Sirius And Regulus - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


My lips are filled with blood

And I want to kiss you

The kiss is a tragedy I love

I want to feel your virgin lips on mine

The lips I crave are pure

But you don’t want to kiss me

Because I am dirty

I lick my lips trying to soak the blood up

But you don’t care

I’m trying to be someone I’m not

I’m trying to be clean

But you don’t care you want clean lips

I continue to wipe away the blood I once loved

You push me away and say I don’t like your past

Please just one kiss, one kiss

You shake your head and scream when I get close

I walk away looking in the mirror asking why I was born with blood

I wanted to be pure

Pure, sweet, angelic, and full of viridity

I prayed to the gods above, asking to be pure like you

I had to paint my lips with holy water to kiss you

You told me you wanted to runaway

Why love? Why?

You pointed at me and my bloody body

I screamed and begged at your feet to not leave me

It is not my fault I am bloody

They made me like this

My lips covered in curses I did not wish to have

My hands covered in blood that was not mine

I scream at you please don’t leave me like the dog I am

You walk away and tell me to wash up

Please stay

Stay with me, I’ll bathe in sunlight and holy water to be with you love

That wasn’t enough

I smear blood onto my thighs

You yell at me to clean myself up

Can you clean me up?

Can you?

I don’t know how

Nobody had ever taught me how to be pure and sweet

I was only taught how to crave blood

I was only taught how to be weapon

Please Angel, let me be

You shout and walk away

The moment you leave me

I find a new fresh blood patch on my heart

Why couldn’t I be pure like you?

I am tired of being solivagant

You were my hit of kalopsia

I could only kiss you if I dipped my hands and lips in holy water

And yet you still called me disgusting

My love, my angel

You are too sweet for me

- a poem made by me.

But why is this Jegulus vampire au coded.

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11 months ago

Remus can also tell the apart for the same reason but flipped

Okay but hear me out everyone thinks Regulus and Sirius look alike right like even the teachers mix them up etc etc but James never mixes them up - he’s the only one who can tell them apart no matter what and he’s just like wdym you can’t tell them apart they’re so different???

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4 years ago

The Marauders Era fandom is so creative and I could never be too proud.

Remus ate chocolate once and we all agreed he was obsessed

I love how the fancast (with Ben Barnes, Andrew Garfield, Aaron Taylor Johnson, etc) is agreed by most of the fandom

Everyone has a hard time sorting out what's canon or not

Simping for Sirius and Regulus is definitely normal

Let's be honest, where would us be without the headcanons and fanfics

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4 years ago

Canon? What's that? We only know chocolate addict softie Remus Lupin, Leather Jacket Sirius Black, Thimothée Chalamet is Regulus Black, Aaron Taylor Johnson is James Potter and Peter Pettigrew is non-existent.

kyeomunism - kyeomunism

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1 year ago

i love the ship names sunseeker and starchaser for jegulus because it goes deeper than just quidditch positions.

starchaser implies that james will chase regulus to the ends of the earth when he tries to close off from james, because of course he does. regulus will spend the first year (at least) of the relationship torn between not feeling good enough for the literal sunshine that is james and yet selfishly not being able to let him go. so regulus will bounce back and forth indecisively between what he wants and what he thinks james deserves, while james will always be a step behind him because he won't give up on regulus for anything.

sunseeker indicates the same. regulus doesn't feel that he, the slytherin from a broken home with an even more broken heart, is inherently good enough for james, who, by all accounts, shits rainbows. he is expected to follow voldemort and uphold the family name and be everything sirius can't be because he knows his brother isn't what he was born to be. because sirius, at his core, is the same as james. looser morals, maybe, a craze in his eye when the family madness catches up to him, perhaps, and the same broken heart that regulus carries with him, of course, but sirius is good. the black brothers are made from the same materials, but they were molded, contorted into different shapes. sirius knows he is good and he sleeps next to his wolf with a smile knowing this, knowing he is above their mother and beyond their family and more than he was meant to be. regulus feels too shattered by the world to be enough for james, but can't stop seeking him out because his sunrays are healing and salazar, if he isn't the centre of regulus' world. he is the light in the constant darkness of regulus' life.

regulus doesn't want to let him go, but luckily for him, james won't let him run.

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6 months ago

"Sometimes people leave you, halfway through the woods, do not let it grieve you, no one leaves for good"

"You are not alone, no one is alone"

Sirius promised this to Regulus the night he ran away. It was just for a few months, then Sirius would come back for Regulus and get him out of that hellhole. Sirius never imagined he would be too late to keep his promise. As he said those words to Regulus, he never thought his little brother would die all alone, trying to save the world by himself.

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𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- sirius black

a/n: this isn't the best but it's something i wrote to one of my favourite side charcters. requests are open darlins luv, thai

requested- yes

warnings- none i think-

siri my babygirl, he knows he's fine. he knows he is god and he is it and forever will be it. periodt.

so ik he comes of as a major flert and he seems to be so smooth. And i gotta tell you, its no facade


sirius black is smooth, like SMMOOTH. he can get anyone and he's aware which gives him way too much power.

BUT, romantic attraction? never heard of it, he's got no rizz when it comes to you, which gets him annoyed and just in frustration

he is such a simp he just doesnt know how to show it yet, give my boi sometime okay?

but once he knows that you like him too, the game has been changed. flipped. uno reverse.

he gets back all his confidence and cockiness, he loves being the only one who could get your attention and he basked in your glory

basically attention whore

his favourite thing is trying to see someone get in with you and just watch how they all fail miserably. He's the type to try ship both of you together when he knows you want him

its just that level of confidence

He's just so aware where he stands and that no one could touch him.

this black is our daily dosage of goth jock and a hint of princess

you would do his liner and mascara obviously and the rings- let me die. He'd have these fancy metal rings oml

listen, just listen: him w pretty black acrylic nails w starts on em

he'd play you the guitar cause why not. I think he would be pretty into music and sing you love songs and that's a love language son.

would steel your tiny tops and wear em like crops and he'd look so hot in them godamn.

my man is a chaser so I'd think he'd be pretty athletic. He's got the hair and the abs dang

you cannot convince me that sirius didn’t bite you to show affection. either its as a dog or as a full ass boy tryna bite you.

would 100% fight over the dumbest stuff w u. just bickering and bickering and bickering. i believe you guys would be so much fun to hang out with mwahh

he'd want to lie on your lap while you read, listen to music w u, take you to quiditch games, he'd want too go on walks and take naps.

his bike- him riding that would be so hot that you wanna ride him like that

he's so good u wish u could ride him like dat

would do you to your favourite song heheh

*added to the friend group*

you have a leash for him to remiend him his place. your bitch

walk him like a dog sis

he's the one who thinks only with his heart. he may have a smol brain but he has a huge heart

and in the end of the day that's what you love the most

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1 year ago

regulus ‘with all due respect, which is none’ black.

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7 months ago

July 24: dealer | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 595

Game nights were James’ favorite.

Every Saturday evening, James would host a small game night at his flat with all of his friends. They’d have a few drinks, maybe order in some food, and play card games for hours. James looked forward to it every week.

But this Saturday was going to be extra special.

Sirius, James’ best friend, was bringing his little brother, Regulus, with him to James’ game night. James had never met Regulus and was thrilled to finally meet Sirius’ brother. 

Sirius had told James that sometimes Regulus was fairly mean and not to expect much out of him. James mulled over that and thought about a million exchanges that might go down between him and Regulus that Saturday. 

However, James hadn’t foreseen that Sirius’ brother would be the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. 

Regulus was the first person to arrive and he came alone. 

When James opened the door his jaw dropped just slightly at the sight of the man in front of him. “Um, hi,” James stammered, “I’m James.” He held out a hand for Regulus to shake. 

“I’m Regulus. Sirius’ brother. I’m sure he’s said something about me,” the other man responded in a cool voice, taking James’ hand. 

He dropped his hand from the shake and led Regulus inside. “You’re the first to arrive, so it’ll be a bit boring before other people show up with the drinks and cards,” James explained, showing Regulus to his living room and gesturing him to sit on the couch with him. 

Regulus nodded and sat down next to James leaving a small gap between them. 

They sat like that, in awkward silence, for a few minutes before James couldn’t bear it anymore and asked, “Um, Sirius said you’re still finishing up in uni?”

Regulus nodded again and turned his piercing grey eyes on James. “Yeah, I’m about done with my last year.”

James muttered something that sounded vaguely like “That’s cool” before blurting again with, “So have you ever played cards before?”

Regulus raised an eyebrow at him. “I wasn’t raised under a rock, of course I’ve played before. What are we playing?” Regulus assured James.

James grinned and answered, “Blackjack.”

The other man’s cheeks went pink, which James found insanely adorable. “Oh.” Regulus looked sheepish all of a sudden. “I’ve actually… never played blackjack before. Our family only ever played poker.”

“Oh,” James said a quick prayer in his head before risking putting his arm around Regulus’ shoulders. “I can teach you the basics right now, if you’d like!” He grinned at the man.

Regulus rolled his eyes good-naturedly and huffed, “I guess.”

“Great!” James exclaimed. “So, in blackjack all the players are trying to get closer to 21 than the dealer, but they can’t hold over 21. If you go over, you bust and get nothing. Each hand is played separate and the end goal is to have a higher hand value than the dealer.”

Regulus’ brows furrowed while he took in the information. When James finished his explanation, Regulus remained quiet.

“So, did you understand any of that?” James asked with an airy chuckle.

The corners of Regulus’ lips tipped up in a small smile that lit up his eyes. “Er, no,” he confessed, laughing a little too.

James waved his hand, dismissing the problem. “Lily’ll explain it better anyway.”

James and Regulus made eye contact and burst out laughing together. 


Their heads snapped to the living room entrance where Sirius stood, bewildered expression on his face and a pack of 6 drinks in his hand. 

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6 months ago

august 23: stomachache | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 255

Finally a Part 2 for the Game Night au!

Part 1


Both James and Regulus’ heads snapped to look at Sirius, who had just let himself in through James’ front door. 

Sirius gaped at the pair of them and set down the six pack of drinks he was carrying.

“Since when were you friends?” He asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously and taking out a drink for himself.

Regulus blinked innocently up at Sirius from where he and James were sat on the couch. “We just met,” he told his brother. Regulus put a hand on James’ chest. “He was just explaining how to play Blackjack.”

James’ skin tingled from where Regulus touched him and he felt his cheeks get hot. He could tell Regulus was trying to work up Sirius. 

Kudos to him because, frankly, it was working. A vein in Sirius’ temple was visibly straining and he was gripping his drink so tight his knuckles were white.

Sirius cleared his throat and asked, “James- a word in the kitchen?”

James nodded and extracted himself away from Regulus. He heard a small whine in the back of the younger man’s throat and he felt like he could have collapsed right there. As soon as Regulus’ hands weren’t touching him anymore, James felt a cold absence and longed for them to come back.

Surely having thoughts like this about your best friend’s younger brother isn’t normal, right?

He looked back at Regulus before stepping into the kitchen and his heart skipped so many beats he had a small stomachache.

Nope. That definitely wasn’t a normal feeling.

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5 months ago

September 13: water | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 391

Regulus wanted to leave. Actually, he *needed* to leave.

Today, his whole agenda was supposed to be to finish the latest book he was reading and relax at home. And maybe grab a coffee somewhere along the way. 

Then, his idiot brother had come over, physically dragged him out of his own home, and brought him to a beach of all places.

When they arrived, Regulus spotted Sirius’ other friends already set up on the sand and frolicking around.

Sirius looked at Regulus seriously and said, “Reggie, you never get out. This can be fun for you.”

And Regulus could never say no Sirius when he talked to him like that.

So he stuffed down his pride and sat on one of the many beach towels the Marauders’ had laid down on the beach. 

After they’d bored themselves out, one of them (Regulus thinks it was McKinnon) had the bright idea to have them all go swimming.

Sirius tried to drag him to the water, much like he’d dragged him out of his house, but Regulus remained adamant about staying on land.

Eventually, his brother gave up and Regulus was sure he’d won this battle. 

Then, James Potter walked up to Regulus’ towel. He looked like a god. His chest was bare and Regulus could see the droplets of water clinging to his skin. His swim trunks clutched his thighs in a way that made Regulus suddenly envious of anyone who’d ever had the pleasure to touch them.

James plopped down next to Regulus and gazed meaningfully at him.

“Why are you not swimming?”

For whatever reason, Regulus couldn’t find it within himself to lie to the man, and he told the truth.

“I-I don’t know how…” he muttered, avoiding James’ eyes.

James’ hand grabbed Regulus’ face gently and tilted up to face his.

“I can show you,” he said earnestly. “It’s quite easy once you get the hang of it.”

Regulus hesitated. For years his worst fear in the world had been anything related to swimming. But how could he say no to James of all people?

“I guess-“

“Yes!” James blurted out, giving Regulus a quick peck on the cheek as some sort of celebration.

And that was how Regulus found himself swimming, waist held tightly by no other than James Potter.

Regulus should learn how to say no.

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5 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Sirius ruined everything by running away. Regulus ruined everything by staying.

*Inspired by Winner by Conan Gray

Written for @conangray-marauders-fest

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1 year ago

Sirius: It must be nice to not be so irresistible everyone wants you.


Sirius: Regulus, you must be having a blast!

Regulus: That's not what James said last night!




James: 'Runs away'

Sirius: Potter! YOU BROTHER FU*KER!!!

Barty, Evan, Remus, Peter: 'Laughing their asses off'

Pandara: You couldn't just wait one more week Regulus!

Lily: Pay up Blondie

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6 months ago


yet again i need your help... i dont even think i would post it but shoul i keep working on my little mermaid wolfstar au?? should i start a band au?? idk unless people want it i dont think im a good writer so probably would not post it but like yeah

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