lansalla - Remember To Forget Me
Remember To Forget Me

30+ | She/Her | ADHD | English is not my native language | I can't live without the forest, music, good stories and people close to me | Write fanfiction, draw a little, roll initiative dice and doing LARP馃尦馃幎馃幉馃徆馃獎鈿旓笍

431 posts

I Decided To Re-upload It Directly To Tumblr, Because I Really Like How It Turned Out, But It Seems To

I decided to re-upload it directly to tumblr, because I really like how it turned out, but it seems to work worse with links (or the video is really crap and I'm wrong). Do you love Yennskier as much as I love them? (watermark is my main nickname馃ゲ)

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More Posts from Lansalla

1 year ago

Thank you for this. I always feel so bad for Jaskier at the end of the book. He was left alone. He lost everyone in an instant

I Always Believed I Would Spend The Rest Of My Days With You All, Or Like We Always Did, Crossing Path,

I always believed I would spend the rest of my days with you all, or like we always did, crossing path, sharing adventures, or a meal somewhere, anywhere... We always had something to share.

I would have followed you as long as my legs would have carried me. I would have sung to you as long as my voice would have hold. And then I hoped you would have visited me when I would have been too old... Because you were eternal to mere mortals like me and this was the only good way to end this story. You alive. Me dead.

But today, I am lost. That future won't exist and I don't know what to do. You left me on that bank and disappeared into the mist, when all I wished was lying with them. I understand your feelings, princess, but, if they are not alive, I don't belong with the living either... You know it.

Now, my body seems too heavy to move even if I feel empty, and my heart is too broken to feel anything but pain. I don't know how to sing, because my voice is trapped somewhere.

There is nowhere I feel home anymore. I am just a lost soul on this sphere. So please, come back... or welcome me on the other side. Don't leave me here... alone. I beg of you. This is not fair I have to stay here, in a space full of your absence.

You denied me the right to have a more peaceful end and I saw in your eyes that you will never come back. Maybe we could have mourn together. We didn't have to be alone to face this ordeal, didn't we ?

But maybe you knew that my own pain would be too much to bear and you couldn't see me never heal. Maybe you were right. Maybe that's better that way. But maybe it means that everyone understood, and I was in denial all my life. Maybe my own kind knew from my first breath in this world how unworthy of love I was, and I should have bent before that heart would know the feeling. Maybe that's why in the end, I have to face this alone...

I am sorry, princess, for my bitter words but the wound is too fresh and the fall is hard, because I thought for a short time that I was enough and worth to be part of your family, when clearly it was just a construct of my mind. Also you knew what to say, but this is not fair you used that against me to keep me alive... on this side. Because I will give myself heart and soul to the task you gave me, knowing it will never bring me real peace.

But my letter isn't for that.

Yes, I am bitter that you did that to me, but deep inside I can't blame you and never will. You had too much to endure. This is only pain speaking and I am sorry. I have to find a way to accept things as they are. I need just time. Probably.

This letter is there to enlighten what I should have said before. What I should have say many times. I have to make things right before my own end.

The poet in me wants to believe that you knew how much I love you all. But for the first time in my life I regret I never said those three little words out loud. You are gone and it is too late now. There is no second chances with those kind of things.

I will continue to tell the story of my beloved family to the world as you asked me to, if I can find my voice back, but the world doesn't deserve the words I would say to you only. I will continue to hide them to their eyes and ears, like the most extraordinary things I keep inside.

But for you, I write these words, for the first and the last time. This is a beacon in the dark and the most important thing anyone has to know. And you have to know.


Your crazy uncle Jaskier.

(Letter found in a empty wine bottle in a lake in Rivia)

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1 year ago

me: I don鈥檛 like characters of the same type

also me: oh Lucius, my boy

lansalla - Remember To Forget Me

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1 year ago

My mother has not been with me for a little over five years. I miss her so much.

1 year ago

ok guys, I hope the period of my hyper-fixation on video editing is over, this is the last

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