206 posts
Anyways, Here's A Bio For Fallout! Moondrop.

Anyways, here's a bio for fallout! Moondrop. π
In this universe, Fazbear became a subsidiary of Vault-tec in a merger(Cause why not! They're both shady companies who don't value human life) as a sign on bonus, ALL Fazbear employees got membership to a vault. Moon and Monty thinking it's VERY weird and obviously not trusting Vault-tec or Fazbear as far as they could throw them, then did some investigating and discovered three things
1. Vault-tec and Fazbear are banking on the world ending soon (and may or may not have a part to play in that)
2. Not all the Vaults are for safety. Most are for tests, and Fazbear plays on testing on some of them!
3. Oh yeah the world is actually ending.
So, bombs start dropping Moon, and everyone got to the safety of the vaults. Moon disabled the testing equipment Fazbear and Vault-tec planned on using on them. And let's just say the rest of the Fazbear higher ups had a little surprise waiting for them in their vault (courtesy of Moon, of course). They all decided to shut down temporarily just enough until the radiation dies down so they do....
Skip ahead some 198 years later. They all wake up VERY stiff and walk out to see what the world has become, To their surprise, the world is doing kinda okay. KINDA
They are now trying to rebuild the lives they had and all seems to be going well... until something starts making robots go crazy, some kinda of virus. A virus Moon, Sun, and the others are unfortunately quite fimilar with THE RUIN VIRUS!
Someone is infecting robots with the Ruin virus, and it is indangering EVERYONE in the post-apocalypse world and now Moon and the others inbarc on a quest to find out who is transmitting the Ruin virus and stop them once and for all. Along the way, they meet friends and foes alike, befriending and joining groups such as the Synth-freeing organization The RailRoad, and the technology hording but heroic chapter of The Brotherhood of Steel and meeting other strange faces along their path like Joshua Graham,Hancock, Nick Valentine, and a talking deathclaw?
But after many quests and sacrifices, Moon began to think that there was only one group in the wasteland that could fix the world and restore it to its former glory. Enemy of the RailRoad,Brotherhood, and his friends and family The Institute! Granted, it's a decision Moon did not want to make, but when it came down to it, Moon decided to join the Institute... in secret of courses. If his family found out, let's just say he probably wouldn't have a family anymore. So, Moon desperately tries to keep the secret while he concocks a plan to fix the world and stop the Ruin virus, but just how long can Moon keep the secret?
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It looks like the current plan to stop/fix Moon is to combine Old Moon and New Moon's consciences, so they will be one! Honestly, this might be their best bet. Earth couldn't reason with Moon, Sun couldn't, EVEN Moon couldn't reason with Moon if no one in Moon's family can reason with Moon maybe fusing New Moon with Old Moon can combining their memories, consciences,and experiences this can snap Moon out of his murder/revival plan. I do think this will work, but in the commotion, something bad will happen
1.Sun and the others. Even with Moon being back to normal, they won't forgive him nor want to be around him, and honestly... after everything they've been, though, I wouldn't blame them.
2. Creator kidnaps someone Lunar,F.c. or maybe Gemini or Taurus, which will cause them all to haul butt to rescue them.
3. They succeed, but not fast enough and though Old/New Moon is back, Solar is too but it's not Solar it's a shell, a husk, a horrifying abomination that is bent on destruction and now we have a new villain.
4. Again, they succeed, but it's too late, but Solar isn't back. Instead of Solar coming back, a TON of negative star power goes into the world, causing the Astrals to come to earth and that's not gonna be good, they probably will be on a warpath for Moon and ANYONE with Star power and to make matters worse the universe is becoming destabilized due to the excess negative starpower and now they have to save the universe.
Let me know what you all think π€ I'm very excited to see what they'll do.
Okay.... okay.. I have to say this.

They remind me so much of the other! And I love it!
So, the episode of the Monty and Foxy show "We're in the endgame" at the end Puppet and Ruin talked about how their all being played like pawns by Dark Sun (or Dusk as I like to call him)
But what's Dark Sun's plan? He said he wasn't interested in their universe. Well, he's not interested, but I know someone who is THE CREATOR! In the Tsams episode, "We learn the Creators' true intentions," Creator makes a brief comment about having a business partner he had a falling out with. At first, I wondered who this business partner could be and whether it would be important? WELP! If this is correct, then YES!
Creator and Dark Sun are working together! Dark Sun was the business partner, and while he did have a falling out with Creator, he might have struck a deal with him or vise versa. The creator wants Lunar, and he offered Moon the deal, but of course, Moon didn't take it...but Creator knew that all it takes is one little push to make someone do desperate things especially if it's for family, so this is were Dark Sun comes in. Dark Sun HATES Moon, no secret there. He killed his Moondrop and has a hatred for all Moondrops cause in his mind all Moon's are selfish, abusive,and cruel and can't change so, to see a Moon who did change and cares for a Sun probably made him just tiniest bit MAD. He would prove to them all that Moon is bad and what better way to do that then to make Moon become just as bad if not worse than his oldself He help Creator push everything into place so everyone would leave Moon. Earth hates Moon, Lunar hates Moon, Monty hates Moon Sun hates Moon! Everyone in the family and outside the family all hate Moon now, PERFECT! Moon has become so desperate that he is willing to sacrifice family to bring Solar back! Everything has been set up perfectly No one likes Moon, He's alone in space with no one to help him or talk to him meaning Creator can have an easier time convincing Moon to hand over Lunar and Dark Sun proved his theory right all Moon's are evil!
TL;DR Dark Sun is Creator's business partner, and they've been pulling the strings to make things worse to make Moon go off the deep and ostracized him
Maybe Dark Sun even implanted the Ruin virus in Moon to make him act like this. I don't know. Still like that theory.

π Great Episode again!π
Also the ending..... OUCH!