ladywithaquill - For the Love of Lee
For the Love of Lee

Why do you linger in the shadows?

351 posts


Support them by following the link to buy their artworks of the most beautiful king in the universe. King Thranduil.

Their works are stunning and worth paying for ๐Ÿฉท

Check them out @chicotfp

  • theoneandonlynikki
    theoneandonlynikki liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Ladywithaquill

5 months ago

The Great Journey

A story about Elmo and his partner. After the journey to Aman, they settled in Alqualondรซ. Then first kinslaying happened and Elmo's partner had to return to Middle-earth.

I've established this HC for Oropher, Thranduil's father. Now our favorite Elvenking has a grandfather too.

Read it on AO3

Tags :
5 months ago

People I'd like to know better

Thanks for the tag @firelightinferno

Last song I listened to: The Greatest by Sia (with another artist).

Currently watching: Nothing atm, but I have my eye on Terminator Zero.

Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sometimes spicy food is nice but not too much of it at once. I'm addicted to sweet. I'll sell my soul to the devil for anything sweet, mostly chocolate.

Relationship Status: Domestic Partnership. My partner and I are together for 21 years. We have 2 parots, a cat and a Labby, Lexi.

Current Obsession: Well, besides Lee Pace and Thranduil I must say crystals. I love the rough ones more than the tumbled ones. The Dragon Blood or Dragon Stone is one of my favourites along with the Rose Quartz. I have a 15kg rough Rose quartz crystal in my house. The other I have are much smaller. A kilo at most.

Tagging without pressure:

@windrelyn @jesmeraki @esculentevil @unendingwanderlust @bonniebirddoesgifs

some people i'd like to get to know better

thank you for the tag @lemonhoarddragoness!! i love these so much!!


last song i listened to: storm by qing feng wu (ft. AURORA) currently watching: re-watching LOST with my husband, watching the new season of the rings of power, and, inevitably, re-reading the trials of mairon by bynightmylove (who used to have a different penname, something like ElliCarina, if memory serves) as a result.

sweet/savory/spicy?: ALL.

relationship status: married, homeowners, with dog! ๐Ÿ’• (though not necessarily in that order lol)

current obsessions: my doctoral program, my research, my husband, my dog (though not necessarily in that order lolol). also inevitably obsessed with the annual autumnal ritual going to a new farm every weekend to go apple picking, get fresh produce, BAKE NEW STUFF (today was just a classic apple pie!), drive to new towns and cities and villages, eat at new diners, and so on and so on. LAST BUT NOT LEASTโ€”FINISHING THE #KRISCALLICOLLAB PROJECT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AHHHHHHHH ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

--- tagging: @18jewels | @sanfangirl-cynicalromantic | @06strawberrylemonade28 | @overmooneleven | @sareinadale | @morethantheycansay | @laurakrivera | @wintermoonqueen | @canthler | and anyone else who'd like to continue the trend!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

5 months ago

Gorgeous ๐Ÿ˜

Digital fanart of king Thranduil from the movies, "The Hobbit" (2012-2014). Thranduil is drawn twice from the chest up. One, a side profile on the top left. The second, front facing at the bottom right. Thranduil is drawn in his fall garment consisting of a crown made up of wood branches, tiny autumn orange leaves, and black raspberries. His attire is silver, with a rough texture, almost like a jewel, like him. At the time I drew in the details of his outfit I came to realize I was using poor references and will do better next time. the current design on his garment looks similar to dragon scales as symbol of him being a survivor, a king who perseveres. at his chest, most noticeably depicted at the front facing drawing, is the brooch of Mirkwood consisting of silver branches that flay out and a yellow-green gemstone at the front center (a more in detail drawing of the brooch can be seen above the bottom right drawing). The expressions on Thranduils face are relaxed, cold, yet elegant, as he delivers the line. "Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand, a quest to reclaim a homeland, and slay a dragon."

"Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand, a quest to reclaim a homeland, and slay a dragon."

-King Thranduil

5 months ago


Just go with the flow

Writing is a journey of discovery; a process of unraveling the mysteries of our imaginations and bringing them to life on the page.

Embrace the unknown, trust your instincts, take risks, and let your creativity guide you.

5 months ago

Yesss!!! I can't wait to see this scene in the new movie Hunt for Gollum โ™ฅ

Excellent work. Love it so muchโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ

Aragorn Brought Gollum To The Woodland Realm.

Aragorn brought Gollum to the Woodland Realm.