22, she/her, straight, wattpad author, fangirl, aspiring author. I write for various types of fandoms and genres. Feel free to make story requests. Be sure to stick around for story updates and sneak peeks for future stories. STORY REQUESTS OPEN!!! ASK BOX OPEN!!! My profile picture was made by my dear friend https://mysticgeekzartz.tumblr.com/?source=share
28 posts
If You Enjoy Black Butler, Check Out These Fanfics Of Mine!
If you enjoy Black Butler, check out these fanfics of mine!

This is a fix it fanfiction I've been working on. It's still currently a work in progress.

This is a oneshot for my favorite black butler ship, SebaClaude, which is Sebastian and Claude. I know not everyone likes Claude, but I absolutely ship them.
alvez-s liked this · 5 months ago
mysticgeekzartz liked this · 5 months ago
justanemailpigeon liked this · 6 months ago
More Posts from Ladybugfanfics23
Get to know me!
Hello there everyone! Welcome to my very first tumblr blog. I figured I'd make an introduction and give some info on what you'll find here as well as some information about me. โบ
For starters, you can call me Ladybug, I'm an aspiring author, writing has always been a huge passion of mine for as long as I can remember.
I'm 22 years old, soon to be 23 ๐
I'm still learning the in's and out's of tumblr, thanks to a dear friend of mine, mysticgeekzartz for helping me, be sure to check out her art, she's really good.
I write various types of fanfiction for various types of fandoms and genres, this tumblr will be used for updates, sneak peeks and for my followers to make requests.
If you don't have wattpad, no problem, I also have Ao3, I don't post on there much, but I will once I start getting the hang of it. I mostly post on wattpad.
Be sure to stick around for snippets of my work and feel free to let me know what you think.
My fandoms and ships
Genres I write for
โ a little bit of angst, nothing too severe though
My story request rules
Sincerely yours, ladybug ๐
If you enjoy Hazbin hotel, check this out!

This is still currently a work in progress, but I'm particularly proud of it. Unfortunately, I still only have one chapter up as of right now. But don't worry, I plan to continue it soon enough.
Special birthday shoutout to my dear friend mysticgeekzartz!

Happy birthday, girly! Thank you again for helping me set up my tumblr. I thought I'd do something for you in return. I wasn't entirely sure what to do at first. But I thought I'd make a special post.
Be sure to check her out! Her art is really good.

Give me some ideas!
Hey lovelies, ladybug here! Let's talk about writing prompts and ideas for what you want me to write about.
As you probably already know, I've been struggling with writers block, I struggle on what to post on here too.
I need inspiration and ideas for what to write. I was hoping people could help me out.
I haven't been getting much traction on here, unfortunately. But I'm willing to be patient and wait it out.
I posted a poll when I first started my blog and it ends tomorrow, once the results are in, I'll make a post asking what I should write for whatever fandom from my poll won.
I still have a lot of works in progress and more updates on the way, so stay tuned for that.
In the meantime, please give me some ideas for what you want me to write about.
I'm dying for some inspiration, anything really.
My door is always open, just message me if you have a request.
A little EraserMic fluff oneshot
This is a little experimental, I usually always post my stories on wattpad, but a friend of mine suggested I should start posting some oneshots here, so after another friend of mine gave me a great idea for a story, I'm gonna go for it!
So, enjoy ๐
Hizashi's pregnancy with Hitoshi hadn't been too difficult but it wasn't easy either, now that the baby boy had been born, Hizashi and Shouta were settling into life as parents.
The day Hitoshi was born, Hizashi had to stay in the hospital for another day just to make sure there weren't any after birth complications considering this was his first baby.
After he got the okay to go home, he and Shouta anxiously brought their baby boy home.
Hizashi was so happy to be home again, he was absolutely exhausted, after going through hours and hours of labor, then the delivery process, that would take a while for him to recover.
Shouta settled into parenthood naturally, it was almost as if he had been a father all his life.
In a way, he had, due to the fact he's been a teacher for several years, Hizashi also settled into parenthood fairly easily, he was still a bit nervous and there were things he'd have to adjust to.
Hizashi fell in love with his son from the moment he laid eyes on him, from his whispy purple hair, to his eyes that were the same color as Shouta's.
Shouta heavily insisted on Hizashi resting as much as possible, but Hizashi was stubborn and didn't want to stay in bed all the time despite just how tired he was.
They settled on a compromise, Shouta would do the heavier and more tiring tasks around the house and Hizashi would do the lighter work and they would take turns looking after the baby.
The day after they brought Hitoshi home, Hizashi woke up to the sound of his newborn son crying, as if on autopilot, he got up, put on his fuzzy yellow bathrobe and slippers and walked over to the bassinet they set up in their bedroom.
He smiled down at the baby boy and scooped him into his arms.
"Hey, buddy. It's okay, I got you" he said softly, cradling Hitoshi close to his chest.
Hitoshi's crying softened almost immediately after being picked up and held, being replaced by soft gurgling.
Hizashi carried Hitoshi over to his rocking chair and sat down, slowly rocking Hitoshi in his arms.
He unbuttoned his shirt and settled Hitoshi close against his chest, watching as the baby boy latched on and began to suckle.
Breastfeeding had definitely been something Hizashi was still getting used to, but he absolutely loved watching Hitoshi cuddle close to his chest while he ate, his tiny fist gripping onto his pajama shirt.
He hadn't noticed Shouta walking into the bedroom, carrying two mugs of coffee and bringing one to him, setting it down on the small table next to the rocking chair until he felt Shouta's five o'clock shadow rubbing against his forehead.
He giggled softly and glanced up at his husband, looking at him with a soft, loving smile on his face.
"Hey" he greeted, leaning over slightly to peck Shouta's lips, his moustache tickling the underside of Shouta's nose.
Shouta chuckled. "Hey, I thought you might like some coffee"
"Thanks. Decaf, right?" Hizashi reached over for his Tweety bird coffee cup while his left arm kept Hitoshi cradled to his chest.
"Yep, mine is too" Shouta sipped his own coffee, looking at Hitoshi, who had already stopped eating and had settled against Hizashi's chest, fussing softly at the movement.
"Could you hand me that burp cloth, Sho?" Hizashi asked, settling Hitoshi against his shoulder.
Shouta nodded and reached over for the cloth and laid it against Hizashi's shoulder.
Hizashi smiled in thanks and gently rubbed Hitoshi's back until he stopped fussing.
Once he was settled down again, Hizashi just held him and continued slowly rocking him in his arms.
Shouta was still smiling lovingly at them both. "You're already a wonderful mother, Hizashi"
Hizashi blushed a bit, glancing up at Shouta, then back down at Hitoshi. "You really think so?"
"Of course. You're handling everything so well. You handled labor like a champ, like I knew you would. You're amazing" Shouta hugged Hizashi's shoulder.
Hizashi leaned his head back against Shouta's arm. "Hmm. You know, if you had told me when I was in high school that I would be happily married to my best friend and have a baby with him, I probably would've laughed"
Shouta chuckled. "I honestly never thought I'd be this happy with anyone. I couldn't imagine not having you in my life. And to know that you married me and gave me a son, it's so hard for me to believe. I love you so much, Hizashi"
Hizashi couldn't help the tears that began developing in his eyes. "Oh, Sho, you're gonna make me cry. I love you too"
He leaned his head back a bit more and lovingly kissed Shouta's lips, receiving an equally as loving kiss in return.