levifarismymothership - Levifar And Basically All Other Yin/Yang Ships
Levifar And Basically All Other Yin/Yang Ships

LEVIFAR, Reylo, Jdonica, Bellarke, St. Berry, you get the idea

87 posts

A Friend That I Was More-than-friends With Got Into A Relationship Out Of The Blue And Now Im Trying

A friend that I was more-than-friends with got into a relationship out of the blue and now I’m trying to get over someone I never dated... send hELP (and maybe some fic recommendations for some cathartic tears?)

Aw darling, so sorry to hear that. It sucks to have feelings for someone and watch them with someone else. I don’t know what advice to offer you on it without knowing more of the story, but I definitely can include a fic rec list. I made one previous to this which included a LOT of my favourites, which you can find here. So, in an effort to avoid repeating myself with those favourites, here’s a brand new one for you. I hope they distract from the heartbreak.

1. Simple Pleasures by @pawprinterfanfic

Right - first of all, this girl is a dear friend of mine and I basically love everything she writes. Her talent is out of this world, but this fic in particular just blows my mind. It’s a Hunger Games au with some angst, fluff and breath holding moments. It’s a multi-chapter, going to be about 48 chapters - so if you’re looking for a good, old long and brilliant read, this is for you.

2. Give Me Your Fate / Where The Light Won’t Find You by @asroarke

Okay, so I’m cheating here. Including two fics for the price of one ;) but I love this author, she’s incredibly gifted at writing. The first fic mentioned is a political au where Bellamy gets hooked into an arranged marriage with Clarke. It’s AMAZING and to be honest, politics is something I don’t have much interest in. Yet, this girl seems to have a knack for sucking me into fics I would never normally be drawn to. The second fic mentioned is a high-school au that unfortunately is written from experience on her part. It’s truly brilliant though and I can’t wait to read more.

3. Looking For A Lifeline by @illgivethatoyou

I LOVED this and I read it far too quickly. She writes it so beautifully and it has everything I look for in a fic. Lots of angst between Bellamy and Clarke, lots of pining and lots of these two dancing around their feelings. Ugh. It’s one I re-read and to be honest, I don’t do that with a lot of fics.

4. When There’s Nothing Left To Burn, You Have To Set Yourself On Fire by @octannibal-blake

I’m not sure if this fic is being continued or not? But all the same, I ADORE it. An angsty, Bellarke boxing fic which makes me want to cry when I read it because she writes SO GOOD. Like major envy vibes here. You can probably see a pattern here with the fics that I like, haha. Check this out though because I’d read every single chapter if she continued it indefinitely.

5. Talking With You In The Dark by @bettsfic

Bed sharing. Need I say more? So nice and fluffy and like everything this girl writes, brilliantly written. I’m including a lot of my favourite authors on this list because I feel like if you like one of their fics, you’ll like the rest. I really enjoyed this one and would 10/10 recommend it.

6. I Don’t Need Your Love (I Just Need You Now) by @talistheintrovert

I don’t even know how to describe this fic. Like. JESUS! Starts out with Bellarke not getting on and obviously ends up with them in love. Protective Bellamy, angst, fluff - UGH I loved this fic to no end. You’ll understand when you read it (and also, Talis is fucking amazing as well).

7. Devil Side / Waste It On Me by @eyessharpweaponshot

Feel like now is as good a time as any to plug my own fics. Shameless. Devil Side is a Bird Box au with tonnes of angst, self sacrificial Bellarke and lots and lots of love and tension (the best combo, in my opinion). Waste It On Me is a soulmate/reincarnation au where Clarke has sworn off love until she realises fate has a different path for her, one with Bellamy Blake at the end. Both fics are my two baby’s and I love that everyone is enjoying them as much as they are. Thank you all

8. The Color of Grief by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky

This girl has incredible fics everywhere but this one in particular stands out the most to me. Again with some angst, but lots of fluff and an amazing storyline to boot. I enjoyed this fic so much and everyone needs to read it.

9. Don’t Wake Me, I’m Not Dreaming by @grumpybell

This is one of the most original fics I’ve ever read. Clarke has the ability to visit other people’s dreams and she visits Bellamy very often. Oh my goodness, I think I’ve read this three times already. Again, the author always writes fics that I love to read so I’m not one bit surprised that this amazing fic came from her. A must read.

10. Stardust, In You And In Me by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold

I am very fond of this girl and VERY fond of this fic. Soulmate au’s are everywhere and I love them, but this one definitely stands out to me. She wrote it in such a way that it had me gripped and waiting for updates desperately. I loved it so much and if soulmate au’s are your thing, this one is not to be missed.

11. The Way We Used To Be by @hawthornewhisperer

Is it any surprise this girl is on my fic rec list? I adore everything she writes and this one in particular is amazing. An exes fic full of smut and angst and ugh, everything I crave from fics. I actually want to write my own exes fic and this just inspired me even more. I will re-read this fic until the day I die.

I’m afraid that’s all I have the time to recommend, but other authors that are phenomenal writers are: @thelittlefanpire @arysafics @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @carrieeve @the-most-beautiful-broom @candybellarke

There’s fic’s that I’ve read from those authors that are utterly brilliant too and some of them I’ve mentioned in my previous fic rec list. But yeah, I hope this helps you, anon. Much love from me

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More Posts from Levifarismymothership

5 years ago

The Food of Love - Chapter 9: High Fantastical


“So, what made you take up cello then?” she asked.

“I was encouraged to play an instrument that I chose, not one chosen for me.”

She frowned. “By who?”

“My advisor at Julliard. He’s now my agent.”

She tilted her head at him. “So, he was okay with you dropping out of Julliard?”

“He encouraged it,” Ben said, twisting in his chair. “He knew I had more potential than what Julliard could offer me. They were letting him go at the end of the semester - some administration bullshit - and he told me to come with him.”

Something buzzed in Rey’s mind. It sounded like the advisor got the better deal. Taking away Leia Organa’s prodigy son from Julliard just as they were firing him.

Chapter 9 here  board by @mhcalamas

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5 years ago
Masterpost:Unwritten Oaths (Reylo Hogwarts AU)

Masterpost: Unwritten Oaths (Reylo Hogwarts AU)


“I’d rather be dead than ever stuck in a room with Ben Solo,” Rey hissed.

Six years later, Head Girl Rey Johnson finds herself stuck sharing dormitories, meetings, a bathroom, and a hell of a lot more with Head Boy Ben Solo, her sworn enemy at Hogwarts. She discovers that her eleven-year-old self was quite wrong - in fact, she’d actually love to be stuck in a room with Ben Solo.

If only Ben wasn’t such a stuck-up, scruffy-looking nerfherder every time he opened his mouth… and that damn school-wide fan club of his would stop following him everywhere…

(Now on AO3)

A huge thank you to my beta, @intp-slytherin97!

Chapters: ⚡1. Prologue ⚡2. Alohomora⚡3. Stupefy⚡4. Episkey ⚡5. Silencio ⚡6. Deletrius ⚡7. Reparo ⚡8. Mimblewimble ⚡ 9. Expecto Patronum ⚡10. Riddikulus ⚡

buy me a coffee if you’d like?

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5 years ago

Ugh it hURtS, take it away 😭😭


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5 years ago

“anakin, what do you have?”

“a wife!”


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4 years ago

​oh gods this is everything please PLEASE write the whole story i need this in my life!!! 🥺

Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!
Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentines Day,@pawprinterfanfic!

Bellarke + Percy Jackson | Happy Valentine’s Day, @pawprinterfanfic!

Happy (maybe belated) Valentine’s Day, love! I may have messed with your ideas a little bit, but a PJO AU demanded to happen; it was going to just be a moodboard, but a ficlet demanded to be written. This was such a fun challenge, and I was so suddenly inspired! If I ever actually write this story down, you’ll be the first to know. I hope you had a wonderful day! @bellarke-valentines​

Bellamy has known the gods were real for as long as he can remember. Just after Octavia was born, the moment the nurses left their hospital room, his mother leaned over to him, tired but stern, and told him that his sister’s father was a god. They weren’t going to be safe anymore, and it would be Bellamy’s responsibility to protect his little sister. Had he been a few years older, he might have thought she was crazy. But he was five, and he spent his evenings enthralled by the Roman myths his mother read to him, and he believed her.

And if he hadn’t been convinced, the monsters that started coming after them soon after Octavia was born would have changed his mind pretty quickly.

He’s kept her safe for twelve years when they discover Camp Half-Blood. It’s a relief, sure, but it’s terrifying wondering when they’re going to kick him out, when they’re going to separate him from her. The director, Chiron, questions him when they arrive—“How did you survive until seventeen?”—and he fumbles through some excuse about being lucky or something. Once they know he’s not a half-blood like Octavia, he won’t be able to protect her anymore.

The second night there, she’s claimed. Ares, of course. The holographic helmet floats blood-red above her head, and she watches it with an dazzled grin before looking over to him across the campfire. He gives her a little smile to reassure her and drops it once she turns away.

As everyone’s leaving the campfire for the night, the head counselor from Hermes gives him a friendly clap on the back. “Your dad’ll claim you soon, dude.”

“Yeah,” he says absently, barely regarding him. Gods, what’s he going to do when they figure out he’s faking it? How’s he gonna keep his sister safe?

And then he’s claimed by Zeus.

Four months later, he’s finally getting into his stride at Camp Half-Blood. As the only Zeus kid at camp—the only Big Three kid at all, apparently—he kind of gets to do what he wants. He starts to learn real combat, trains at the climbing wall, spars with various cabins. He’s finally stopped slipping up and calling all the gods and heroes by their Roman names.

It’s hard, not being able to keep track of O all the time, but he finally feels like somebody his own, not just her protector. And most of the other kids his age already know each other, so it’s hard to really be a part of their community, but he has Raven and Miller now, and nobody seems to actively dislike him, anyway.

Nobody but one, that is.

Clarke Griffin is everything he isn’t. Her mother was a daughter of Athena, one of the rare demigods who made it to adulthood, and then she became enamoured by Apollo; when her daughter was born, she left her with Chiron to ensure her safety. Clarke grew up in Camp Half-Blood, a three-quarter demigod protected by the older campers and the camp’s own magical barriers. And she resents him. He doesn’t know why, and he doesn’t think he ever will, but he responds to her with equal vitriol. He’s not the kind of person to back down.

Then Octavia disappears, and with her, everything he knows.

She’s relishing in the pride of a capture-the-flag victory when she vanishes, completely out of nowhere, and the camp is sent into chaos. Chiron calls for a meeting with the head counselors, and he summons the Oracle to give him a prophecy, and suddenly he’s preparing for a quest.

He leaves the meeting at the Big House still in shock, allowing himself just a moment to steady himself against the banister of the porch stairs. Gods. He doesn’t have any idea what to do or where to start, just some dumb cryptic prophecy sending him west.

The floorboards creak behind him, and he turns, expecting Chiron or maybe Miller or Raven, but instead it’s Clarke standing there, determined and a little awkward, her Athenian-gold hair lit by the sunset behind her.

“What do you want?” he asks, too tired to add any bite to it.

“I’m coming with you,” she says plainly.

Bellamy scoffs. “What, you just decided that yourself?”

“Come on,” she says with a half-smirk. “It’s a perilous journey across the continent with the danger of monsters at every turn, risking the wrath of the gods. Somebody’s probably gonna die. You want that to be someone you actually like?”

“I’m not gonna let anybody die, Clarke,” he says, jaw working as he looks out towards the grounds. “Not my friends. And not…”

She finishes his sentence before he can trail off. “Not your sister.”

Her interruption surprises him, and Bellamy turns back to her, expecting the same wry smirk, but it isn’t there. Clarke’s expression is nothing but sympathetic.

“Yeah,” he says, and his voice breaks, just a little, before he gives a minute shake of his head to regain his composure. “Look, even if I wanted you to come… the prophecy wouldn’t let you, right? ‘Leading the forges’ daughter and son.’ It has to be Hephaestus kids with me. Raven would be coming anyway, so there’s the daughter, and… I mean, I don’t know who else is coming yet. Wick, I guess.”

Clarke snorts. “Come on. I know you’re not gonna leave your sister’s fate in Wick’s hands.”

“Which ‘forges’ son’ do you think I should take, then?” he says, voice rising.

“I don’t think you need to take a Hephaestus guy at all.”

“Clarke, this isn’t the time to finally break a rule—”

“I’m serious, Bellamy.” He searches her eyes, and they’re full of conviction. “Listen… I know prophecies don’t make sense. But since they’re my dad’s domain… I don’t understand them, but they make a little more sense. And I’ve been thinking about it, and I don’t think it’s ‘son,’ like, ‘male child.’ I think it’s ‘sun.’”

For just a moment, his brow furrows, but then he understands. “Leading the forges’ daughter… and leading the sun. A child of Apollo.”

Clarke nods heavily. “I want to help your sister, alright? I know you can do it. But… I know you’d give yourself up for her. With you and me and Raven, together, we can do this. We can find her and stay alive ourselves. I know we can.”

She’s imploring him to let her in, and he holds her gaze, seeking out any way she could be messing with him. Tricking him. But the longer he looks at her, the more he knows that as sardonic and snobbish she may be, she’s serious about this.

“Okay,” he says. “Together.”