Devotion And Worship
Devotion and Worship

It is a tragedy to be born with the planet of romantic love (venus) in the house of the subconscious mind (8). A primal instinct (sex) combined with the basic unit of humanity (romantic relationship) placed in the hidden and the unknown. You were born because your mom and dad made love, that love ... is venus. Now take the essence of your life and put it somewhere hidden. Every time you get into a relationship, your psychological contents are shaken, highlighted, brought to the surface. Deal with them endlessly.
Devotion to love is something you learned before you learned to talk. You knew you were a romantic, a devotee shall I say? Love was not just a formality or to-do act for you, love was life itself. It was breathing, thinking, eating, sleeping, dreaming. You were *that* girl.
Why Devotion?
She was quite a devotee. All she had ever wanted was to put a man on a pedestal and worship him - not the man himself but his image, an archetype, an ideal, an emotion, a perfect masculine image that he generated in her. Merely worshipping him was enough validation and approval of her existence. Maybe it was her low self esteem that she saw herself as a very small person that had to worship someone greater than herself. Maybe it was her intense emotional complex that was so deep that she would get lost in it. Maybe it was her spiritual nature that she did not want a man but she wanted God itself.
But the Twist
While it sounds very romantic and poetic to devote yourself to a man, it does not work out like that in real life. Especially with Venus in 8H or scorpio, the kind of romantic relationship they attract are reverse of their expectation. The man (Jupiter) they attract is not the kind of imaginary God they expect, not the kind of fairy tale in movies. The pattern for these women is that they attract the kind of men who are somewhat mystic, psychic, controlling, working from a place of psychological senstivity. These are the men that do not want to be worshipped but instead reverse the cards and worship the woman instead.
It means that they have romantic situations where both parties want to worship each other or at least has the psychological desire to. So, who will worship and who be worshipped? Man or the woman? Let the man worship, that way both parties are content. Otherwise the woman keeps chasing man after man, sometimes the games are played differently.
It appears to me that when venus is placed in 8th house, romantic relations become a tool for healing. It is how Venus 8h destroys herself and rebuilds after every crush/situationship/break up is over. As if "Devotion to you is finished, now onto someone else but I will kill a part of myself for you, it is my offering to you". Here, Venus is a catalyst for healing, change, emotions, intuition, psychic abilities. A relationship is an invitation door to psychic affairs, here the native is constantly dealing with the emotions, transformations and the unconscious.
They do not get into relationship for status symbol or to make friend with their boyfriend or to admire looks and material wealth. They get into relationship so that the boyfriend can dissect their souls for them, they can dive into the psychic realms and be rescused, only to dive again and again.

Sometimes romantic love feels like being a fish in the waters of the unconscious. The most self aware state caused by relationship. All planets have spiritual significance and so does venus. Venus in 8th house is like navigating the relationship in psychic levels. Enlightenment comes when you trace the pattern of failed expectations and realize that the kind of man you attract has specific psychic qualities, like a hunter, he is driven by his insecurities, instincts, complexes and never satisfied self esteem. If you surrender yourself to him, he will be manipulative and controlling. But if you withdraw your powers and let him surrender to you, you can be the manipulative and controlling one. This is the most difficult kind of relationship because you always have to be alert of the psychic movements of your boyfriend -- what is he thinking, what are his intentions, is he feeling insecure and suspicious?
Usually these ladies are not intentionally manipulative and controlling especially after maturity and spiritual awakening. They accept the man's devotion as an offering and sit on the throne.
But ladies, what about your own devotion?
In the early tumblr days when I joined, I stumbled upon a post that read "Scorpio Venus should just be a polymath, use that insatiable intensity in other means and not just invest all of it in a man..." Venus does not rule studies but it does rule creativity, beauty, art, music, artistic talents, appreciation for beauty. Also in psychic realms, symbolism has a significant merit for the exploration and expression of what is unconscious, unknown and hidden. What does not have a language it is expressed in symbols and art.

It is a difficult lesson I too learned as a Venus in 8H lady by realizing that my particular placement and similar placements to this need to abide by rule that "Man needs to love the woman more for the relationship to work out". But to reach this point of emotional self control, even I had to go through many trials and mental rewiring. I would relapse many times to my devotee state until the repeated relapse made the self control easier.
Sometimes, we have to act opposite to our natural core impulses to make a relationship work. I know that the expected personality archetype of these natives is to "Ride or die, Wear their lover's skin, Soul lover", but in practical life it is not feasible for woman to be so emotional and devotional. It is only her loss because the low self esteem man she usually attracts will feel stagnated, he wants to be challenged and prove his worth to her. Low self esteem does not mean low value man. This lady attracts people with significant past trauma, dark childhood stories, the unhealed sensitive lover -- perhaps that is why she is a healer. Her man can heal but keep your boundaries too.
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More Posts from Libbee

Scorpio is known for sex but I think it is the earth signs that are actually sensual. Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn deal with senses and are the most stimulated by touch, visuals, taste, voice, beauty, pleasures of the senses. They are not intuitive but rather sensual, materialistic and interact with what is tangible, seen, physical. While Scorpio is intuitive and deals with intangible, unseen and spiritual.
Then why is Scorpio linked to sex? It is not about sexual pleasure and more about craving rebirth. Fact with Scorpios is that they discover a layer of themselves everyday going through life. Their identity, personality, beliefs need evolving and they need to die to be reborn. That intense sex is them tuning to their intuition and when they orgasm something in them dies. Since it is intuitive, each Scorpio will know what has died but it is not possible to tell it in words because it is a symbolic death. Sex to them is like a ritual, a sacred practice that assists them in passing from one stage to the next.
The force of 8th house is against will power. At best I read on a social media forum it being described like "Plutonic force is like your head being shaved against your will power, no matter how much you resist, it will happen".
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Fire sign risings surely give the PERCEPTION of confidence, self assurance, burning hot even if they are extremely insecure inside, it would not appear in their persona. It is the rising sign that is how others see us and how we show ourselves to others, it is autonomous, spontaneous and unchangeable for this lifetime. Fire signs can be going through failures but not show in their faces.
Planets in 1st house emit the energy of themselves. But beware! 1st house is just the persona and your impression on others - not the actual person behind the mask. So Sun in 1st house = public perception is they are so confident and self secure. Mercury = they are so intelligent and cheerful. Jupiter = they are so wise and guide. Even if native is not these things, people are somehow convinced that they are those qualities just because of their facial expressions + language + vibes.
It is very important for 8th housers to be discerning in choosing their company/partner/friends. 8th housers are prone to feeling negative emotional hurts because they have survived extreme emotional situations in childhood, the side effects of which will last a lifetime. I also think that these natives inherit emotional wounds from their ancestors that makes them carry so much burden on their shoulders. So, they should choose such people who are empathetic, emotionally intelligent, know some psychology and know that "the wounds of swords and gun can heal but not that of the tongue". An unhealed 8th houser is like an open invitation to the world "come use me" and when the native has had enough of betrayals and shocks, they turn inwards to start doing self introspection, analysis of human nature and undergo drastic transformation.
Venus in 8h Short Story
So you will pay me money...
Just so I can **feel** for you?
Really, really feel...
You will just sit and watch me feeling myself...?
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To love somebody else in the first place is always an escape which we all hope for, and we all enjoy it when we are capable of it. But in the long run, it comes back. You cannot stay away from yourself forever, you have to return, to know whether you really can love. That is the question-whether you can love yourself, and that will be the test.
Carl Jung, Nietzsche's Zarathustra
Lana Del Rey is not an 8th houser?

I have often read about Lana Del Rey giving 8th houser vibes on tumblr so i checked out her birth chart. 21 June 1985; 16:47 PM; New York. Well, in vedic birth chart, her 8th house is empty and she has stellium in 9th house of Sun, Mercury and Mars in Gemini. She is Libra rising with Saturn and Ketu conjunction in 1st house and Venus and Rahu in 7th house, along with Moon in 10th house in cancer.
This seems like her personality. Ketu is also the ruler of 8th house and its placement in ascendant gives her the spiritual and transformative vibes. Though I hope it is not her makeup and aesthetics that we confuse for 8th house energy? 😳
8th housers have a hidden life and that is a result of their inner turmoil. I am yet to see a celebrity with proper 8th house placements and how it impacts their public image and emotional life!