9 months ago
Anyways, Here's A Bio For Fallout! Moondrop.

Anyways, here's a bio for fallout! Moondrop. 😃

In this universe, Fazbear became a subsidiary of Vault-tec in a merger(Cause why not! They're both shady companies who don't value human life) as a sign on bonus, ALL Fazbear employees got membership to a vault. Moon and Monty thinking it's VERY weird and obviously not trusting Vault-tec or Fazbear as far as they could throw them, then did some investigating and discovered three things

1. Vault-tec and Fazbear are banking on the world ending soon (and may or may not have a part to play in that)

2. Not all the Vaults are for safety. Most are for tests, and Fazbear plays on testing on some of them!

3. Oh yeah the world is actually ending.

So, bombs start dropping Moon, and everyone got to the safety of the vaults. Moon disabled the testing equipment Fazbear and Vault-tec planned on using on them. And let's just say the rest of the Fazbear higher ups had a little surprise waiting for them in their vault (courtesy of Moon, of course). They all decided to shut down temporarily just enough until the radiation dies down so they do....

Skip ahead some 198 years later. They all wake up VERY stiff and walk out to see what the world has become, To their surprise, the world is doing kinda okay. KINDA

They are now trying to rebuild the lives they had and all seems to be going well... until something starts making robots go crazy, some kinda of virus. A virus Moon, Sun, and the others are unfortunately quite fimilar with THE RUIN VIRUS!

Someone is infecting robots with the Ruin virus, and it is indangering EVERYONE in the post-apocalypse world and now Moon and the others inbarc on a quest to find out who is transmitting the Ruin virus and stop them once and for all. Along the way, they meet friends and foes alike, befriending and joining groups such as the Synth-freeing organization The RailRoad, and the technology hording but heroic chapter of The Brotherhood of Steel and meeting other strange faces along their path like Joshua Graham,Hancock, Nick Valentine, and a talking deathclaw?

But after many quests and sacrifices, Moon began to think that there was only one group in the wasteland that could fix the world and restore it to its former glory. Enemy of the RailRoad,Brotherhood, and his friends and family The Institute! Granted, it's a decision Moon did not want to make, but when it came down to it, Moon decided to join the Institute... in secret of courses. If his family found out, let's just say he probably wouldn't have a family anymore. So, Moon desperately tries to keep the secret while he concocks a plan to fix the world and stop the Ruin virus, but just how long can Moon keep the secret?

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9 months ago


Bio: Sun never had a normal. His life was anything but normal magic,gods,monsters,starpowers, and other universes. Ya, his life is really weird! Sun would have given anything for a normal life. He would've have traded the whole world for it...


Fazbear was bought out by some company called Vault-tec (an equal shady company with equal terrible morals) Sun didn't think much of it at first just that now they had new owners who hopefully wouldn't make to many changes to the daycare. They also gave them all a sign on bonus, not money or more days off, but a place in a doomsday bunker if the world were to ever end. "Like we'd ever need that."

And then, a few months later, the world ended. Bombs started dropping, and Sun, his family, and his friends were rushed to their designated Vault. After a while, Moon suggested they all power down for a while just until the radiation dies down enough for it to be safe for them. Sun agreed he'd rather be asleep then have to face what was going on out their.

198 years later, Sun wakes up VERY stiff but still alive. He, his friends, and his family would walk out of the vault to reclaim their homes and rebuild what was destroyed . To Sun's surprise, the world is doing a pretty decent job at rebuilding it's self. Sun and his friends figured they could just relax a bit and rebuild now that Fazbear was now gone. Sun once again was wrong. A virus started affecting robots, Mr.handys, Ms. Nannys,Assulttrons,and even old security bots started to turn crazy and violent. At first, Sun didn't know what was causing it till Moon figured it out. THE RUIN VIRUS! Somehow, the virus that caused the destruction of Ruin's dimension was now here in theirs and is indangering the whole world and them! Moon and several of the other animatronics formed a team and decided to hunt down the origins of this virus and shut it down before any of them could be infected. Sun was reluctant to join, wanting to just relax in his new post-apocalyptic home, but a combination of wanting to help his brother, fear of losing his family, being convinced by Puppet, and a serious disregard about his mental health Sun decided to join Moon's team to hunt down the virus.

On their travels, they met many dangers such as raiders, gunners,super mutants,former humans turned feral Radioactive monsters and the Deathclaws.. OH DEATHCLAWS! Sun had faced a lot, had done a lot, and just needed a break! He would eventually get that break when they met a group called The RailRoad, a group of freedom fighters fighting for Synths, their freedom, and rights. Quite the inspiring group. They all joined the railroad to help their cause, and in return, the RailRoad would help them find and destroy that virus. The RailRoad sent them on many... many missions, maybe too many if you ask Sun, but one mission which led them to a town called Far harbor in what was once Maine changed a lot of things for Sun. They came across an entire town of Synths led by their leader Dima. Dima offered them a place to stay in Acadia, and of course, they jumped at the offer. Sun didn't like Acadia at first, but over time, and after many visits, Sun began to think of Acadia as a second home and became good friends with the Synths in Acadia. Sun often wished he could just live in Acadia and not have to worry about anything, but the virus is still out there. Rest would have to wait. While also on their adventures, they encountered another group called The Brotherhood of Steel who the Railroad had warned them of but much to their surprise they were pretty chill while they don't think people can be trusted with technology THIS chapter of the Brotherhood didn't actually mind the synths or them existing and weren't gonna kidnap them or scrap them for parts. Moon and Monty took quite the liking to the Brotherhood and joined them while Sun didn't he couldn't put his finger on it, but there was just something off about the Brotherhood. After 3 years in the wasteland and encountering many friends and enemies alike, their only halfway to finding the origins of the virus and how to destroy it. They made many sacrifices to get where they are, but in the end, was it worth it? Moon seems distant, and Sun doesn't know why? They've lost friends, and a lot of they've changed, and not all of them have changed in good ways. It takes a toll on you and your mental health, but what happens when your mental health is already pretty bad? How much more can Sun take in the wasteland?

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9 months ago
Fallout! Foxy

Fallout! Foxy

Bio: Foxy was kinda prepared when the bombs fell... kinda. Was he expecting it? No. Did he have any plans on how to survive it? Also, no. But if there's one thing Foxy's good at, it's adapting. When the bombs dropped, he was one of the first in the vault with his son F.C. (who he basically had to drag into the vault cause F.C. wanted to see the explosions) Foxy quickly accepted that this was his new life now and made the best of a bad situation. Then, when Moon suggested they all power down till the radiation dies down, Foxy accepted that. He and (reluctantly) F.C. went sleep for 198 years. Waking up Foxy was one of the last few out of the vault. Foxy accepted that the outside might be dangerous, that there will be many things that will try and kill him, and his friends, and he accepted that the people outside if there was anyone outside would try and kill them. He was prepared for that and was prepared to take lives if he had to, but something in him made him drag his feet. They all started to rebuild their lives in the new post-apocalyptic world, and everything was rather peaceful, much to Foxy's surprise and F.C.'s shagrin.... UNTIL!

A virus started to infect different robots, Moondrop discovered the virus in question was none other than the Ruin virus from Ruin's dimension, Moon,Puppet,and Golden Freddy decided to put together a strike team to go and hunt down the virus and destroy it before any of them become infected. Foxy didn't want to be a part of the strike team at first, but after F.C. ran off to join the strike team, Foxy REALLY didn't have any other choice but to join. They encountered many dangers on their long journey, confronting raiders,gunners,rouge robots, and other monstrosities a-like, Foxy was right about having to kill people he had racked up quite the impressive killcount... not that he didn't have one before but still. During their journey, they met a synth-rescuing group named The RailRoad, F.C. was very eager to join them just to have an excuse to gut some evil synths and go on more adventures. Foxy agreed to join and became a very valuable asset to The RailRoad, along with Moondrop and Monty. But all the dangers would eventually start to way on Foxy. Their one mission had turned into several smaller ones, and fear for what would become of him and his son started to infiltrate his mind. He would eventually get his break from the action when one of their mission for the RailRoad led them to the Mojave and to New Vegas. Where Foxy fell in love with the place. They all spent a few months in the New vegas, and in that time, Foxy had made connections, gotten a steady job as a body guard at the famous Lucky 38 casino and hotel, and even became a manager of the Lucky 38. They offered Foxy a penthouse, his own bodyguards, his own armory, and enough caps for THREE life times. Who could pass up an offer like that?

Foxy. Foxy could. Foxy at first declined the offer, but after a mission went south and nearly ended in the death of F.C. and a few of the others, Foxy decided to retire from the team and become a full-time manager of the Lucky 38, which didn't mean he wouldn't help. He would send caps, weapons, cloths, and whatever they needed to the team and the RailRoad and would tip them off to any synths that needed rescuing in the Mojave. Monty didn't like the idea Foxy leaving, but he eventually came to accept it, and he did understand why he was leaving, but it was still hard to accept his friends were just leaving like that. Foxy told him that if he wanted their would be a spot for him and the others in New vegas. With their departure, Foxy fully embraced being a manager of Lucky 38, and with his "business" experience, Foxy made a name and a ton of caps for himself in New vegas! Ditching the pirate persona Foxy has truly embraced the life of the Mojave!

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9 months ago
FALLOUT! Monty. Turned Out Better Than I Expected.

FALLOUT! Monty. Turned out better than I expected.

Bio: When Fazbear was acquired by Vault-tec, of course, Monty was suspicious. They're both terrible companies who don't care about people, only dollar signs. Sure, Monty liked money too, but if it hurt anyone, he cared about it, wouldn't end well. So, Monty and Moon did some digging and discovered, YEP! Vault-tec is betting on the world ending and might be aiding in that goal. Monty and Moon realized there was nothing they could do to stop Vault-tec and Fazbear plans so, they... altered them a bit.

When the bombs started dropping, Monty helped Moon get everyone in the vault and deactivate the test, waiting for them in the vault and moved the test to the Fazbear executives' vaults. (Bye,bye, Fazbear)

Monty did his best to keep up. Everyone's spirits, especially his girlfriend Earth's spirit nut he could tell cabin fever, would eventually sent in for all of them. So, Moon suggested they all power down temporarily till the rads die down. Monty agreed and helped everyone get comfy for their 198 year nap.

198 years later... they all stepped out the vault into this brave new world and started to rebuild despite all the bad that came with this world. There was surprisingly a lot of good that came out of it. No more Fazbear to boss them around or threaten to deactivate them, no more annoying kids trying to lick everything in sight, Monty and Earth's relationship grew closer, and best of all , NO I.R.S.! Life was good...

But of course PLOT HAPPENED.

The Ruin virus was found in this dimension and started infecting other robots and threatened to infect them next! Puppet,Moon,and Golden Freddy decide to put together a strike team to hunt down and destroy the virus before any of them went Coo-koo for crazy puffs! Monty was one of the first to join. With the team assembled, they left to find the Ruin virus and destroy it. Along their travels, they encountered many threats such as mercenaries, raiders, Deathclaws, and Super mutants and most dangerous of all The Institute! The Institute said they wanted to help the world, but the way they did it would raise anyone's eyebrows, including someone, a morally grey as Monty. The Institute planned to capture anyone with the Ruin virus to study it and use it to control all synths and destroy anyone who dared threaten The Institute's reign. Of course, Monty and the others couldn't let that happen. They joined a group called The RailRoad to save the synths, protect them from the Institute, and destroy the Institute. Plus, they were kinda sneaky and shady (a good shady) kinda like Monty. Of course, he'd join them. Along their journeys for the railroad, they stayed in many locations that became a 2nd home to most of them Foxy in New Vegas, Earth in Littlelamplight, and Sun in Acadia. Monty would gladly do wherever the Railroad asked him to, but Monty also knew that while the Railroad was their best bet to destroy the Institute and help the most robots,synths, and animatronics he also knew the Railroad wasn't exactly what you'd call a power house. They needed weapons and lots of them. So, when a chapter of The Brotherhood of Steel that actually liked robots and wanted to protect them came to town, Monty quickly joined them along with Moon, just so he could have access to their tech and weapons. (Plus, the armor was pretty sick!) Earth and a few of the others were pretty skeptical of The Brotherhood though while their intentions are good their is something off about them she asked Monty to be careful. Monty promises and says he already has plans in place if the Brotherhood turns out to be just as a threatening as the Railroad warned them of. Monty and his friends have been through a lot at this point they all have the physical and metal scars to prove it. And he knows that whatever comes their way, they'll be ready. But are they REALLY prepared for anything? Including a possible betrayal?

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