Who Else Is Disappointed By The Rhea Island/ending Of Frontiers A Bit. All Of This Buildup With Cyber

Who else is disappointed by the Rhea Island/ending of Frontiers a bit. All of this buildup with Cyber Corruption and he just kinda. goes into a frozen state like an 06 load screen? Somehow his friends know how to save him without any clues? The robots respawned suddenly? No one talks about a young girl dying? Supreme boss fight was a let down as well. My brother played the whole game within 3 days and found that the Supreme just sort of. to put it bluntly. sucked.
I liked the voice acting and the lore building, the open world seemed a bit...too open? if that makes sense (i still believe playable hub worlds like Adventure1 should be back), but I found it fine. I had fun. But the ending sort of felt like they blew through their money and time before Sega enforced the deadline on them. It's hard to explain, as I have forgotten mostly everything past Knuckles' island and parts of Tails' (forgive me. I was having a very stressful week).
I hope that any DLCs that come out can give the game plenty of replayability and perhaps give us more characters to play as (I really want to play as Amy again, i loved her hammer vault)
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How did I not know about this?!
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