206 posts
Hey, TSAMS Fandom
Hey, TSAMS fandom
I'm making a Marvel x Tsbs au for my @asksunpool where different characters are mixed with different Marvel heroes, but I need help with who Earth should be
I've narrowed it down to 3...

Earth as Hulk

Earth as Storm
And lastly

Earth as Thor
Let me know which one you like more
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TOtaLlY lEgIT TSAMS episode leak
SUN LEAVES in vrchat
Wanted to try my hand at a fan made TSAMS episode thumbnail. I think it came out alright.
Please go rewatch the show. There are so many tiny clues that point to her very clearly also being a victim and maybe the MOST tragic character in the show. (In my opinion) Please, there is so much evidence. Check the visors for hidden text in some scenes. It's there.

Come on guys the hip new Nightcore song y'all are going nuts for is so very clearly from the perspective of Cyn believing she's beyond saving and practically begging for death because she knows it's the only way to stop the identity-snatching parasite that ruined the lives of everyone she ever cared about for absolutely no reason, there is literally no better time than now to recognize just how much you could do with her beyond "apocalypse creecher prone to silliness" and/or "the cause of every bad thing that has ever happened to anyone."
Earth with plant powers would be SO SICK!

Bit of fight scene stuff
Solar was originally supposed to be bm but I remembered they're dead and also I thought it'd be funny lol
Earth has plant manipulation cause I thought it'd be cool, she has Monty's bracelet around her neck since it wouldn't fit around her wrist (it was too big) and she had their claws. Moon installed them for her so she'd be able to defend herself like Monty did. He hair got cut in a fight and Solar fixed it for her into a Bob to make it look better.
Also Lunar has wings and a battle axe cause why not
I CAN BELIEVE I FOUND THIS POST IN THE WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw this post on a PM Seymour video.
Guys did I ever tell you about the time I completely accidentally ruined a professionally made campaign for Dungeons and Dragons thanks to a single roll
Here's more TSBS incorrect quotes
Enjoy!.... again.