Do you know any other male Fuchsiabloods, Prisym? We already know about Henzel, but is there anyone else you can think of?

"I can think of quite a few, actually. Us Fuchsias tend to at least be aware of most others sharing our blood. I'm sure I'll forget a couple, though. Let's see... 0)-"

"There's Minjae and Kikade, two of the most timid Fuchsias I have ever laid my eyes on. They're sweet, but don't value themselves very highly, so they tend to be treated lesser than they should. 0)-"

"There's also Regaci Lidael. He's an asshole. And Xevlee. Also an asshole. Lyrvim. Asshole. Sejcei. A slightly-lesser-but-still-very-much-so asshole. Celden.... Uptight, but tolerable. I suppose I'd be a hypocrite for calling him an asshole over that. 0)-"

"Then there's Miarxe! I quite like him. He has his thorns, but I feel determined to get through that. I'm sure he's softer than he seems. I... 0)-"

"...I haven't seen him in a long time. I hope he's doing alright, after everything that happened. 0)-"