Superman - Tumblr Posts
I went to a comic book store today, and...

i really like those superbat fics where Bruce realizes that the super cute and funny journalist he’s been dating/flirting with is Superman and is quite literally his coworker.
and he just sits there like this:

Henry Cavill

As on almost every earth with super-heroes, Earth AI is home to a strange visitor from another planet, who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal man. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands, and who disguised as Clark Kent mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and the Native American Way.

Jimmy Olsen was Superman’s Pal before they ever met. At 14 Jimmy created an Instagram account @supermanspal and filled it with dozens of selfies with Superman that he created by superimposing his image over action shots of Superman. In a month Jimmy’s account had a half a million followers. The underworld took notice of it and took him as a hostage, expecting Superman to fly to his rescue. Jimmy surreptitiously sent a tweet with #thisisajobforsuperman. Clark Kent saw it. He discovered Jimmy’s instagram account and decided not to expose Jimmy's ruse. After rescuing him, Superman befriended Jimmy to protect him. He gave him a signal watch with GPS, and when Jimmy became old enough, Clark got him a job at the Daily Planet as a cub reporter. Jimmy's carelessness has led to thousands of adventures.

Lois Lane knew Clark Kent was Superman from the minute he arrived at the Daily Planet. You can’t hide a super-human physique in street clothing, and a pair of spectacles is a laughable ruse. Nonetheless, Lois honored Clark’s privacy and didn’t call him out. But she playfully contrived dozens of situations to expose his secret, until finally Clark took her into his confidence. While Lois appreciates the results of Superman’s heroics, she still thinks dressing up in tights and tossing criminals around is kind of silly. Nothing could be further from her mind than a romantic entanglement with a hypertrophied man-child.

The Kryptonian city of Kandor was miniaturized and placed in a bottle by Brainiac so that he could continue to study Kryptonian society without staying on Krypton. The curiosity of his 12th level intellect exceeds its sense of ethics.
It was a fortuitous event for the city. It avoided the destruction of Krypton. It saved 3 million lives. Superman happened upon Kandor onboard Brainiac’s space vessel when he was temporarily held captive.
Superman keeps Kandor in his Fortress of Solitude, safe from prying eyes. He has vowed to find a way to restore its inhabitants to normal size. From time-to-time he uses a prototype of an enlarging device to enlarge one of Kandor’s inhabitants, but the effect always wears off. He has occasionally shrunk himself to visit the city, sometimes he has brought others.
The existence of Kandor is secret. Not even the Justice League is aware it exists.

When Superman’s pal, Jimmy Olsen rubs his body with a formula created by Lana Lang's uncle, Professor Phineas Potter, he develops the ability to stretch like Plastic Man.
Prof. Potter developed the formula to imbue otherwise solid structures with a small amount of elasticity to make them resilient to earthquakes. But when Jimmy spilled some of the formula on his arm, he discovered he could stretch it 50 feet.
Prof. Potter’s formula contains carcinogens that could accumulate in Jimmy’s body over time, so it’s use must be strictly limited.

Krypto has been Superman's furry companion since he was an infant on the planet Krypton. Although they are not as intelligent as humanoids, Kryptonian dogs can read minds, even if they cannot project their thoughts.
Krypto was paired with the infant Kal-el to mind him and keep him from harm, which was a common practice on Krypton, and was sent with Kal-el to Earth AI for that purpose.
Kryptonian dogs live hundreds of years, which explains how Krypto could have been a puppy when Kal was a baby and still be alive now that Superman is in his thirties.

Bizarro Superman was created by a defective duplication machine created by Professor Potter and accidentally pointed at Superman.
Bizarro Superman wears glasses as a disguise so that no one recognizes him as Clark Kent.

Green Kryptonite
Kryptonite is a radioactive crystalline substance forged deep inside the planet Krypton. Krypton's explosion ejected millions of tons of the material into space. Variations in its composition create a range of different colors and properties.
Although Kryptonians are most susceptible to it's effects, it's radiation is dangerous to life from other planets as well.
Green Kryptonite causes immediate sickness to Kryptonian life. Prolonged exposure can be fatal.

‘The transformation,’ he breathed, ‘it… it’s beginning. I can feel it… oh! I’m being stripped… stripped of my powers. I’m going to be… a normal man! Uhhh. OH!’
There was a strange excitement, making him tremble all over as his very DNA was torn apart and rewritten by the power of Krypton, by his father’s own technology; his legs shook in his tights. This was what he had wanted, what he had demanded, and he was getting it. And yet, as he felt his strength beginning to recede from him, to his alarm Superman began to realise that it was not just his powers that were being stripped. A crystal tube emerged behind him, sliding smoothly up the back of his legs, and began to suck, ensnaring his cape.
‘Uh… Whuh –what?’ he said. ‘What’s happening?’
The shaft increased its suction, and his cape was swiftly vacuumed into it. Superman felt it part company from him, ripped away from his tunic, and then it was gone forever, red vanishing into the translucent white, sucked away into the depths of the Fortress.
‘My cape!’ he cried. ‘Father, no!’
But even as he protested, he felt crystalline tendrils wrap themselves around his feet, as two more tubes rose up around his legs, parting them slightly, and with horror he realised that his cape was not all he was to lose. ‘No!’ he yelled in desperation. ‘Not my boots, please! Don’t take them off, please!’
Yet although he struggled, Superman’s boots were indeed gripped and forcibly taken from him. They slid down and off of his legs and then they too were sucked into those tubes.
‘Why? I don’t understand? Why are you taking my clothes off?’
‘Your cape, your boots… these are the legacies of the House of El.’
Jor El’s voice echoed all around him. ‘They are your Kryptonian heritage, a part of what you have renounced. By rights, Kal El, I should take back your tunic, as well as your tights and briefs; they bear the insignia of your noble birth…’
‘No,’ said Superman, ‘father, please, don’t do that, no! Leave me my tights at least, please!’ The idea of walking out of the crystal cage not just powerless, but stark naked in front of Lois, having been stripped by Jor El, made his cheeks burn with embarrassment. It was not how he wanted to begin his new life. ‘Please,’ he said again, ‘don’t send me out to her n-naked! Don’t take my tights and briefs off, sir! Leave me my tights and briefs, I… I beg you.’
Jor El sighed.
‘As you wish. Out of respect for the fact you are – or were – my son, I will not strip you naked, but as you desire it I will leave you these last vestiges of your uniform. Your great powers, however, are now gone, removed forever. You entered this cage as a God, but now you have willingly given that up. You leave it not as a God, but as a mortal – simply a man in tights. That is all you are now, Kal El. Do you understand?’
‘Yes,’ he whispered. ‘I understand. I’m… I’m just a man in tights now. Thank you.’
‘You have made this sacrifice, lost all your powers, in order to satisfy a base lust.’
‘That’s not true!’
‘It is true – you will see it one day, thought you cannot accept it now. And yet I foresee that your ignoble cause will be in vain. The one you have done this for will not want you like this: a mere mortal. The sexual congress you have so craved will come to you, Kal El, but not in the way you think. When the mortals realise you are no longer a god, they will seek to subjugate you in the most degrading ways. And it will be the men of this world who will wish to take you as their concubine – not the women.’
‘You’re wrong,’ said Superman, setting his jaw defiantly. ‘I’m sorry, father, but that’s ridiculous. You don’t understand these people as I do. You don’t see their true potential. You’re completely wrong.’
No reply came, and Jor El’s image simply faded away. The crystal cage opened, disgorging this newly made man into the world. On tights-clad feet the now powerless Superman padded out. He winced slightly with each step – he had never felt cold here before, but now the icy floor of his former Fortress chilled him through the thin spandex of his tights. He would have to find some more clothes.
Bashfully, he smiled up at Lois.
‘I… I’ve done it. It’s over. I’m yours,’ he said. ‘I’m just a regular man. We can be together now.’
‘Oh,’ she said.
That had been a year ago.
He still wore his uniform – his costume, as he now referred to it – beneath his clothes. Old habits die hard.
For a time, he had tried to still be Superman, a version of himself without his powers. He had acquired a new cape and boots from a fancy dress outfit, cheap-looking, but functional, and he had gone out at night, trying to protect the innocent, to make a difference. It was a laudable enough idea, but it quickly became clear to him that without his powers he amounted to nothing. His efforts, although noble, were laughable. Soon it was obvious that Superman was not what he had been, and word quickly spread throughout the underworld that there was no longer anything to fear from the former Man of Steel. Never before had Superman realised just how much he relied upon his abilities. Winning is easy when you can fly.
One night he was badly beaten and forced to run, fleeing for his life from a gang in downtown Metropolis and only narrowly escaping with his life when, in desperation, he climbed into a dumpster to hide. For several long, dark hours he sat in terror, trembling and afraid to poke his head out, while sinking further and further into stinking wet garbage, his tunic, tights and briefs absorbing all manner of unpleasant gunk. When he finally dared to clamber out, he had to slink home in disgrace wearing his filthy, reeking spandex. It was late and the streets were almost deserted, but the few people he encountered looked upon him with utter disgust and amazement. By the time he finally reached his apartment, stripped off and threw his soiled costume into the washing machine, he had to acknowledge that his days of heroics were behind him.
He bought an expensive set of weights, to try and increase his strength – and indeed to stave off the flab that his newly mortal status brought him, now his super-powered metabolism was gone. He kept his handsome figure, but other than that his progress was as unremarkable as Superman himself now was.
He still had his job at the Planet, at any rate. Lois had transferred abroad, unable to live with the guilt of what their union had cost the world. Jor El had been right, of course. It was Superman that she had fallen for, not this… this weakling. Take away the abilities, the flight, the strength, the x-ray vision, all those talents that had so charmed her, and what was left? Not even boots and a cape.
‘A man in tights,’ he said, gazing at himself in the mirror the night she left. ‘That’s all I am now, just as he told me I would be. I… I was a Super-powered wimp, and because of my own ego and lust I willingly surrendered everything I had, just to become a weak, ordinary man in my tights and briefs. Why didn’t I listen?’
When he finished work for the day and arrived back home at his apartment, he would slowly strip off his clothes, until he was just clad in his tights, briefs and tunic. Jor El had at least allowed him to keep the latter, with its S-shield, the sigil of the House of El, which he had shamed and thrown away so carelessly. He had to wash his costume more regularly these days; wearing it under his sharp city suit now caused him to sweat, and on more than one occasion his tights and briefs took on a high, sour smell. Dressed thus, he would stand and look at himself in the mirror, punishing himself, fully realising everything that he had lost.
Then, when he could take no more, he would drag a chair to the mirror and simply sit in the remains of his uniform for the rest of the night, sometimes having a couple of beers, the Man of Steel… now a belching, pitiful sight.
‘I didn’t even get what I gave it all up for,’ he said, as he sat on one such night and bitterly surveyed himself, the blue of his tights darkening where he had spilled some of his beer down one leg. ‘After all of it, all I’ve lost, all I had… all I was… and I’m still living like a Super-virgin. That’s the joke of it. Except I’m not Super any more.’
He gazed at the wet patch of spandex on his leg, as he contemplated this. His hands strayed first to his tights, then to his briefs. Looking at himself in the mirror, he watched his reflection, as with one finger he gently pressed the circular clasp on his belt, causing it to fall open with a faint click. The waistband of his briefs slackened somewhat, and Superman slid one hand inside them and took hold of his penis through the smooth blue fabric of his tights.
‘Uhhhh,’ he moaned, his cock rising in his grasp. ‘Look at you… look at me: Superman the Super disgrace. Playing with myself in my tights. Mmmm. Go on. Do it. This is me; this is the big hero now. This… this is all that’s left to me… playing with my p-penis… with my c-c-cock in my tights… so I may as well make the most of it.’
He stared his reflection right in the eye. ‘Go on – do it. There’s nothing else for it. Jor El said it was lust that had driven me, and it turns out he was right. Anyway, it was his fault: consigning me to a life on Earth as Superman the Super-virgin.’
He began to jack his hand up and down the shaft of his penis. It felt so nice that he let out a little whimper of arousal, as he writhed in his seat.
‘Oooh. Ooh. Why shouldn’t I enjoy myself? Who’s going to stop me? Not Jor El, nor the council of Krypton. Fuck them!’
Superman watched his cheeks colour a little as he swore; he was unused to foul language, and it felt suddenly thrilling to give in to it.
‘Yes. That’s right. Fuck them… fuck them all! Ooh. Ooh. I can do what I want now. Why should I live like Superman the Super-monk? Ooh!’ He watched his hand pumping his penis, and excitedly, he pulled his briefs down, halfway down his thighs.
‘Oh boy… oh gosh yeah… pull my pants down… Fuck Krypton – fuck everything. Hnngh. Yeah. I’ve got no one to fuck me, so I’ll fuck myself! Yes! Ooh. OOH! I’m Superman… and I’m going to splurge in my tights. Masturbation is the one thing I have left now. Hnngh. Yeah. I’ll do it… I’ll fill ’em. Fill my tights and briefs with cum, and finally I’ll have relief. Mm. Hmm. Hnggh.’
His neighbours rolled their eyes at the ecstatic howls coming from Clark Kent’s flat, and tutted, imagining the mild mannered reporter was jerking off to some porn. Little did they know it was Superman who was sat masturbating within, and as he finally came, he did indeed ‘splurge’ in his tights.
‘Oh God!’ he gasped, as he collapsed onto his knees and plunged his hand into the hot, sticky wet spandex, ‘Great Rao! Jor El forgive me, but that felt good! I came in my tights! At last!’
It was a vast ejaculation, and soon, inevitably, he lay and licked it from his fingers, willing himself to still lower depths.
‘Would you l-like to eat your own cum, Superman?’ he gasped. ‘Hmm. Thanks… don’t mind if I do. Mm. Give it to me. Fuck Krypton – if I want to ingest my own spunk I will! Mmm… yeah.’
And so, night after night, as soon as he got in, the former Man of Steel would sit and masturbate in his uniform, fumbling with his cock until at last it erupted, filling his tights and briefs and bringing him some of the relief he so desperately sought, albeit only temporarily.
Afterwards, as his penis sank back into the gooey mess in his crotch, he would stare at himself, lost in contemplation, before finally heading to bed, still wearing his cum-drenched uniform. With a cooling crotch of spunk-soaked spandex he would drift off to sleep.
In the morning he would strip it off to shower, before pulling it on again, crusty with the previous night’s adventures. This continued until one day someone at the Planet made a comment about Clark Kent’s hygiene. Mortified by what he’d come to, from then on he made time to wash and dry the suit each day, yet his nightly masturbation continued. Cumming in his tights was now what Superman lived for, and he found ever more creative ways to achieve his goal: sometimes he would put his briefs on his head; sometimes he would finger himself; sometimes he would crawl on all fours and pretend to beg General Zod or Lex Luthor to let him be their slave, his ecstatic fantasies becoming ever more elaborate and submissive as he explored the man he was now.
One day he heard two of the guys in the men’s restroom at the Daily Planet, discussing a brothel in downtown Metropolis. Blushing and stumbling over his words, he asked them if he could have the address, to their extreme amusement.
And that was how, not long after this, Clark Kent aka Superman came to visit a prostitute for the first time.
‘Ah, Miss,’ he said, in his customary bumbling, submissive way, ‘I have money here – cash for your fee. Shall…. Shall I…?’
‘Just put it on the side,’ came the bored response. She looked him up and down, stood there in his smart black suit, trembling slightly. A newbie, she decided, possibly even a virgin. Well built, clearly nervous… possibly kinky.
‘So what are we doing, hun,’ she said.
Clark swallowed. ‘You mean… uh…’
‘What is it you want me to do you?’
‘Well… I um…’ He looked down at his feet, nervously.
Definitely kinky. ‘Go on… you can say it. What is you want me to do to you?’
‘I want you to take my clothes off. Please.’
‘Sure. Okay. So we’re gonna strip you.’
‘Yes… yes, please, ma’am. Strip me… take off my clothes. And then… when you take my pants down… ooh… when you take my pants down… you’ll realise I’m… I’m m-more than I seem.’
‘Uh-huh,’ she said, sounding as though she was stifling a yawn. ‘I’ll bet you are. Come on then. Let’s get those clothes off of then, big boy. Pants first?’
‘Ooh,’ said Clark, ‘yes please. I think… yes… my pants first. If that’s okay with you ma’am. Please take my pants down first of all. Thank you.’
She unfastened his trousers, trying not to roll her eyes as Clark gave a little gasp. Like the professional she was, she let her fingers brush lightly against his clearly erect cock, standing up like a tent pole beneath the smart black fabric. ‘Ooh,’ he whimpered.
‘My… someone’s very hard. You’re excited to have your pants taken down, aren’t you?’
‘Oh… y-y-yes,’ he stammered. ‘Yes ma’am. V-v-v-very excited! To have you… t-t-take my p-p-pants down! Ooh! You’re d-doing it to me… taking my pants down! Ooh… oh… my pants are coming down!’
Amused, she took a firm hold of his trousers and in one swift movement yanked them down his thighs and right the way down to his feet, revealing the bright blue of his tights and the red of his briefs beneath.
She paused. ‘Okaaaaay. What have we here?’
‘Well. Now you’ve t-taken my p-pants down… Well, that is… You see, miss... ma’am… I’m… I’m really Superman.’
‘Uh-huh. And let me guess, I should call you Superman?’
‘If you don’t mind, ma’am, yes – that’s who I am, you see. That’s my big secret.’
‘Got it. And what does Superman want, honey? Why have you come here?’
‘Well…’ Clark thought of Jor El, and how once he had been given instruction… purpose.
‘You see… you see, ma’am, I’ve lost my powers – been stripped of them. That’s why I’ve not been around lately. And now I… I guess I’m really hoping that someone could… could tell me what to do. Give me orders. Do you understand me?’
‘I sure do, hun,’ she said. ‘I can see just what you need. Get on your knees, Superman. I’m going to dominate you.’
‘Oh! Yes… yes, ma’am! I think a firm hand is just what I need.’
‘I’ll bet it is. Has Superman been a bad boy?’
‘Yes! Yes, ma’am! Superman has been very bad. I’ve been very bad indeed. As bad as it’s possible for me to be. And I… I need… I need p-p-p-punishing. Ooh… hnggh.’
She roughly took off the rest of his clothes until he was just clad in his uniform and his Clark Kent glasses, whereupon she began by spanking Superman, which he enthusiastically agreed to, and ordering him to do all manner of demeaning things. Yet as prominent as his erection was, straining against his briefs and tights, something just didn’t convince her.
‘I’ve got an idea,’ she said. ‘Wait in the corner like a dog, Superman.’
‘Ooh,’ he said excitedly, crawling on all fours to obey. ‘Yes ma’am.’
She slapped his ass a couple more times, then left the room and returned a few minutes later with a stunningly handsome young man, with full, sensuous lips and dark hair.
‘This is him. This is Superman. He needs punishing. He wants punishing.’
‘That a fact?’ The young man looked at him with curiosity, and then reached down and pulled off his glasses.
‘Ooh!’ gasped Superman. ‘You took my glasses! You can see me!’
‘Wow, he really does look like him.’
‘I think he may just be telling the truth. I think it’s really him.’
‘I am,’ whispered Superman, ‘I promise you, I really am Superman. I’ve just lost my p-powers. They were stripped from me, along with my cape and boots.’
The woman gestured to the handsome newcomer.
‘Okay, then, Superman? This is Jason. I’m going to make you his slave. I think you need a man. That’s my professional opinion.’
‘Ooh,’ whimpered Superman, looking up in fright. ‘A man? B-b-b-but I’m… I’m not g-g-gay! I did it all for… all f-for…’
Jason reached down and grabbed Superman’s cock.
‘Ooh!’ whimpered the former Man of Steel. ‘Ah! Hnngh. OOH!’
‘Hmm,’ said Jason. ‘Looks like your cock has other ideas, Superman. Do you want to be my slave?’
He gave the Man of Steel’s penis a little squeeze, and watched foaming white precum stain the red briefs.
‘Hnngh. Yes,’ gasped Superman. ‘Yes, sir! Oh, yes, please, Jason. I do… I d-do want to be… your slave. I w-want that more than anything, sir.’
Jason stared evenly at him. ‘So prove it, Superman. Crawl over here on your hands and knees, Man of Steel… and suck my cock.’
‘Ooh!’ Superman whimpered.
Suck this man’s cock? Could he do it? Had Jor El ever envisaged the Last Son of Krypton would come to this – on his knees in a human brothel, being commanded to fellate a human male?
‘And it will be the men of this world who will wish to take you as their concubine – not the women…’
Yes… Jor El had foreseen this, had foreseen it all. What a fool he had been. Giving it all up for Lois? No. He had squandered his great gifts in order to become this. May as well follow the prophecy through. After all, Jason was right – his cock was throbbing with excitement at the demeaning prospect that lay before him.
‘A concubine,’ he breathed. ‘Th-that’s all I am now. I’m Superman the Superwhore.’
Jason raised an eyebrow. ‘Is that so, Superman? A Superwhore, huh? So are you going to suck my dick or what?’
Superman swallowed and crawled to Jason’s feet. He looked up. ‘Yes, please, Jason. May I suck your cock, sir. I’m Superman the Superwhore. Please can I suck you off?’
Hello Dear,
We hope you get my message while you're doing well. We, (Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam), the sisters of Khalid Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul See Khalid's Story
Before the Israeli forces killed our only brother Khalid, they forced us to evacuate our house and leave everything behind. They then destroyed our house and our father’s restaurant. We had to move at least 10 times since every new area we seek refuge to gets bombed.
We have created a campaign to help ourselves and our parents get the basic needs of food, drink, etc. Our campaign is vetted by @olagaza @tahseenkhazen, @determinate-negation and @northgazaupdates.
All of what we are asking of you is to donate if you can and reblog the pinned post on our page
Please take a look at our GoFundMe donate and share with others:
By sharing/reblogging and donating, you are helping us survive the ravages of famine and genocide. You will give us hope to rebuild our home, and reclaim some of the life which was stolen from us.
We would also be very grateful if you could follow us to stay updated. We are waiting for your response. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support.
Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Superman/Batman (Comics), Bruce Wayne - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Cyborg (Character) Summary:
Chapter one: first day.
Bruce is mute in this story because of his parents death will he over come up to speak or will he stay silent forever
Writers of ao3 and tumblr, allow me to introduce you to the latest himbo🙏 let the writing commence.

She even made a new's article about it :3
This is gonna be pretty controversial, but like, my least favorite fannon characterization of DC characters is Hal Jordan. YUP, i ignored all the batfamily members, who i mostly read about, and jump right up to GREEN LANTERN. let me explain why-
In cannon, even Guy Gardner points out in Green Lantern: Rebirth, that the reason Batman hates Hal so much is because Hal is one of the only Justice League member who doesn't take Batman seriously. He isn't scared of Batman, and fear is something Batman relies heavily on.
quote- Hal Jordan is the Man Without Fear, and what is the Batman when you're not afraid of him? Just a man

that quote i put above is not the exact quote here, but i know it gets said, i just can't find that exact page- somebody PLZ link it in the Comments/Reblogs if u find it
And that's a line i actually really love for Hal.
BUT IN FANNON, HAL AND ALL THE OTHER JL ARE SO WEAK AND CLUELESS AND STUPID, it drives me up the wall. Batman and his kids are the only competent superheroes/vigilantes and i hate it.
especially when its about Superman, Green Lantern and Green Arrow. Because, while I love batman as much as the next person, I love these characters toooo. (Especially Batman's relationship with them)
In fannon, they make Batman bully Hal into fear, make him incredibly stupid, and BABYSIT THE BATKIDS, AND HE GETS FOOLED DURING THAT AS WELL.
basically, Hal Jordan deserves better. Do better @fanfiction
So, if anyone has fanfictions where Superman, Green Arrow or Green Lantern are treated with the respect they deserve and maybe interacting with the one of the Bats, make sure to link in Comments/Reblogs
read the tags, they're kind of important :3
You've all seen the "Metropolis vs Gotham" stereotype ALOT right? And yeah, its funny, but i propose to you...
Metropolis and Gotham constantly odds, but its because Metropolis wants Batman, and Gotham wants Superman. Like, the people go OFF.
"Fuck Batman, he stopped a crime that i helped him with and he didn't even say HI. @Batman bet Superman would even invite me for coffee."
<Commissioner Gordon and 167 others have liked this post>
"Istg Superman needs to gets a new outfit. Like okay, blue and red is so yesterday. @Superman havent you heard black is in? #BatmanInMetropolis"
<Batman and 200 others have liked this post>
"Metropolis is so ungrateful, like if your kid goes 'Mom! i want to be like Superman' then obv, we all go 'Thats great billy!' but today my nine year old daughter told me she wants to be Batman and I- does anyone know any good therapist?"
<Damian Wayne and 654 others have liked this post>
<Tim Drake and 321 others have liked this post>
I'm sorry, this idea was stuck in my head and I had to get it out loll
Little Story of this for people who don’t have time to make out who did what :)
Dick and Tim were hanging out, when Dick got bored and dared Tim to steal something from Vicki Vales house, and Tim, being a short ass lil shit, was unable to refuse a challenge, and agreed. So stole a very expensive watch from the house.
Everyone found out about this, because obviously, and since Vicki is quite a ‘important’ and ‘influential’ figure, Commissioner Jim Gordon took lead of the investigation. (Begrudgingly)
Anyway, being in jail was the LAST thing that Tim wanted, so then came the game of pointing fingers;
Cass knew what was going on, and for reasons Unkown, somehow bribed Commissioner Gordon into adding Jason into the suspect list. Though Gordon disagreed, he agreed to put Jason into the suspect list.
By the end of it, Commissioner Gordon had four (three) suspects. Jason, Bruce, Tim and by request of his daughter, Barbara, Dick. For reasons Unkown.
Bruce is annoyed, irritated, and wants to go back in time to erase all the children he had (no he doesn’t) and is completely on Barbara’s side, thinking it is Dick who committed the crime, and even (JOKINGLY) said he would leave his children to become Batgirl. His children have not let him live it down since.
Thus, the trial began!
Tim has bribed and blackmailed Damian into being his lawyer. The only reason Damian is here, is to get Jason in jail. For stealing his BatBurger toy.
Jason has get Duke as his lawyer, who has been secretly bribed into being on Tim’s side by Damian himself. Jason, the poor dude, has no idea of this.
Bruce claims he doesn’t need a lawyer, but Clark showed up anyway. Selina is also there to laugh at his misery :)
By the end of it, Damian and Tim, the power duo, have won. (Somehow, it was clear that Damian didn’t even try.)
Jason is getting ready to go to jail for a dreadful weak, and Duke is ever so mournful (he’s cackling in the corner, Jason has promised hell on him)
Bruce somehow did not go to jail (thanks to his billionaire-playboy persona) and is upset for Jason, but is being comforted by Selina. (It’s just a week, he’ll be fine Bruce~ he’s suffered worse. Just let your kids have a little laugh :))
Barbara has been taken to Kent Farm to hang with Kara (Dick asked Clark a favour, Barbara almost landed him jail even though he wasn’t even a proper suspect)
Jason is now in jail, much to the glee of his god awful, annoying, cruel, stupid, disgusting, demons, sent from hell, siblings. He is in the same cell as Kate, who is glaring at him menacingly, and Jason doesn’t really care enough to ask why she’s there. (She got into a fight with a gang. Ten people are in the hospital currently)
Jason, attempted to call his last hope, his saviour, Alfred, to bail him out, but ‘unfortunately’ the butlers signal kept getting cut off. (Alfred was still upset with Jason for ‘accidentally’ shooting Cass while on field. It wasn’t a serious injury at all, but for plot convenience, Alfred is letting Jason stay in the fairly comfortable cell for atleast a day or two)
Stephanie, after having lost a bet with Damian, Tim and Cass, is trying to get Jason out of jail so they can together rain hell on them. She is currently failing, but she’s getting there!
What do you guys think? :)
1- The top voted person went to jail for a crime they did not commit.
2- Second most voted person actually committed the crime.
3- Third most voted person dared person 2 to commit said crime.
4- Fourth most voted person was person 1’s lawyer, who was actually on person 2’s side all along.
5- Fifth most voted person is 🤌🏻 close to saying ‘FUCK YOU!’ and going to live with Barbara. And become batgirl. For some reason. (They were the second suspect of said crime, though they had nothing to do with the crime)
6- Sixth most voted person is the only one on Person 1’s side and is trying to get them out of jail
7- Seventh most voted person is Person 2’s lawyer who ?somehow? won, though it was clear they weren’t even trying.
8- Eighth most voted person is secretly the one who bribed Commissioner Gordon to put Person 1 in jail for a week, because Commissioner Gordon was too smart and knew it wasn’t actually person 1 (whether he knew it was person two or not, depends on the answer)
9- Ninth most voted person is also for some reason in jail, for reasons Unkown. They are glaring at all the criminals menacingly, and person 1 is too annoyed to ask why they’re there.
10- Tenth most voted person was called by person 1 to bail them out, but was ‘cut off’ because of ‘bad signal, sorry’
11- Eleventh most voted person tried framing person three for the crime, and is now in Kent Farm for some reason???