lawfulgeek - "This isn't even my final form!"
"This isn't even my final form!"

Lawful Good. Geek. Multifandom. Movies, TV shows and Games. I've written some fanfiction, feedback is appreciated!

785 posts

No Place For Promises

No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 29: one step closer

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

His dad already plans to go back to work, although he’s not coming home before Wednesday next week. His doctors don’t want to see him back in the office before the beginning of December, but Stiles can already tell that’s not going to happen. He’ll be lucky if he can keep him home until November. Well, at the very least, they made an appointment at Eichen. More or less. His dad decided that they should go tomorrow after school, and in case of something going wrong, Jordan and Valerie will pick them up. Even though Valack can hardly be trusted, he’s not stupid enough to do anything reckless with the police involved. 

“So,” Jordan says, poking his fries with his fork, “when are you going to tell me what’s going on between you and Theo?” 

All Stiles can do is try not to choke on his own curly fries. “What?” he asks, coughing quietly, and reaches for his drink. “Theo and- there’s- what?” 

“I’m 24,” Jordan says with an unimpressed raise of his left eyebrow, “not 42, although I’m pretty sure even someone at 89 can see it.”

“See what?” Stiles doesn’t like where this conversation is headed, not even a little. Nothing good ever comes from a conversation that starts with ‘when are you going to tell me about-’ because that’s always in regards to something you really don’t want anybody to know. Although granted, this time, it’s more the other way around. Because Stiles really doesn’t want to know what Jordan sees. It’s hard enough as it is already to keep his defenses up around Theo, he doesn’t need anything more that might push him over the edge. He wants to give in. He really does. The guy is hot as all hell, and Theo doesn’t even try to pretend that he’s not into Stiles.

Yet this tiny little voice in the back of his mind just refuses to allow him to give in because it could all be a fucking act. He hopes it’s not an act, he starts to doubt that it is an act, but he can’t shake it. Not completely. He just doesn’t want to be used. Not again. Not ever. 

Jordan places his fork down and pushes his almost empty tray in the middle of the table. “The way he looks at you when you’re not looking at him,” he explains after a pause, and he looks torn about the whole situation. “He always has this look on his face when he watches you. Whether you’re talking or baking pierogies for the entire department.” Jordan is never going to let him live that down. It was the first thing he told Stiles’ dad today, who reacted both amused and worried. His dad knows better than anyone what excessive baking means when it comes to the Gajos family.“

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More Posts from Lawfulgeek

4 years ago

Thank you so much @msmischief101 and @mercheswan ! Sending love to you guys too!

Tagging @bluephoenixrises @auriette @sunel0 @fandomslash @athenadark , thank you for being you!


Because of the recent fuckery happening, I would like to start a thread where we just tag our favourite people! I’ll start!

tagged by @evanesdust thank you 🥺💞 dncjjdjd

i’m tagging @samslave @dylanholyhellobrien @parker-potter @bitch-banshee @samstaylor @moongoddesskiana @fan-child @roseisreallytired @roscoeknows @shelinski-91 @sterekficrecs @the-cookie-of-doom @hormmm @writingsbychlo @ssmirk @tete-futue @judsonryder @alexa-alcantara @stiles-o-dylan24 @lettersofwrittencollective @scilesbutt @xceafh @fanfictionfridge @clotpolesonly @jetpacklag @msmischief101 @ronance-dingus @wolfmadefromash @daisyxbuckley

i know there is more than likely people that i missed so i’m sorry but you’re still in my heart 💞

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4 years ago


Thank you so much!


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4 years ago
No Place For Promises

no place for promises

chapter 28: at the end of the rope

Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3

Theo did not try to enter the bedroom again, and Stiles didn’t leave it. Not even when he briefly summarised last night’s events to Jordan after Theo was gone. Stiles only opened the door so Jordan could confirm everything was all right but refused to actually leave the bed to go to school. Tired and annoyed, Jordan tried everything to get Stiles to move - pleading, bargaining, reasoning, threatening. There isn’t much he didn’t try. In the end, he called Stiles’ dad, who allowed him to stay home until Wednesday. If, and only if, Stiles follows the rules - no risk-taking, no sneaking out, no lashing out, no lying, and no keeping things from Jordan. Stiles is pretty sure he can handle that for two more days. 

Lydia texts him regular updates on how everything is evolving at school. Shortly before Jordan and he left to get to the Yukimura’s, Stiles received a live-feed of Liam going after Gabe. Apparently, he talked shit about him, which pissed Liam off. While it’s very honorable that Liam felt very much offended for Stiles, giving Gabe a bloody nose wasn’t necessary. Neither was detention for a month for Liam. He’s lucky he wasn’t benched for the charity game. Coach would’ve lost it.

Theo texts him too, but Stiles leaves his messages on read without bothering to reply. Distance, he tells himself, distance is the best course of action right now. Distance is what he needs. Especially since Theo’s very presence works as a complete distraction, and Stiles doesn’t need any more distractions because he’s perfectly capable of finding those in the little things - as proven by making Satomi explain to him four times that the intensity of the humming is most likely an indicator for how much power he uses. “You can assess the strength of your spell by the intensity of the humming,” she told him as patiently as ever. “The more intense the humming becomes, the stronger your magic will become, and the more noticeable it will be to those connected to the ley lines.” It’s a pretty simple concept, really, so Stiles has no clue how he manages to fuck it up multiple times in a row. 

He’s taught Liam how to control his werewolf, he tried to help Malia find an anchor, and he helped Lydia figure out her banshee. This should be easy for him. It’s his thing. Figuring shit out, dealing with the supernatural, learning new stuff. Why is it so much easier to train others? 

Stiles glowers at the knot and rubs the back of his neck.

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