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Canon? What's That? We Only Know Chocolate Addict Softie Remus Lupin, Leather Jacket Sirius Black, Thimothe
Canon? What's that? We only know chocolate addict softie Remus Lupin, Leather Jacket Sirius Black, Thimothée Chalamet is Regulus Black, Aaron Taylor Johnson is James Potter and Peter Pettigrew is non-existent.

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More Posts from Kyeomunism
The Marauders Era fandom is so creative and I could never be too proud.
Remus ate chocolate once and we all agreed he was obsessed
I love how the fancast (with Ben Barnes, Andrew Garfield, Aaron Taylor Johnson, etc) is agreed by most of the fandom
Everyone has a hard time sorting out what's canon or not
Simping for Sirius and Regulus is definitely normal
Let's be honest, where would us be without the headcanons and fanfics
Before a Quidditch Match
Harry: Whose turn is it to give the pep talk?
Oliver: *sighing* It's Fred's turn...
Fred: Fuck shit up out there but don't die
George: (wiping away a tear) inspirational
Journal of the Bruised || Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Marauders Era
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: In which Sirius gets fascinated by the spitfire witch after reading her hopes and goals in a research journal.
Warnings: slight wounds, swearing, anxious thoughts, mentions of toxic parents, suggestive flirting, making out, me abusing my prompts I'm supposed to use for twelve different fanfics... (i think that's it, please tell me if I missed something.)
y/h/c=your hair color
y/l/n=your last name
y/n=your name (or just yeen:))
︵‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・༺❀༻・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ︵‿︵‿︵

You carefully step over some gigantic vines as you stroll around the forbidden forest. With a journal on your hand, wand in your pocket, and the bright moonlight over your head, you crouch down to get a closer look at some thorny branches and see a gleaming strand of unicorn hair entangling within it. You carefully save it in your pocket for your potions ingredients collection.
You stand up to get back to the castle without anyone noticing because getting detention would be a blow. You increase your pace, a hoard of centaurs being the least of your woes, considering the distant howls you've been hearing.
Your fear of getting in trouble at Hogwarts is just a result of your parent's high expectations, but you'll risk it for the sake of adding something to your journal. You love going to the woods at night just to pick a rare plant, animal hair, or at lucky nights, beast eggs. The moon is so bright you don't need to pull your wand out to illuminate the path.
Within a heartbeat, a loud thundering howl followed by ground-quaking steps electrify your spine. Instinct tells you to run immediately but the feel of something else's presence just several meters away glues your feet to the ground. You slowly reach for your wand as you turn. There's nothing there, but it feels like you're being watched.
A small rat came running near your direction as you inhale deeply, backing up towards the shadows just in case. A huge stag suddenly appears from where the rat came from, followed by an enthusiastic bear...no wait, you squint hard and could make up a large dog. The howling returns but this time, it's louder and scarier. Shivers overwhelm you as a full size werewolf came out of the shadows. Your free hand fly towards your mouth to stifle your terrified gasp.
You move away but not carefully enough, swearing all of them looked at your direction. The next second, you're running for your life, not daring to look back. All you know is that not only the werewolf is coming your way, but also the stag and the dog, and you don't care why. Nothing else matters as you make efforts not to scream nor show your face. It becomes harder for you through the thorny vines, wincing as the branches sting you.
Nobody can know you've been breaking the rules, not if it means getting many wounds or getting devoured alive. Nobody can know, or else your parents may force you to quit your hobbies and start preparing for work at the ministry. Oh you'd rather be dead than live without your passion.
The fear and panic about your future drives you out of the forest, not realizing until you find yourself catching breaths and applying pressure on wounds. You sit on the ground, listening to the distant howling that nearly became the last thing you heard. You check your pockets, your wand and the unicorn hair is still there.
"Damnit! Where's my journal?" You whisper-shout, bitter expression from your stinging wounds and the years long research now gone. Having the urge to lay there and cry until morning, you have no choice but to sneak back in the castle.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
"Who do you think that bloke was, Prongs?" Sirius asks as they sit beside Remus's hospital wing bed. "Doesn't matter now, does it? Whoever they are, they shouldn't have been idiotic enough to take a walk in the forest during a full moon," James says rather loudly.
"How 'bout you, Moons, who do you bet was it?" Peter pipes up.
"Doesn't matter, I could've killed them, worse, I could've bitten them," Remus says weakly.
Sirius brushes it off with a whole new full-proof plan for the next full moon. Something that Remus doesn't look forward to, but somehow enjoy with his friends' company. The marauders later spends the whole weekday morning in the hospital wing with the food Sirius, James and Peter got from the kitchens. The topics change each moment, until James finds a way to mock Sirius with his failed attempts at flirting with you.
"Just go talk to her!" James says between laughs.
"She doesn't even acknowledge me."
"I don't think so, it was only last quidditch practice when I heard her yell, suck it Black, when you got hit by a bludger." James, Remus and Peter laughs as Sirius's eyes widen.
Before Sirius could retort, "I gotta go prepare for my date with Evans now." James suddenly gets up, hastily messing up his hair and pocketing some sweets as his friends laugh at his ridiculous behavior.
"I'll stay here and finish these," Peter says while munching on some toast.
"I still want to know who's the owner of the journal I found a while ago. You sure you'll be good here, mate?" Sirius asks, to which Remus replies with a nod and goodluck.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
You're trying out spells to hide your puffy eyes from crying throughout dawn, frustratedly healing wounds. You don't want to miss breakfast to avoid suspicion, but it's hard to act normal. You finally look decent enough to your liking, but the potion made from the ingredients in your trunk did not do well on a gash on the back of your right hand, leaving a bruise. You decide to hide it in your Hogwarts robes and eat breakfast quickly.
After breakfast, you find yourself staring at the raven haired boy at the end of the hallway. Not that you expect him to care or notice you, but an inch of hope is still there. His usual unkempt hair that touches his face with such grace is just one of the many things you find attractive about him, but there was something different this time. He was holding a book, a very unusual thing to see since it's weekend.
You gasp as you walk closer in his direction, it's your journal. The thing you poured hardwork on, contains researches, discoveries and a list of dreams that had been ridiculed by your own parents. It was an extension of your soul, and it was being held by the Sirius Black.
He noticed you staring. "What's your deal, y/l/n, did you ran out of ridiculous potions to dye your hair y/h/c?"
You snap back from your thoughts. "Just a near-death experience, Black. And for the record, my hair is naturally y/h/c."
You turn around with a pounding heart. How did he find the journal? Did he read the contents? Was it that embarrassing?
Sirius watched you walk away. What does she mean by near death experience?
He looks at the journal, scans it for the second time since he found it this dawn. It's well-written and perfectly organized. He could swear he had seen the handwriting before, and the initials scribbled at the first page. Sirius decides to follow you to see if his guess is right.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
You sit on a part of the Hogwarts grounds away from other students, having trouble figuring out how did Sirius got your journal.
"You could've just told me this was yours."
You almost got a whiplash with Sirius's voice appearing out of nowhere. You just stared at him, examining his sharp features under the sun.
"What do you want?"
"Do you want this back?" he says, lightly waving the journal in front of you.
With a sigh, you spoke softly, "yeah. Can I have it now?"
"What?" You ask in disbelief, standing up to look at his silvery eyes.
"No, you have to reach it."
You want to whip out your wand and Accio the journal but Sirius's grin made you reach out as he waves it high above your head.
"What's wrong with your hand?" You freeze and hastily adjust your sleeves to cover it.
"You know what, I'm going back to the castle," you say half-heartedly.
"Who did this to you? I'll hex them."
"A tree branch. I would very much enjoy watching you hex it. You'll look more stupid than you already are."
"As much as I love the idea, let me see your hand first. Sirius's gentle voice almost melted you while reluctantly showing the bruise on the back of your hand. Sirius holds it, muttering an incantation under his breath. The bruise disappears in an instant.
You fill up with sudden gratitude and mixed emotions.
"I owe y—"
"No you don't. I'm doing this because I want to, deal with it. Now, tell me where you hurt yourself. Then I'll let you have your journal back."
"Why do you care anyways? I told you, I got hurt from a tree branch."
"That bruise is a cause of a potion applied on a deep gash lacking the proper incantation. What were you doing in the forbidden forest?"
"Speaking from experiences, are we, Black?" You say, highly amused. "I was just wandering around and dropped it. Are you done?"
"No, I know the easiest kind of lying is when you leave things out of a story. You could've been bitten or got killed. You're lucky Prongs and I saw you first."
You almost choked. "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking abou—"
"I was there, me and my friends. It's a long story, y/n, so could you start first?" Your cheeks heat up at the sound of Sirius saying your first name.
"I don't think you'll understand, I'm my parent's disappointment, I'm the opposite of what they want me to be. Instead of doing my purpose, I'm out here wasting my time, trying to cope using the dumbest ways possible." You start venting out as you sit on the grass beside him.
"Believe me, I know exactly what that feels like, love." They both mentally freeze as the words slip though his mouth.
"I go through the forest just to write about the things I find there. Something I couldn't get from sitting in the library. That journal contains my hard work."
"I can tell. It's impressive and elaborate."
"Uhm, thanks. Y-you wouldn't tell anyone I was in the forest, would you?" You say hesitantly.
"If I'd tell the professors about your midnight strolls, I might as well be turning the marauders in for expulsion."
"It's my turn to explain," Sirius utters with a sigh.
You watch the handsome boy talk about his friends; how they had to transform into Animagi for the sake of keeping their friend's company—which greatly impressed you—and their mischievous whereabouts. You've never heard Sirius speak this gentle.
There so many things you wanted to say, but can't form words. "Sirius..."
His eyes meet yours for the first time you mentioned his name, and it's in a tone that he wouldn't trade for the world.
"...can I visit Remus?" you continue.
He smiles at you—a genuine smile that made your heart leap—and takes you back to the castle without a word. He gives the journal to you on the way.
Your steps are slow and steady, as if the air has never been more comfortable. You finally got to the hospital wing, and see Remus lying in bed, reading a book next to a pile of sweets his friends placed there. He looks at the two of you with a questioning stare.
"Remus, I... I was the person who saw you in the forest. Sirius told me about..."
"I'm sorry."
You felt taken aback with Remus's response.
"No, I should be sorry, I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have been sneaking around late at night."
"That's actually a difficult habit to stop, y/n. Not that I tried," Sirius pipes up, earning chuckles from you and Remus.
You eventually become good friends with the marauders. Remus is glad you become friends because of his condition, and not inspite of it. Sirius would always ask about your day, which earns a lot of teases from James. You would still walk through the forbidden forest sometimes, but Sirius is always there to accompany you.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
Your NEWTs were coming near and Remus studied with you in the Gryffindor common room. It was late at night and completely silent, except for your small discussions about some topics. Several minutes pass and you find yourself talking about your feelings for Sirius, to which Remus never fail to respond with the best advices.
"Sometimes I wonder if Sirius feels the same..."
"You don't have to wonder," Remus says.
"Because he's right behind you." You almost jump as you hear him speak. "Mind to take a break from studying, y/n?"
You look at Remus, who shrugged with a smile. You get up and take a walk with Sirius. It was a comfortable silence, casually avoiding spots where you know people can see you and get you in detention. Your mind was going places thinking about a possible future with him. You didn't even realize you're in the astronomy tower if it wasn't for the sudden hug if cold air. You watch his eyes sparkle under the stars, standing at the huge overview of the tower.
"You wanna know how I feel about you?" You gulp at the way he broke the silence. You don't think you'll ever be ready to know. Your eyes finally met and it sent your bones to flames.
"I love you, y/n. And I've never felt more sure about anything in the world, fuck that, you are my world." The sincerity in his tone melted your brain, you couldn't string up a word.
"I can't believe we're finally here." Your throat starts to tighten with the struggle of words. "I was so scared to lose you, but I was also scared to say anything."
"Does that mean...?"
"Face first to the point and you still missed it. Of course I love you too, you idiot!"
You laugh as you jump into his arms, he gladly hugs you tight. The warmth and comfort that you felt contrasting to the cold night air felt so right.
"Hogsmeade, this weekend?" He whispers to your ear which sends shivers through your spine.
"Yes, but I don't wanna end up in detention after that."
"That's also a good idea for a first date."
You let go of the hug to look at his face.
"There's a fine line between liking you and wanting to hex you to oblivion."
"And I cross it everytime."
"Oh yes you do."
"You love it though."
"Hmm...yes I do."
With one meaningful look in his face, you press your lips against his. It's soft and gentle, firm and promising. His hand cups your face, thumb caressing your cheek. You wrap your arms around his warm body, feeling his heartbeat under his perfectly chiseled chest. After what seems like a beautiful forever, you pull away. The second you back up, a whistle and cheering made you jump.
"Prongs, Wormtail, what the hell are you doing here?" Sirius called the crackheads by the door.
"We saw you in the map, thought we've come to see the show," James says smugly.
"Want a treacle tart, y/n?" Peter says while holding half a dozen of them.
"No thanks I—"
"Hey, I thought you snuck out to the kitchens to get those for me?" You hear the distant voice of Remus, who clearly made an effort to leave his studies just to get his friends away from trouble.
"Nah Moons, 'tis the best part right here, I wanna know if Sirius messed this up," James continues with such a bright tone.
"Oh sod off, mate!" Sirius laughs as Remus take the two grown children away.
"Where were we?" You coo.
His lips brush yours passionately, like a fiery tease. You barely had a second to react and you already granted his tongue in the seam of your lips. He delved in your mouth, making you breathless. Your arms travels up to tangle around his neck to his luscious black hair. He pulls you even closer and you inhale sharply as his lips form into a smirk. He began peppering your neck with delicate kisses. You can't get enough of it, you let out pleasured tones that feels like godly music to him.
"Please, Siri... I need you."
"Absolutely, love. I will be gentle and make sure you can still walk after."
"I have seen your exes walk, no you won't," you reply. He chuckles between kisses that turned you on even more. The rest of the night will forever be one of the best things you've ever experienced.
༺∘◦ ❀ ◦∘༻
After graduating, you and Sirius joined the Order, fighting with and for each other.
One day, you and Sirius comes home from an Order mission, you have a slight bruise on your hand after falling over once in a duel with a Deatheater.
"What's wrong with your hand?" Sirius asks. Your lips forms a smile at the sudden flashback of his words.
"It's not holding yours," you reply. He lets out a bark of laughter as he checks your hand. His laugh is the nicest thing to watch and listen to.
"Wanna know what's wrong with your hands?" you ask him.
"They're not around my neck." Before you even finish the sentence you both are already laughing loudly.
He did fix what's wrong with his hand later that day, which you absolutely love.
You continue writing all your researches on your journal as you participate in the war. It all paid off because of Sirius, despite your parents' disapproval. You're with him and that's all that matters.
You eventually publish several informative books, with Sirius always by your side to support you. You both are proud of the fact that your books became the foundation research for Damocles Belby in creating the wolfsbane potion.
I keep thinking about Sirius coming back to Hogwarts after being disowned. The heir to the noble and most ancient house of Black was dethroned and he loses everything. His money, his family, his status, his power. He never had to deal with bullying or taunting because he was untouchable. He knew it was going to be hell. The slytherins and pure bloods would have a field day with this. Regulus probably told them some of the nastier details, like being burned off of the tapestry or beaten like a dog. So it comes as suprise to Sirius when he walks into his first class of the day, skipping breakfast, and the moment a Slytherin sneers at him and opens his mouth to call him a blood traitor, James body slams the Slytherin into the wall. It warms Sirius’ heart when one of his brothers friends makes a snide comment about his father hitting him but doesn’t get to finish it because Remus has his wand out in a flash against the younger boys throat and through gritted teeth growls “Finish that joke, I dare you”. And that night as he lays curled up in bed, he realizes that he didn’t lose his family. His family was now a bespectacled boy who laughed too loud and had the messiest hair to exist. His family was a kind hearted werewolf who protected him at all costs. And he goes to sleep with a smile on his face and a fire in his heart. Because he is theirs and they are his.

The Marauders Series: Sirius Black
Wow there’s a lot to unpack here. I’m gonna post an explanation on my tiktok and YouTube with more detail. I wanted to combine his canon movie tattoos with some of my own. There’s the Canis Major constellation with the Sirius star and his wand. The Gryffindor tats are the crest and the flags. He also has the marauder’s map footprints, the Latin from the top of the map, all of their initials, and a moon for Lupin on his hip. The Phoenix is for the order, and the black dog tattoos on his chest are for his animagus. The rest are just badass.
Remus is on deck!