Alfie Solomons X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Ride the Bull - An Alfie Solomons/Reader One Shot Story.
A couple of drabble requests combined prompted this new piece of Alfie smut. Enjoy, my darlings!

“Alright, Y/N, what you still doing here at this time?” Your boss asks, leaving his office to find you still behind your desk, writing in the ledger. Just the feel of him standing behind you, his imposing bulk right there, the scent of him, god. He makes your insides burn.
“Just getting ahead, Mr Solomons.” You look up, your heart and stomach somersaulting as usual to behold your handsome boss. You might be a married woman, but you’ve always found him attractive.
“How many times have I got to tell you, darlin? Just call me Alfie. Mr Solomons is my father.” His tone is brusque, but there’s amusement there in his voice, perhaps even a tinge of softness.
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היץ (Heat) - An Alfie Solomons/Reader one shot story.
So, here it is as promised, the sequel to Ride the Bull. Enjoy!

Words - 2,208
Disclaimer - 18+ only. Minors DO NOT read
You’re not too sure how it happened, exactly, but it did. That one time in his office wasn’t enough for either of you. You both knew it, too, as you sat clasped together, breathless and perspiration soaked, that you’d have to have one another again, regardless of guilt. Well, guilt on your part, at least.
After all, you’re still married. Barely, it must be said, but wedded to another nonetheless.
Would one time with Alfie ever truly have been enough? Doubtful. That’s how affairs begin, after all. Two people who cannot get enough of one another, no matter how illicit that craving may be. Make no mistake, you crave him unlike you’ve ever craved anything before.
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The Wandering Jew - Alfie Solomons (Masterlist)

• Modern!AU-Soulmate!AU (Alfie and Rose masterlist)
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3
Alfie Solomons is the owner of “The Wandering Jew” a bed and breakfast Inn he has in London.
Or that's what he says.
His real business is more dangerous and illegal. It involves powerful, rich people, guns and a lot of money. Large sum of money. Poker chips and death.
But Covid-19 forces him to close the doors. Although he's not alone, a woman is at the inn with him. She's trapped in London and since there's no way to return home because airports are closed, she has to stay there.
Now Alfie is dealing with his illegal business online and with his feelings in real life because he knows this woman. Alfie never saw her before, but he knows her. From where? Who knows... Maybe from another life.
And Cyril, too. Of course.

(When I say powerful people. I mean powerful people.)

Now, this will be a series of independent one shots that will follow a chronological order, starting in March 2020 and finishing... I don't know when yet.
The first one-shot is almost written. I'll try to post it in few hours.
Also, I'm planning to include some of my mutuals OCs in this story. Because they did the same in their fics and I do want to follow their steps 😌❤️.
I have a taglist for Alfie x OC but if you're not included and you want to, just tell me.

Taglist: @zablife @hoodeddreams13 @call-sign-shark @peakyltd @evita-shelby @kmc1989

Ps: Thanks @dreamlandcreations for your divider!!
This is so cute
But like imagine Alfie coming home and seeing you in bed with the dogs all over the bed, he tries to move them but he only gets growled at 😂
This is my obsession! I’ve spoken about it before but I am convinced Cyril is the first to figure out that you’re expecting. It’s almost tradition for Alfie to be met at the door by your pups, his favourite boys the first to greet him before he moves onto you for less sloppy kisses… but today Cyril isn’t there and it is just the newest of your family members at the door. He knows that you’re exhausted from your earlier call, partly the reason he had stayed on late to give you time to yourself and so he assumes that maybe Cyril too had fallen asleep in his space - the guard dog becoming dopey without his regular evening walk. So Alfie climbs the stairs quietly, the yapping of your other puppy softened by the torn teddy that lives by the door for moments like this, and finds you tucked up in bed with the sheets wrapped around you but strange of all Cyril sat upright watching the door as if you were under siege. Alfie has been in the dog’s life longer than you, every bit his master but also best friend so the last thing he expects is for Cyril to growl at him for trying to come near you and his own bed for that matter especially when the light is on and there is no possible case of mistaken identity. Eventually, the growling turns to barking and the noise loud enough to wake you but it takes you wrapping your arms around Cyril and telling him to lay back down to silence the “daft dog” before Alfie is even allowed close enough to kiss you. There just so happens to be a lot of irony in the words “what’s gotten into him?” when you realise that in fact, it’s you who is carrying something so precious.
This was supposed to be like a sentence I’m very sorry I just love Alfie and dogs.
is alfie okay fit blurb night but i can’t stop thinking about him just sitting back all giddy while his wife chews out tommy
Jesus, I live for this.
“Are we going to have a problem here, Mr Shelby?” your voice is so sweet that it sends chills through your husband’s veins, the meeting he had been on across the other side of London running so late that you had seemed to take matters into your own hands by starting it up without him. “Because I know for a fact that the papers you’re holding are grossly deflated to make it look like you’re turning less of a profit. I also know that you wouldn’t dare pull this with another firm.”
Alfie stops Ollie from stepping closer, the gaps in the blinds and open door showing that you’re handling yourself well from the position he usually fills and that the business is in safe hands.
“Tell me, Tommy, do I look easy to you?” there’s something vaguely sexual about the way you ask, the switch of your legs as they cross clearly taking Shelby’s attention with them. “Because you see that girl of yours back in Birmingham she may be willing to drop her knickers for that price but I’m not even willing to give you a crate of the brown stuff. So why don’t you do us a favour, yeah? Either up your offer or fuck off because we don’t have all day, ‘sweetheart’.”
The venom you put into the word says that Tommy’s tried his usual attempt at flattery and the way you look up to see Alfie behind your reflection only makes your fake smile turn into one that is all too real.
“See you started without me.”
“Actually Alfie, I think we are done here, don’t you Mr Shelby?”
“I’ll double it,” reluctance comes from the man in question as you cross to join your lover in the doorway, breaking your greeting only to smile up at him in celebration of your success.
“And for talkin’ to my wife like that you’ll stick in another 10%, yeah? Gentleman’s honour and all.”
Never fuck with a Solomons.
So?-Alfie Solomons x Reader

(GIF credit to @tommyshhelby)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff @mzcrazy2
Requested by anonymous: ‘Oh this is a magnificent blog!I see you write for Peaky Blinders,is Alfie available?If yes,can I get something with him and his wife who is basically Addams family member and so is completely fine with Alfie and his special brand of crazy because she is her own brand of chaos?As in she really doesn’t understand that humans usually aren’t capable of just shrugging of stab wounds or walking in a skin tight dress in middle of winter nonchalantly,Alfie of course doesn’t give a damn,thank you!’
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, violence, guns, knives, blood, sexual talk, fluff
If you ever muttered the name (Y/N) Solomons, you had better be saying something very nice about her, otherwise, you were in for trouble. Everyone knew her infamous husband, and he was insane. Alfie also knew when someone was bad mouthing his Mrs, he had his ways, as well as dealing with the pricks who had decided to open their mouths in the first place.
(Y/N) was strolling around the shops, not an unusual site to see her (or her bodyguards), knowing that everyone was staring at her attire. She opted for the more…fitting dresses, no matter what weather it was. Middle of summer? She was nice and cool, no sweat in site. Middle of winter? Throw a coat on. She was proud of her figure, she was gong to flaunt what she had. Life was too short and women were too oppressed.
“Mrs Solomons is on her way Alfie.” Ollie informed his boss as he entered the office.
Alfie didn’t look up from his papers.“Alright.”
Ollie hesitated before speaking again.“She’s…she’s not in the greatest of moods.”
This made Alfie look up, his glasses perching on the edge of his nose.“Oh?”
“Yeah, um…I think something happened whilst she was shopping.”
“She probably dealt with it. I’m sure there’s a poor fella out there who’s received a smack from her.”
“Want to send some men down there, see if we can find out what happened?”
“Let’s see what she says first. But stand by.”
Ollie nodded, opening the door to leave which revealed (Y/N) storming down the room towards them. She moved as fast as she could in her heels and tight dress, handbag swinging on her elbow, coat billowing out behind her. The workers made sure to look away from her. A few men had been caught gawking at her, and unsurprisingly, they had been punished. (Y/N) was Alfie’s, though she didn’t belong to him mind, she was a free woman; but every spouse has a feeling of protection over the one they love, even if that person can easily defend them self with just a pocket knife.
“Ah, my dearest.” Alfie greeted as (Y/N) stomped in. Although it was a lovely nickname, Alfie’s monotone voice would make you think he was being sarcastic.
“I need a new knife Alfie.” she stated as she sat down.
Alfie sent a nod to Ollie, who got the message and ran off to gather his men.
“And why would that be?” Alfie leaned across the desk, resting his elbow on it.
“Because mine is lodged in some fuckers ribs.”
“Oh no,” he pouted,“that was a pretty knife as well.”
“I know!”
“What did he do to deserve that?”
“He was saying bad things about us.”
Alfie stiffened. He could take horrible words from people about himself, but when it came to (Y/N), he didn’t want her to be subjected to that kind of thing.“Ah, right. He got what was coming then, didn’t he?”
She nodded, eyes cast down.
“How come you couldn’t get it back?”
“Because he ran off! I was about to pull it back out but he gripped onto it as he cried out in pain. Then he buggered off.”
“Don’t be upset,” he stood, slowly rounding the desk to perch on it in front of his wife,“I can get you another one if Ollie can’t find the bastard.”
“But that one was special. You got that for me on our first wedding anniversary.”
“Fuck I did, didn’t I?”
“It was so beautiful. The gems were lovely, especially when they hit the light. I hope they can get it back. It just sums up our relationship really. But don’t worry if they can’t get it back, don’t punish them.”
He tilted her head up by her chin to look at him.“Whatever you say my love.”
They shared a kiss, lingering for more than a few seconds. (Y/N) smiled as they pulled apart, the corner of Alfie’s lip twitching upwards.
“Can I stay here? I’ll be on my best behaviour.”
“When are you ever on your best fuckin’ behaviour?”
(Y/N) acted as her husbands secretary for the rest of the afternoon. It was like the good old days, before Alfie made the money he did now. She would spend so much time with him, he was always scared to let her out of his sight until he realised he needed to teach her how to defend herself. It was no surprise to him that (Y/N) was a natural with a weapon. She had been in a few brawls growing up (girls knew how to fight with their words until they met (Y/N)), so wasn’t afraid of putting up a fight, or cursing someone out. Mrs Solomons was a powerhouse, she wore her name with pride.
“I’m going to stretch my legs. I don’t understand how you sit here all day.” (Y/N) announced, stretching as she stood.
“It’s called ‘having a fuckin’ job’ love.” he quipped, focusing on his writing.
(Y/N) just rolled her eyes as she left, quietly shutting the door behind her. The only time (Y/N) was calm and dainty was for Alfie’s sake, when he was concentrating or stressed. It was a fun relationship, they were both very smart people, their daily life was never boring for either of them. However, (Y/N) understood who she was marrying, as well as what she was getting herself into. She couldn’t deny that the lifestyle enthralled her, but it was Alfie she wanted and loved.
Strolling through the distillery, (Y/N) smirked at the men who’s head whipped away from her direction. It was nice knowing that she was desired. She had never been the girl all the boys wanted growing up. One boy tried to trick her into thinking he liked her, he was only after one thing (as most men are), so she went along with his charade; when he got a little too handsy and forceful, she innocently pulled out her father’s pistol from her leg holster, loving the terror in his eyes when she gently placed it against his cheek. He pissed himself there and then.
A slither of light coming from a slightly open door caught her eye. It was usually dim in here, someone must have been an idiot and forgot how doors worked. As she approached it, she smelt the familiar smell of smoke, along with hushed chattering. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was happening, and (Y/N) wasn’t happy about it.
Peeking through the crack in the door, she saw three workers smoking in an alleyway. Two were older, possibly in their forties, whereas one of them looked young, around mid-twenties. He also looked unsure as the older men laughed together, taking puffs from their cigarettes calmly, whereas the younger one looked nervous. (Y/N) slipped through the door, smirking with her arms crossed over her chest as their eyes widened in shock.
“M-M-Mrs Solomons.” one breathed out.
“Don’t worry gentlemen.” She said, closing the door behind her.“I need a break too. Mind if I borrow someone’s?”
The two older men instantly grabbed their small boxes of cigarettes, shoving their towards her. It seemed the younger man had been given his too. She kept eye contact with the young boy as she picked a cigarette from each box, one going in her mouth, and one tucked behind her ear. He was clearly panicking, looking at the floor.
(Y/N) chuckled as one man lit her cigarette.“You can look at me you know.”
He hesitated before slowly lifting his head. He still couldn’t keep eye contact for long.
“So, did these two pressure you into coming out here?”
“Mrs Solomons,” one older man started to protest,“we wouldn’t-”
“I wasn’t talking to you.” she snapped without looking at him.“Did they?”
His mouth opened to speak, though clearly he was too scared to snitch on his friends.
“Could you hold this for me dear?”
She held out the cigarette to the lad, who’s shaking fingers managed to grasp it before she swung her fist as hard as she could into one of the older men’s faces. He staggered back, clutching onto his nose as he cried out in pain. (Y/N) grabbed the other man’s shoulders, driving her knee into his stomach, causing his to double over; this gave her the opportunity to push him head first into the stone wall. The young boy flinched at the sound of impact, eyes wide as he saw how calm his boss’ wife was. (Y/N) moved to take back her cigarette when the man with a now broken nose struggled to stand.
“One moment.” she sweetly said, before kicking him in the chest to wind him. He stayed down this time.
The lad was pressed up against the wall, now staring at (Y/N) for fear that he was next to receive a brutal injury. (Y/N) took the cigarette from him, taking her time to take a drag before blowing out the smoke. She could hear the lad’s rapid breathing, making her smile.
“I know they forced you to do this. You wanted to fit in with your co-workers, I understand.” she said.
“Sh-shouldn’t you h-have reported us?”
“How would you learn your lesson? Trust me, you would prefer this to what my husband would do to you.”
“You’re c-c-crazy.”
(Y/N)’s smug looked dropped instantly. Her glare was frightening. The young man knew he had said the wrong thing, it just slipped out in his time of terror. The cigarette in (Y/N)’s fingers dropped to the floor, and she made a statement of squishing it under her heeled shoe.
“Don’t think you’re getting off lightly.”
The young lad had never felt such a sting as she slapped him. It dazed him for a few seconds, trying to not stumble over his own feet when he saw her hand now formed in a fist. He yelled out as he sent an upwards punch to his jaw, causing his teeth to clash together as well as make him bite his own tongue. (Y/N) was glad to see blood draining from his mouth as she turned on her heel, making sure the door slammed open so other employees could see the example.
“Mrs Solomons, are you alright?” Ollie stressed, running up to her.
“Perfectly fine Ollie.” she hummed.
“What happened?”
“They weren’t doing their jobs.”
“Mrs Solomons, you can’t beat up any employee that…” his words trailed off when he saw her frown.“Never mind.”
She continued walking without Ollie back to Alfie’s office. The workers definitely made themselves look busy as she passed. She let out a big sigh as she entered the office, catching Alfie’s attention.
“That didn’t take long.” he commented.
“You’re going to have to find two more employees….maybe three.”
“Why would that be?”
“Caught three of them bunking off. One of them called my crazy. They received their punishments.”
“Oh for fucks sake,” Alfie threw his hands up in the air,“why, why did I miss that?”
“You’re not angry at me?”
“Why would I be fuckin’ angry?”
“Cause you usually like doing that sort of thing.”
“Yeah, but, when your wife is doing it, right, it’s the best thing a husband can watch.”
“The best thing?”
“Well, it’s a close second.”
She was happy with that answer.
“Now,” Alfie opened a drawer in his desk,“look what Ollie found on his travels.”
He produced her beloved knife, glistening despite the low lighting. (Y/N) gasped in delight, gently taking it from Alfie’s hands and studying it as if she had never seen it before.
“Oh, and you cleaned it for me too.” she cooed.
“Course I fuckin’ did. Have to be stupid to give it to you all messy. What was a mess was how you stabbed that man, tut tut my girl.”
(Y/N)’s mouth dropped open.“How dare you?! You best go look at your workers sprawled in the alley, then you can assess my attacks.”
“Or you’re just rusty. I’m sure we can arrange something to-”
“Oh Alfie, if this is your idea of seducing me, you know all you have to do is just throw me on the closest sofa, bed or table and I’ll be ready for you with open legs.”
“Well fuck me then, I think I might stop working for today.”
“Good. Chop chop, I’ll be waiting by the door.”
As (Y/N) swiftly gathered her coat and handbag, slipping the knife inside it, Alfie watched his wife sultry walk away, her hips swaying left to right. Seeing how men turned away only brought on more arousal, knowing no one could touch her, be near her, other than him. He knew he had to get moving, not wanting to agitate his waiting wife. He went to stand before realising, he should probably adjust his trousers.
Omg this was amazing!!!!!!
hello!!! hope you’re doing great, I kinda wanna ask about Thomas x Sister Shelby if you do that ? And if you do I’m thinking she’d be smart, has a very quick tongue and she wants to get out of the Shelby business to marry the love of her life (alfie😝😍) so she fakes her death and ofc everyone is distraught and angry than after a few years Thomas sees alfie at his home and than comes his sister who he thought had died and he berates her than she says something like you’re a worse person than me always killing for money like he can’t live without a war. Also I am in the mood for a very angst ending
A/N: Hello my love! How are you doing? I am so so sorry that this has taken forever. Truthfully, I had no clue how to do this. I thought about this long an hard, and though some things I switched up, I hope you enjoy this. I feel like this got me to stretch my writing muscles, and it was really fun. Let me know what you think darling!
Run Away With Me Darling
Alfie Solomons x Fem! Reader; 3.8k words; fluff, angst
Warnings: language, contentious family relationships, arranged marriage???
It started innocently enough.
You bringing tea and biscuits to meeting rooms where the men started their schemes. Listening and taking notes alongside your ever watchful Aunt Polly. Sneaking glances at the big brute in the chair across from your big brothers.
“Thank you treacle. Yeah that’s real kind of you.”
That brute is the only man that would say thank you for the tea you bring by. And when you go to pour more for him, he’s the only man who says, “No need for that darling. Grown men can pour their own tea yeah?”
It wasn’t meant to be anything more than professional. But you should’ve known. Known from that first encounter outside those Shelby walls… you and Mr. Solomons shared a single soul… and heaven nor hell could keep you from each other’s grasp.
It was hot. London is not a tropical city by any means. But the sheer amount of bodies, activity, and warm rain, had transformed the city into a sauna. The wisps of your hair along your neck and forehead are plastered to your body. Rivulets of sweat sneak down your chest. The heat could only be described as oppressive. You were counting down the steps till you could go home.
On the one hand… it was strange having a home all to yourself. Truthfully, it was the Shelby homestead in London, where the family would stay when business needed attending to. However, when they all left, you stayed. Carrying delicate messages. Keeping a close pulse on the going’s on of the city. And perhaps most importantly… remaining a pretty show pony for the Shelby family.
You hated to admit it. But you were desperately jealous of Ada. She had the guts to sneak past Arthur, Tommy, and John. She had the foresight to marry her true love before Tommy could marry her off to the highest bidder. You had no such luck. No childhood love. No sweetheart to campaign for. The boys had made sure of it. Despite Ada and your protests, and Polly’s discrete ploys; Tommy had decided. The sweet, pure, and innocent youngest Shelby girl will be auctioned off to the richest and most lucrative partner for the Shelby Company. And she will remain pretty and docile. A prize.
The mere thought made your stomach twist and churn and burn.
You loved them. Your family. More than most love their family. But you could barely breathe under their watch. Even in another city you felt the reach of their eyes. Felt the whisperings of potential matches for your hand and womb. The sweat on your brow burned your eyes. Taking place of the unshed tears you long abandoned.
All you longed for was cold water. A cool bath. Anything to scrub off the sweat and dirt and exhaustion. However, shade covered your front door, casting a shadow over the threshold.
“Sweetheart! Been waiting a bit for you!”
No matter where you see Mr. Solomons, he seems to take up all the space. You don’t know how he is able to stand the heat, with his coat and hat and bushy beard. But he looks unfettered. Cool even. You finally felt the kiss of the breeze on your neck as you approached.
“Mr. Solomons. How can I help you?”
“You going to invite me in like a good girl?”
“I’m not in the business of inviting strange men into my home.”
“You think me strange?”
“Oh Mr. Solomons you are the strangest man I’ve ever met.”
“Makes you a little excited though don’t it? A hint of danger yeah? Big brute standing at your door.”
You stuck your chin out, staring directly into his stormy eyes. “I’m not afraid of you Mr. Solomons.”
His mouth quirks up in the corner. A twinkle in his eyes, and your breath hitched as he leaned into your space, “Oh I know sweet. You ain’t like the others ain’t ya? I saw it… the first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were different. Those boys… cold blooded little snakes… you… nah… there’s a flame in you treacle…and I look forward to see you set things aflame.”
Before you could respond in any way, he leaned away, smiling at your response. He pulled out an envelope from his coat and handed it to you, “Contract and information for your devious brother my sweet. Don’t worry, put a little something in there for you too for your trouble.”
You snatched the envelope from his hand. Unsure of how to respond to his… behavior. His rumbling laugh set a shiver down your spine, but you pushed it down as you appraised him, “This seems below your job description… don’t you have messenger boys?”
He further smirked, “I hope you’ll forgive me, that I want to keep you to myself.”
“I’m not a kept girl.”
“That you are not. Just have to inform your brothers of the fact don’t you?”
Hot shame rose in your cheeks. The envelope in your hands crinkling sharply. You felt the cool brush of gold rings on your cheek, “I have a standing dinner every Thursday evening. Let it be our little secret, hmm?”
Before you could react, a coarse kiss is pressed to your knuckles. As he started walking away, you called out, “And if I don’t show up? What then?”
He turned, with a boyish smile, “You’re not a kept woman treacle. Not my business. I’ll just send my messenger boys in my place.”
That was a year ago. Things were so simple then. Secret dinners. Secret mornings. Secret dalliances and outings around town. And when the family came to town, you placed that mask back on. Sweet, innocent, and docile Shelby girl. Ready at the beck and call of her family. And when they left, you ran right into the arms of Alfie. Because where it all started as something to feel disobedient, it grew into something deeper and more ancient. You felt your soul intertwine with his, as if it was always searching for him. In the evenings when he whispered his love for you and kept you close, you had never felt safer. Never felt more alive.
But dreams are not forever. Sooner or later the bubble must pop.
“You’ll need to come back to Birmingham dearest.”
“For how long?”
Everyone looked up at Tommy. Tommy didn’t even look up from his dinner plate, “Permanently. I’ve got a husband for you.”
Your fork dropped. Your heart stopped beating.
You faintly hear Aunt Polly call your name.
“Husband?” You whispered.
Tommy sighed, “That is what I said. High time you married, you’re old enough. Mr. Gorman has multiple factories both here and in the states, and his son is set to inherit them all. It’s a good match, it’ll be very beneficial to the company.”
“Tommy I don’t even know him.”
“You have your entire life to get to know him. Now finish your dinner.”
“So you just decided is that it? You just decided to that I’d belong to some man? Tell me Tommy… how much did you sell me off for? How much is my womb worth?”
“Watch your mouth!” Polly hissed, with Arthur wincing at the cutting words.
“I’m not going.” You stood from your chair. Preparing for battle.
“It’s not up for discussion.”
“I’m not going! You cannot make me!”
Tommy rose from his seat, John putting his head in his hands with Arthur knocking back a drink. Low. Deadly. Tommy always could command a room with his voice. Cold finger pointing at you like a deadly weapon. “You will do as you’re told. This is not about you. This is about the family. In a week, I will come fetch you. I will drag you back to Birmingham if I have to. And you will marry the young Mr. Gorman, and you will have as many of his fucking babies as he chooses. You will be rich. You will be safe. And you will be set. I am not about to argue with a child.”
You felt the tears well up in your eyes. Sorrow. Mourning. Hatred. “I hate you Thomas Shelby. I hate you.”
“You will get over it.”
You ran to your room. Weeping the rest of the night.
Because how can your body and name be given to a man, when your heart and soul belonged to another?
They left the next morning. Arthur knocking on your door to announce the departure, and trying to convince you, “He’s a good lad darling. Trust Tommy alright? Wouldn’t let nothing bad happen to ya, even though it seems like right shit. Don’t be too angry at us. We’ll all still be close. And anyway… it’s what’s good for the family.”
You didn’t look at him. Not even a hum of acknowledgment when he kissed your hair tenderly. A regretful sigh leaves his body as Arthur walked away, taking one last look at your quivering body on your maiden bed. Arthur always had a soft spot for you. Always defensive for you unlike your other siblings. He had tried in vain to get Tommy to rethink the arrangement. You didn't need to get married. The company didn't need such an alliance. They'd get by as they always have. But Tommy's sights were set much higher. He wanted that name of honor. And to get it, he was willing to play by the rules of old money. Tommy had convinced Arthur enough. Enough that you'd eventually forgive them all.
The orange sky illuminated your bedroom in a bloody hue. Your throat dry and head hot and pounding. The creaking and settling of the house had become a steady ring in your ears, you didn't even hear the bedroom door open.
"Treacle. What are you doing? Eden said you haven't left since last night. You ill?"
Maids hear everything, you think bitterly. But you couldn't be too cross with Eden. Not really.
"He's done it Alfie."
Alfie toed off his boots after the hat and coat. Sinking into the too ornate duvet. "Who treacle? What happened?"
You faced him, deep creases of the duvet threads divide your hot wet cheeks. Lashes clumped together and soaked. "Tommy... he... he finally did it. He's married me off. In a weeks time I'm to belong to some... Mr. Gorman. His father owns factories, and I suppose that's enough for my bride price."
You feel your body being gently tugged up and into Alfie’s embrace. Despite any protest from you about how it may affect his back, he shushes you instantly, “Now now my little dove. Nah you ain’t going back to Birmingham. You ain’t getting married to some prick. Nah you’re staying here with ol’ Alfie.”
You force your face under his chin, letting his unkempt beard absorb your sobs, “No Alfie it’s true! Tommy told me yesterday at dinner! He… he’s taking me away Alfie! I hate him. I hate him so much. I don’t want to marry some man I don’t even know!”
“I already told you darling, you’re not going to! It’s not happening.”
You push his shoulder, “You’re not listening to me! Tommy said-“
“I don’t give a shit what Tommy said! You’re not marrying the shit because you’re marrying me!”
Like an unpracticed magician, he pulled out a gorgeous diamond and sapphire ring. Its glimmer and fractals made it look as endless as the night sky. You felt the breath in your lungs catch, anger and fear simmering down and cooling. You dared not touch something to precious, “Alfie Solomons…”
“Was my mother’s. Gave it to me when I came back from the war. On her death bed. Made me swear that I wouldn’t give it up for any pretty girl on the street. Had to give it to the one.”
You struggled to meet his gaze, “And I-“
“The one treacle. If you’ll have me.”
He shifted you in his lap, fully facing him, “Now… I had a whole event planned out. Garden stroll. Drinks. Music playing. And I know I’m a sorry old monster and you have loads of suitor-“
“But I swear on my life treacle, you’ll never want for anything. You will have freedom to do whatever you would hope to do. We’ll go anywhere. I’ll love you till the stars go out-“
“Alfie! Yes! Yes yes yes! I’ll marry you! You silly old man!”
You pushed him back and kissed him fiercely. With all the passion you had been hiding from your family for years. Until the acidic burn of reality came down, “But what about Tommy? Alfie you hate each other, he’ll never let me go.”
Rough hands running up and down your thighs, gazing in awe at the fiery halo surrounding you. “I was willing to go in and threaten blessing or death.”
“I won’t have you put in danger for love. This isn’t Shakespeare.”
With a laugh and kiss to your fingertips he whispers, “You got any ideas? I’m all ears.”
You try to think, but kept coming across a wall. Any option you thought of ended in bloodshed. You fell into the bed next to Alfie, curling into his chest, “I wish we could just run away.”
His arms tighten around you, “What if we did?”
It would happen three days before Tommy would come to fetch you. You dismissed Eden with an oath to secrecy, and for four days you played the part of excited bride to be. Purchasing things for a new marital home, a wedding dress and new wardrobe. Who cares if the detail of the lucky husband was slightly off?
Whenever your family called, you lied happily through your smiling teeth. At first you felt a twinge of guilt. But in the end, they stood by as your brothers sold you off. They lost the right to the truth. They hated Alfie, said as much any time they came to the house. They would never understand. They would never allow it. But this was your life. And you would be damned before you were cleaved from your beloved.
The men from the distillery made regular visits to the house in the middle of the night, picking up your things to take to Margate, dropping off love letters and updates from Alfie. With each passing day, your heart became lighter. The binds lessening. Freedom was right on your tongue.
Three days before Tommy, Arthur, and John are to pick you up, the horrific news explodes through Birmingham. The Shelby home in London: set ablaze. No survivors. The beautiful bride, burned alongside her wedding dress hanging in the window. The youngest Shelby girl, an angel amongst demons, taken too soon from the earth from a horrific accident. The fire so destructive, not even a body is there for a proper burial. Just ash and a memory of that sweet face. The funeral is horrible. Wailing and weeping from all of Birmingham. Aunt Polly could barely keep it together, blaming Tommy for it all. Even business acquaintances from London and beyond come to pay their respects. The most shocking visitor, was Mr. Solomons, who paid for the funeral itself, “I’m sorry Tommy for your loss. I really am. She was a sweet girl. But… she’s in a better place I’m sure.”
And what a better place that is. White washed home right on the beach, windows open at all times, with the sea breeze billowing pristine gossamer curtains in the wind. You spend your days reading and writing to your heart’s content, strolling the beach, playing with Cyril like a child. As Alfie settles affairs in Camden during the week, he visits during the weekend, serving and worshipping you like a goddess. He never gave you information about the family. You didn’t want it. That was your old life. A you that you couldn’t recognize. Here, in this life, you were free. Free to speak. Free to argue and give your mind.
After a month, Alfie permanently moves to Margate. Home. Retired from the gangster life with enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life, with more than enough to comfort when he’s gone.
And the years pass blissfully. Just how it was in the beginning. Kisses and dancing and laughter and arguing and love and joy. 3 years of absolute heaven, you had nearly forgotten how it all was almost taken from you.
But the past does have a way of rearing its ugly head doesn’t it?
It’s the dawn of summer. The final kisses of spring bringing crisp clean air through your marital home. Alfie had never felt better. The pain in his body had long left him, only flaring during the coldest evenings. The dark circles under his eyes have dissolved. His face and body, fuller, firmer with the glowing health of a man at peace who works for life not death. You were upstairs, searching for the a particular spool of thread you had been working with for a blanket you had spent days on. But it needed to be done soon. Alfie shifted through the records you both had been collecting. Symphonies had become his special interest in the recent months, and he was looking for a particular composition that he felt would make your heart sing.
The heavy knock on the door sent the hair on his neck stand at attention.
Only one demon knocked like that.
His eyes shifted to the stairs. He could still hear you moving things around. Searching tirelessly for that spool. You’d be missing for a couple minutes. Enough to rebuke the vile creature from the door without your discovery.
With a deep breath, Alfie tries to remember the armor of his past. The Mad Baker. Just as another round of knocks was about to come, Alfie opened roughly, “Tommy! What are you doing here? Gates of hell need their master don’t they?”
He looked thinner than normal. It’s been years since the men had seen each other, but the difference was still shocking. Those icey blue eyes even more haunting than they were at the funeral. Gaunt cheeks and pale skin made him look like a living corpse. A flicker of a flame winked behind those eyes. Hope for another fight. Something to set him aflame. “Hello Alfie. Enjoying retirement?”
“Yeah actually I am so whatever you have up your sleeve I want no part in it so if you’ll just fuck off.”
Before Alfie could slam the door, Tommy stuck his foot in the door, “Not that simple Alfie. Worlds gone to shit and it needs Solomons to set it to right.”
“Your world not mine. Now get out.”
“I’m not going to leave until you let me in Alfie.”
Your angelic voice danced on the breeze down to the front door, “I found it! Alfie you would not believe where it was! I swear I’m losing my mind.”
Tommy’s face some how went paler. As if he heard Satan’s whisper of condemnation. Alfie tried to push the door closed, but with the strength of a mad man Tommy pushed past the threshold.
Tommy almost fainted.
This must be hell.
He must have died.
It’s the only rational idea.
God chose to lock him in the home of his biggest agitation, with the ghost of his dead baby sister.
But this couldn’t be your ghost. Your swollen belly proves this.
“Holy shit.” You drop the tea cup in your hands when you see Tommy. Tommy who wasn’t supposed to be here. Tommy who saw you buried and dead.
Alfie rushes in, pulling you behind his broad frame. Through his linen shirt, you feel the ragged breath and hammering heart of your husband. You feel faint. “Tommy… you need to leave right now.”
“You paid for the funeral.”
“Tommy we can do this later but you need to get out right now. I’m asking nicely.”
“You knew she was alive… you knew.”
“She is very delicate right now she does not need any excitement.”
“You fucking made her delicate! You compromised her you fucking bastard!”
You cried out as Tommy lunged for your husband, “Stop it Tommy! Enough! Get out of my house!”
Tommy stumbled, pointing at you, “You… you’re fucking sick. You’re demented! You caused Polly a near heart attack. You are disgusting!”
You push past Alfie, who is left watching, “I’m disgusting! You sold me off to some man. And for what? To get people to see you as a big man? Guess what Tommy, you will NEVER be good enough for them! They’ll always see people like us as trash! But you don’t care. Anything to get ahead right?! You’ll stoop as low as you need to ahead.”
Tommy laughed bitterly, holding back the urge to spit, “And what about you yeah? So spoiled that you throw the biggest tantrum of the century. Whore yourself out to the Mad Baker, and get knocked up with his bastard.”
“I’d stop talking if I were you Tommy.”, Alfie snarled darkly. Fists curling in. Like a wolf ready to devour.
“I’d rather be his whore than be a part of any family of yours. You can’t leave well enough alone. Murdering and slaughtering for some honor so quick to tarnish and fade away. You tried to lock me away, never taking a care to what I wanted or thought. But you can’t do that to me anymore. I’m a Solomons, and I carry his child. You can’t touch me.”
Tommy settled, steel washed over his face. “They have a right to know.”
“You all have a right to nothing. I’ll see the family when I’m good and ready.”
His eyes shift to Alfie, “You are evil incarnate. You are cursed.”
No sign of mirth reaches Alfie’s eyes when he smirks, “Careful Tommy. You know what they say about curses. Especially when you curse family.”
Without another word, Tommy storms out. As soon as the door slams, shaking the lamps, you let out the breath in your heavy lungs, “Holy Shit”.
Your knees give out from under you, and cold shakes roll through your body. Alfie grabbed your body, helping you into a chair. “Settle my love it’s alright he’s gone. What do you need? Baby ok?”
“No I’m ok thank you my love. I just… I need air. I can’t believe he came here. He knows. They all know.”
“Hush darling, breathe for me, settle your nerves, you don’t need to worry. They know but they can’t touch you. You’re my wife and they can’t get to you. You are your own woman. You are safe.”
“But what are we going to do. What if they come?”
“Then we’ll deal with them. I’ll have some boys come in, set up a watch. We won’t be caught off guard ever again.”
You nodded. Trusting the words of your husband. You felt an affirming kick in your ribs. The rushing of your heart. You had paradise for three years. You couldn’t run forever, no matter how far you got. The bell had finally tolled, and it was time to face it.
Christmas Morning

Congrats on 2k follows 🫶🏻
For the Christmas asks what do you think each of the Peaky Blinders men would get for their partners? How would Christmas morning look for them when they’re opening their gifts?
🌿 I think for Tommy he's torn between feeling like Christmas should be a totally sacred day for family and family only...
🌿 the football match in the trenches on Christmas is probably something he holds dear and so he believes that Christmas is a day of peace and goodwill to all men... After many Christmases alone, Christmases of loss and sorrow
🌿 But he's also all too aware that not everyone else honours the day in the same way as he does, especially his enemies... so Christmas is a half and half kind of day to him, he wants to spend it with his family relaxing and being in the arms of everyone he loves, but he also knows he can't afford to put his schemes on hold, can't afford to drop his guard...
🌿 so he still sleeps with a gun beneath the bed on Christmas Eve and he still lies awake listening for the sounds of intruders, paranoid as he is... You tease him, "who's that for? Father Christmas?" And he lets you get away with your teasing because it's Christmas...
🌿 Tommy doesn't sleep well, but he knows half of the fun of Christmas morning for the kids, is that it's the only day of the year they're allowed to wake mummy and daddy up as early as they like...
🌿 so even though Tommy would usually be up at the crack of dawn, on Christmas morning he forces himself to go back to sleep, or at least to pretend to be sleeping until the little ones come bursting in jumping on the bed to wake him up..
🌿 he's usually so relieved to hear their little footsteps down the hall, and most of the time he wakes you when he hears them so that their jumping on you doesn't come as a sudden scare... Sometimes though he can think of nothing better than to let them make you jump... Because when they do and you squeal and get that little fright, it's the perfect excuse for him to wrap his arms around you and play your protector as he gathers the little ones up for cuddles too.
🌿 He probably pretends to have some order on Christmas morning, pretends he's going to make the kids wait until after breakfast to open their presents, but really he likes to see them be wild and excited...
🌿 he didn't get so many of these childish gleeful Christmases as a boy and he wants to give you and his children the loveliest Christmas mornings...
🌿 Tommy gives the servants the morning off on Christmas, he makes breakfast and tries his hand at remembering where he came from... Plus he enjoys the two of you getting to spend time together in a domestic way like that, with the kids sitting waiting impatiently for their breakfast.
🌿 he definitely thinks he's being low-key with his gifts, "oh that's just a little something from me angel..." as you unwrap a little box which rattled when you shook it.. and of course it's something beautiful and divine, something you can't believe was crafted on earth and not in heaven...
🌿 Tommy kissing the back of your neck as he scoops your hair up and helps you put the necklace on you...
🌿 he spoils you with so many pretty things, dresses, a silk kimono style dressing gown, glamorous and pretty things, pearls, jewellery but also does like to get you more low-key things, the thing he'd be most looking forward to giving you is an old first edition of your favourite book, your favourite poets latest work, a record, music he's seen you swaying with yourself to as you hum the melody.
🌿 and when you tell him he shouldn't have he just smiles, cups your cheek and leans in, whispers the words over your lips "prettiest girl in the world deserves the prettiest gifts doesn't she?" And with his nose nudging yours you're not about to argue with him. Him lacing his fingers with yours as the children interrupt jumping up onto daddy's knee to show him what father Christmas bought them...
🌿 After Christmas Lunch Tommy suggests a little stroll through the snowy gardens down to the stables where another gift is waiting for you... A beautiful horse which you adore... Her sleek black mane, her calm eyes... Tommy promises that this year he'll take more time away from work and teach you to ride.
🌿 I reckon Tommy's more devoted to the "father Christmas" thing than you'd expect him to be, I feel like he'd think it was really important, that's kids need that kind of magic in their little worlds...
🍂 Arthur definitely gets quite flustered around Christmas, he worries that he can't think of the perfect gift, he begs and begs you to just tell him what you want, "really darlin please, don't care it it's expensive or if I have to go fuckin Timbuktu for it it'll be easier than this bloody guessing game!" "Arthur if I knew what I wanted I'd tell you but I don't..." "Please love!* You'd be giggling at his despair as he starts reeling off guesses and you keep telling him they all sound lovely, that he should just get you whatever he thinks of...
🍂 "but y/n what if I get it wrong!" "Arthur Shelby for the last fuckin time you won't get it wrong! You've never been wrong before..."
🍂 and the reason he's never been wrong before is that he really does just buy you everything he can think of that he thinks you might like, and sometimes things he's heard your friends ask their husbands for... he buys so much in the hopes that you'll like at least something...
🍂 But really all you want for Christmas is to be with him, that anything he gets you is perfect to you because it will be a sign from him that he cares about you and that he put thought into your gift.
🍂 he's always a little worried he's going to ruin Christmas in some way, he worries that he'll get too drunk or that he'll end up fighting with one of the reletives it guests... and when he's anxious and stressed out he'll have a drink... so he gets pretty merry on Christmas...
🍂 but most of those things he worries about are irrational worries... Arthur cares so much about the whole family getting together for Christmas because he sees himself as the head of the family, and he because he cares he tries really hard...
🍂 he's everyone's favourite flustered uncle and poor Arthur is unfortunately the kids favourite uncle to fuss around... they find it so funny seeing him a little red in the face going slightly crazy trying to make sure everything's going well... always asking you if you think the days going well, if the kids are happy... "look at em Arth, they're having the best time you dafty..."
🍂 He's so nervous watching you open your presents and you're kind of conscious of that so you're always making sure you're extra grateful and that you smile and say thank you for every single gift, and that you tell him he definitely isn't to buy you so much next year...
🍂 because apart from anything else you'd be self conscious about giving your gifts for him, because there's no way you've bought him as much as he's given you...
🍂 and so many of his gifts are so thoughtful too, there'll be a bottle of wine you'd tried to describe to him when you'd come back from a little weekend away with Ada, you'd been telling him how divine it was and how you'd love to drink it again (you were drunk when you were telling him about this) but you couldn't remember it... Arthur had gone to an unhinged extreme and visited the hotel to find out and then buy you a crate of the stuff...
🍂 You'll be really surprised by the levels of thought Arthur's put into your gift and when you stop beneath the mistletoe to thank him for all your gifts he'd cup your face in his hands and tell you that he wanted to make your Christmas perfect... "Was always gonna be if I got to spend it with you Arth..."
🍂 and then he'd get emotional, Arthur definitely gets a bit misty eyed after all the fuss of Christmas, because it's so important to him to see the whole family together, as a family... It wasn't like that when he was a kid and he's always wanted to give the family the kinds of warm happy Christmases they all wished for as youngens.
🍂 he definitely dresses up as Father Christmas for the little ones and brings in their sack of toys... Lets them clamber all over him and doesn't complain once even when in their excitement they're a little rough...
🍂 exhausts himself and falls asleep on the sofa after lunch, cuddled up with you of course...
🐻 grumpy when you wake him up early... "You youngens spare no thought for us old men do ya? Wakin us up at the first sign of light over that godforsaken horizon just because its bloody Christmas Day..." you pouting, telling him you're sorry, trying to be convincing but he sees your smile and mirrors it
🐻 "No you're not..." he chuckled pinching your cheek, pulling you up into his lap and trapping you there, demanding compensation for the inconvenience of being woken up at such an ungodly hour in the form of s good morning kiss...
🐻 "This ain't what jesus woulda wanted darlin... Reckon Jesus yeah much like myself right, was probably quite fond of a little shut eye, yeah I reckon he was you know..."
🐻 but of course its mostly just an exaggerated act he's pulling, and mostly he's only grumbling so much because he loves the sound of your giggling, loves the way your laughter leaves you wriggling in his lap trying to escape him when he starts grumbling again...
🐻 he will force you to lie back down, your head on his chest whilst he gets a little extra sleep. He kisses your forehead and tells you to go back to sleep too... "Got a big day ahead of us my little ziskeit, an I wouldn't want my pretty poppet wearing herself out before she's even had her breakfast right... So me and you yeah, we're gonna lie here just a little bit longer right... And I know you can manage waiting right because I happen to know you're a very good, very patient girl... Ain't you ziskeit?"
🐻 Alfie drags Christmas morning cuddles out for as long as possible and insists that all presents are opening in bed... If you've got little ones they drag their stockings into the bedroom and climb up into bed with mum and dad to open their presents too.
🐻 Alfie would have quite a low-key chilled out Christmas I think, you'd have lots of cute little personal family traditions (like the aforementioned opening presents in bed). He'd want there to be as little fuss as possible and a quiet but cosy Christmas by the fire would suit him best ...
🐻 that being said he always tries so hard to be charming and polite when your parents come over for christmas lunch...
🐻 he can't get down on the floor to play with the children so instead he sits in his arm chair and invites them up to play in his lap, letting them make their toy horses and soldiers climb up his left arm, conquer his right shoulder in battle and then claim victory over all on top of his head.
🐻 has a deadly sweet tooth and eats more dessert than Christmas dinner...
🐻 you mix Christian and Jewish traditions on Christmas day and Alfie spends a lot of time in the kitchen with you on Christmas Eve preparing babka and other treats from his own cultural background to share with the family...
🐻 modern Alfie would absolutely threaten deal or death on anyone who even considered reading a christmas cracker joke to him...
🐻 he spent the run up to Christmas being a big mard arse, threatening you with the naughty list every time you said no to him or didn't do as he'd asked. Whenever you were cheeky or sarcastic with him he'd told you you he wasn't bothering with gifts this year, telling you not to bother getting him anything...
🐻 But of course Alfie would never neglect his little ziskeit and come Christmas morning you're unwrapping the loveliest gifts from him... mostly music... the best gift Alfie has bought for you however can't be unwrapped and certainly can't be given to you in bed... it's waiting downstairs in the lounge... a new piano with the most gorgeous intricate design engraved in the body.
🐻 Alfie is terrible for spoiling the kids far too much too... Every year you end up getting them more and more between the two of you, but that's because for as cynical as Alfie is about the whole Christmas ordeal as he calls it, he does know the joy it brings to children and he does believe wholeheartedly that children should be able to have perfect happy childhoods.
🌼 Christmas with John is chaotic from the second the sun rises to long after it has set...
🌼feral children everywhere, and one adult man who isn't much better.... John loves to see the children excited and so he'll do anything to feed the fire, ramping up the excitement at any opportunity...
🌼 definitely a chocolate for breakfast household...
🌼 but before the sun rises, before the kids wake up and start shaking the house down... You're woken up by John, his arms wrapped around you, nuzzling into your hair, kissing your neck from behind you...
🌼 because it might be Christmas but he isn't sacrificing cosy, sleepy morning sex for anything and this his own special way of wishing you a merry Christmas...
🌼 so when the kids come bursting into the bedroom you're already awake, cuddled up with John making the most of the last few moments peace before the big day really starts.
🌼 And once the children are up that it, you're both being dragged down the stair to the living room where the children's stockings are full of treats and toys galore... And John's gifts to you are much the same
🌼 John buys you gifts which bring out your inner child, your favourite sweets, dancing frocks and feather hair bands to match... Chocolates too.
🌼 the best gift of all however arrives in an excited bundle of fluff and fur... A bright eyed puppy John had been keeping hidden in the kitchen, a gift not just for you but all the family... The children are over the moon, all shouting names to call her, and you're overjoyed too.
🌼 There's music on the gramophone and John's been mixing you Christmas cocktails since breakfast time, he dances you around your living room and picks your daughter up to dance with you too. Letting the kids dance with their feet on his feet, playing all sorts of silly Christmas games with them too. John is the life and soul of Christmas and there isn't a second goes by without laughter and general merriment on Christmas when John is around.
🌼 trying to gather the children (including John tbh) up to visit his brother's at Arrow House is a nightmare and you definitely all arrive late to Christmas lunch... Not that anyone was expecting you all to be on time... John and the children put the feral in festive?
🌼 He drives Tommy insane all day and you finally get a little peace and relief sipping gin by the fire with Ada and Polly.
🌼 And John definitely still makes time for you, stealing you away when the children are worn out from playing all day. Everyone's a little sleepy in the afternoon, even the puppy is dozing by the fire. John catches your hand and steals you away to a shadowy corner of the house to steal a Christmas kiss from his very own Christmas miracle.
🍀Going to bed on Christmas Eve, the smell of smoke from the fire, cinnamon and citrus from the little garlands of oranges and holly sprigs that you made and hung up around the vardo... In the morning when you wake there's fresh frost on the window and you can feel the chill in the air...
🍀so you snuggle in closer to Bonnie and he wraps his arms around you a little tighter than before. Youre cuddled up together beneath layers of blankets, listening to the birds outside, the hush of Christmas morning before the children wake up... with your eyes closed you're just enjoying being wrapped up together in the arms of your love...
🍀his scratchy morning voice and lilted accent as he kisses your cheek, nuzzles in closer and says "merry Christmas little dove..." "merry chrismas Bon." You whisper against his neck, your breath tickling him as you press a kiss to his skin.
🍀Christmas day is always busy and a little chaotic at the camp, many families all gather together for a huge celebration, which means brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and old friends all gathered together with a fire and feast... Children running round with their new toys, snowball fights, all the little girls making snow angels and getting little ice crystals in the tangles of their long wild hair.
🍀And one day Bonnie can't wait to watch his own children running around all rosy cheeked on Christmas morning, scoffing chocolates and treats from father Christmas...
🍀but for now it's just you and him wrapped up snug and warm inside, sharing a little peace and tranquility before the chaos of Christmas
🍀Your stockings would be quite small, humble little things, but you'd have filled them with sweet little gifts, many of them handmade, for one another.
🍀You have carved bonnie a gorgeous new knife, it's engraved beautifully with little woodland vines along the handle. He's really pleased with it. And Bonnie has carved you something just as beautiful, a hair slide adorned with dried white flowers... It takes your breath away. Bonnie's gifts would be a mixture of practical and pretty....
🍀And because he has big dreams of wealth and riches Bonnie would have saved all the money from his boxing winnings to buy you something stunning and expensive... Something he definitely shouldn't have bought you! A necklace or a set of earrings made with your birthstone.
🍀 Bonnie would definitely get very broody and sentimental at Christmas, especially after a drink and having spent a lot of the day looking after some of the youngens. You'd be feeling the same too after watching him teach the younger lads to box, watching him dance with your younger sister around the fire and give her piggy backs when she's tired.
🍀And he'll want to dance with you too, there'll he no escaping him and you won't be able to keep the smile off your face when he's swaying you slowly to a softer Christmas song. He'd be singing it softly to you as you danced.
🐀 After a wild Christmas Eve you'd both be very tired and perhaps a little hungover... So you'd wake up tangled between the sheets together, sore heads and sleepy eyes... And that's where you'd stay for as long as possible.
🐀 you wouldn't have any Christmas commitments until it was time for Christmas dinner with Isaiah's father so you would drag the morning out in bed with a cup of tea, both of you feeling lazy...
🐀 When you finally wander downstairs you'd both be wearing Isaiah's pyjamas, him wearing the bottoms and you wearing the top. You'd sit together under a blanket to exchange gifts by the tree...
🐀 Deciding to cure your hangovers with another drink
🐀 luckily for you Isaiah has gifted you a cocktail shaker and set so you can mix up a cure for your Christmas morning hangover.
🐀 he's also bought you some truly gorgeous lingerie, red and lacy and he can't wait to see you in it later...
🐀 It would be quite a relaxed Christmas, you'd probably just about manage to be on time to Christmas Lunch, just about manage to look presentable and hide your hangovers from your parents.
🐀 Cheeky kisses under the mistletoe at every opportunity, you having to remind Isaiah to behave himself in front of your parents... He gets amusingly shy about having to wear a party hat on his head and take his turn in charades... He's actually blushing!!
🐀 You'd end up reengerised by the evening and you'd be back down the garrison come the night to meet with Finn and some of the other Peaky lads, music turned up loud, dancing and getting up to no good. Isaiah knows him and Finn will get a bollocking from Tommy when he comes back to the city but he doesn't care, anything to impress his girl.
☘️ With Michael Christmas morning is luxurious, it's slow and relaxing but it isn't low-key by any stretch of the imagination...
☘️ Tea and breakfast brought up to your room by the house keeper. The two of you eat breakfast in bed, sharing a peaceful good morning cuddle beneath fresh white sheets...
☘️ You go downstairs wrapped in your silk house coat and you exchange gifts beneath the tree, the fire burning in the place, the peaceful crackling of smouldering wood a tranquil soundtrack to your morning.
☘️ Michael has spoiled you, he's bought you a dress which is truly divine, a beautiful shade of jade green, you know he wants you to wear it today... He wants to show off his riches and also his girl... It's probably an attempt at making Tommy jealous... And you're determined to aid your man in whatever he desires so you make a note to do your make up perfectly, a little extra smoulder to your eyes shadow, a little extra rouge on your lips...
☘️ He's also tries to spoil you with the most modern, trend setting gifts... A state of the art gramophone, a home video camera which you're excited to use later to record the Shelby family Christmas.
☘️ Then you and Michael take a hot, steamy bath together, relaxing in eachothers arms, washing one anothers hair, closing your eyes and enjoying the peace, making the most of it before you have to visit the rest of the family at Arrow House...
☘️ Michaels a little begrudging about having to spend the day in Tommy's shadow so you do your best on Christmas morning to stroke his ego and give him the self esteem boost he needs to face his older cousin...
☘️ He's also paid for a trip to New York, he's been many time on business but he wants to take you with him and spoil you, show you Broadway and the skyscrapers which have stolen his heart.
☘️ Aunt Polly meets you at the door to arrow house and takes you under her wing, introducing you to everyone else and stealing you away with the women to drink whiskeys in the kitchen whilst the men play with the little ones who are running riot in the snow covered garden.
☘️ Michael has to rescue you from them because he catches them giving you the third degree, trying to work out if he's going to propose, trying to work out if you're pregnant.
☘️ if he was planning on proposing I think Michael is most likely to propose at Christmas.
🪽 Christmas starts at midnight when you're attending mass together, recieving communion, you resting your head on his shoulder as your lips move sleepily to the melody of another hymn.
🪽 Luca is never particularly impressed by mass in England, he always scowls and shakes his head, give you an earful on the way home about how the English are all uncultured heathens...
🪽 you just shake your head and smile, stroke his cheek as he's driving, place a cigarette between his lips and light it for him, you plant a kiss to his cheek to calm him and he settles down, remembering that it's Christmas... a happy day, a day of peace...
🪽 Luca has always found Christmas time to make him a little more romantic than usual and when he pulls up the car in the driveway he lifts you out of the car like a bride and carries you over the threshold as if it were the very first time. Smothers you in kisses as you make your way up to bed.
🪽In the morning when you wake it is to his low husky singing, an old hymn from his homeland which sounds all the more lovely for his lethargic tone. He strokes your hair from your face and brushes a kiss over your lips wishing his darling a merry christmas...
🪽 He lights your cigarette for you and you lie back against your plush set of pillows feeling like a princess, and you look radiant with the Christmas morning light streaming through the windows.
🪽 Luca can't resist you in the mornings and finds it impossible to keep his hands off you, slipping beneath the covers to wish you a merry Christmas in his own special way.
🪽 When the children wake they're full of excitement, bubbling over with Christmas spirit as they drag you and their Papà from your bed to go downstairs and open their gifts...
🪽 Now of course the children have been spoiled rotten as always, new toys and enough sweets to rot their teeth in under ten seconds... But you... You're Luca's Angelo, every gift he's given you is addressed to "cuore mio" (my heart) and every present is more beautiful than the last.
🪽 he spoils you with classy gifts, a string of pearls, a new gramophone and a collection of your most treasured records...
🪽 but his main gift to you plays towards Luca's dramatic tendencies, his need to show off and shower you in all the adoration his wallet can give... In the driveway with a red ribbon tied around the body is a flash sports car just for you.
🪽 "But... I can't... Drive..." "Not yet cuore mio, but don't worry, you'll have the best teacher..."
🪽 tickets to the opera and the most gorgeous black velvet dress for you to wear when he takes you into the city for an evening of luxury and music.
🪽 Luca dotes on you throughout the whole of the festive period, he dotes on you normally but in December and early January he really layers it on thick, all day Luca makes sure your every need is attended to... He is always the one to top up your wine glass, always planting little kisses to your hands and fingers, using any excuse to touch you...
🪽 Helps you get ready in your finery to greet your guests before dinner, Luca combs your hair and helps you into your dress, fastens the clasp of your necklace and can't resist peppering your neck in teasing kisses...
🪽 He doesn't mind playing host to his huge family, it's an excuse to show off after all, but he tires of social interaction quickly and you can see him growing impatient as the day draws on, you stop to massage his shoulders beneath the mistletoe and then you let your kiss linger on his lips, "not long now tesoro," you remind him, "then it'll be just me and you and the children, you'll have us all to yourself..." "Trust me cuore mio that moment can't come soon enough..."
🪽 When you try to pull away and return to the dining room Luca drags you back for one last kiss and really makes the most of the little moment of peace he gets to have with you.
🥀 There was a time when Christmas was a particularly lonely time for Aberama, a time when he remembered all that he lost when he lost Bonnie's mother.. he used to find the winter season to be a harsh, cold, long and lonely winter...
🥀 but with you in his life things are finally beginning to thaw out, he has hope again for the first time in a long time. Your sweetness makes him feel warm despite the winter frost on the ground...
🥀 So now Christmas is a time when Aberama finds himself feeling grateful, more than anything else. He finds himself reflecting on his life and how much his family means to him, finds himself reflecting on you and all the joy and peace you've brought to his conflicted world.
🥀 His favourite part of winter is going on long walks through the frosty countryside with you tucked up in one of his big coats, seeing your little head poking out of a scarf he's wrapped tight around your neck to keep the chill at bay, your little rosy cheeks, is one of the prettiest sights he's blessed with amid the grey of December...
🥀 On Christmas morning he wakes up before you to prepare the fire and to start brewing tea and preparing breakfast... You're a little younger than him and he has a tendency to dote on you at the best of times, but on Christmas morning in particular you look so adorable, so at peace tucked away beneath the blankets that he can't bare to disturb you...
🥀 so you awake to a slight breeze tickling your cheeks, the sound of fire crackling, the hiss of the kettle coming to boil... And when you join Aberama by the fire you're still hazy with sleep. He opens his arms to welcome you into his embrace and lets you sit between his legs on the floor as he carries on attending to the fire.
🥀 As the camp slowly comes to life and everything gets busier he keeps you tucked away nice and close to him... With his own children grown up there's a little less chaos around his vardo and so you are both able to watch the festivities from a slight distance... You know it won't be long before you're swept up in it all however, you know it won't belong before one of the little ones comes running to show you their new toys...
🥀 and so you make the most of the peace whilst the children are distracted by their stockings to exchange your own gifts by the fire...
🥀Aberama is a practical and sentimental gift giver, he gives you a huge cosy woolen jumper, one to keep you snug and wrapped up in the cold months ahead, new boots for riding and accompanying him on those long rambles through the woodlands, he's also bought you a new pony, shes gorgeous and your heart swells with pride at the knowledge he'd have needed to pull a mean trick to get you a creature so beautiful, the thought you're worth that much to him almost brings you to tears.
🥀 Definitely takes a lot of pride in preparing the perfect Christmas feast and he keeps himself plenty busy in the morning with some of the other men and women preparing a fine spread for everyone to share... Definitely saves you the best carving of meat and the best looking potatoes.
🥀 Honestly despite the fact his children have grown and that even his youngest is an adult now, I thinn Christmas time makes Aberama a little broody, a little nostalgic for the days when his own little ones were running riot playing with their new toys... You might find he starts talking a little sentimentally when he's had too much wine, that when he's dancing with you by the fire in the evening he pulls you a little closer than usual...
Merry Christmas to all of my lovely lovely followers I hope you've had a lovely day <3

Keep reading
Read the rules
Corey Cunningham
- His baby mama : part 2
Leon S. Kennedy
- Unexpected Boner
- Valentine’s day
- His young and bright light
- Australian girlfriend
- Caught in the office
- RE Boys x endometriosis!reader
- Sore loser
Chris Redfield
- Warm me up, Captain
- Body heat
- RE Boys x endometriosis!reader
Albert Wesker
- Migraines
- Progenitor woman: part 1, part 2, part 3
- Disorder
- RE Boys x endometriosis!reader
- Hate makes you blind
- Shaking like a leaf
- God Complex
- Covidead
- Annoying Wesker
- Family
- Albert Wesker as a father
- Privacy
- How Wesker decide the perfect mate
- Nsfw headcanon
- Wesker’s captive: part 1
- Seduction fails
Joel Miller
- Your lucky star
- On his backseat
Bucky Barnes
- Protection
- Exquise Esquisse - Part 2
- Bucky as a dad
- Meow
- The melted popsicle
- The Asgardian whale dancing salsa
Peter Parker
- Blur
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Thomas Shelby
- Everything I touch
- Periods (part 2)
- Fading innocence
Alfie Solomons
- Periods
John Shelby
- Periods
- Perfect sexual partner
- Coward
Michael Gray
- Work of art
- Blow your brain
- Sex or more?
- Someone else better than him
- You grow up too fast
- Periods (part 2)
- The Clementine - Part 2 (finished)
Sweet Pea
- FP’s desk
Dean Winchester
- We’re not super heroes
- Fuck you, Chuck
- Chicken Out
Sam Winchester
- We’re not super heroes
- Chicken Out
Tom Hardy
Cillian Murphy
- The wrong path
- Love war
Sebastian Stan
- The Little
- I wanna love you
Jensen Ackles
Requests are open
Hey! I'm new to Tumblr, so I don’t have readership. Therefore, ask me imagines, it would make me happy! :)
My masterlist (in which you can find the characters and actors I write for) :
Request: alfie solomons x reader imagines where reader is on her period? also one for john?
Warnings: none, periods are a normal thing.
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
Alfie Solomons:

➳ Him wanting you to stay in bed:
“Alfie, you know I can’t!” you sighed.
“Well, I’m going to call your boss and he will fucking accept because he’s a good man, innit?” he said, spreading his arms for you to take refuge there while an amused smile stretched his plump lips
“No, because he’s afraid of Alfie Solomons and his dreadful Jewish gang.”
“That’s fantastic, you can rest whenever you want, pet.”
You shook your head, hopeless and complied to his wish if it reassured him…
➳ He asked Cyril to take care of you even if he’s just a dog…
“Look, I need you to watch over her when I’m not at home. Alright, mate?”
“Yeah, of course, you will have your reward.”
➳ He was used to periods, thanks to his sisters. So, knowing you were on your period or that you stained the bed sheets, it has never disgusted or surprised him. He was cool with that.
➳ Sometimes, he asked advices to his sisters and his mother:
“So, what stops the pain, Ima?”
“Giving me grandchildren, Alfred. It works every time and for nine months.”
➳ Putting hot clothes on your stomach to ease with the cramps and telling your stories about his childhood to distract you from the pain. Then, he asked you about having children, joking about the fact you won’t bleed from your vagina during nine months, which led you to slap him on his shoulder.
➳ Baking your favorite pastries when he came back home because he knew how much you were greedy on your period, but also you always said he had golden hands.
John Shelby:

➳ “I’m dying John, I swear!” you yelled after he teased you about being a weak woman. Nope, this month Mother Nature was so harsh with you, that is was intolerable.
➳ You kept massaging your tummy to help with the cramps and you just wanted to sleep, whereas all the kids were shouting or fighting over something, as always. “JOHN FUCKING SHELBY solve your children problem or I will break your neck!” Yep, it was harsh, but you still loved his kids and he knew it.
➳ Even if he liked mocking you, when he saw you were in a really bad shape, he silenced the kids so that you could sleep without being disturbed.
➳ “Shit, I didn’t impregnate you this month!”
“And if you do, I will cut your balls and feed the dog with them.” You responded, curled on yourself. “Six children are already a lot. We don’t need more.”
“But we don’t have one together…” he murmured, dropping kisses on your neck.
Sure, you wanted kids, but you preferred to wait. So, you contented yourself with having your period.
(A/n: in this one, Esme died, not John. That’s why they are already six kids, not four.)
➳ John was literally a rabbit, not having sex for almost a week was hard for him, especially if you were physically close to him. So there were a lot of displays of affection at home, in bed, which led to jerk him off.
➳ Making him massage your ovaries to calm them, to ease your mood.
➳ “John..?” you called in the darkness of the night before you turned on the bedside light. “John, wake up!” you startled him and he looked at you with narrow eyes, not fully awake.
“What do you want eh? It’s 3 a.m.!”
“I want chocolate.”
“I want chocolate!” you repeated.
“Can’t you move your ass to the kitchen?” he questioned, fixing his gaze on you.
“It was my nice request for you to move to change the sheets because I’m swimming in a pool of blood.” You explained with a smile, seeing him grimace.
“You still want the chocolate?” he asked nicely before he stole you a kiss.
Yeah, you had your way to soften that man.
Rules to ask an imagine or a headcanon

I explain why there are rules just after thoses:
1) Ask something original or at least not too cliché. I would accept something cliché if the character you want me to write for still doesn’t have the same plot written. :)
2) I’ll write what I want to, only if I like your request or if I feel comfortable enough to write it (it should be okay if you respect the first rule)
3) Don’t ask me the same imagine or headcanon you sent to someone else, please.
4) Don’t harass me. If you want an answer, message me in private ;)
5) Don’t ask for a character that isn’t already in my masterlist. I can accept only if I already wrote for a character played by the same actor. But I can’t make promises.
6) Feel free to ask age gap stories, I’m living for it! Aha
7) English isn’t my first language so I’ll make some spelling or grammar mistakes, so don’t be harsh.
8) Being polite is always a plus ;)
I’m not the kind of person to establish rules, except when I don’t have the choice. I need to explain myself, why I need to set up rules. I can seem stupid to say that, but I have been really busy lately and I always will. Firstly, I make my studies a priority. Besides studies, I write a lot. These are mostly novels (in French) and since I’m published author, I want to focus my efforts on my novels... I would like to live from my books but in France, it’s extremely difficult, so I have to work harder and harder. So, it takes a lot of my time. Not to mention that there are times when I really want to relax reading or watching movies and series instead of writing.
I hope you understand my choice,
Love you. ♡
My social media:
Instagram - carolinemertz_
Twitter - causeimhappines
Wattpad - CauseImHappiness
1) Do you want me to translate my french novel in English, which is a little inspired by Supernatural? The novel is called “Promised to Lucifer” and is available on Wattpad. The story is about demons, angels, with wizardry, riddles, etc. Btw, he actor I chose for my character “Lucifer” is Jensen Ackles. ;)
2) Feel free to request imagines/one-shots about Bucky Barnes, Tommy Shelby, Alfie Solomons and Tom Hardy! (for the moment, that’s what I want to write) ♡
3) Should I continue my story “Exquise Esquisse”?
(+ I’m sorry if I made some spelling and grammar mistakes)
Help me find this Fic
I’m going crazy! I read this fic a while ago, it was an Alfie x Tommy x reader and reader and Tommy were in a relationship beforehand and then Alfie sort of entered himself into it as he does. It was the sequel to the first fic and Tommy took reader to a dinner with the Russians and they get split up and she ends up in a sort of sex room and Alfie shows up and stays with her. When tommy goes to get her she’s still with Alfie and then the three of them go back to Tommy and hers place where she wrecks everything and then they have sex. Pls help me find it idk if it got deleted or taken down or if I’m just stupid but pls.
Change Your Tune

requested by × anonymous
I stared at the patterns on the ceiling in my room, my hands clench and unclenches the sheets as Tommy thrusts inside me grunting in my ear. My eyes shift from the roof to the vanity mirror across from me, I frowned softly staring at myself trying to figure out why on god green earth was I here.
"Am I boring you?" I snapped my head to looked up at Tommy not noticing he stopped and was staring down at me with a unamused look.
"No, I was just..." I trailed off sensing he didn't really want a answer, so i just shook my head.
"Nothing, I'm sorry." He stared at me for a few seconds, before his hand moved from my thigh to my neck turning my head the opposite way of the mirror. His mouth licked and bite at my skin causing my body to react, he started thrusting inside me again but harder and faster. His rough thrust caused the bed to knock against my dresser causing littler trinkets to fall to the floor.
His hand tighten around my neck causing me to close my eyes and let tommy continue fucking me, after a couple more thrust I squeezed around him tensing making tommy came inside me groaning well burying his face in my shoulder. I groaned mentally at tommy heavy body going limp on top of me, I can only imagine the looks on my father face if he find me like this now. He probably be disgusted by me if he known men did this me...well a man, tommy shifted on top of me making me snap back to reality as he gets up off the bed. I covered my body with my thin blanket before turning on my side to watch tommy put his cock back in his pants and fix his trousers, he moved over to my dresser where his jacket was pulling out a pack of cigarettes.
He put one in his mouth before glancing at me offering me one, I shook my head I didn't like the taste of them and they kinda made my lungs feel funny. He shrugged litting his cigarette and putting on his jacket, I shifted sitting up on the bed my back leaning against the wall. I looked over at tommy as he holster his gun in his back waistband before looking back on the dresser, he backed up looking on the floor for something making me move to the edge of my bed. I bended over checking under my bed to find a golden ring not too far from my reached, I lifted myself up and looked over to tommy and held out my hand.
"Thanks." He mutters taking the metal out of my hand and sliding his wedding ring on his finger, I wondered watching him look at his ring if he felt gulity for being here after lizzie forbide him from coming to this place.
He was my first and only client on the account of him being the leader of the peaky blinders, which meant I didn't have to deal with some of the pricks who go through here like the other girls. I'm not an idiot I know tommy wanting me to himself doesn't mean he gives a fuck about me, he may not say it but he makes it clear that I'm just another hole that he can stick his dick inside whenever he wants.
"It's not proper to stare." My eyes averted from his gazed when he spoke up making me look down at my bedsheets.
"I'm sorry." I heard him move towards my bed before sitting down, I felt his fingers grab my chin lifting my face up to look at him.
"You want to ask me something. Ask." He stared into my eyes as I stared into his thinking if I should ask.
"Do you ever feel gulity coming here even though lizzie told you not too?" His face was unfazed by the question, but his eyes grew hard as his hand moved from my chin to grab my jaw making me wince as he held it tightly.
"Not that its any of your business, but no I don't. Why? You getting tired of me fucking you." He said calmly.
"N-no." I shook my head in pain.
"Good." He said letting go before he stood up heading towards the door, i rubbed my jaw moving it as I scowled him with his back to me.
"Because it be a shame to found out they switch you to a different brothel, where the men could be so much worse." I looked at him startled by his threat, tommy glanced halfway over his shoulder bidding me a goodnight before opening and shutting the door with a loud bang.
I sinked back into my bed pulling my blanket tighter around me, now that tommy is mad i wonder if he going to make good on his threat. I buried my face in my pillow trying not to think about it, I threw all my thoughts about tommy away and started imagining I was back in my home in my comfortable bed and my old room with clothes all over the floor and the window that looks out to the backyard where I sit to be alone. My body started to relaxed as I imagine my old life with my friends and family, and finally fell asleep.
My brain was awake before my body as the banging on my door signal that it was time to get up, I opened my eyes staring at my reflection in the mirror seeing the hickies all over my neck and shoulder.
I groaned pushing myself up before crawling off the bed, I put on a dress shirt and some underwear from my dresser before heading towards the door.
"Hi." I looked up from closing my door to see my next door neighbor.
"Hi, blondie." The blonde smiled at me like she always do as she follows behind me down stairs.
"The madam want to talk to you." A red hair girl said walking up to me, I nodded walking towards the room where the madam would be at this time.
"Come in." I stepped in looking around before standing in front of her desk.
"Do you have your earnings?" She asked putting down her pen and looking at me, I nodded digging in my shirt pocket and pulling out a couple of pounds.
"30 pounds?" She looked impressed before putting them in bra for safe keeping.
"You can go back to your room, now." My brows knit togther.
"But I haven't eaten breakfast yet."
"Only girls who satisfy their clients get to eat." I frowned.
"But I–"
"Mr.Shelby told me about last night, he said you were distracted and gave him dismissed." I clenched my teeth watching her pick up her pen and start filling out paperwork again.
I walked out and headed towards the stairs back to my room, I sighed flopping on my back and staring at the ceiling patterns. I only hope the food I had yesterday would be enough for me, and I still have chores around the house that I had to do to get lunch so it isn't too bad. But the worst was to come when tommy didn't show up that night or the next day or the next day or the next day having to depend on doing a good job on my chores to eat, I guess this was tommy way of punishing me.
I was reading a book blondie gave to me a well back to keep me entertained, I heard two knocks from my door making me hide my book under the mattress before standing up and looking at the door as the madam and an unfamiliar man walked through the door.
" (Y/N) meet Mr. Solomon his a friend of Mr. Shelby." I looked over at the larger man before plastering on a small smile.
"Hi." I said softly, he look me up and down before looking around the room.
"Mr. Shelby instructed that you take special care of Mr. Solomon tonight. " Madam hummed giving me a look, I nodded with a smile.
"Good girl." She says before glancing at the man as she walked out the door, I turned my gaze to the man as he sat his cane against the dresser.
"How long have you been fucking?" He asked looking at the tinklets on my dresser, I hesitated to speak not knowing if I should or he grow mad like tommy and do something to me.
"Come on don't be shy spit it out, girly." He huffed turning in my direction.
"Only a few months." I said looking at him, he nodded grunting as he took a seat on my bed. He massaged his knee grunting before unbutton his white shirt, I watched as he grabbed my pillow from beside him and put it behind as he moved to lay down putting his arm under his head.
"My knee is givin me 'rouble so you gonna 'ave to do mos' ov the work, girly." He says unbutton his trousers and taking out his cock, I nodded again reaching under my dress and pulling my panties down making them drop to my feet. I kicked them to the side and make my way to him, I sighed mentally before putting him in my mouth.
He was a bit bigger than tommy by length and girth which is good it means it won't hurt as much like the first time I did it, I looked up to see his eyes closed and him biting his bottom lip.
"Fuck!" He exclaimed under his breathe, his hand grabbed a fist full of my hair as he bobbed my head further as his cock it the back of my throat. I moaned around him feeling his cock twitch in my throat, I wiped the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand before going to straddle him.
His hands cralwed up to my upper arm sliding the straps from my dress off making my breast fall out, we made eye contact for millisecond before I glanced away down at his tatted chest. I rubbed his hard cock a few more times before rubbing his tip against my folds making me become wet, I grunt lowly slowly sliding my body down on his cock.
I closed my eyes as I started to ride him rolling my hips making him groan softly, I felt his hand slide up from my waist and grab hold of my breast rolling my nipple between his thumb and index finger well squeezing causing a moan to slip out. I stop my movement feeling his thumb rub against my clit, he smacked my ass making me tense at the weird new feeling that shot through me.
"Come on, love. I'm not paying ya to sit and look pretty. " He said gruffly, I gave him a shy apologetic look before moving again. His thumb went back to my clit making the feeling in my stomach tighten and pussy to get wetter, I bite the bottom of my lip moving my hands on to his board chest. His hand left my breast slide down back to my waist as he thrust hips into me making me whimper, he held tightly in my waist as we fall into a rhythm.
I was getting close and so was he, he moved his hand again between my breasts and towards my neck squeezing it lightly as he fuck into me a bit harder with his thumb still circling my sensitive clit. I couldn't help the small cry out as the orgasm vibrated through my whole body, he pulled me down by my neck as he kissed me sloppily well I still rocked my hips against his cock. His other hand moved from my clit to my ass squeezing it as he came inside me with a low groan.
I couldn't help but slumped against him with my breast flash against his chest, I could feel dick still inside me twitching. I slowly slide off of him sitting on the other side of my bed, I moved to put my straps back on my shoulder before glancing at him as he fixed his trousers and button up his shirt.
"Fuckin hell." He grunts rubbing his bad knee, I frowned softly at his pain remembering people I helped with the same problem.
"May I?" I asked, he looked over at me as I pointed at his knee.
"...knock yourself out." He said gruffly laying back down watching me closely, I moved at the of the bed facing him before digging my thumbs into his thighs massage the muscles. He grunted in pain before going reflex when my hands moved down to his knee carefully massaging the side to try ease the muscles.
"Does that feel better?" I asked still massaging his thigh.
"Yeah...where you learn to do that?" He asked curious, I looked up at him for a second before shrugging.
"France." He hummed before moving off the bed, he went over to the dresser to grab his hat and cane.
"I'll be back tomorrow." I suppress my surprise and nodded.
"Same time, Mr.Solomon?" He looked over at me before nodding.
He left a couple pounds on my dresser before tipping his hat toward me and walking out the room, I buried my face into the pillow as I brought my cover to my chest feeling exhausted. I sighed as my mind was too tired to think about anything, but my mind did slowly drift to the man who
I haven't seen tommy since our last encounter but I have been seeing the sweet brute name alfie around more often, the second time he came back I was sorta surprised he didn't want to have sex. Instead, he wanted me to do what I did the day before with his leg and he started up a conversation.
"What's your name?" He asked, I looked up well massaging his thigh.
"Whatever you want my name to be." He shook his head.
"I want your real name." I looked at him a bit taken back, I hesitate for a minute before telling him my name.
"That's a pretty name." He hummed leaning back watching me work on his calf.
I asked for his name feeling a bit confident and he told me his name was alfrie...not alfred he made it clear how much he dispised being called alfred...he told me I could just call him Mr. Solomon if I was more comfortable with that.
"Or daddy." He winked at me causing me to chuckled lowly before smiling at him.
"I'll keep that in mind."
That was our routine he would come in tell me what he wanted to do and we do it, and at the end he tell me he see me tomorrow. One night, alfie came back he asked me a peculiar question.
"How do a smart girl like yourself end up here..." alfie asked as he rubs my feet and vise versa, this is one of those times alfie stay a extra longer to talk with me. I wasn't hesitant to tell alfie anything anymore now that he consider me his friend.
"My half-brother owned a debt to arthur shelby, he couldn't pay it so he drove his car into the canal." I said flat, I barely knew him and when my father introduced us he didn't want anything to do with me unless he needed money.
"Did they find the body?" I nodded.
"Yeah, my dad called me to identify if it was him and it was..."
"Must have been hard for your family." I shrugged, my dad was the only one broken up by his son's death well everybody else knew he was manipulative thief.
"I can't found sympathy for the bastard who put me in a 2,400 dollar debt." I threw a quick smile to alfie before going blank, I could be finishing school getting a real career and making something of myself but I'm here getting fucked for money.
"2,400 isn't that much." Alfie mused looking off to the side, I looked back back at him with a look.
"maybe not you, Mr. Camden Gangster," I smirked making him laugh, "...but to us common folks it's a lot of fucking money." I could feel his hand wrapped around my ankle dragging me slightly from my spot, I looked at to see me giving me those "fuck me" eyes.
I moved from my spot and sat on his lap with both legs on either side so im straddling him, alfie lay his hands on my side looking at me.
"what if I pay your debt?" He mutters, I smiled down at him shaking my head.
"you dont have to–" He cut me off as his hand slide to my ass pinching it making me glare softly at him.
"why not, huh? I have the money if you worried about paying me back–" I kissed his lips stopping him from talking I didn't want to talk about it anymore the thought of leaving here felt like a pipe dream, my hand brushed against his cock feeling how hard felt beneath his trouser.
"looks like someone ready for round 4. " I giggled, my lips kissed down his neck before leaving love bites. Alfrie held my wrists with both hands making me grin at him.
"stop trying to distract me, luv." I sighed as he gave me a look.
"tommy told me the same thing a couple months ago, but he changed his mind saying my pussy was too good to let go." I furrowed my brows back then I thought it was vigor what he said, but now I'm kinda flattered.
"I can't argue with that but do you think I go back on my word like shelby?" He asked a bit offended.
"Can you blame me? I got dragged into something that had nothing to do with me." I rubbed my forehead with back of my hand.
"And now if I leave I won't have no place to go my father won't allow me back if he founds out what I been doing for the past year and half. I can't go back to school. I cant get a job. I'm stuck here debt or not." I closed my eyes to stop the tears from forming, I spent most of my days waiting for the day my debt would be clear. Now, I dread for that day to come knowing I have no home and no money to fed myself knowing I would come back crawling begging to be let back in.
"All I know is this life now, why not just accept it." I shrugged looking back at him I couldn't help but admire his tatted chest and move my fingers across his chest.
"Now, can we go back to what he were doing and forget you say me at my lowest." I joked trying to bring up the mood again, i didn't want ruin a nice mood.
Alfie gave me a small smirk nodding before pulling bsck for a kiss, he flipped me on my back now hovering over me.
"Alfie. Your knee.' I said worried.
"Don't worry it doesn't hurt much right now. Now turn on your side." He motion his head as I turned on my side facing the mirror in front of me, I heard shuffling with his pants. I laid my head on my arm waiting for him, I felt him placing kisses up and down my neck and shoulder before his hand came around and started rubbing my clit.
"aw, alfie." I moaned putting my leg bending my leg up giving him more access, alfie's cock played in my folds making me wet teasing me ever so slightly. He held my breast as he thrust into me causing me to moan out his name again, his other hand hook under my leg spreading me wider. My finger rubbed my clit as pleasure shoot through my body, alfie beard tickled my neck as he left wet kisses and bites marks.
He groaned feeling me clench around him, he pulled my hair to turned my hair before his tongue explore my mouth. The sweet tightness of pleasure building up in my stomach bust, my body vibrated against alfie as he continued to fuck me from behind soon coming inside me with a huff before kissing my shoulder.
That was week ago. I haven't seen or heard from him since, I didn't take it personally I kinda hoped he leave. I couldn't start falling for this man...alfie had responsibilities to his gang and to people who counted on him, we wouldn't work out he comes here to blow off steam from the underworld and to have me in his life 27/4 would just cause both of us to be unhappy.
I turned my head yawning opening my eyes, I see aflie sitting on the end if my bed with his cost and hat still on.
"Hey, you. What time is it?" I stretched out my legs and back before settling back in bed.
"10:30." He asked watching me, I frowned sitting up.
"Fuckin hell." I whispered to myself before looking back at him.
"Did you just get here?" He shook his head no.
"Got here at 9 to found you sleep."
"An hour and a half, alfie. Why didn't wake me up. " I groaned making him chuckled.
"You look pretty when your sleeping." I gave him a look.
"You were watching me sleep." He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.
"You my dear friend are a proper weirdo." I said moving over to him and kiss him on the cheek.
"Can you use a type writer?" He asked, I stopped midway putting my cover over my shoulder before nodding.
"Uhhh, yeah." A bit thrown off by the question, he nodded.
"Can you cook?"
"Can you do laundry?"
" can you drive?"
"Can you clean?"
"What is this? I feel like I'm being interview to be your wife." I giggled, I could see a slight blush come across his face.
"You didnt answer the question."
"Yes, alfie. I can clean. What is this about?" I asked smiling confused.
"I have a proposition for you." He said matter of factly with both hands on his cane.
"...okay." I said curious.
"You work for me as my secretary/assistant, and come stay with until you can get enough money to find a new place." He said, i looked at him with unbelievable expression.
"I cant just leave I still have to pay–"
"Already paid in full." He stood up, I stared into his eyes trying to figure why he doing this for me.
"No time to think. Just yes or no." I looked around my room before looking back at him.
The drive to alfie's home was not long as I looked outside at the buildings and the people walk to or from home, we finally pulled up to his home getting out.
Alfie pulled out his keys as I looked around to see some people out and about, I see a old couple giving me a look making me hold up my hand with a small smile.
"Oh, shit. I forgot to warn I have–" before alfie could finished his sentence a bark came from down the hall and a big dog rushed towards us.
I yelped as the heavy dog's paws pushed me into the door as it stand on its two feet sniffling me.
"Oi, Cyril. Get." Alfie tried to wave the dog away as he got down and started nudging my leg with his nose.
"Oh, what a cute baby." I smiled rubbing his head and snatching behind his ear, the dog, cyril, tail wagged as I scratched his stomach.
"You like dogs?" Alfie asked.
"Like? I love dogs. Oh, I can tell me and him are gonna be good friends." I smiled as the dog started to lick my face, I got up looking around the house before looking back at alfie to see him staring at me.
"Let me show you around." I nodded as he took me around the living room and the kitchen, we soon went up the stairs where he showed me the bathroom and my room. He pointed down the hall at his door.
"That's my room. If you need anything and i mean anything my door is always open." He said with a hint of a deviant glint in his eyes, I leaned closer to him smiling at him feeling his hand go to my hip.
"I'll keep that in mind." He smirked as I leaned in giving a heated kiss.
"I know it's your first night here, but why don't we get you settle in my bed for tonight." He asked huskily.
"I'm already liking it here." I grabbed his hand pulling him towards his room, he used one hand to unbutton his shirt before kicking the door close behind us.
Dance to a Different Tune

requested × anonymous
The sound of the alarm clock woke you making you slam your hand against it to shut it off but that didn't get you to get out of bed just yet, the big bear you called a husband next to you shuffled in bed as he leans over to you and pressed multiple kisses on your back and shoulder just waking up.
"Morning, pet." He whispered before kissing your cheek, the smile that spread across your face made you crack one eye open and turn your head slightly to kiss his lips.
"Morning." Alfie patted your butt before getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom, you closed your eyes again trying to go back to sleep before being force to get up soon.
You listened out hearing the toilet flushing and the sink turning on and off made you continue relaxing, she heard alfie grunt as he walked out of the bathroom and back to bed she perked up as he pulled her into him by her waist.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" She asked.
"I'm the boss. I'll get there when I choose to." She chuckled lowly as she felt him melts into her, she sighed in bliss she loved mornings like these with alfie where they just laid there not saying a word just melting into each other. It's crazy how life turned out for her one minute shes' fucking men for money now she's working in her own bakery and married to camden most notorious gangster, a life she never imagined having but here she was with him enjoying this beautiful quiet morning.
The voice of their oldest daughter, Dinah voice boomed through out the room causing both alfie and you to cringe as more footsteps ran down the hall to your room.
"Mama! Papa! I want pancakes."
"And I want bacon and eggs."
The shouts of the twins made you bury your face into your pillow as you just wanted quiet morning little bit longer, she sat up hearing a painful grunt coming from alfie seeing the little boy and girl crawling on their father's back before sliding off to get into my lap.
"Alf? You okay, babe." His face was buried in his pillow muffling his words, "what?" she says leaning closer to him.
"...fuckin peachy." He grunts out making her give him a small mock pout as she rubbed his back, he twisted onto his back before huffing like a bear he is and looking up at the ceiling as she put ella and david on the bed.
"Do you want me to do that thing that help with the pain?" She asked getting out of bed and going to his side, he looked at her up and down slowly before a small grin made its way onto his face as dirty thoughts ran through his head.
"Oh, darlin not with the kids around." He mutters making you glare at him with a small smile.
" guys are gross." Dinah says disgusted before walking out of the room, alfie's index finger trailed its way slowly against your warm thigh making you slap it away gently.
"Stop that," She whispered rolling her eyes when alfie laugh.
"What? We could start on baby number 6." He grins slowly sitting up making me back up a bit.
"Let the one brewing in my belly form first before we start talking about baby number 6." I watched him get off the bed before looking down at her with his hands on her hips.
"I told you when I married ya I wanted a litter of them, didnt i." I let out a mocked laughed making him give her a toothy grin.
"Not that I could recall." I say as him massage my hips, the twins throw their arm around alfie's shoulder as he got up making them giggle as they cling to the man.
"Why don't you take the munchkins to get ready for the day, well I wake the beast from his cave." Alfie nodded giving me a peck before you moved to kiss the twins on their cheeks.
They walked out of the room with you watching as alfie held both twins over his shoulder to the their room well you walk to your oldest, I knocked before peaking my head insides my son's room to found him still asleep, I smiled a little as I make my way inside and take a seat on the edge of his bed. I ran my hand through his silk brown hair stirring him, he turned towards me with his face against his pillow as he crack open one eye.
"What time is it?" He croaked out.
"A little before seven fifty." He groaned as he closed his eyes again.
"...give me five more minutes." He mutters drifting back to sleep, I moved my hand from his hair making him frown a little.
"Okayyyy, but I have to warn you, your father is making pancakes." I song getting up he groaned knowing that if he didn't get down stairs before his father finish cooking he only be left with scraps of bacon and sausage.
"...I'll be down in a minute." He sighed pulling the covers over his head, I giggled before walking out and going back to my room to get dress for the day.
I finished doing my hair with the curling iron before sliding on my black step in pumps, I looked in the mirror one last time as I fix my black bow brooch tie before walking out. I saw that Joseph's room door was left opened i looked inside not seeing him, I closed the door before making my wsy downstairs with the rest of the family.
"Good morning, family." I said walking over to the coffee pot on the stove, my childern spoke over each other as they wish me a good morning. A hand went to my waist as I pulled out a coffee cup and sat it down next to the stove, Alf got a cup from the same cabinet placing it next to my mug waiting for me to pour him some coffee.
"I saved ya a plate." He said lifting the plate from behind his back towards me making me smile in appreciation.
"Ah, thank you, my love." I took the plate of his hand and laid it on the island behind us, he was press to my side like a fly on honey staring at me.
"Can I help you, Mr. Solomon." I asked lifting the mug to my lips taking a sip as I look at him.
"Nope just waiting for my thank you kiss." I raised my brow at the man.
"Thank you kiss?" I asked, he nodded as his hand on my waist made me come closer as his hip leaned against the counter.
"Yea, I basically had to beat those heathens off with a stick to save ya food, I think I deserve a little kiss don't ya think." He said tilting his head to the side with a grin making me smile behind my mug as I thought about it, I held my mug as I set on the counter before leaning in with alfie doing the same and brush my lips against his only for a second.
"...mwah, there you go, happy." I smiled at him as he narrow his eyes at me.
"What was that?"
"That was a kiss." He scoffed.
"You called that a kiss?" He asked crossing his arms.
"You said you wanted a little kiss, so I gave you a little kiss." I shrugged before turning towards my plate of food.
"Don't play, (y/n). Give me a real kiss." I rolled my eyes as I put down my half eaten bacon and turned back to my husband who had his arms open for me, I stepped into his hold putting my arms around his neck and giving him his kiss. A large gasped left my lips when alfie dipped me making one arms go around my waist and one if his hands to take hold my butt making me smile against his lips, his lips moved away from my lips to my neck causing me to laugh loudly as he bites and suck on my neck where I'm ticklish.
"Mum! Dad! The bus is here. " Joseph call out, making alfie pull me straight up I smiled widely at him as I slap his chest for that stunt he pulled causing him to laugh whole heartily. Alfie followed behind me with coffee in hand as we walked Joseph and Dinah outside where the bus came up in front of house, we peppered them with kisses before letting go and watching them ran up to the bus and get in I waved one last time as the bus drove away before reaching in my skirt pocket and taking out the car keys that I brought myself a long time ago.
"I'll see you after work, my beloved." I said as Alfie walked me and the kids to the car.
"See ya after two be good for your mum, now." Alfie says before binding down as the twins nodded planting kisses on his cheek as they hug him making me smile.
"I love you." I said when he stood up straight making him look at me starstruck as if I never said those three words to him before every morning.
"I love you too, lovely." I unlock the door and buckle the twins in with alfie help before Alf opened my door. I took his hand as I got into the drivers seat he shut the door before leaning his head in kissing my lips for a minute.
"...have a safe drive." He whispered pulling away a bit to look into my eyes.
"I will...," he smile but I could see he was still a bit worried that I didn't have his men to drive me, but I made it clear long ago that I could take it with his men being at the bakery but to drive me around was too much. He nod before he patted the roof of the car as I put the key in the ignition, the kids bid their dad a goodbye as I started to pull out of the drive way he waved as he stood in his same spot. I smiled at him one last time before driving down the road of our street to the bakery.
Ella and David sat in one of the four tables in the shop drawing when I was talking to a customer, I slide the pie towards to the woman with a smile as she thanked me and walked out. I looked over at the time seeing it was almost time for the kids to get out of school, my head turned to the swinging doors where Rosie came out with more fresh bake goods.
"Hey, I got a new batch and there a man in the back that need you to sign some papers." She said putting the cookies in the bakery case.
"Alright, I'll be back." I wrapped my hands on my apron before going to the back and walking past my two other employees, the man turned with a clipboard I smiled at the familiar face and take the pen out of his hand as I sighed my signature on my supplies.
"Thanks, Mrs. Solomon. See you next week. " He tipped his hat towards me.
"See you next week, simon." I smiled as his men put the bag of flour in their usual spot as I go back in the front of the shop, as I walked out of the back dinah and joe walked through the door.
"Hey, how was school." I asked walking up to them and give me a hug.
"Great! My teacher was out so we didn't have to take her test today." Joe said happy as he walked behind the counter with his sister sitting down their backpack.
"Luck you."
"I know right." He said with wide smile making his sister roll her eyes.
"And that's wasn't the best part of the day, a boy in my class got in a fight with a kid a year above us and he won. It was unbelievable." He said ecstatic.
"Well, it's good to see you a great day, how about you dinah how was your day." I asked looking at the little girl who took tied her hair in the back before putting on her apron.
"It was alright I got a A on my science test and got the part of wendy in the peter pan play." I squeal pulling her in a hug.
"I always knew you could do it, baby." I kissed the top of her head still holding her, "I can't wait for all of us to go watch it." Joe groaned.
"Do we all have to–"
"Yes." I cut him off making him scrowl softly, as I let her go the bell to my shop ring.
"Welcome to Lovelie's Bakery, what can I–" I turned towards the door before stopping and seeing who it was.
"I knew it was you, you haven't change a bit." I looked at the person speechless.
"Mum? Who is that?" Joseph asked making the lady look at her son, I could see the gears in her head as she study my son and daughter who was next to me.
"She's...she's um..." I couldn't come up with words to tell my son.
"I'm an old friend...she and my husband were old acquaintances, isn't that right?" Lizzie asked looking at me with a wry look making me roll my eyes.
"Hey, Rosie. Can you take the kids in the back and get started on the cookies." I asked my friend she looked at the woman and back at me nodding as she walked over to the twin.
"Come on, guys. Let make some Christmas cookies." I watched as they shouted in excitement and drag her to the doors, dinah followed right behind leaving Joe to still stand by my side. I put a hand on his back making him look at me.
"I'll be fine, go." I motion to the door with my head making him glance at the woman and nod before walking in the back as I watched.
"Their beautiful...the boy looks like his father." My eyes snapped back to her with a vacant look.
"How old is he? He looks like he a bit younger than charlie–" lizzie looked taken back when I cut her off.
"What the hell are you doing here." I asked coming from behind the counter and standing in front of her.
"I was in the area and thought I could go for a cookie." I scrowl taking a step closer to her as she taunt me.
"It's really not a good idea to mock the wife of a gangster in his territory." I glared as she put her hands up.
"I didn't come in here to fight." I scoffed crossing my arms.
"Then why are you here." I asked impatient, she shrugged sighing before moving some hair out of her face.
"I don't know I saw you from across the way and then I saw your kids, and I just–I guess wanted to see if any of them belong to Tommy. " She said.
"Lucky for you and me, none of them are, so." I held up my arm up motioning towards the door.
"How could you be sure?" She asked stepping closer making me look her up and down.
"His still cheating on you." I stated she didn't say anything making me sigh.
" I haven't seen Tommy or been to small heath in over seven years, and I'm not the type of woman to cheat on my man." I let my arms fall to my side, lizzie nodded looking down onto the floor.
"You know you were his favorite. After Grace, he somehow found his way to you and he found you special, why?..." She asked looking up at me I didn't notice earlier but a bit of her mascara was smudge under her eyes as if she was crying earlier today, I wiped my face looking over at the doors behind me before turning back to her.
"Ask him. I let you overstay your welcome long enough, now leave." I turned to walk away when I felt her hand wrap around my forearm.
"This will not last your perfect life...he will get bored they eventually do, and hopefully you feel the same heartache and misery you caused me." I snapped my arm out of her grip and glared at her.
"Let go of me before your husband found your body floating in the–" I shut my mouth when the door creaked.
"Mum? Eveything's alright." Joseph asked.
"Yea, my old friend was just leaving." I turned back to lizzie with a agitated smile, she gave a tight lipped one back before backing up and leaving out of the shop, i huffed rubbing my head before turning and stirring my son back to the kitchen.
When I got home I didn't tell Alf about the visit from mrs.shelby, neither did the kids especially since they could tell that something wasn't right when I came back into the kitchen. Even though i know lizzie was chatting shit it still planted a seed of doubt in me I know Alf and I know he loves me, but his eyes likes to wonder to other woman when we go out and we always laugh about it when I catch him. It's our thing. I trust alfie and he trust me. That what makes our marriage work.
"We be back around midnight." I told Ollie, he nods as he followed me around the house as I told him what the kids can and can not have well we're away.
"If they get hungry we have left over meatloaf in the oven." Alfie was already in the car waiting, I turned over to the sitting room to see the kids lounging.
"Alright." He said as I kept looking at them, alfie was invited to this function by one of his associates and brought me along to distract from boring rich people talk.
" You don't have to worry (y/n), they in safe hands." I turned to Ollie giving him a sweet smile.
"I know they are." I squeezed his arm before stepping closer to the living room.
"I'm good for Ollie, alright." They mumbled a yes before going back to what they were doing before entered the room, I rolled my eyes smiling one more time at Ollie before walking out to the car.
"I don't think asking Ollie to watch the kids was a good idea, you know the twins can smell weakness." I giggled as I link my hand to alfie free one, we were driving out of london to the countryside.
"That's why I told Rosie to drop by when she close the shop to make sure everything's okay." Alfie shook his head.
"...still playing cupid I see." I shrugged a little before looking out the window.
"She likes him and he likes her, I don't see the harm in interfering." She heard alfie snort, we stayed quiet as the music on the radio played through the car, after an hour and half we finally pulled up to a nice-looking mansion.
" pricks." I heard alfie whispered as he tried founding a space to park the car, he got out swiftly before opening my door i smiled at him as he grabbed my hand helping me out. I hook my arm around his own and started walking up the steps the door was opened by an old white man, he stepped aside letting us in as people stood around mingling.
"Remember we only here to show face and get the hell out, okay?" I nodded as I took a glass from a tray before drinking it, the night was spent being pulled left to right by alfie as associates of his introduced him to their friends. I was on my sixth glass when we were brought to the drawing room, a bunch of people was standing near the fireplace when we came up to them.
"Alfie this is Oswald and his wife diana...." I looked up and see a man with mustache standing straight as if he as a stick up his ass, he bend his head down a bit greeting.
"How do you do." He said, he glanced over to me for a second before looking away, I didn't take no offense I know how his kind is. Alfie nod back not saying a word.
"...and you already know Mr. Shelby and his wife." I turned my head a bit looking for a waiter, I wasn't going to pay them no mind especially Thomas I just hoped that his whore kepts a muzzle on about what happened–.
"Hello, (y/n). It's good to see you again." Lizzie said, I look at her giving her a quick smile before looking away.
"How the kids?" She asked, I could feel alfie's eyes burning the side of my head.
"Their fine." I said again, I smiled again when the waiter took my empty glass and gave me new one.
"That's good maybe we could do a little play date with the–" I gave her a uninterested look as alfie spoke up.
"Hold on, now darling. When did you two..." he waved a finger between me and lizzie, "" He asked looking at me, I let out a nervous laugh shrugging.
"Oh, that it was weeks ago." He narrowed his eyes at me before glancing over at Thomas who was watching us.
"Did you know anything about this?" Thomas took the cigarette out of his mouth.
"Lizzie mentioned it." I rolled my eyes as I downed my drink.
"Funny. Because me own wife didnt." He said.
"It slipped my mind." I refrained myself as the others were watching us, I could tell that lizzie was eating this up so I calmed myself down and grabbed his hand so he could do the same.
"Alfie let's talk about this later." I whispered looking him in the eye trying to get him to see that I didn't want to argue, but he wanst having it.
"I think I want to talk about it now." He said gruffly, I gave him a look as he glared at me.
"Alfie–" I stressed glancing at the prying eyes.
"What? Am I embarrassing you in front of your little boyfriend." He said heated, I looked at him eyes widen in shock.
"You know what..." I let out a deep breathe, " I can't talk to you when your like this so I'm going to the restroom." I grabbing my clutch from the table.
"Come found me when your in the right head space, okay, Alfred." I glowered walking past him and away from the group, after taking a break and hiding out in the bathroom for a good twelve minutes I think that gave me and alfie enough time to gather ourself. I was finishing wiping my hands with the towel when someone knocked on the door I walked over thinking it was alfie
"Hello." I furrowed seeing oswald mosley standing at the door.
" Mr. Mosley–" he cut me off with a wave of his hand.
"Call me Oswald." I looked over his shoulder for anyone as he made me back up back into the bathroom I watch him shut the door.
"You know when lizzie told me you used to be a whore, I couldn't help but be intrigued..." I watched him closely as he walked closer to me.
"I never been with a woman of your complexion before I always heard your kind tasted divine," he said undressing me with his eyes, a bit of bile came up making me gag mentally.
"Whatever that gutter trash told you I don't do that anymore." I shut down.
"Not even for the right amount of cash, you know I have it. Especially with how my political party is going." He said proudful.
"I rather eat glass and I didn't take you for a man with taste." He chuckled at my comment with a small smile.
"And why is that?" I shrugged as I walked around him.
"Well, I heard from the grapevine that you like to keep it in the family, mr.mosley." He face turned sour causing me smile innocent at him.
"Rumors." He rolled his eyes.
"Of course, they are..." I said patronizing, before he could grab hold of me I clocked him in the nose causing him to fall to the ground.
"You have balls I can give you that, but let this be a lesson to you." I said throwing down the towel I was once holding on the floor near him for his bloody nose.
"Never corner a women like this ever again." He was slowly getting up when I landed a kick to his stomach causing him groan again and collapse back to the ground.
"Oh, yeah one more thing...your cause is shit." I turned on my heels and threw open the door and stalked out leaving that pathetic excuse of a man in agony.
I was looking in my clutch when I ran into Tommy, he held my arms to keep me from stumbling.
"Where's the fire?" He asked glancing at me, I shrugged his hands off me and walked around him.
"Will you fuck off." I hissed at Tommy as he blocked my way, "It's bad enough I was drooled on my a fascist pig, I don't want to be around you of all people right now." He looked taken back at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me.
"I'm good but your friend on the other hand is not." I pushed my hair over my shoulder.
"His not my friend."
"Whatever. I need to find alfie." He still didn't move making me glare at him.
"Seriously, shelby you need to get out of my way." I snapped growing impatient.
"Did you know how much it cost to get you out of there..." he asked, I gave him a blank look as the though of punching him was playing on my mind.
"Is that a rhetorical question orrr..."
"Alfie gave me thirty percent of his business to me, plus the rest of money you had to pay your debt." He says, I blinked at him taking in his words.
"I guess he knew I wasn't going to let you go so easy so he sweeten the pot, he choose you over his business." I looked up at Tommy hoping to detect if he was lying but he wasn't.
"I need to go."I whispered before pushing past him he grabbed my wrist and making me look at him again.
"Before you find alfie you should know something..." he said.
"His drawn to you. His faithful. He loves you." I looked down at the floor.
"How would you know. You and alfie don't seem like the type to talk about those sort of stuff during business hours." I said.
"We don't, but i can see it when he walked in with you and how he held you by his side the whole night. It's exactly how I was with my grace." He said letting go of my wrist before walking away, I let his words sit with me a bit before walking to find my husband.
After a well, I found him outside looking into our car, "Alfie? What you doing." I asked walking over to him, he turned sighing meeting me half way pulling me into a tight hug.
"...fucking looking for you." He said pulling away.
"I told you I was in the bathroom." He rolled his eyes.
"You never told me which fucking bathroom I comb through this entire fucking house looking for you." He looked angry but happy to see me alright.
"I'm sorry." I apologized, he shook his head putting his hands on my waist.
"Don't apologized, pet. If I wasn't so hot-headed you wouldn't have run off in the first place." My hand palm was against his cheek as my thumb caressed his cheek.
"No, you had every right to be mad I should have told you about her visiting me, I knew it was wrong keeping it from you. She got to me." I whispered the last bit.
"Is she still getting to you." He asked, I shook my head.
"No not anymore." I smiled up at him, he smiled back.
"Let's go home. It starting to smell like cow shit, i dont know how these rich pricks could live out here." I laughed as alfie pulled me to his side before I climbed in through the driver's seat.
"I don't know, Alf. I think the country side is a great place to raised a family of six and counting." I grinned looking over at him.
"...let the one brewing in ya stomach grow first before we start thinking about moving, ya."
do u write for alfie solomons?
I absolutely will write for alfie! He is one of my fav peaky blinders characters!

Soooo uhmm hiii I don't usually know how request works but I'm gonna give it a try because you write freaking good stories! Can I request a Shelby!Sister fic where in she and her family used to be really close (she was the closest to Tommy 🥺) then everything changed after the war and they barely have time to spend with her because the business was booming and everything and she had to raise Finn on her own too. Then she turned 18 and she was finally allowed to work in the business and she was happy but then money goes missing, they accused her of stealing it (bcoz like her job was writing down all the money that enters like she records it) she got fed up, told her everything (her problems, the neglect she experienced etc. ) she realized that she deserved better than this after all all she did was lookout for her family when everything was going downhill. She was always there for them but they where never there for her. So she left home. Started working 24/7. Finding jobs, getting an education, and making a name for herself. Moving to London and then to the US. Then many years later she's successful. She became a doctor, she has business all around the world. And when she can, she helps people in need. Then she meets her brothers (and family members) again. DUN DUN DUNNNN realizations where made. hehe the rest is up to you, you can change whatever you want hehehe. If ever you decide to do this request for me I just want you to know that that will make me incredibly happy. This scenario has been stuck in my head for monthsss its just that I suck at writing things (clearly, from the way this request is written) anyways, thank you so muchhhh! And I love your stories very much! I always come back and reread them! I can't get eough of it 😫 I hope you have a good day! :))))
Word count: 9079 - AH!
Okay first of all I'm sorry this took forever. I've literally been working on this for like three weeks. No matter what I do I just keep wanting to add things or fix them... Honestly I have other parts planned out that didn't make in. I'm a hot mess for this idea. I changed some stuff... Also I added in a romance and I'm sorry not sorry. Really hope you enjoy this and thank you for sharing it with me. If you all enjoy let me know and I might post some extra bits I have planned for it.
Warnings: heart break, depression, anxiety, peaky related stuff, kissing, flirting. Happy ending because I'm not capable of hurting the Shelby fam. If you want to spoil the romance - its in the tags!

Being a Shelby meant very little growing up. It was a name that was often cursed for the criminal actions of your father. As a little girl you remember looking up at the loud man, watching him sway around the house temper flaring. Adults approaching you on the streets uttering death threats for you to pass along to the men of your house. But almost every memory you had of your parents or other people also included the back of Tommy’s leg. He was always standing in front of you and it never took long for him to scoop you up into his arms and carry you away.
Tommy was always more of a parent to you when you were young, he didn't play dolls with you like Ada, but he always took the time to try and teach you how to think. Eventually you were old enough for it to become more brotherly. By that time your mother was dead and your father had disappeared. Polly took hold of the family and you followed in suit, raising Finn and John’s kids.
You thought that you owed it to the family to look after the children as Tommy had taken so much time over the years to help you. So you managed your school work, cleaning, and all the children. You told yourself that you were just as important as the rest of the family, this was just your job right now.
The war hit and things fell on your shoulders more than ever. Wasn't long before you had to watch your brothers leave. You’d been Polly’s right hand man after that. The Children were old enough to be in school and out in the streets with the other kids. It caused a bit of tension between you and Ada but it was never spoken about so you let it go.
The things you had to do to pull the family through, you would never speak of again. You wrote letters about how lucky the family had been, but only you and Polly knew the extent to how badly things were. No point in worrying the boys with things they couldn't change.
All three boys came back. You weren't naïve, you didn't think they would be the same as they were, hell you were only a small fraction of the girl you were before they left. But nothing prepared you for what it would be like.
They tried their best to settle in. Tommy was not your loving big brother anymore, he fought against Polly and all the changes we had to make while they were away. She tried to protect you claiming she’d done most of it herself.
No use in telling him that it had been you, burying bodies, up to your eyebrows in illegal trades. But the Shelby name was cursed by all, and the rumors caught up with him eventually. People always underestimate the capabilities of women, how the Shelby family pulled through got placed on your willingness to whore yourself out. Which you would always be grateful for, was not the case.
Tommy outright refused to look at you in the eyes after that. He was cold, he drank too much, and he didn't have an ounce of gratitude for what you’d done.
No one did.
But you continued on, reduced to a bookkeeping position. You worked in the corner, got spoken over in family meetings. The only thing that proved it was happening was the occasional sympathetic glance from Polly. It hurt like hell, but you’d been through worse. At least the money was coming in…
Until it was gone. The shop was broken into, and despite John being the last person in. The last person to lock up. He’d sold you down the river claiming you’d been there when he left and that’s why the door wasn’t locked.
Thomas started in on you, screaming his head off about what you’d done and what you’d been rumored to do. Tears welled up in your eyes as your heart raced, watched as everyone stood there and let it happen. Death would have been a kindness as opposed to standing there watching someone who used to be your sole protector tear into you with a viciousness reserved for the enemy. He screamed about how hard he was working to pull the family out of this life of poverty, as if he hadn't come home to destroy all the work you’d done. Then it finally snapped, whatever strings that had tied you to this family were not as strong as you believed they were. You were as good as the enemy to them, it just took you too long to realize it.
With him standing inches from your face shouting, those blue eyes looking at you wide with disgust. You took a big breath in, curling your slender fingers into a small fist. He paused for a moment, giving you the opening you needed to get on with the rest of your life.
“If anyone knows a thing about working hard, and being underappreciated it’s me. But because I'm such a kind woman, I’ll do you all the favor of a lifetime.” You turned and walked out of there with your head held high. No one followed you out but you heard them shouting at him to go make it right between the two of you.
You didn't have many things to pack, within fifteen minutes you were back to your gypsy roots. The rain falling on you as tears stained your cheeks.
This was the worst day of your life. As you got on the train to London with nothing more than a bag and a shattered heart, you had no idea that your life was just beginning.
You watched as you transformed into many things in this time of darkness. You were finally separate from the thing that had defined you your entire life. What were you without it? Being raised and drowned in that life how could you have possibly grown something separate in the depths of your soul? How could you be anything different than the poor gypsy choices that have plagued your family for generations. It was their blood, their bone, their skin, the hum of your bloody heart was more theirs than it would ever be yours.
Surely that's how it worked. And yet you kicked and bled to escape that sentence, working three times harder than the people who frequented your new life. You were determined to rise up above this, find something in the darkness of your soul that had the strength to persevere past your heritage and the consuming bleak world around you.
If you were put here, now, of all the things you could have been, there must have been a reason. Perhaps that was just another feature to the grayness that enveloped you in this world, maybe there was no purpose. Maybe you should just become hardened, fade to nothingness, enjoying the bitter-sweet taste of irrelevance and all the freedom it offers…
Or you could make something better. You’d accepted, after many nights sick from drink, that you were going to die now, tomorrow, and everyday until it actually happened. When the final blow would land would always be a delicious mystery a step ahead of you. So naturally you might as well do something with the time you had, and figure out what's on the other side of death's door when it opened to you.
At least you would be leaving your name on something separate from the savagery of this place. Something divine and entirely your own.
London was where you’d made peace with yourself and the spirits that stood behind you. London was where your bones became strong enough to be your own.
America was when you started to heal. After years of hard work you graduated top of your class, you were a doctor, often one spoken about in very high regard. Your heart broke over the man you left behind, but it was something that had to be done….
You had a top floor apartment where you could look over the ocean that stood as a barrier between you and your old life. Often storming as if to show you that there was no way back.
It was a place that made you feel safe. You became a name known to the rich and poor alike, meaning you went where you wanted to and no one said anything about the large dog that stayed at your side.
Everyday you saw the strength of ordinary people and it renewed your faith every breath you took. When you’d see a woman's life improve over your education, or a child recover, a man cry over his newborn, you knew you’d made the right choice in London. The mark you were making would make up for the wrongs committed by your hands and blood.
Things were chaotic and stressful in the most peaceful way possible. Your mind was your own and your heart was shared with many. You’d made friends with some of the women you worked with, bonds you were grateful for as they made you laugh, and their mothers held you tight when they had you over for dinners.
Your dog, Aminta stayed close to your side which proved very useful wandering the city at all hours for house calls. She kept you sane and often barked at you when you drank too much.
Things were going better than you thought possible for yourself.
You just finished helping with a particular tricky birth and laid down on one of the sofas in the women's change room. Light streamed through the windows and you wondered how it could possibly still be day time. The space was very cozy after you’d had your way with it, it was a change room with lockers but you’d moved some furniture in so it looked more like a living room. Aminta lumbered over and sat with her head placed on your stomach. You closed your eyes, having missed her presence in the treatment room.
“There you are! How did it turn out then?” Betty called out walking through the door. You watched as she looked herself over in the mirror.
“Successful.” You murmured.
“Calm down woman! You only saved two people this morning. Try to contain your excitement!” she teased, causing you to smile.
“I am so tired, and I can't feel my feet, I can't feel anything”
“Join the club. At least your shift is over darilin’ oh by the way there was a phone call for you. Some man with the name Shelby.” She said, giving you a strange look. She often found your lack of love life something that needed to be sorted, but eventually she adopted the theory that perhaps something awful had happened to you and it was better to let you find your own way.
“What?!” You shot up sending Aminta into high alert. “What was the name??” You shuddered thinking that perhaps all that storming sea wasn't enough to keep yourself safe after all.
“Thomas? Look if this is the one you're running from. Go straight to my parents place and I’ll take Tod to your place after to grab some of your things. I’ll call my momma -” Your head started to spin and you watched her worry over you.
“No no, I’ll call him. He’s my brother. I can take the call. Maybe that will be enough…” Your heart ached at her willingness to help you. “If things don’t go well I’ll let you know.”
She came closer to you and a waft of perfume hit you. She slipped you the piece of paper with a phone number written in her loopy writing.
“Call him right now in front of me so I can get things sorted before my shift.” She pointed to the phone and you were shocked enough to do it.
“Maybe just give me some space?” You asked in a small voice she nodded and stepped out into the hallway.
“Shelby.” Polly’s voice called out over the line and your stomach dropped.
“Thomas called me at my place of work?” You started coldly. You heard a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line.
“Darling is that you?” Her voice shook in a way that brought years of pain flooding into your mind.
“Yes” You said as naturally as you could.
“That's her, hand it over.” You hear his voice in the background. There was a sound of fabric rustling.
“NO I wont have you take her away again Thomas!” You heard her snap at him, this was a mistake you thought heavily. Aminta let out a wine, pushing her face into your leg. You sat down and took a deep breath.
“Family needs you, we are moving to do some business in London. Our contact won't meet with us unless you're present.”
“You want me to come all the way across the ocean. For a meeting in a world I moved passed? Nice try.” You said slightly amused. You loved how unbothered your voice sounded.
“I will make it worth your time, I’ll pay for the trip, pay you a hefty amount, as well as making a considerate donation to your Women’s fund of $20,000 pounds.”
This was how he was going to do it. The bastard. You could do a lot of good for people with that donation. Fucking bastard. You knew who they were meeting. You knew why that man wanted you there. You groaned internally, at the raise in your heart rate.
“Put it in writing and I’ll sign it when I arrive.”
“Deal. You have a place on a ship leaving tomorrow at six am.”
“Tomorrow is no good. I have a meeting that morning. I’ll leave Monday after my affairs are in order.”
In case I don't make it back.
He sighed and swore softly.
“I’ll make that work.”
“I’ll see you then I guess.”
“Thank you.” His voice sounded hesitant, like the words were new to him. He cleared his throat. “For taking the call and coming back. Be safe on the way over, alright. Last I recalled you swam like a stone.”
“Lot’s has changed since then.” You responded shortly.
“I look forward to hearing about it.”
“Good bye”
“Take care” His voice rang out in your mind for a long while after the line went dead. Betty poked her head in and saw you frozen in place. She took the phone from your hand and placed it back on the hook. You realized that Aminta had gone to get her.
“Sorry. I’m okay.” You took a deep breath trying to calm the dog down. “My family needs me to come home.”
“For how long?”
“I’m not sure. But I told them I would go on Monday.”
“Well there are a few good things about that. There were some rich callers from London that requested you to help with an experimental surgery. Meaning you can do it while you're gone. Marie can take our caseload and give it to the newbies. Tod should be able to help out momma while I’m gone, lord knows he should be doing more already. It’s gonna be a good experience for them. Show ‘em what they're missing.” She prattled on for a while about how Marie will be good at looking over everything, before it clicked that she was going with you.
“Betty. No. You are not going my family are- It’s complicated - they - it’s messy and -”
“They are British gangsters, It will be dangerous, they could hurt you - Am I missin’ anything darlin?”
“One time when we were drunk you accidentally introduced yourself with the wrong last name and I looked into it. I figured the story fit.” She waved her hands around you.
“And you just-”
“Kept it a secret.” She nodded. “ I decided to keep being your friend, and that’s not changed.” Betty gave you a small smile.
“Good lord.” You murmured.
“I gotta tell momma! I'll tell the boss we are taking the job in London, then we need to go shopping!!!!” She was trying to make you feel better, something you appreciated but it didn't reach your heart the way it should.
“Look if you come with me I can't guarantee that we will make it back. Things are dangerous over there. This kinda stuff can stick with you for the rest of your life.”
“I’ve been looking out for you since you started here at this hospital and I’m not stopping now.” She answered in a serious tone.
“Well then don't worry about shopping, nothing here compares to the shops there. Save your money for when we get there.” You watched her do a little happy dance. You can’t imagine what the contrast between her and your family was going to feel like.
The journey was surprisingly fun. Thomas adjusted things to add Betty and Aminta on to your trip. It was ritzy and expensive, you spent most of it half cut with her partying and gambling. In the evenings she stayed up as you described your family members and some of the backstory.
You were happy that she was happy. She’d never left the city she was born in, her family were good people and from very poor beginnings. All of them had worked very hard to be where they were now. You weren't certain what this journey would bring, but you felt you owed her this fun as she was the main source of brightness in your life.
You arrived at the station after trying to make it look like you hadn't spent the whole journey drunk. You thought you both looked polished, and you were shocked by the greeting party.
The whole family was there outside the doors looking for you. Fin was taller than you, Aunt Polly looked like she’d been crying. Two new women were there, Arthur and John looked nervous. And Tommy looked like himself. Unimpressed and tired.
“Is that them?” Betty whispered. To you they looked like a family that had hurt you to the point of near death, to her she probably saw the sparkling cars, the expensive clothing, the way other people gave them space and looks of envy.
“That’s them.” You took her arm and walked out of the place. You watched as they took you in and then shifted to Betty on your arm. Polly moved away from them and quickly took you into her arms. You allowed her to hold you tightly. She whispered words of longing in your ear, and you hated yourself for it but you melted into her touch. She was the only mother you remembered and that was a challenging thing to turn away from. You watched as Betty took your example of a greeting and awkwardly hugged everyone. John looked like he was ready to be his usual self but you saw Tommy’s cold eyes land on him and watched the humor disappear.
Fin was the next person to give you a hug, there was a lot of emotion in his eyes and you realized that this trip was going to be a lot more difficult than you realized. Aminta stayed close to your side taking everyone in.
You were introduced to John’s wife Esme, then you shook Grace’s hand, deciding that you’d met corpses that were warmer. Seemed fitting she’d be with Thomas.
“Missed you kiddo” John said quietly, pulling you into an awkward hug. You started to struggle with keeping yourself neutral. The look on Arthur's face was what almost broke you. He held your small frame tightly, and let out a soft howl.
“Arthur, it’s alright. She’ll be around all week.” Tommy said, patting his shoulder.
“Bold of you to assume that,'' Betty said in an unusual tone for her sunny personality. “We’ve got a surgery to perform and lots of meetings to attend while here.” You were floored by the way she went up against him. But she didn't back down against him, she wanted to make a statement about you that said Successful without you.
He looked at her from under his hat, you watched as Esme seemed particularly amused. Tommy only turned and pulled you into a hug.
“Looks like you’ve done well for yourself! That’s our girl.” His words hit you hard and you were grateful that it ended the reunion. You were shuffled into a car and boys put your suitcases in the boot.
Your bones adjusted to the soft mattress under you. Tears started to spill and you were grateful that you had a separate room from Betty.
Memories from your childhood flooded your mind and soon you were struggling to breathe. Finally your mind slid down to the place you were avoiding.
The man that caused all this meeting nonsense. You’d ended on good terms, you had two options at the time: Move to America for the job opportunity of a lifetime - or - Stay and die in a gang conflict.
Memories of his hands cradling your face, the way his breath tasted the last time he placed a soft kiss to your lips. How he held you there with his forehead pressed to yours. Whispered promises in a language you didn't speak, and yet the words were painfully etched into the layers of your heart.
He sent you away with a fury that still burned you.
Now you were back, your family pretending to miss you, and you would have to sit in a meeting with everyone.
The mess of emotions threatened to choke you further. You didn't care about Thomas or his plans or the family business, that’s not why you agreed to any of this.
You came back because it was an excuse to see him again.
You woke up to the phone ringing loudly. Your mouth was dry and you could barely open your eyes. You grabbed the phone hating how cold it felt in your fingers.
“What?” You grumbled.
“Are you available today?” Tommy’s voice called through the receiver sounding like a megaphone pressed to your ear. You sighed in annoyance.
“For what?” You tried to think of what day it was.
“I was hoping to spend the day with you” You couldn't tell anything from the tone of his voice, which irritated you further.
“Just us?” You asked.
“Yes, Polly wants to see you in the evening if you have the time.”
There was a shift in your body, you knew deep down that you couldn't put this off any longer. You were supposed to talk with Thomas. Something needed to be said. The more logical part of your brain reminded you that the only options for the day was to go shopping or wallow over a broken heart that should be forgotten.
“Okay. I have all day so that should be fine.” You answered quietly.
“I’ll come by and pick you up in a half hour.”
The phone went dead and the possibilities started to pile up in your mind. Was this going to be some kind of business nonsense?
You watched as the green countryside flew past you, the cab filled with cigarette smoke and a heavy silence.
Tommy had dragged you out to the countryside to take you on a picnic. You rode horses the rest of the way in, stopping at a clearing he frequented often, you watched him climb off his horse and lay a blanket out on the grass. Aminta wandered around, happy to be out of the city for once.
He’d brought you treats that you used to like when you were a kid. Guilt pooled in his eyes as he watched you snack on a sandwich.
“Suppose we have some business to discuss” He said while chewing on a mint leaf. The last thing you wanted was to discuss business but you gave him a small nod anyways.
“I didn’t like how things ended.” His words hit you like a truck. He paused for a moment trying to find his words. “ I tried to find you afterwards but you were gone. If you were that well hidden I eventually decided to let it go. You knew where to find us - and then this came up and - I - had to call Winston Churchill and ask a favor before I finally found ya.” He closed his eyes. “Things that were said about you weren't true. Even if they were true it shouldn't have mattered. I just gave so much, lost so much and to come home and see that you’d given every bit of yourself away.” His jaw clenched.
You gave him a few moments, shock coursing through you. How the hell were you supposed to do this?
“When I came home to see everything, it just made everything I did worthless. I did all of that for you lot, coming home to see you, I couldn’t handle it. I wanted things to be legal and they were further from it than imaginable. I’m still trying to get us out, but out of everyone, I didn't want your hands dirty.”
“Why not?” You asked, mind still spinning.
“Because you were the one that was going to make it. You wanted to go to school, you had the marks, you had the brains. You had enough inside you to pull yourself out of this place the right way. I wanted to do it for you, I was working on it and figured I had the time to sort everything out with you.``
“I don’t know what to say” You mumbled as tears started to sting your eyes.
“You don’t have to say anything. Since you left Polly has been harder than ever. Finn tolerates me, just barely. When we couldn't find you John tried to jump into the cut, like mum. Arthur, he’s not well. I don't know how much further he has in him.” He ran his hands over his face. “You don’t ever have to forgive me, don’t have to be around me. Just please try to see the others. If you can’t forgive John then don’t but please speak to Ada, Polly, Arthur, and especially Finn.” His voice was pleading and you wanted more than anything to hold him. He looked pale, too pale, running around with a family that hated him.
You scooted over to him and rested your head on his shoulder. He flinched and quickly pulled you into a side hug, holding you awkwardly. You felt him place a kiss on top of your head.
Something inside you felt as if it had fallen back into place.
“Can I ask you some questions?” He asked.
“Sure” You murmured as he let you go. You placed your head back on his shoulder enjoying the sun hitting your face.
“How do you know my contact in London?”
“Takes alot for a girl to get through medical school. Betty is the only woman I know with the same credentials as me. World of hell she had to go through to get there. I needed a few things when I got to London and I only had a specific skill set to get them. He helped me out and I helped him back.”
“That’s all then? Old business partner?” You coughed awkwardly, damn him. You spent years hating him and yet much like when you were little you still couldn't lie to him. Your face always got hot and your words became jumbled. You could lie to the whole world, even to yourself sometimes, but never to Polly and Tommy.
“Why do you ask?”
“He seemed eager to see you.” Tommy answered hesitantly.
“I wanted one life, he lives another. Unfortunately they don't mix.” The words were strangled and you desperately wanted to leave the topic there. Tommy seemed relieved.
“Good. I don’t want him anywhere near you. Don’t trust him” He said sternly and you rolled your eyes.
Polly was all over you that evening and you agreed to stay over with her as you were too tired to go back to the hotel. You called Betty, she was happy your day trip was pleasant, and was planning on going out dancing with some girls she met at the salon.
You enjoyed the conversations you’d had, the whole family wanted to know about school and what you did for a living. Stories about how you and Betty became friends, how you got Aminta. Once things settled down you watched more closely as Polly fussed over you. You could see in her eyes that this is where she wanted you. Home where she could hold your hand, laugh at your stupid jokes. Finally it was just the two of you.
“What about this man in London?” She asked, sipping on her whiskey. You gazed into the fire and thought about what to say. “Ah that’s why he wants to see you then?” She nodded, answering her own question. “You're the one that got away.”
“I guess so.”
“Did he hurt you? I don’t care what the consequences are. I wont have you around him if he hurt you.” You could feel the anger rising out of her.
“No, he sent me to America to build the life I wanted. Things in London were getting complicated in his line of work. For my safety he sent me away.”
“Now he wants you back?” She sighed.
“I doubt it. But I’ll shortly find out what he wants. Tommy will get his way and all will be settled.”
“I know you have a heavy caseload back home, but could I talk you into staying a while longer?” Her eyes were watery and you could just barely stand to look into them. “I promise that I looked for you love. I prayed, I tried -” Her voice cut off and you held onto her tightly. “I promise I made him pay for what he did. Both him and John.” She choked out and you knew that doing that would have hurt her just the same.
“I know. I just had to look after myself and- “
“Shhhhh - no - don't you ever apologize for anything you’ve done.” Her voice was sharp and you didn't have it in you to argue.
The morning passed as you slept off the whiskey. The surgery was in the evening and you’d gotten ready to head back when you found Polly fully dressed in a posh suit sitting in the kitchen.
“Alright I know I’m probably not allowed to watch, but I’d like to go with you.” She said hopefully. You froze, unsure of what to say.
“Alright, yeah, just gotta go back to the room to get ready then head over.” She responded with a big smile.
Polly went through your clothes watching you pick an outfit for the day. Asking you questions about where you got certain pieces and how you normally dressed at work. Once you were washed and dressed she handed you a plate of food.
“I called room service, they had your favorite. Plus I have sandwiches and some fruit for your lunch break.”
You smiled as you took the plate from her. She was trying so hard to look after you, show you that if you stayed she would be good to you despite the fact that you were a grown woman now.
“Now come sit on the floor, how do you have to have your hair pinned for such things?”
You sat on the floor as she combed out your hair. A deep sense of rest caressed your body. This was the most comfortable you’d felt in ages. You felt love, love from a mother. Who wanted you to eat a full breakfast, who took pride in taming your wild hair, in her eyes she was sending you into some kind of battle. You knew Polly had a very limited understanding of what you were doing, but officially today you were making history and that was something she understood very well.
Betty came through and was taken back by the situation. You were never relaxed like this, ever. You heard Polly sniffle and right herself before going back to twisting your hair up.
“Morning Mrs. Gray”
“Morning darling.” Polly answered easily.
“There you are, love. Can’t believe how long your hair is.” She gave you a firm pat on the shoulder and reached into her hand bag.
“This was my mothers, it’s for luck. You can tuck it under your top.” Polly carefully pulled the necklace over your head and dropped the pendant down your neckline.
“Thank you.” All of this was so strange and yet so familiar at the same time. You felt powerful with her behind you. The coolness of the necklace against your skin felt like long lost love that spanned back even further than Polly’s mother.
“Don’t mention it, love.”
The surgery was a success, you changed in the lockers with Betty feeling like you’d climbed to the top of a mountain. It would take about a week to see how things settled and you were informed you would need to stay for at least another two weeks.
Betty was even more pleased with that news.
“Miss! Your family is waiting in the lobby for you.” A nurse called out as you moved down the hall.
You and Betty were met with loud cheers as you rounded the corner.
In a hospital, in the dead of night, by your wild gangster family. You had half a mind to shoot them, but your heart swelled at their pride.
They embraced you and Betty into large hugs. You looked at Polly and realized she’d sat on the same bench the whole time you were in there.
“Did you stay for the whole thing?!” You asked, watching her face flush.
“I wasn't sure how long it would be, or if you would need anything.” She said quietly, and you remembered the sandwiches she’d brought.
“I’m absolutely starving.” You answered by giving her a big hug. You caught Betty’s eye and she smiled knowing full well that you never ate after a surgery. Your nerves were always too wired up, anything you ate you would just puke up.
“Good, good, Tommy has something planned at his place but I have some snacks for the ride over” She pulled you both into the back of a car, before you could process her words.
Something planned. You groaned, you were so tired, the thought of doing anything seemed impossible. But you watched as John and Arthur yelled into the streets about how their baby sister made history.
“Betty? You feel up for this?” You asked and saw her flushed face and lopsided smile.
“Your family is crazy!.” She said lightly, causing Polly to stiffen in the seat next to you. “Darlin’ I wouldn't miss this for the whole world!”
The two of you ate and Betty thanked and complemented Polly on the simple sandwich. To you it felt like a gold bar. Arthur got in the front and the rest of the family piled into separate cars.
“Here you are, love. Gotta catch up to us.” He passed you an amber bottle from the passenger seat. You took a long drink and passed it off to Betty whose face pulled into a hilarious pucker.
Tommy tore down the road, taking you all to his big fancy house he’d mentioned.
The night passed on in drunken dancing and laughter. This was a part of the family you’d never really seen before.
Eventually Arthur stumbled over insisting on talking to you outside. You followed him through to a balcony and John was there. You had an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
“There you are.” John said. “Look, I've been trying to apologize to you for years. I pray, every fook’in morning that you’d come home and let me. I thought Tommy wouldn't get that mad if you’d done it. He’d got a soft spot for ya. I can’t tell you how sorry I am, about you and the family” He shook his head.
“Now you don't have to forgive him! You don’t” Arthur slurred, pointing a finger at you.
“I do. I forgive you. No more lies though eh?” John's eyes got watery and he pulled you into a rib crushing hug. You looked at Arthur and watched as a weight was lifted from him, you forgave John and Tommy, so now he could too.
“MY BABY SISTER MADE HISTORYYYYY” He shouted out into the sky and you almost toppled over in laughter. Arthur pulled you into a hug after. “Look, I don't care how big or little. I don't want to lose you again. If anyone does anything you come to me. I will fix it for ya, love. I’m your big brother and I’ll fix it next time.” He whispered.
“I promise.” You whispered back and felt his tears land in your hair.
You woke up to light streaming through an unfamiliar room. Betty snoring softly next to you. You smiled to yourself as you looked at her smudged makeup.
Your guts were turning, head pounding, limbs shaking, but you felt that you could have both these lives and be just fine.
Maybe you could also help Tommy make things legal? You pushed the thought out of your mind knowing it was too soon to put yourself and career in that much danger.
You rolled out of bed and padded down the stairs knowing that Tommy should be up by now. Going past his office you heard his wife’s accent drifting under the door. You brushed off her harsh words about the family and made a note to get on Tommy’s case about it later. With your head pounding and multiple meetings with reporters planned that evening all you wanted was some breakfast and coffee.
You pushed open the heavy door to the kitchen and found Finn sitting over some breakfast. He looked up at you with a soft smile. Taking in his appearance properly, you remembered the last time you saw him. He was breast level, big wide eyes, chubby face, and now he was taller than you, angular face, broad shoulders. Seeing him was almost the hardest part, he must have felt just as abandoned by you as you had your family. Suddenly you felt sick for other reasons, the pain of the hangover fading.
“Can we talk about all this?” You asked softly.
“‘Course” You moved to sit next to him.
“I’m sorry that I left you behind.” You got right to the chase, you wanted this fixed. You wanted him to know that none of this was his fault.
“Wasn’t your fault.” He looked out the window and clenched his jaw.
“Yeah, but it wasn't your fault either. I thought about you often. I figured Pol would make sure you were alright. I feel selfish. I want, I need you to know that this wasn’t your fault.” You stumbled, not realizing how much pain was reserved in your chest for the boy.
“I think Mum would still be alive if I wasn't born. I think you would have stayed in the family too.” Tears started to well up and your heart was breaking all over again. Such heavy thoughts carried by such a wonderful boy.
“Tommy and Polly raised me, she was still a person but by the time I was little but she couldn't be a mother. When you came around it was time for me to step up. Should it have been that way? No, but it was mum and da’s fault. Not ours and not Tommy’s. Him and I have made our peace. I know why he did what he did and he knows my side of things now.” You watched him take in your words and eventually he nodded. “You are a gift, and I should have taken my role in your life more seriously. If you give me a chance I’d like to work on it.” You didn't know what you were saying. You would be gone back to your life in America shortly. You internally scolded yourself for opening up more wounds than you could sew back up.
“I’d like that a lot.” He answered stiffly and you pulled him into a big hug. His body eventually relaxed against yours and he took a deep breath. More shifts and changes were felt in your bones.
Reporters, surgeries, family reunions, apologies, shopping, sightseeing, partying….. It was a lot. And now it was coming to an end.
You couldn't stay any longer. The meeting was lined up for that evening and the ship home was booked for tomorrow morning. Betty had become quite taken with a friend of Ada’s, and was dreading the trip home.
What else were you supposed to do? Give up everything you worked for? Transfer to a hospital in London?
All these thoughts swirled in your head as you got ready. You didn't want to face him, but you didn't really have a choice. You picked out a black dress that hugged your figure. It was far more fancy than you would normally wear but looking your best felt like an additional level of protection. Polly’s mother’s pendant was still heavy around your neck, you kept hoping she wouldn't notice you had it so it could stay with you through the meeting.
The car ride was long and Tommy insisted you go with him, leaving Arthur and John trailing behind.
“I didn’t agree to let him have you alone. I know he’ll ask but don't respond. I’ll handle it.” He took a long drag of his cigarette. “Just stay next to me, I won’t let anything happen to you, watch your mouth.” You smirked. “Don’t let your temper get the best of you.”
“It’s not my temper I’m worried about” You answered, stealing a cigarette out of his silver case resting between the two of you.
“Well don't worry about that either. No way I’ll let it happen”
“And if I want to see him alone?” You raised an eyebrow taking in his cold appearance.
“I’ll allow you 15 minutes, then I burn the place down.” He responded coldly. We’ll see about that. You thought to yourself, slightly amused. It was if he had 10 years of being your big brother to make up for, so he was squashing it all into one car ride. He was annoyed at your uncharacteristically lax attitude about the situation, but no matter how many thoughts raced through your mind about how this could end, your body had fully checked out.
You pulled up to the familiar house. The sea air bit at your skin and caressed your lungs. Your body felt so at ease you worried it would simply blow away, half of you wished it would. Your brothers looked around, stretching and scanning the place.
You didn’t make it up to the door before the dogs tore around the side of the house. Tommy put his arm out in front of you, stepping close. You instinctively crouched down and let the dogs crowd you. Three of them you remembered fondly, they were rubbing up against you whining. The others were new but followed along, happily assessing the newcomers.
“There she is! You rotten beasts!” His voice boomed out and everything inside you gave away. This was a tense business meeting, life or death rested on some of the decisions that were to be made, and yet he strode over towards you and every bit of logic evaporated.
“Where’s my grand welcome then?” You said cheekily and before you could catch Tommy’s glare of warning, you were squealing as he picked you up. He crushed you against his chest, your feet dangling off the ground.
“This grand enough eh?” He twirled you around. How had you gone so long pushing this down? Pretending it hadn't existed. Your body was humming and the world slipped away.
“I’ve had better.” You let out a laugh as he smacked your ass.
“You have not.” He growled quietly in your neck.
“That’s enough.” Tommy said sternly. Your face flushed as you looked at John’s crooked smile and Arthur clearing his throat fists clenched. You were going to need more than 15 minutes, you were going to need more than a lifetime.
“Alright let’s get down to it.” He declared placing you gently on your feet. You tried to steady yourself which proved to be useless as he had no intention of letting you go. His arm wrapped around your waist tightly and he turned towards the house.
You’d spent many weekends away here. You passed rooms that had only gotten more cluttered, your boots clicked against the wooden and tiled floors and you ached for days when you would run through the halls bare foot.
He took you all into the sitting room and there was tea already prepared on the table. Business was tense, not just because of the mess Tommy was involved in, but more so due to the fact that Alfie rarely took his eyes off of you.
“I’ll agree to whatever ‘slong as she thinks it’s a good idea.” He declared lazily making your stomach ache.
“She won’t be involved so I wouldn't recommend that.” Tommy said sharply.
“We’ll see about that” Alfie responded cockily. Arthur slammed his hand down on the table.
“Like hell you will” Arthur boomed.
“Arthur!” Tommy snapped. “That’s enough”
“It’s fine, I’ll vouch for him.’ You responded fully placing your trust in your family. Alfie looked into your eyes and found the answer he was looking for.
“When do you leave then?”
“Tomorrow.” Your voice betrayed you slightly, more than what was acceptable.
“Stay the night then?”
“Absolutely not.” Tommy answered. You wanted to, but the thought of standing Polly up on the dinner she prepared herself was not something you could do. He shook off Tommy’s words reading your face.
“Fine. Let me drive you back.” He finally countered.
“Deal” You responded quickly. Tommy let out an annoyed breath.
After hammering out a few of the smaller details, you were being guided into the the back of a car. The dogs howled as you got in and tears spilled down your cheeks. If you couldn't say goodbye to a pack of dogs, how on earth were you going to say goodbye to your family tomorrow?
Tense words were passed between Arthur and Alfie before he climbed in to sit next to you.
His driver got in and Alfie closed the curtain separating the front and the back of the car.
“Now, my love - you got someone waiting on ya back home then?” You watched his large hand find your knee and studied the new scars on it.
You couldn't speak so you just shook your head.
“Come ‘ere then.” He growled, pulling you up onto his lap. You let him manhandle you as you completely let go. It was a mess of kissing, crying, caressing, and heat.
“Now that he have that settled. How do I make you stay?” He whispered, eyes boring into yours.
“I don’t know, is it safe?” You wanted him to say no. That this was a horrible idea and you should go back to your apartment, hide yourself away.
“I can’t speak for Thomas, but I can keep you safe. Plus you know how this place is, absolutely filled with the sick and deranged, no doctors. I read that the other day, no bloody doctors. I thought to myself I know a way to fix such things. So when he came knocking for a deal, I thought I could kill two birds with one shoe.”
“Fix the medical staffing crisis in England, which I'm sure doesn't actually exist. And strike up a deal with Thomas.” You asked smiling, missing these stupid conversations that always seemed to make you feel better.
“Well, I’ll admit I mostly just wanted my girl back.”
“So you’d help my brother carve out a spot in London just to have me back?” You teased.
“Love, there isn't anything I wouldn't do to have you back” His hands sunk into the soft flesh of your ass and you were drowning again. You knew that three weeks to come back into this madness that hurt you so badly was a horrible, stupid, awful idea, and yet it was the only you knew that you could live with. He saw the flash in your eyes and his lips were back on yours in a second.
You’d been crying, holding on to Aminta for hours.
You walked down the dark hallway and pushed open the door to Betty’s room. She was laying on her side looking positively devastated. There was the slightest amount of light pouring in from the window giving her a ghost-like appearance.
“I love him. That stupid Brit. I can’t leave my parents, I can’t make him come home with me.” Her face twisted up and you rushed to her side bursting into tears. You almost thought it funny that you’d both ended up in the same situation.
“I have to stay. Betty - I can't - go back. I know I should - but I can’t” She held onto you and stayed quiet for a long moment.
“We still have a few weeks leave, we could stay and see how things go?” She whispered, finally a bit of logic.
“Let’s just do that. Give it a bit more time. Need to meet this boy, make sure he’s treating you right.” You joked, relief spreading through you. You would need to corner Ada and learn everything you could about this friend of hers.
“Likewise. Will Thomas be upset? the tickets probably cost so much… I don’t want to put you out - I -”
“Tommy will be fine. Don’t worry about it. I’ll go talk to him. Go to sleep, I’ll sort it all out.” You ran a hand through her blond curls.
“Thank you.” She whispered.
You tiptoed through the big house. It was strange and drafty, not at all what you’d pictured for Tommy. You poked your head into his office and found him there pouring over a pile of documents.
“Cold feet.” he stated without looking up. You quickly moved towards him without speaking. He looked up at you in shock as you fell into his lap like you used to when you were small. You started crying, and his hand patted your back like it used to.
“What did he do?” He asked in a deathly calm voice.
“Everything, stupid man, stupid family, Finn - Polly, You, I don't like your wife - I don’t know about Esme yet - The kids, - Finn, Alfie’s dogs. God you hurt me so badly, and after three weeks I’m willing to throw everything away. It’s a risk and I shouldn't - I'm scared - I want to but - ” You stuttered and choked, your heart felt like it was hemorrhaging. You couldn't breathe.
“Won’t be losing anything, you transfer to London. See how things go. He hurts you, I kill him. We won't hurt you. I know that. But if things here aren't what you want then transfer back.” He ran a hand through your hair. “Give me some time, I’ll make it right. Sort everything out, want you here to be a part of it.” He said softly and you took a deep breath.
“I think that’s what I’ll do. We still have another three weeks we could use up, we are going to telephone tomorrow and see if we could stay. See how that goes, I have a feeling I'll transfer anyway.”
“Good. I want you here. We all do.” You melted at his words. He sent you up to bed with a kiss on your forehead. Polly had stayed over as well and you felt the need to tell her immediately. You knocked on her door softly, then poked your head in. She was stirring.
“What is it, are you alright?! What’s wrong?” She hissed about to get up.
“Nothing, nothing. Just wanted to talk.”
She let out a loud sigh.
“Come here, love.” She said groggily pulling the covers up and shifting over. You climbed into her bed, wondering how you’d unraveled back into a small child.
“Now tell me what’s got you worked up, love.” She asked once you were settled.
“I’m staying for another three weeks. But I want to put the papers through to transfer this week. Tommy says he’ll help me sort it all out.”
There was a moment of silence where you thought she’d fallen back asleep. But her arms crashed around you pulling you against her slender frame. You felt her cry and you cried too. She cradled you in her arms and you drifted to sleep surrounded in her love.
The next day you and Betty got your lives sorted, she was going away to stay with Teddy for a few days. Tommy insisted on having his full name, parent’s names, addresses, and phone numbers. She was clearly important to you, making her an extension of you that Tommy was determined to watch over.
As for Alfie he had little patience. You insisted on driving yourself over to his house to talk things over with him, much to Tommy’s annoyance.
“Just let me take you. I’ll wait in the car.”
“Tommy! No!” You started on him tired of the argument. You snatched a piece of toast off the kitchen counter.
“Let the driver take you, alright - Someone needs to go with you. Take fucking Francis, anyone”
“Me and Aminta have been just fine on our own thank you big brother. I’ll ring you when I get there.” You took his keys and kissed his cheek.
You knocked on the front door as Aminta tried to settle in with all the other dogs. The heavy oak swung open.
“Couldn’t stay away?” He picked you up and wasted no time getting the story out of you. He already knew. His mouth was on yours and soon you were a hot mess pressed up against the entryway wall. “Not goin’ to let you get away this time.” He growled.
Somehow you managed to have everything. Yourself, your career, your family, your man, all in messy chaotic harmony. You were home, and you were so very loved.
Tags List: @tommydoesntpayforsuits @misselsbells06 @kpopgirlbtssvt
Hello! Can i request a peaky blinders x terminally ill reader. Like, they don’t want to fall in love with her because it’s like falling in love with a ticking time bomb that’s gonna leave them devastated, but she’s just so lovely they can’t help them self
So cause I'm not terminally ill and therefore can't write a totally honest view of what this would be like, im going to try. Some of them might not be 100% how u asked so sorry in advance.

🌿 He can tell you're hiding something from him and the rest of the world from the moment he meets you, he can tell its something dark and sad, but he thinks that makes you just like him and so, if anything, it only draws him in closer to you.
🌿 He thinks you're beautiful, he likes to listen to you singing while you work down the market. He can sense that whatever your secrets are, they mean he should stay away, but even before he really falls for you he can't. You just drew him in.
🌿 I think in the case of tommy it would be you trying to keep your distance from him, putting up walls and trying not to let him too close. You don't want to hurt him, and you don't want to hurt yourself by dangling a future you know you can't have in front of yourself.
🌿 But one day Tommy gets fed up with all your defenses and kind of snaps, calmly, but still, he lets his frustration get to him all "Whyre you doing this eh darlin, its like I'm trying really, really bloody hard to get to know you but theres all these doors you keep lockin right in front of me fuckin face, every time i try to talk to you, another wall going up and up and up... Whyre you doin that? Puttin up walls eh?" he'd say it all so intensely, and so calm and soft by the end of it, so that you can see the affection and need in his eyes abd it breaks your heart...
🌿 And when you tell him whats really going on you expect him to leave but he doesn't
🌿 Because this is Tommy isn't it. So narcissistically obsessed with his own doom that if he'd really thought about it for a second he could have guessed that he was going to lose him. That any chance of happiness he had with you would be the temporary, doomed kind.
🌿 He kind of embraces the pain and punishes himself with it every day, but is also determined that you don't deserve this. Maybe he thinks he deserves to lose the love of his life as penance for his sins but you do not deserve to lose your life because some ugly man from Birmingham did some terrible things. So he'd be defiant about it, he'd love you anyway despite knowing he perhaps should try not to. He'd love you like pressing on a bruise, embracing the pain he's in whilst doing everything in his power to give youba good and happy life.
🌿 He won't leave you. He'll tell you he's not going to leave you, he'll make sure you're completely certain of that. "Its important to me darlin, that you know that right, I'm not gonna leave you, I love you and I won't stop just because of some fuckin illness yeah, i won't..."
🌿 Actually he'll straight up marry you. Even if you think thats pointless because you won't be around for very long, he'll insist that it happens. He loves you, he wants to marry you whilst youve the chance.
🌿 Blames himself for the illness, even though you were ill before you met him. In his head its like this... If you were fated to be the love of his life, then that is what doomed you to a premature death, because he needs to be punished for his sins. He thinks you were sent to punish him for his sins.
🌿 He won't tell you what he's doing but he'll keep searching for ways to heal you, things that could save your life. Even if he doesn't find any, he won't give up. He'll start fuckin praying again. He'll go sit in a church and break down, beg for your life to be spared and his taken instead.
🌿 But he won't let anyone see or know his desperation. On the outside he will mostly remain stoic.
🌿 And he'll want to take care of you every step of the way, when you're in your last days he probably won't want anyone else around, just you and him, him doting on your every need, holding you when you sleep. Always scared you won't wake up. Telling you he loves you, but more importantly showing you he loves you with every little thing he does for you.
🌿 You might try to make him promise you he'll find someone else and fall in love and have a family and all that without you and he won't mean it when he promises you that he will. But he'll promise you anything, say anything to keep you calm and content in your last days.
🌿 He won't let you see him crying, he won't be "weak" in front of you. He'll be so brave and determined even though his heart is breaking because he won't want to upset you. He'd want to preserve your happiness and comfort for as long as possible.
🌿 Rather than getting teary upset i feel like he'd express his emotions through frustration and take them out on other people. He'd probably be a lot less patient with other people, snapping at them and making rash careless decisions. His brothers would have to work extra hard to keep him "sane" and make sure he doesn't do too much damage.
🐻 Is an "old man" well aware of his own mortality and of life, suffering and death. You're not the first terminally ill person he's met and he knows exactly what he's getting himself into by getting close to you
🐻 His friends warn him maybe once, maybe they ask him if he really thinks its a good idea, getting so close to someone who won't be around forever... But one look from alfie, one quick and cutting sentence is enough to warn them off ever asking again.
🐻 "Oh an i suppose you think you will be around forever do you Ollie?"
🐻 He's not naive, he knows its going to hurt but he's also not naive enough to believe then that it won't be worth it.
🐻 Because he adores you, your gentle ways, your soft beauty, your kindness, how sweet you are, all he ever wants to do when he sees you is hold your waist in his hands and draw you in close to him. Hold onto you and have you all to himself.
🐻 He loves you, to put it simply, and you, to put it even more simply, deserve love. Being ill, dying doesnt make you any less deserving of that love. And he has so much love for you.
🐻 "If I can't have you for as long as I live right darlin, gonna make sure you have me for as long as you live yeah, reckon that makes sense doesn't it, makes perfect sense to me poppet, yeah makes perfect sense to me..."
🐻 He'd be completely devoted to you. He'd spoil you rotten, he'd want to make sure you got to do everything you wanted to, see everything you wanted to whilst you were still able to. He'd piss everyone at the bakery off by taking all this time away, practically throwing his business away so that he could spend time with you.
🐻 Basically puts Tommy in this frustrating and stupid position where tommys no choice but to mind the bakery whilst Alfie is off with you
🐻 And then when you're really sick and getting weaker every day Alfie is by your bedside doing as much for you as he can. He doesnt want some nurse you dont know attending to you, he doesnt want you to feel alone... He only trusts himself to be able to take care of you and he probably does everyone else's head in telling them exactly how you like to be washed/dressed, exactly how to cook your food.
🐻 Much like Tommy he'd be desperately sad about whats happening to you, he'd feel his heart break a little more each day but he probably won't cry in front of you, he'll probably try to be brave for you.
🐻 Very short tempered with everyone else. He will cry but only when he's alone, honestly maybe in front of Tommy and only for a second before he composes himself again.
🐻 Writes a whole fucking opera about you as a coping mechanism.
🐻 Always wants to be holding you or touching you somehow, like hes scared to forget how it feels. Always holding your hand in his.
🐻 Likes reading you to sleep, putting records on for you. Writing music for you.
🍂 Is devestated, can't put his feelings into words at all, can't cope with the idea of losing you.
🍂 Everyone warns him about falling for you but their warnings come too late because he already has and he adores you. He wants to spend his whole life with you and when it becomes apparent that thats never going to happen he is distraught.
🍂 He doesn't want you to live he NEEDS you to live, he can't accept things the way they are, has to believe you can survive even though deep down he knows you can't.
🍂 He gets so angry and bitter, not with you or at you but at the world and with everything else. He's angry at the illness for taking you from him, he's angry at the world for being such a cruel and unfair place.
🍂 Tries to turn to god, tries to pray, thinks that perhaps if he repents for all the bad things hes done or, if he begs god enough, he can trade with you, he can die so that you don't have to. Because "its fucked up isnt it darlin, that someone so fucking kind and good and pure can have to deal with this, whilst the rotten likes of me just go on living an fillin the world up with bad things"
🍂 Arthur doesn't have the self control his brother has, he won't hold back in front of you even if sometimes it would be kinder for him to do so. There are probably things you don't really need to hear about how cruel the world is, how unfair everything is, but he doesn't have a filter and sometimes when his emotions get the better of him he just spills it all.
🍂 He will cry in front of you, you'll hold him whilst he sobs into your chest and breaks down. Then apologises because "you shouldn't have to be dealin with this, I should be being the fuckin strong one.."
🍂 Takes a lot of his emotions out in the ring and they probably have to try and stop him from going there because the damage he will do with all these enotions coursing through him could be deadly.
🍂 He would get more and more unstable the more ill you got, unable to cope with whats happening. But he'd so desperately want to be a good husband to you. He'd beg Polly and his sister for help, asking them for advice. Polly would probably be his rock here, giving him advice, giving him a hug when he needs one, a slap and a shake when he needs to snap out of it and be there for you.
🍂 She'd help him take care of you, teach him how to look after you, how to be gentle when he's taking care of you.
🍂 At the point that you're too weak to get out of bed he'd lie with you or sit with you whenever he could, he wont give you peace talking to you about everything thats been happening, nervous talking too because he doesnt like the silence. But you like listening to him ramble about everything.
🍂 You also like the fact that no ones worried about talking of peaky business in front of you so you get all of the gossip.
🍂 He won't be particularly articulate but he'll tell you he loves you constantly.
🍂 Brings you little gifts of food and sweet treats all the time. Makes you food his mam woulda made him when he was sick as a child.
🌼 John seems so happy go lucky, laidback, still such a child at heart and you're drawn to him because of that. Admiring him from afar, falling in love with his laughter and that cheeky grin. Torturing yourself because hes something you just cant have.
🌼 You don't want to let yourself near him because you don't want to take that carefree nature away from him or taint him with the side effects of your illness, the stress anxiety and torment which seems to taint everyone you get close to these days.
🌼 But John has been in love with you since the second he laid eyes on you and he's determined to ignore your warnings about staying away from him.
🌼 As far as he's concerned you deserve to be loved, whether or not you have the potential to break his heart or not. Technically - and this is an argument he comes up with all the time - technically, everyone has the potential to break everyones heart, he could get shot and killed tomorrow before anythings even really happened to you. He could fall in love with some other lass and she could get hit by a car or die in some sudden accident. "Just because you're really ill flower, doesn't mean I shouldn't love you. Doesn't make you not worth loving... If anything it means you should be loved twice as hard now... I've got a whole lifetimes worth of love to give you so better not to keep stalling... "
🌼 His family think hes impulsive but he marries you almost imediately. Youre the love of his life and he wants to spend as much time as he possibly can being your husband.
🌼 He would want you to have the best possible life you could, even if it was only short so he'd take you travelling to see all the places you wanted to see. He'd help you do all the things you wanted to do before you died.
🌼 He'd do his best to keep up his usual ray of sunshine persona, still being boyish and charming, always teasing you, always trying to make you smile. Out of all the peaky men John is the one who treats you least like you're terminally ill. He isn't quite so obsessed with being careful with you or treating you like you're delicate. He lets you make the "I'm going to die anyway" joke sometimes when it comes to you doing unwise things like drinking/smoking or going for a ride.
🌼 He wants to keep you laughing and smiling for as long as he possibly can
🌼 When you get more sick and you begin to grow weaker he does struggle more, he doesnt like seeing you look so unwell, so in pain. He wants to be with you all the time but he doesn't want you to see him get upset.
🌼 He goes to Ada for support and she lets him hug it out or cry to her. She'd give him the love actually advice of "cheer up, no ones gonna shag you if you cry all the time" type of joking advice which is exactly what he needs to keep his head up and stay strong for you.
🌼 He too would want to be there for you and help care for you everyday even if he doesn't really know what hes doing. If he couldn't help he'd hold your hand and reassure you.
🍀 He's heartbroken when he finds out, naturally, no one wants the person they love to suffer, however
🍀 Rather than get too caught up in how long you have left together, Bonnie feels blessed just to have you at all and he's determined to love you for as long as he can.
🍀When he tells you this, "I love you little dove, all this love aint goin anywhere just cause you are, I'll love you my whole life I know I will..." "But you shouldn't Bon its going to hurt you so much, I'm gonna cause you so much sufferin an you don't deserve that..." "You don't deserve to be alone though do ye? And I'm tough dove, I can survive," he'd make a show of flexing his biceps to prove how strong he is and try to make you laugh.
🍀 Like John he's determined to keep you happy and smiling for as long as he can. He'll make jokes, he'll tell you how beautiful you are, how loved you are. He'll keep telling you all these things even when your light does begin to fade.
🍀 He spends as much time with you as he possibly can. Being a hopeless romantic he'll definitely want to marry you.
🍀His own mother died when he was young and his father's already been through this, Aberama would be a little torn, he'd want his son to be happy and so he wouldn't want him devoting his life to a woman who's going to leave him so soon, but he'd also want his son to be happy which means letting him devote his life to you.
🍀 Bonnie would try to be brave, he would try not to cry in front of you, and though he might not shed any actual tears, you can tell when he does want to cry, when he's upset his jaw tenses and he gets this far away misty look in his eyes.
🍀He wants to give you everything in the whole wide world but he doesn't have the time, he wants to make you proud of him so he's extra determined to win all his fights and train hard... But sometimes he also just, can't see the point? What does fighting matter, what does being the champion of the world matter when the love of his life is going to have to leave him so soon.
🍀When you get restless he wraps you up warm and takes you off on horseback to the middle of nowhere where the two of you can get some peace. He helps you bathe in the creeks and rivers, lies with you wrapped in blankets under the redwood trees.
🍀When you're ill he wants to be the one to take care of you, to nurse you, to help feed and bathe you. He won't leave your side for a second and he'll really piss Tommy Shelby off by refusing fights and refusing to work. He doesnt care if his life or future is threatened. Nothings getting between him and you now.
🍀 Sings for you whenever you ask, tries to make up little stories for you. Is still determined to make you laugh/smile whenever he can, even when you're very weak.
🍀 Always bringing you flowers and pretty things he finds for you outside when you're too weak to go exploring with him.
🍀 Holds you every night when you're going to sleep, lies awake listening to you breathing determined that you'll wake up again in the morning. Kisses your hair/forehead/temple and hands all the time.
🐀He loves you before he knows youre terminally ill and you're affraid to tell him because you don't want him to leave.
🐀Everyone can see him falling for you, he's not exactly subtle about it - and that fact alone means he must be falling really hard for you. He asks after you all the time, he's always abandoning his friends when he's out if he sees you, choosing to waste his time talking to you instead.
🐀And regretfully it's Michael who ends up telling him about your condition. When he finds out he does get scared. He panics and doesn't know what to do.
🐀He doesn't want to lose you, but he doesn't want to get too close... The problem is he already has feelings for you and he can't just turn them off. In fact he knows full well that even if he'd known from the second he saw you at the Garrison he wouldn't have been able to stop himself falling in love with you because you're perfect. You're his perfect girl and he would never have been able to ignore you.
🐀So he backs away a little, he tries to fall out of love but he struggles and, just as he was expecting he fails. If anything trying to pull away from you only makes him more certain of his adoration for you. He loves you. He's so sure of that now.
🐀You aren't stupid, you notice him pulling away and trying to seperate from you and though it makes you sad you're not surprised and you can't say you dont completely understand.
🐀 So you try to tell him that, you try to speak to him gently, try to tell him exactly whats wrong with you, roughly how long you have left. And he listens and tries not to get upset and does quite a good job, then when you say "it's alright Isaiah i understand... If you dont want to stay I understand..." thats when he gets upset
🐀 He gets angry, upset with you for not valuing yourself more, for accepting that someone might not want to love you. But mostly he's angry at himself because even this little argument is wasted time he could have spent holding you, kissing you, telling you how much he adores you.
🐀"No don't you dare say that, don't you dare pretend that this is fuckin fine or that you understand, I've been so fucking selfish love, you deserve to be loved and I don't fuckin deserve you because for a second I was too busy thinkin bout me fuckin self to think about you and what you need!"
🐀And from there on out hes unshakable and so stubborn about loving you, he spends as much time with you as he possibly can. He tells you he loves you like a hundred times a day.
🐀Michael and his friends can't understand whats gotten into him, he asks him one day if he doesn't think he's "wasting" his time and Isaiah has to try not to get angry. Because thats a cruel way of putting it even if thats not how it was intended to be.
🐀"Course I'm not wasting my time, she's the only good use of my time... This is the only important thing i think I've ever done with me life, you know... Loving her like... If it were you in my position you'd understand, it'd be the same for you..." "but you coulda... You know chose not to be in your position..." "nah" says Isaiah, "i couldnt have chosen anything, s'not a choice mate, i just love her and always have..."
☘️ He definitely experiences "love at first sight" which is something he didn't really believe in before. But when he sees you he's swept away by your beauty and he knows, just knows, youre the girl hes supposed to fall in love with.
☘️ He tries to pursue you and you don't really take him very seriously because he's michael gray and hes got a reputation about him when it comes to the ladies. You think he just wants a one night stand and so you flirt back and laugh him off and tease him until he ends up confessing everything to you in a desperate attempt at getting you to take him seriously.
☘️ But then he's confessed everything to you, so now you have to tell him something too, thats you've an incurable illness. At first he doesn't understand and you have to spell it out to him. "It means I'm going to die Michael... And much sooner than you will..."
☘️ His first instinct is anger, he feels upset and betrayed that you didn't tell him straight away but this quickly subsides because he isn't really angry, hes heartbroken.
☘️ "If you were to ask my advice I'd say you should go off and find yourself a different girl," you smirk, youre only joking and actually if he were to follow that advice you'd be heartbroken, and pissed off too.
☘️ But Michael is two things : a gentleman and desperately in love with you.
☘️ So he just smirks and shakes his head, "forgive me love but i dont think you give very good advice..."
☘️ He knows how much its going to hurt but he keeps telling himself he's been through worse. He hasnt but he deludes himself with this notion so that he can stay strong for you.
☘️ He won't show you how upset he is about it unless really pushed to, perhaps nearer the end he'll break down, unable to hold it in and stay strong... But for the most part he is determined not to show weakness or to let you feel sad or despairing. He wants to reassure you all the time that everything will be alright and you don't need to be scared.
☘️Cries a lot in secret. Cries to his mother about it. Pol tries her best to support the both of you but its difficult watching her son have his heart ripped out. Difficult too watching you have yours ripped out.
☘️ Sometimes you wish you hadn't fallen in love because knowing what you're going to leave behind now makes the thought so much more painful. When you talk to Michael about it though he puts on his brave face and offers you all the reassurance in the world. Tells you you'll meet eachother again one day. Jokes he might not even be that far behind you. You hate it when he jokes like that though and he often does it just to wind you up, just to get you to play hit him and lighten your mood.
☘️ He'd organise the best private care for you, go with you to all your doctors appointments and try to keep as much of it under control as possible. He'd want you to try any cure they threw at you and there probably would be arguments about it if you didn't want to try something. In the end though he'd always put your wants above his own and listen to you.
☘️ Michaels quite a serious and sullen lad but he doesn't want you to feel serious or sullen so he often has to force himself out of his over thinking moods and into a more lighthearted one. All he wants to do is keep you smiling and hopeful.