I walk around like everything’s fine but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.
1724 posts
Yall Know Im Gonna Do This, Im Challenging You Guys To Do It With Me!
Y’all know I’m gonna do this, I’m challenging you guys to do it with me!
300+ Followers DTIYS

Due September twenty-third. As for the winner, I'll do a commission and a profile picture (if you want) :)
Feel free to reblog, even if you aren't partaking, since I want this to reach a good bit of people. :))
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I don't feel like searching for the emojis for the ask game, but the one with the WATT headcanons I would love to see it with Mattie with literally anyone
Mattie with anyone? How about Mattie with everyone!
Annleigh sees Mattie as a second chance, in a way. She wasn’t the best sister to Farrah, so she tries to be the sister she wanted to be, to Mattie. In particular, Annleigh loves braiding Mattie’s hair.
Eva is like Mattie’s big sister, she’s the one Mattie goes to for advice and the one who helps her with tricks during practice. Eva gives her rides to school a lot.
Cairo and Mattie are a little awkward with each other, Cairo’s not great at dealing with kids who are younger than her, but Mattie is like crazy smart and Cairo’s not the best at school, so they do homework together sometimes and they’re happy with that arrangement.
Reese is the team mom and Mattie trusts her a lot. They can be seen hanging out during downtime at practice more often than not, and Reese likes to walk Mattie to class, just to make sure nobody messes with her.
Kate and Mattie share a love of horror movies (Tim Burton films in particular) and they like to geek out about it at lunch. Nobody else really gets it, it’s just their little thing.
Riley tries to coach Mattie wherever she can and sometimes ends up hovering to the point that Mattie has to get Cairo to distract her. The team likes to joke that Riley is grooming Mattie to be the next captain (she kind of is).
Farrah and Mattie vibe really well together, Farrah’s the one who helps her loosen up a little and teaches her to not care so much about what the rest of the team thinks. They go for snack runs at the local dollar store.
Clark (similar to Eva) is like a cool big brother for Mattie, he gives her piggyback rides and jokes with her a lot, it makes her feel a lot more comfortable and welcomed into the squad.
Chess doesn’t really know how to interact with Mattie at first, that is until Mattie expresses an interest in gymnastics. After that, Chess is all over her, teaching her tumbling techniques and critiquing some of the finer points of her tricks. Mattie appreciates the pointers and is happy to take any advice she can get. She hopes to one day go to the Olympics like Chess was going to.
This has been sitting in my ask box for so long I’m so sorry it took me until now to answer it, hope you like these!
Please reblog if you think that “they/them/theirs” is a valid set of pronouns.
Trying to make a point to my father.
Ooooo thanks for tagging me Ollie!!!

You tagged my girlfriend for me XD so I’m gonna go ahead and tag @songsforsatanstan @wannabe-anastacia-alcroft @notsomightymightytiger
doin another picrew chain cause im bored and i dont wanna do school
picrew link
but for this one you have to do what you think you would look like in the 80s rock/metal/music scene (like a rockstar, just a dude chillin on the sunset strip, some dude in a random band, maybe a groupie, etc).

while i have short hair irl, if i was a rocker in the 80s i would have long hair so i could headbang to my heart's content-
tagging: @80sbandsobsessed @mckagan @glambby @duffmckagans @smokeandmirrorz and @/anyone else who sees this and wants to do it

everyone rise for the only movie ever
Eva @ Kate:
Can you tell me
If you like me please
Cuz I’ve got
Dumb gay bitch disease
I couldn’t tell if you liked me
If it
Hit me
With a