leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
Lost lover in the abyss

All about my affectionate lost love, Downton Abbey syndrome, love for landscapes and mansions as well as the beauty of imperfection.

30 posts

Leloniem - Lost Lover In The Abyss

leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
leloniem - Lost lover in the abyss
  • manly-shoes
    manly-shoes liked this · 10 years ago

More Posts from Leloniem

8 years ago

I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, More Than Just A House (via thelovejournals)

Maybe that’s how you felt.

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8 years ago

I wanted it so much. I don’t know why I wanted it so much.

Ernest Hemingway, Cat in the Rain (via thelovejournals)

The way you make me feel now

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9 years ago
The Sun Reflecting Pure Beauty, Making It Look Perfect..

The sun reflecting pure beauty, making it look perfect..

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8 years ago

We were together. I forget the rest.

Walt Whitman (via thelovejournals)

The most important thing

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