ldyenki - Ldy Enki's Random Stuff
Ldy Enki's Random Stuff

A place for things that make me happy (or teach me things). Favorite things: books and tea.

1323 posts

Asking For A Favor From A Cousin Currently Attending Crossingscon. I Was Not Able To Attend The Con This

Asking for a favor from a cousin currently attending Crossingscon.  I was not able to attend the Con this year, but I was wondering if anyone could pick up a pack of the new Cards Against Errantry for me? (I have the one from last year)  I would pay for the cost of mailing and everything (I live in NJ).  If anyone is willing to do this, you can message me and we can work out the details.

Thank You!

More Posts from Ldyenki

7 years ago
One Minute Youre Munching A Faerie Plum, The Next Minute Youre Running Naked Down Madison Avenue With

“One minute you’re munching a faerie plum, the next minute you’re running naked down Madison Avenue with antlers on your head. Not, that this has ever happened to me.” 

Okay…what did I just draw? And why am I proud of it?! Dammit.

And Jace, go home you are literally drunk.

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7 years ago

Call me Maybe preformed with bottles

> This is actually not terrible and fairly enjoyable.

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

~Headcanon feels~

At Magnus and Alec’s wedding, Maryse dances with Magnus as her way of accepting him into her family.

She then proceeds to tease him about how he married her “doubtless repellent brat” and it becomes their inside joke. Alec never gets it until he re-reads the journal, and then proceeds to smack his husband with the journal.

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