1951 posts
I Love Your Memes So Much (I Think My Favorites So Far Are The Socially Acceptable Behavior And The Death
I love your memes so much (I think my favorites so far are the socially acceptable behavior and the death jokes)! With the Scourge finally meeting Super post, it’s almost like you read my mind because I was going to ask what you thought their first meeting would be like lol. If you’re willing to take a request, do you think you could write about Scourge trying to teach Super about pop media or something while Sonic walks in like “wtf is going on here.” Have a great day!
Thank you! I'm glad you like my memes! Ngl the death jokes one is one of my favourites haha. Man I need to talk more about Scourge and Super honestly fhssfhsfh I didn't plan that post about their meeting I just thought "who's the prep" and next thing I knew I was halfway through typing. Many ideas are ones that come to me in the middle of the night that I post before I think about them too much lol
I went with a movie marathon bc I figured trying to kill Sonic's friends, destroy the world, and then having amnesia and trying to not become evil again didn't give Super much time to think about watching movies and also bc I don't know anything about pop culture bc I live under a rock lol. Hope you have a great day too!
"So," Scourge said, flicking off the movie and returning to the home screen, "I guess horror isn't your thing, either?"
Super smiled weakly at him, cushion still clutched close to his chest. "Sorry. Just... bad memories."
"Yeah, yeah," Scourge said, waving away the words, determined to not think about them too hard.
He'd been kicked out of the house for the day because Sonic apparently had some important shit to do that he absolutely could not risk Scourge messing up. What, exactly, that important shit was, Scourge had no idea. Sonic always had important shit going on, and it could range from a new mission to preparing a surprise (or prank) for one of his friends. It was rarely something Scourge needed to be kicked out for, though, so when Sonic shooed him out of the house a few hours ago, Scourge had listened with only minimal bitching. He'd probably find out what Sonic was doing later, anyway.
He would have spent his time bothering one of the Freedom Fighters, or some of his friends outside the Freedom Fighters (and wasn't that a novel concept, Scourge actually had friends now) but most of them were busy and the rest lived out of the way. Scourge had been in the middle of debating if the trip to the Floating Island was worth bothering Knuckles and Porker when he'd gotten a text from Ebony asking if he would mind keeping Super company for the day. Apparently she and Pyjamas also had some shit to do, and for some reason Super couldn't come, but he hated being alone and thus required a babysitter. Not that Ebony had phrased it like that, but that was the way Scourge saw it.
Honestly, he'd been tempted to say no. He wasn't friends with Super, and bothering Knuckles sounded way more entertaining. But Ebony had promised to pay him (further solidifying Scourge's opinion that this was a babysitting job) and who was he to turn down cash?
Thus, movie marathon with Super in the back room of the Groovy Train, because apparently he lived under a rock and didn't know anything about movies. Poor fucker.
He'd tried a mystery first, but he'd quickly gotten bored, and Super had only been mildly more invested in it than him, so he hadn't felt guilty about turning it off. Western was next, but Super had been into that even less, so Scourge had taken the opportunity to try his personal favourite genre: horror.
It was an enormous flop. Psychological stuff freaked Super out, and not the way it was supposed to, and the second they'd switched to a movie with gore, he'd gone almost as green as Scourge at the first sight of blood.
It was pathetic, really. Hard to believe this was the same guy who'd constantly only lost to Sonic by the skin of his teeth and nearly committed murder multiple times.
Really, this wasn't on the list of things Scourge wanted to do with his time. He didn't have anywhere near the kind of issues with Super as Sonic did. He mainly just found him annoying. Terrified of his own power, pretty non-confrontational, quiet and polite and nice. A pacifist through and through. Potentially-universe-destroying powers aside, the most entertaining thing about Super was how riled up Sonic got about him. All in all, not someone Scourge would have ever imagined willingly spending time with.
Prime Sonic would probably like him.
Maybe that's why he grated on Scourge's nerves sometimes.
"Thriller, then," Scourge said, shifting away from the horror genre and flicking through the collection of thrillers. "Thrillers are okay if you pick the right ones. You ever seen a thriller?"
Super squirmed a little. The green tint to his face was finally fading. "Sort of. I know I... I mean, I know Sonic likes thrillers, so I have some memories, I guess. So thrillers might work."
Despite his words, Super didn't look enthusiastic at all, frowning down at the carpet with a frustrated pinch to his brows.
Ah. Scourge bit back a curse. And there was the reason Super didn't irritate him as much as he should have. Why he spent more time feeling sorry for him than he spent annoyed at him.
Desperately trying to be your own person, away from Sonic, was so, so fucking difficult when part of your identity would always be permanently tied to the bastard. Like a weight dragging you down, the way it tied you to a set role and refused to let you grow beyond that role, the name branded on the back of your head no matter how much you tried to get rid of it, a voice whispering in your ear that you're still Sonic, will always be Sonic, and you can change your name and your fur color and your actions but that won't change the fact the multiverse has labelled you as yet another Sonic, and all the speed in the world won't let you escape from it completely...
Hard to be constantly mad at someone who understood just how stifling the Sonic name could be, even if they'd gone in completely opposite directions when dealing with it.
"I didn't ask if Sonic had seen one," Scourge said, nudging Super with his arm. "I asked if you've seen one."
Super blinked at him, finally lifting his head from the cushion. Scourge did his best to keep his face and eyes blank; no need to turn this into a big deal.
Sonic - his Sonic, the one from this dimension - had done more for Scourge than he'd ever know by refusing to see him as just another Sonic. A lookalike, yes, but never another Sonic. He wouldn't have accepted that even if Scourge wanted to be a Sonic. The title was already taken, no possibility of sharing. One Sonic the Hedgehog, one Hero of Mobius, and only one. Scourge had no choice but to be someone else if he wanted to stay in this dimension, because Sonic sure as hell wasn't making room for one more.
It was ridiculously fucking refreshing, to have someone unknowingly reject his relation to the Sonic name just as viciously as he'd rejected it in the first place.
Scourge wasn't one for passing on good karma or some stupid shit like that. Being nice to random strangers just because someone else was nice to him didn't come naturally to him. Returning a favor to someone who'd extended one in the first place, sure, that made sense. A debt repaid. Easy to understand. But passing it on to someone else? Scourge still couldn't wrap his head around it, despite the Freedom Fighters best efforts to change that. Maybe that would change in time, or maybe Scourge was stuck like this, selfishness ingrained into his very nature, his home dimension latching onto his core and leaving him destined to be an asshole for the rest of his life, only giving him room to become slightly less of an asshole like he'd managed so far.
But not even he could deny Super a hand extended in understanding. The offer of I see you, not Sonic, I see your rejection and I reject it with you.
How could he, when he himself had spent so long denying how desperately he needed it?
It wasn't a favor for a favor, or a debt repaid. But it was a mutual understanding that was almost impossible to find with anyone else. Which was apparently enough for Scourge to... not like him, but tolerate him, if nothing else.
Which was a huge fucking compliment back in his dimension, so anyone who said he was being unfair could shut the fuck up.
"No," Super said at last. He smiled at Scourge again, and this one was a little stronger. "No, I don't think I have."
"Cool." Scourge considered the screen, then flicked away from the thriller genre. Carefully avoided Super's eyes so he wouldn't have to see any... ugh, gratitude. "And you can start later. I watched a thriller last night, I'm not in the mood for one right now. Pick something else. Anything else." He reconsidered. "Actually, anything except a romcom. I'm not watching a shitty romcom with you."
(And thank fuck Super wasn't close to him or any of his friends, because if he was he could've pointed out that Scourge watched romcoms with Sonic, and completely ignore him when he said that was only because they enjoyed shitting on them together.)
Super examined the menu with a thoughtful look on his face. After a few seconds, he perked up.
"What about action?"
Action. He could do that.
Scourge obediently started to flick through the selection of action movies, eyes darting between the descriptions and Super's face in his search for something they might both enjoy. Eventually, he picked one at random and settled down, arm curled around a bowl of popcorn.
His phone buzzed just as the movie was starting, and with a weary sigh he pulled it out of his jacket, angling the screen away from Super when he saw it was Sonic texting him.
Sonic: Where are you btw
Scourge: groovy train
Scourge: stop pullin that face im getting paid for this
Sonic: I'm not pulling a face
Scourge: ye u are i kno u
"Thank you, by the way."
Scourge lifted his eyes from his phone. Super wasn't looking at him, eyes glued to the screen; apparently he was just as shit with eye contact when dealing with emotions as the rest of them.
"For what?"
"For giving up your time to stay with me for the day. I know I'm... not the Sonic you'd rather spend time with."
Scourge should probably say something comforting in response to that, shouldn't he? But, well. He wasn't wrong.
"'S whatever," Scourge said, leaning back against the couch. "I've been kicked out of the house for the day anyway. Might as well earn some cash while I'm at it."
Super nodded, still refusing to look at Scourge as he lifted a handful of popcorn to his mouth.
"Say," Scourge started, eyes only half focused on the movie. The subtitles were on, so he didn't need to fully pay attention anyway. "Why didn't your moms bring you with them, anyway? Since you hate being alone so much."
"They're not my mums!" Super protested, face flushing a deep red.
"Yeah they are. The only thing stopping them filling out adoption papers is the fact you're legally still a wanted criminal." He nudged Super with his foot. "C'mon, don't dodge the question. I know you'd rather be with them than with me."
Super sighed, eyes drifting away from the movie for a brief moment. "They're... going somewhere with a lot of chaos energy. For Pyjamas. So I can't go. Ebony offered to stay behind with me, but she already does so much for me, I didn't want to make her miss out. I said I'd be fine on my own, but..."
But Super has anxiety, Ebony's text that morning had read, and I'd feel better if there was someone there to keep him company, just in case he has a flashback or panic attack.
Damn. Imagine having parents that cared about that kind of shit. Lucky bastard.
"Lucky you got me, then," Scourge said. "All the other Freedom Fighters are boring as shit. And have shit taste in movies. If we're going to catch you up movies, you can't be exposed to shit ones, or you'll end up with shit taste-"
"Then you should've been the last person called," a dry, snarky voice interrupted.
Scourge whirled around to find Sonic leaning against the doorway, arms folded, signature smirk in place. His eyes were firmly fixed on Scourge, but anyone who knew him could see the tension in his arms and shoulders.
Beside him, Super had gone very, very still.
Sonic and Super kept... a respectful distance from one another. Very respectful, and very, very far away. Sonic wasn't at Super's throat anymore, nor was he planning to drag him by the ear and throw him into a jail cell, and Super didn't have a problem with Sonic when he wasn't hopped up on chaos energy, but the friction between them never really went away. They weren't banned from seeing one another, but not doing so was usually a deliberate choice on both of their parts.
Scourge was going to choose to interpret this as Sonic missing him so much he was willing to exist in Super's presence, mainly because he could not be bothered to try and figure out the actual reason he was here. Sonic would tell him later if it was important.
"Oh, like your taste is any better?" Scourge said, puffing up his chest in faux indignation. He was not going to let any potential awkwardness ruin this for him. He wasn't getting paid enough to deal with that.
"Better than yours," Sonic shot back instantly. He looked like he wanted to approach, but he didn't actually budge from the doorway. "You know, when I told you to find something to do to keep you out of the house, I didn't mean corrupt Super with your shit taste in films. The fuck are you even watching? Some shitty action film put together with cardboard and a piece of string?"
"Excuse you, this is high quality cinema," Scourge gasped, pressing a hand to his chest in offense. "I wouldn't force Super to watch garbage, how dare you, just because we're not watching one of your shitty thrillers-"
Sonic darted over in an instant, snatching the bowl of popcorn and tipping it up on Scourge's head. Apparently being in close proximity to the guy who tried to murder his friends was a price Sonic was willing to pay if it meant he got to bully Scourge.
"We're breaking up," Scourge announced, flicking some popcorn at Sonic in retaliation. "You don't love me and you're only here for my leather jacket."
"Pretty much," Sonic agreed, flicking the popcorn back at him. Scourge caught it in his mouth.
Beside him, Super was chuckling quietly, nervously, like he was afraid of being heard but too amused at their bickering to hold it in. He kept his own bowl, previously balanced on the arm of the couch, clutched close to his chest like he'd done with the cushion earlier, but he wasn't eyeing Sonic warily, nor did he look like he was about to bolt. Scourge pointedly didn't draw attention to it.
"You owe me more popcorn," Scourge said, digging around the couch for stray pieces of popcorn to eat. No way was he wasting perfectly good popcorn. "And we're watching a horror movie next week."
"We were already going to watch a horror movie next week. It's your turn to pick, and you always pick a horror movie."
"Oh, like you don't always pick thrillers?"
"Shut the fuck up. Where's the popcorn?"
"Left the bag on the counter in the kitchen," Scourge said, grinning. He waved Sonic away. "Come on, waiter, I'll give you a popcorn tip if you're fast."
Sonic stuck two fingers up at him as he headed for the kitchen, popcorn bowl in tow. He playfully gave Scourge's ear a little pull as he passed, but was careful to make sure it didn't hurt. He didn't look at Super. Huge upgrade from when this started, when he couldn't go two seconds without glaring at the guy.
Scourge settled back down on the couch as he listened to Sonic swear and struggle to work the microwave, a cry of "Then why the fuck is there a popcorn setting?" ringing through the open door as he read the instructions on the bag. Super was more relaxed than he had been when Sonic first walked in, and there was a faint smile tugging at his mouth.
Playing babysitter and having a movie marathon with Super might not be so bad if Sonic was there.
... Providing Super didn't mind their habit of talking during movies, of course.
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