ldhruby - irene

thrill ride

285 posts

Im So Fucking Sad Right Now, Oh The Angst Im Planning To Gonna Write. May God Be With Me.

im so fucking sad right now, oh the angst im planning to gonna write. may god be with me.

Im So Fucking Sad Right Now, Oh The Angst Im Planning To Gonna Write. May God Be With Me.
Im So Fucking Sad Right Now, Oh The Angst Im Planning To Gonna Write. May God Be With Me.

More Posts from Ldhruby

4 years ago

till this day I can’t forget how nepal voted for jay in i-land. like my country finally haD TASTE?? I had to go back 3 times to see if they actually said nepal like???

Till This Day I Cant Forget How Nepal Voted For Jay In I-land. Like My Country Finally HaD TASTE?? I

I can’t make this shit up omg

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4 years ago
Im Still Very Much In Love With Jeong Jaehyun, Your Honour. I Can Not Be Helped, Lol I REFUse??
Im Still Very Much In Love With Jeong Jaehyun, Your Honour. I Can Not Be Helped, Lol I REFUse??

im still very much in love with jeong jaehyun, your honour. i can not be helped, lol i REFUse??

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4 years ago

the way i will always go back to listen to his vocals here. please i hope czennies appreciate him more than just his visuals or the whole frat boy agenda. this man has such a big scale of capability of branching out his vocals. it’s beautiful <3, i hope he will get his time to shine more vocally as well, it’s what my baby deserves and fuck sm.

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4 years ago

a love so loud, yet so quiet.

A Love So Loud, Yet So Quiet.
A Love So Loud, Yet So Quiet.
A Love So Loud, Yet So Quiet.
A Love So Loud, Yet So Quiet.

now, you will not say or consider yourself an intelligent person or a highly-praised person. you, well, you work hard, you live earnestly; you have notebooks for individual classes, you have coloured-pens, you even have a planner to stay organized. it is not your fault that your grades does not cooperate with your effort.

however; you can not explain to any of your friends about your giddy feelings for jake. here is why you can not: jake, is popular, not just appearance-wise but academic-wise as well. such a famous face around the familiar hallways and famous name in your schoolmates lips. alongside with that, jake, loves being acknowledged, anyone could tell. ok, rephrase it as; he loves being recognized publicly: the attention. sadly, not a big fan of love confessions. or that is what you heard.

you do not, you do not secretly go to his soccer competition to cheer him up, you do not buy tickets to see his debate competition, you do not go to teacher’s room to eavesdrop his conversation with his homeroom teacher about his future universities, you do not know what time he finishes his class before lunch, oh and you most, certainly, do not go to library after school so you can stare at him while he is studying. so, if you do not, clarify why are you standing in front of him, and saying, “is this seat in front of you free?”

“uh yes, it is free.” he replied, and went back to focusing on his biology past paper. four words, and your heart is pounding restlessly and your whole body stiffen with a certain burn stirring in your stomach, your cheeks slightly red. you wanted to sprint out; but you are no coward. pulling the chair, you sat down.

next move, next move. your eyes roamed around the quiet library, anyone close to you can tell by one glance that, it is not your environment. “oh look it’s snowing.” you slowly started up a conversation, which you without a further ado, regretted those words from ever slipping out from your mouth. “I can see that.” answered you back, again. your heart was beating so quickly that you can hear it beating in the quiet room.

“do you know there is one saying if you confess to someone during the first snowfall, you guys will stay together for a long time.” you whispered softly, not wanting to disturb people around you; who unlike you, are studying. “so what is your point?” he dropped his pen in between his books, staring directly at you with a hint of amusement and a hint of confusion holding in his sparkly eyes. his intense eyes, with his oh-so perfect eyebrows, to his perfect-shaped nose and his plumped lips intimated you to its finest that you just shook your head.

the whole time, you attempted to solve some maths equations. math isn’t your biggest weakness; that does not mean it is your strength. you work hard, you live earnestly. millions of questions ran through your brain, internally screaming about it, since there is no way, in hell, are you showing jake that you, suck at, almost, all the subjects.

clock struck to seven in the evening, the closing time of the school library. you can see jake was packing up his studying materials being done for the day. “are you not leaving?” he asked you, your cheeks did not stop growing red. so, you nodded.

then, he left.

you threw your own arms in the air, frustrated with yourself or with jake? you do not know. you do. it is now or never, you assured yourself, what is so hard about confessing your own feelings? it is, technically, not even your fault? you did not ask to have a crush on him? it just happened. so you bolted out, with your bag on your back and your jacket in your hand.

you caught up to him, breathlessly. your throat running dry, “wait, you.” you paused in front of him, gasping for air, bending down after sprinting down the staircase and then catching up to him. “god, why do you have to walk so fast?” athletic legs. you questioned him, seriously. inhale, exhale. confess, leave. literally, bolt like the flash, done deal. solid plan.

“here goes nothing, see ok, i like you. not those girls who leaves love letters in your locker about 100 reasons why they will make you happy or those who leaves 10 different types of chocolates inside your drawer. i like you as in, even if you reject me, right now, i would not might. you do not know me and i only know you from what you show. but if you give me, one chance to show you my sincerity for you about my feelings, it will make me the happiest person.” your mother usually questioned what exactly did she eat to give birth to someone, as impulsive, like you. now, it’s your turn to question what your mother ate to give birth to you. “now if you have nothing to say, i am gonna leave. good day.”

“you scream the loudest during my match. you seem to be more happier than me when i do well in my exams. you also have this weird hobby of staring at me during all the classes we share. oh, and all of your math equations that you were doing today, were wrong.” after everything you said, you laid out all your feelings, bare, for him and he had the audacity to just say this. “listen here, yo-” he took a huge step towards you, leaning forward to match your height “to be honest, you interest me. so maybe, i will give you a chance.” he whispered, gently. letting out a chuckle, going back to his normal height, ruffled your fuzzy hair as he walks away, shoving his hands in his pocket.

the snow was falling heavily, almost blocking most of the roads by now; but you do not might walking. the warm feeling that was radiating within you was cozy enough to keep you safe from the cold. your cheeks has not stop turning a darker shade of red, your heart has not stop beating fast after his words; you are willing to do this, for your first love, since, you work hard, you live earnestly.

[you end up taking the bus.]

A Love So Loud, Yet So Quiet.


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4 years ago

yes I’m very much in love

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