ketchfantrolls - . ketch's alternia .
. ketch's alternia .

ketch - 18+ - @windy-trickster ilyyyyyother art blog is @ketch-sideblog

630 posts

Do You Know Any Other Male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We Already Know About Henzel, But Is There Anyone Else

Do you know any other male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We already know about Henzel, but is there anyone else you can think of?

Do You Know Any Other Male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We Already Know About Henzel, But Is There Anyone Else

"I can think of quite a few, actually. Us Fuchsias tend to at least be aware of most others sharing our blood. I'm sure I'll forget a couple, though. Let's see... 0)-"

Do You Know Any Other Male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We Already Know About Henzel, But Is There Anyone Else

"There's Minjae and Kikade, two of the most timid Fuchsias I have ever laid my eyes on. They're sweet, but don't value themselves very highly, so they tend to be treated lesser than they should. 0)-"

Do You Know Any Other Male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We Already Know About Henzel, But Is There Anyone Else

"There's also Regaci Lidael. He's an asshole. And Xevlee. Also an asshole. Lyrvim. Asshole. Sejcei. A slightly-lesser-but-still-very-much-so asshole. Celden.... Uptight, but tolerable. I suppose I'd be a hypocrite for calling him an asshole over that. 0)-"

Do You Know Any Other Male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We Already Know About Henzel, But Is There Anyone Else

"Then there's Miarxe! I quite like him. He has his thorns, but I feel determined to get through that. I'm sure he's softer than he seems. I... 0)-"

Do You Know Any Other Male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We Already Know About Henzel, But Is There Anyone Else

"...I haven't seen him in a long time. I hope he's doing alright, after everything that happened. 0)-"

More Posts from Ketchfantrolls

1 year ago

☁️ 200 Followers Raffle!!! ☁️

Well shit. Didn't expect to wake up and make this post! But I've finally reached 200 followers on this cursed website and I'm quite proud of myself really. Where the hell did all of you come from?? And why are you still here??? /j I'm tired so this won't be as sappy as a lot of these posts I make will go. But I'm absolutely CRYING on the inside that I have 200 followers. Like fr fr!!!! So I'm gonna open up a little raffle!!! But this isn't a design raffle or anything, I don't know if I have the energy for that. Buuuuut!!! This is a drawing raffle :D!!! So I'll be doodling the blorbos of whoever the three winners are!!! First place: Fullbody doodle of a blorbo of your choice Second place: Halfbody doodle of a blorbo of your choice Third place: Headshot/Icon doodle of a blorbo of your choice Ik my artstyle... Prolly isn't the best, but I do hope the winners will like whatever I make of their blorbos!!! Also just a couple little personal rules: - If you DO for whatever reason want to like- Show off what I made on other platforms that ISN'T Tumblr/Toyhouse, please do NOT link me back. Simply state the art was made by someone named "James". - I will provide you my Toyhouse within either Tumblr DMs or Discord DMs [Depending on where I talk to you] - This one should be obvious but like... DON'T claim the art is yours please and thank you. I put time and effort into what I make. - ALSO! New followers are allowed to join. But if you just... Kinda leave after the raffle expect me to block you :/ Raffle ends on August 18th! If you wanna join, just reblog this post stating you're joining!!!

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1 year ago

[METIER] ===> Introduce Yourself! :)

[METIER] ===> Introduce Yourself! :)

"// I wou/d /ove to."

>A tall seadweller stands in front of you with a smile on his face.

"// My name is Metier Ho//ow. I can't te// you much about myse/f, everyone has to keep their own secrets, right? I've recent/y joined a theatre house and I'm having an amazing time. I enjoy cooking, sewing, and performing, obvious/y. I used to work in a more... Business-re/ated field, but that's behind me now."

>He adjusts his gloves and fixes his hair.

"// Now, I suppose you can on/y /earn more about me through your questions... /et's have some fun here, sha// we?~"

Metier is now open for asks!

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1 year ago

Nallea. U r a q tee :>

Nallea.U R A Q Tee :>

"aww... took me a second of reading that out loud, but thanks."

Nallea.U R A Q Tee :>

"wait. did sej put you up to this. that sounds like something he'd say."

Nallea.U R A Q Tee :>

"I mean that in the best way possible, obviously."

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1 year ago

Reblog this post to cast Crumb of Serotonin on whoever you reblogged it from

1 year ago
ketchfantrolls - . ketch's alternia .

MELLIAAA heyy girlypop, how've you been? how's serpent? :D

MELLIAAA Heyy Girlypop, How've You Been? How's Serpent? :D

")00( "GirLypop"? "

MELLIAAA Heyy Girlypop, How've You Been? How's Serpent? :D

")00( WeLL that's sureLy a different kinda nickname! Pretty cute soundin' too, don'tcha think? I've been aLright, sweetpusher. Just been doin' my own thing n' aLL. Serpent's been fine too. He's aLL coped up in his hive Like usuaL. Nothin' makes that boy move I teLL ya."

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