creature? and why!
"oh gosh, that's a hard question! it's really tough to choose.. but if i really HAD to, then i'd pprobably choose,,,,, any dragons, from any mythology! they're all ppretty cool!"
Follow up- what's your favorite myth in general? Is it from the same mythos as the creature?
"oh oh oh! i love the myth of medea,, i also love orppheus and eurydice, who doesn't?? and well, there are things like dragons in this mythos so i guess it counts!"
Jixmex! Where'd you get that outfit? it's so cute!

"thank you so much! i got it from a friend awhile ago, she loves making clothes and stuff! i think she even owns a tailor shop boutique thingy somewhere, which is ppretty cool!"
Thoughts on Video games? Favorite video game?

"i LOVE video games! especially human ones, i think it might just be that eXcited feeling you get when you try something new, but they just feel different to me!"

"my favorite video game.. definitely hades! or hollow knight.. or risk of rain 2, or, or... gosh, there are just so many opptions!"
hi jixmex! do you have a favourite book?

"anything from the Foghatched series! that or Cloudshine Chronicles, any of those books!"
Jixmex, Even if you love all the books in your collection, if you had to pick at least one book to be your favorite which one would it be? And why?
A lot of people have a favorite book for varying reasons, and I'm curious :O

"i have a lot of favorite books, it's hard to choose just one! but since so many of you are asking, i'll pick one..."

"book 1 of Cloudshine Chronicles is a classic! it's a bit of a difficult reread, but some of the moments are just,,,pperfect, and they make it all worth it!!"
Your hair looks so fluffy, Jixmex! Do you use any special thingies to style it??

"you all are too sweet!"

"i don't use anything sppecial most of the time, just the normal stuff, but sometimes i use gel if my hair isn't coopperating."
What's your Lusus like Jixmex?


"she's just the sweetest lusus ever! she's fluffy too, supper fluffy feathers! i believe she's what humans call a "silkie chicken", for anyone wondering,,"
Jixmex, do you think you've picked up any certain habits or traits from your Lusus? :O

"maybe a coupple,,,, i'll admit that i'm not the most confident of trolls, but just like my lusus, if you try to hurt the ppeopple i care for,,,,"

"you'd be in a world of hurt!!! well, the most hurt i could do by myself, which is more than ppeopple realize but that's okay with me!"
"Oh look at my little chickpea! Getting so mUch attention from strangers. ShoUld I be jjealous~?" -> The Cerulean blood chuckles and wraps his arms around the tiny Burgundy blood from behind.

"noo, don't be jealous! all that attention was making me nervous, honestly,,,"

i think they might get along but let's see!!! >:)
0)-> Sherco Judgements <-(0

Come see what this funny motorcycle guy thinks about you!! <3
Hey uh. Jixmex? Do you know where Jelame is?

JIXMEX: umm.. i'm not sure. it's making me a bit anXious.. whenever he disappppears like this, bad things always happppen...