Any pronouns | english/french Stupid thought and whatever fandom or random thing have my attention | Final Fantasy 14, Genshin Impact | | WoL: Raven Starhunter | Dragonborn Tav
393 posts
Actually Giving My Candidacy And Passing Interview To Get Into A School. Stressing Out, Hope I Won't
Actually giving my candidacy and passing interview to get into a school. Stressing out, hope I won't fuck it up. Know my soul while escape my body once done. Waiting room is so stressful.
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He's called a translated version of his name because the echo omnimingual don't know when to stop. Also, while I already knew his family name, I had no idea what name to give, so I just stuck a V in between Raen, and tada, a personal name.
What did you name your WoL, and what made you choose that name?
Pretty sure the vision placement as little effect. As long it's "in range" they are wholly affected. Cryo user with lower body temp, and vice versa with pyro one. Electro often having static charge on them, but being immune to the shock of it. Geo user being more aware of the ground and vibration of it, Hydro being naturally more hydrated, able to go longer without drinking. Anemo are more aware of the wind, of the coming storm and rain. Dendro have green hand. Pain tolera'ce of it's user depend of the people. Those dedicating themselves go fighting while have higher one, it's not really tied to it. Plenty of npcs who have weapon have dream of being like... The best cook, or feed everyone, or master the art of the forge. Element flare, but it's more an inconscious activation due to strong emotions and temporary loss of control. You ca' hurt yourself by mishandling your power, and you can get chronic pain from it *cough* Lisa *cough*
Is the placement of the Vision important? Does it effect the body part it’s near? Does Kaeya’s thigh feel cold? Does Albedo’s neck feel heavy…?? Does Diluc’s thigh feel hot? Is it uncomfortable? If a genuine Vision flares up by instinct, does the body part get injured? What are the pain tolerance of Vision holders? Is it comfortable at a certain degree? In some cases, could it possibly be a metaphor for chronic pain or other physical symptoms? (oh that last one is interesting)
I remember reading this and being like: "Bitch :V... I'm gonna punt your ass so many time while farming, and I will enjoy every instant"

Amaterasu wolf form. How do you want a wolf to even cook? Either this will be fully raw, or it try to cook it with flaming ring and charcoaling it.

So, my character don't have the issue, having air pilot view, but I do and I actually thought about it. And I think there is 3 thing
1. There is optometrist. People do wear glasses, and it's fitted, but it's fine crafted thing, and not everyone can get them. Or fit them comfortably. (Miquo'te, Viera...)
2. Very fine healing magic can be used to rectify the eyes. Now, bonus point: no real risk, and can do it for any problem. Bad point: Few people able to do it, and very costy
3. Potions. Potion to apply every week on eye that act as basically lense. Din't forget to renew. It does get costy over time, and you can get screwed over thank to supply. Often used in combination with actual glasses.
4. Deal with it.
4.bis. Deal with it by way of aetherical sense/manipulation to supplement the deficient eyesight. There is a few spells you can use too.
I seem to get better reception here than on Twitter, so I want to ask somethin.
Those that have characters that are near-sighted/far-sighted in FFXIV, how do you go about glasses and such? Do they wear them in combat, or can they make do without? Do they wear specialty Fantasy contacts?
My elezen boy's near sighted, but im trying to figure out if he'd eventually wear specialty contacts with my thinking being 'if cars and magitek and airships exist, surely there are fantasy optomitrists that can help correct visions outside of just glasses... right?'
I'd honestly would love other folk's opinions and views as well!