Lawful Good. Geek. Multifandom. Movies, TV shows and Games. I've written some fanfiction, feedback is appreciated!
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No Place For Promises

no place for promises
chapter 30: Eichen House
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information)
You can read it on AO3
Stiles hates this place. Just looking at it fills him with the desire to tuck tail and run the other direction. The gate alone gives off a foreboding sense of doom and despair. Stiles has felt that enough in the past two weeks, he doesn’t need seconds. Swallowing around the lump in his throat, he raises his hand, intending to press the buzzer, then raises it higher and runs his fingers through his hair. Fuck . Why is this so hard again ? He’s been in there with Lydia. Is it Peter he’s afraid of? No. No. Why should it be Peter? He knows Peter. He hung out with Peter. Even at his worst, Peter merely offered him the bite and accepted his snark.
It’s the building. The memories he can’t forget and those he can’t remember. It’s Brett’s warning. The daggers hidden underneath his clothes.
“We don’t have to do this,” Lydia says, slipping her fingers through his to squeeze his hand.
Stiles holds onto her. If he can’t even do this, if he can’t even confront Peter and face whatever scares him in Eichen House, how the fuck is he supposed to deal with the Dread Doctors and their monster? He needs to do this. He needs to do this for himself, for his sanity, and to prevent the shitstorm brewing behind Peter Hale. They can avoid this. They can stop this before it gets out of hand.
No more reacting when it’s too late. That’s why he’s doing this. That’s why he needs to do this.
He shakes his head. This isn’t the time for doubts. Stiles glances at Theo, tries to gauge what he’s thinking about this plan. Instead, he notices how Theo contemplates Lydia’s hand in Stiles. He tilts his head a little, almost wolfish in nature, before looking up and catching Stiles’ eye. To his surprise, Theo smiles, however briefly, and turns away again, pushing his hands in the pockets of his jeans without causing a scene. Huh . Is he really that unbothered by Lydia? And would it change if he knew how hard Stiles crushed on her only a year ago? He watches Theo for a little while longer, watches how he’s now highly focused on something in the opposite direction.
But there’s still a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
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no place for promises
chapter 28: at the end of the rope
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information) You can read it on AO3
Theo did not try to enter the bedroom again, and Stiles didn’t leave it. Not even when he briefly summarised last night’s events to Jordan after Theo was gone. Stiles only opened the door so Jordan could confirm everything was all right but refused to actually leave the bed to go to school. Tired and annoyed, Jordan tried everything to get Stiles to move - pleading, bargaining, reasoning, threatening. There isn’t much he didn’t try. In the end, he called Stiles’ dad, who allowed him to stay home until Wednesday. If, and only if, Stiles follows the rules - no risk-taking, no sneaking out, no lashing out, no lying, and no keeping things from Jordan. Stiles is pretty sure he can handle that for two more days.
Lydia texts him regular updates on how everything is evolving at school. Shortly before Jordan and he left to get to the Yukimura’s, Stiles received a live-feed of Liam going after Gabe. Apparently, he talked shit about him, which pissed Liam off. While it’s very honorable that Liam felt very much offended for Stiles, giving Gabe a bloody nose wasn’t necessary. Neither was detention for a month for Liam. He’s lucky he wasn’t benched for the charity game. Coach would’ve lost it.
Theo texts him too, but Stiles leaves his messages on read without bothering to reply. Distance, he tells himself, distance is the best course of action right now. Distance is what he needs. Especially since Theo’s very presence works as a complete distraction, and Stiles doesn’t need any more distractions because he’s perfectly capable of finding those in the little things - as proven by making Satomi explain to him four times that the intensity of the humming is most likely an indicator for how much power he uses. “You can assess the strength of your spell by the intensity of the humming,” she told him as patiently as ever. “The more intense the humming becomes, the stronger your magic will become, and the more noticeable it will be to those connected to the ley lines.” It’s a pretty simple concept, really, so Stiles has no clue how he manages to fuck it up multiple times in a row.
He’s taught Liam how to control his werewolf, he tried to help Malia find an anchor, and he helped Lydia figure out her banshee. This should be easy for him. It’s his thing. Figuring shit out, dealing with the supernatural, learning new stuff. Why is it so much easier to train others?
Stiles glowers at the knot and rubs the back of his neck.
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Thank you so much!

no place for promises
chapter 31: a vengeful heart
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information)
You can read it on AO3
“What are we looking for again?” Jordan asks, one hand around his third coffee, the other propping up his head. They’re sitting in his dad’s hospital room for a good two hours already. They didn’t start their research immediately. Instead, his dad wanted to know absolutely everything that had happened in Eichen House. When Stiles tells him that he wants to set Peter free, it took his dad a long time to answer. Obviously, he was not happy with the idea. Neither was Jordan. However, in the end, they both accepted his decision - after Stiles told him about all the encounters he had with Peter, including the time he offered him the bite and accepted his decision not to take it.
It’s hard to tell what went through his father’s head the moment he learned about it, but it seemed to be the critical detail that swayed his dad’s decision.
Stiles raises his phone and looks at Theo’s text message again. “A human chimera. Everything’s possible from microchimerism due to pregnancy, to a transplant, and Vanishing Twin Syndrome.” Stiles frowns, biting down on the inside of his cheek for a second, hating the thought that anybody could be a victim, even a pregnant woman, because that means the list just got a lot longer. “Mostly, they choose high-risk victims.” Probably to leave less of a trail to follow, even though Hayden doesn’t quite fit the bill. She is the sister of a police deputy. Then again, Valerie was angry, but not noticeably surprised about Hayden vanishing for a few days. Maybe it didn’t happen the first time. Maybe he misjudged her, and she used to run away from home. “They usually take teenagers or young adults because they have a better risk of survival. But they might take an adult if they think they’re worth their time.” With a sigh, Stiles drops his phone in his lap, wishing Theo could be here right now. Maybe he would notice things they are overlooking. But he doesn’t want to push Theo onto Jordan and his dad, and it’s probably better if they spend time apart, especially considering they’ll be together for the rest of the weekend.
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With the end of May approaching, it is about time to introduce to you the joy that will be SteoDay! Like the title says, it’s one whole day dedicated to Steo. This event takes place on Monday, 06/29/2020.
Why did we choose that specific date? Because when 5x01 aired on that beautiful day, Theo and Stiles met again for the first time in years - and that leads us to the optional prompt/theme of the event:
At First Sight
We all saw what happened onscreen, but how else could they have met? Or maybe you think their first meeting should’ve happened differently? Or, do you think there’s a scene that could be missing? But since this prompt/theme is optional, you can choose a different one as well. Create whatever your heart desires!
There are no limits to your creativity! This also means that we accept every contribution - gifs, drabbles, fanfictions, aesthetic, whatever you want to create!
Tag your posts with #steoday, but we also highly encourage you to submit the link to your post to us via blog submission just in case. We all know how much Tumblr likes its tags. It’s always better to be safe than sorry! Also, if you have any questions, you can shoot us an ask as well. We’ll make sure to get back to you as quickly as possible!
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