[18] movie inspired series and one shots (remakes)/ oneshots/twoshots/fluff/angst/drama/mystery/romance/selflove/k-pop/ADHD blk fem writer/comedian narrator/ serious narrator
11 posts
Happy Birthday To ME
Happy Birthday to ME 💖🌷💞💗🧚♀️🧞♀️💫

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More Posts from Kiikslovewe
These few weeks have been stress filled, tiring and and a bit empty feeling. I have writer's block and I've been trying to keep myself from falling into depression because of it. It is hard because there are many things I do behind writing (leaving my work in drafts) online, I write poems/short stories, I paint, sing, produce music, dance, and am building a foundation for my future business but with all of those things I feel blocked, I'm lacking inspiration, I'm starting to fall emotionally and mentally, because those are the things that are keeping me alive, keeping me going. I have not stopped trying, I'd be damned to let myself let go of my passions, I worked too hard to learn me, but it's really hard. So many things I love so much are just...there, they are just things to me right now, I've been unable to perform those things, those things I love so much, the way that I want; the originality the uniqueness and newness is here within me somewhere, it's just waiting for something, someone but I just don't know what it is. I know I can do these things, but I just feel blocked. I want to be able to do them and feel proud after, not like I just did something and that's it, it's not fair to me.
I just wanted to rant. Sorry if you don't care. I don't care either. Thank you💜
"You must've lost yo d_mn mind."
"Babe? You serious?"
"You serious!!?"
"Look at me right now, and tell me the truth."
"Did you really?"
"...Yes baby, it's too late."
"Jackman Thomas Harlow, you must've lost yo damn mind!"
"I did."
✨Teaser ✨
Just keep breathing Just keep breathing Breath in Breath, breath please Now breath out Keep going Don't skip a beat please Push, just keep pushing I promise you're okay I promise, just keep holding on Hold my hand Squeeze when you feel unsure Squeeze when you feel pain Just keep holding on I promise you're okay I promise to keep you safe I promise to keep both of you safe Hold on by.kiikslovewe

Guess who?
An: This drabble can be turned into the proper oneshot if you or anyone else is able to guess the member that is anonymous in this drabble (comment down below). It could be a female, or male k-pop group member, it could also be a Korean soloist. Who do you think it is?
2 AN: I was supposed to do this like 3 days ago😂

"Have you ever flirted with a guy using the classic, "Do you want to go have a drink with me?"
You sat and watched your friend on live television on your favorite show. You sat on your living room floor with a couple of thick blankets, your plushies and a few snacks watching as the next question was asked in her interview. "Oh man." You responded to the question already knowing the answer.
"Oh. No, not to a guy, but to a girl yeah, I have done it before. But I don't know if that was flirting?"
"Yeah." The female host and their team chuckled to their honest answer "It's flirting."
You rolled your eyes, smiled, and whispered,"You knew that."
It's funny because you would think that it was because that's your bestfriend and bestfriends tell eachother everything and their stories and doodly dot and that's the reason why you knew their answer
But no, you knew because the person they were talking about was you.
That's how the two of you ended up being friends.
The interview went on and you sat and watched. "They are something else"
Guess who.
"Um no, it's your turn"
Part 2

"Damn, that was years ago"
"Mhm, and now you work with him, what a coincidence"
You sat on you living room floor talking to your bestfriend, going over your past; crushes, relationships, goals, dreams and what not. It has really been 4 years. Damn, and you're over him, but Honnie just can't help but keep bringing him up. You've moved on, not with anyone in particular, but by working and working with yourself. You're doing good and you're not looking for a relationship, you just want to make this next project sale.
" Y/n..."
"Honnie don't start-"
"I know, I know, but he've changed."
"Nope, no, no I'm not getting into anymore of his messes, we are just work partners. We'll just be that, I'm fine with that. Just stop pushing it. Please."
"Ok. I won't, but you can't keep being stuck on the past. We both know what happened wasn't the best-"
"It was fucked up."
"It was fucked up, but that was 3 years ago. I just want to see you happy and not worried about others all of the time. You don't have to be with him, but can you atleast think about a vacation, cause bae you're dragging yourself." Hongjoong spoke, putting up the Uno cards ya'll had played earlier. You made you way to your nicely decorated kitchen responding to your eager friend.
"I mean, that does sound good. But working is good too"
"My goodness, Y/n" Honnie put the multi colored card box down on your coffee table, and made his way to the kitchen grabbing one of the sodas you had in hand.
"Common be for real"
"Ok, ok, alright, but after this next project"
"You over here happy, but aren't you supposed to be meeting up with someone?"
Hong joong checked his phone.
"Shit, shit, shit I only got 15 min!" Hon made his way to the front door, grabbing his keys off the key hooks.
"Please, actually take a vacation"
"I will I promise"
"Ok, I love you"
"I love you too Honnie. Now leave before you're late." You giggled before waving goodbye.
Hong joong gave a small wave, before he hurriedly made his way out your front door, downing his soda.
"He's something else." You stretched your arms, just ready for bed.
"Goodnight Abyss." It's 8:30pm you said your goodnights to your home putting trash away and making your way to you room, getting ready for the next day.
Oh the sun was taking its job a lil to serious. It was smiling and screaming for you to wake up. Their ray fingers brushing its way through your thin cream colored curtain tickling your skin with heat urging you to wake up.
"OKAY! Goddamn Sunny, I'm up." Those words only came after a few tosses and turns from your body. It's 10:00am haha, you never get up that late, which means. Universe says, "TREAT YOURSELF BITCH."
You rolled your way off of your high bed, a bit annoyed, but ready for this weekend.
You got washed up, you're glowing and you look good girl, now get dressed.
[Your top]

[Your bottoms]

[Your shoes]

[Your Hair]

Yes babes narrator put you on. Anywho your clothing reflects your occupation. What is it?
You're fully dressed and ready for the day. You cook in a lot, so today you decided it would be nice to eat out. Brunch babe? And Mimosa? Yes.
Over the years you've made a nice amount of close friends. A nice amount meaning just 2 more. Hongjoong we know, Mr.Drama kid but the other 2 are Moonbyul and Jimin goodness gRaCious, it's almost like you just attract crazy people.
Starting with Moonbyul, she's a flirt, big dick energy, yet very shy and is an alternative teddy bear. She's protective of you and loves hyping people up, yet still doesn't like to be in the spotlight, not saying she won't work that shit, but she doesn't choose to be in it. She loves food, so if you're going out to eat it's usually with her and if it's drinking, that's with Jimin.
Oh Jimin, another flirt. Flirt 2.0 he loves the attention, oh he will put on a performance for anyone who looks his way. He taught your nephew how to body roll, now the boy won't sit down, his confidence is at another level now. Jimin is also protective. Being close to him and Moonbyul, you realize that the two would laugh when they're ready to break shit. Yeah, crazy. Jimin flirts with anything, Moonie, flirts with anyone. I promise there's a big difference.
So today since you're drinking and eating out, your with these lovely to maniacs. Moonie and Chimmy. You know their chaotic, but you didn't think the 3 of you would be doing what ya'll are about to do.
To be Continued