loewecraft - milk&petrol.

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Loewecraft - Milk&petrol.

Western Red Cedar — Wild Foods and Medicines
I spent a fair bit of my childhood perched high in an old cedar tree. I felt held in those dense swooping branches, as if in the arms of a mother. Camouflaged by lush bows, I could view the world from a safe vantage point – my wily brother and his friends unsuspecting below. Since […]

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4 years ago
Charm Protection Spell

Charm protection spell

Items needed :


A pinch of salt

A jar with lid


A small piece of jewelry/item you want protected

1) Pinch salt into a jar of water

2) Repeat these words holding the item above the open jar of water :

Keep me safe

Safe from harm

Purify this water

Protect this charm

3) Close the lid and shake the jar to blend the salt

4) place jar next to a window at night or outside on a porch, anywhere closest to moonlight.

5) place item ontop of the lid of jar and go to sleep.

6) wake up early to check on jar. Repeat spell as done before. Do what you want with the water and wear item throughout the day.

Purpose of spell :

To bring protection, ability to get through the day, strength and confidence, etc. Item can be anything and should have an important meaning to you.

Notes :

First spell as a beginner witch. Feel free to use and let me know your thoughts.

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4 years ago
chakra khan 🕯 on Twitter
“🕯Candle Color Associations🕯 ❤️Red: Love/romance, attraction, passion, survival, career, power 🧡Orange: transformation, ambition, creativi

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4 years ago

Disposing of Spell Materials

sometimes after performing a spell, you find yourself wondering, hmm, what do i do with these ingredients? the way you clean up or put away your materials can be its own step in the ritual, and affect the spell. here are some suggestions for the different ways to end rituals or properly dispose of the materials 

Disposing Of Spell Materials

consider first:

📦keep it - consider if the spell seems like something you could ever possible need to reverse later. that love-attraction jar may invite people you don’t like, and need to be ended, but it’s more difficult without the original materials. keep the ingredients in a jar, box, or something, (maybe label it too) so you can easily nullify the spell if you need to.

✉wrap it up - in a jar or a pouch, if it is a spell you want to last a long time, gather the ingredients you won’t be reusing and keep them in a place you

🏺jar spells - just keep the materials in the sealed jar. this is the sort of spell that can be reused simply by shaking the jar, lighting a new candle for it or recharging its energy. 

🔔cleanse and reuse - obviously you don’t want to throw your crystals or jars out after a single spell. separate the materials used and cleanse them individually, cutting the ties to the spell. 

now what do i do with it?

🔥it’s been burned to ash - for banishing place it on the back doorstep and sweep it out into the wind. for releasing its energies and inviting influence, release the ashes into running water, given it is safe to return to nature (non glass, nonplastic nontoxic, biodegradable etc)

🕸bound objects - bury or keep in a box somewhere, burial for spells you will never remove, hiding for things you may undo one day. 

🛡protective spells - best hung up or hidden in a corner of the house, or place over the front door of the residence. 

☣non-biodegradable materials - if its something you can’t safely return to nature, and it can’t be reused because it was burned or broken, use the acting of burning or breaking to move the spell’s energies into the world. properly throw out or recycle the objects.

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4 years ago

Aura colors and their meanings

Reds; hearts and blood circulation

Dark red: Usually indicates someone who is centered and grounded, with a strong sense of self-preservation.

Muddy red: Indicates anger.

Bright red: Passionate, competitive, sensual, and energetic.

Pink: Artistic and loving. If this is not the person’s usual aural color, it may have turned pink because they have recently fallen in love or are feeling love more profoundly at that moment. It may also indicate that the person possesses psychic abilities.

Muddy pink: Indicates deceit and emotional immaturity—which is frequently the cause of deceit.

Oranges; healthy and full of vitality - reproductive system

Red orange: Indicates confidence.

Yellow orange: This person is creative, intelligent, and a perfectionist.

Muddy Orange: This person is feeling laziness or a lack of ambition. They may also be emotionally clogged and unable move forward.

Yellow; optimistic and full of life. Or liver/spleen malfunction. Either or. 

Pastel yellow: Optimism and spiritual awareness. 

Bright yellow: Struggle for personal power. 

Muddy yellow: Indicative of fatigue, from trying to do too much all at once.

Green; health of the heart/lungs. Someone with a green aura wants to help the world however they can. Think teachers and healers.

Yellow green: Excellent communicator.

Bright green: Natural healer. 

Muddy green: Jealousy, insecurity. This person has trouble taking responsibility for their actions.

Blue; state of the thyroid. Someone who is calm, compassionate, sensitive, and intuitive.

Turquoise: Powerful healer, particularly in the realm of emotional and mental health. 

Light blue: Truthful and peaceful. 

Bright blue: A spiritual intuitive. May be able to read other’s thoughts or futures. 

Muddy blue: Deceitful, though not out of malice, but instead out of fear.

Purple; something may be wrong with the nervous system. Often people who are deeply spiritual and posses extraordinary gifts.

Indigo: A daydreamer, but in the best possible way. This person can make the world the way they wish it to be.

Violet: Psychically powerful and wise.

Lavender: Imaginative and creative.

Muddy violet: This person’s psychic gifts are being blocked by some internal force.

Misc Colors

Silver: Abundance, either spiritually or monetarily. 

Grey: Filled with fear to the point of physical suffering.

Gold: Someone in direct communication with the Divine. 

Black: This individual is pulling all energy towards themselves, sort of like a black hole. They are psychically or physically wounded, and attempting to (inefficiently) heal themselves in some way. 

White: Newness and purity. Children, celestial beings, and the enlightened. 

Keep reading

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