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Witchy Weekly Challenge 5: I am Magical:
Hi everyone! Sorry it's a bit later than usual but Duck is back with witchy weekly challenge 5! This week's theme is "I am magical".
The challenge is:
Research the crystal associated with your zodiac sign. What are its magical properties?
Delve into the magic of birth flowers. What magical uses does your specific birth flower have?
If you haven't already, look into your birth chart, if you can! Have you learnt more about your traits from this?
Are there any animals you are drawn to, or simply have a connection with? Find out more about their spiritual meaning.
Take a moment outside in nature. Try to tune into each individual sense, one at a time. Embrace that power within you, feel the sensations that come with it!
Journalling time! Do you consider yourself a specific "type" of witch or do you dislike labelling your practice? How does this impact your practice?
Practice a form of divination (if you use divination tools), with tarot/oracle cards practice sensing the meaning before reading the guidebook. What do you think this card is telling you about your question? If you use a pendulum practice focusing your energy on the pendulum and clearing your mind of anything but the question at hand. Close your eyes, see if you can feel the answer the pendulum has given before visually seeing it.
As always loves, you are welcome to share any of your ideas or experiences, but don't feel as though you have to! Let me know if you'd like these to continue into Week 6! I love to hear your feedback!
New witchy thread!:
Show me your favourite oracle card/tarot card! It can be because of the artistry of the card, the meaning, or simply that it comes up regularly in readings!
Heres mine:

Hey lovely people!
On the back of Witchy Weekly Challenge 5, I wanted to put it to you guys to decide the theme for week 6!
I'll chose the most commented theme at the end of this week and develop challenge 6 out of it. Unless you would also like to leave your daily challenge ideas in the comments? If so, go right ahead!
If anyone wants to join the coven of the ducks? All are welcome ^.^

All Beginner Witches welcome! If you would like to join that is xx

Let's try and make this viral to help!

J'appelle tous les pays qui peuvent nous aider. Nous avons péri et dévasté avec les 112 incendies au total. Ceux que nous ne pouvons pas arrêter. Nous avons perdu 8 personnes, tant d'animaux et nos forêts. Aidez-nous s'il vous plaît. Nous avons besoin d'avions de toute urgence. Nous n'avons qu'un monde. Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît partager ce post.
Hey everyone!
What should the theme be for Witchy Weekly Challenge 6? Comment below! 💗
So for Lughnasadh this year, I made some shortbread hearts and stuck little wafer butterflies on them (which turned out adorable!), drank wine, listened to some of my favourite music, ordered pizza and did a spread with my favourite oracle deck!
Life is good!
Witchy Weekly Challenge: Week 6: Mundane Can Be Magical!
Hello again everyone! Your resident Duck has returned with the next weekly challenge (albeit a bit earlier than the last one haha). I was ecstatic to see how many people loved week 5's challenge and I hope you all enjoyed participating! This week's theme is "mundane can be magical"!
The challenge is:
Put your favourite music on. Feel the music, dance if you want to, sing your heart out, laugh at yourself.
Cook yourself something. Mindfully consider your ingredients, focus on the energy you want to bring to your food. Make whatever you want, however you like it. Enjoy your food, with gratitude for all the work you put into it.
Choose an outfit to wear. Pick out items that make you feel good. Perhaps pick crystal jewellery for the energy you want to introduce into your day. Observe how you feel wearing your outfit.
What/where are your favourite scents in the world? What makes these scents special to you? Maybe you can experiment with using these scents in your grimoire/BOS?
Spend time with your favourite people. Observe how you feel around them. Write a note for them to tell them how special they are to you and give it to them.
Where is your favourite place to just sit and relax? Go there if you can and spend some time without technology.
What is something that most people consider mundane but you can see the magic of? Spend the day embracing that "mundane thing" in whatever way you would like.
As always lovely people, you are welcome to share what you do to complete each challenge. However, you're not expected to. I hope you enjoy this weeks challenge, and do feel free to comment if you would like the challenges to continue!
So had a family member tell me that I'm apparently "not really a witch" because I "don't really do anything"
I'm sorry so... doing a daily oracle card pull isn't witchcraft? Reciting an affirmation as I stir my coffee isn't? Celebrating the sabbats isn't? Practicing oracle/tarot readings? Using Crystals? Reading and researching and learning? Self-care in general?
Like you would think a family member would be happy that my practice, helps me to function. But hey what do I know?
Witchy Weekly Challenge 7: Self love and healing:
As promised loves, your resident duck has returned with week 7 of the weekly challenge series! This week is all about self love and healing! I hope you're enjoying the weekly challenges so far! Do feel free to drop a comment or a private message if you have any ideas for future challenge themes! I love to hear new ideas :)
The challenge is:
Journalling time! What is it you want to achieve/see in yourself/change? What is holding you back?
Practice setting yourself a few goals to achieve those plans. Start small and work up! Perhaps you can set your specific intention for the following year?
Set aside some time to focus on yourself. Maybe relax in a nice bath using your favourite oils or salts. No distractions, just be.
Choose an affirmation for the day and recite it either out loud or in your head as you are getting ready for the day.
Spend some time looking at yourself in the mirror. Thank each individual part of your body for what it does for you.
Spend today treating your body like your closest friend. Mindfully nourish your body with good food, do some exercise if you can, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Go on a date with yourself. Treat yourself by doing something you love, having your favourite food and maybe buying something for yourself, if you're able to. Be kind to yourself.
As always beautiful people, you are welcome to share what you do to complete the challenges. But it's not expected. I hope you enjoy this week and please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas for the challenges!
Hi all!
Weekly Challenge 7 is now up! Hope you all enjoy it!
Lots of love
Your resident duck
I've been kind of fearful about posting this as I am usually quite an accepting and welcoming person.
However, please DO NOT follow my blog if you are:
1) A pro-ana/eating disorder blog
2) Posting pornographic/sexually explicit content, whether photographs, video or writing.
These are not what my blog is about. My blog is a safe space for both witches and non-witches alike. Focusing on mental health, spirituality, witchcraft and ducks (of course). As well as for lovers of cottage core, dark academia and witch core!
If you follow me and post the triggering content I have mentioned, you will be blocked. My blog is my happy place also.
I'm sorry to those of my followers/mutuals who do not post this kind of content. This is obviously not aimed at you. I am laying my boundaries, despite how bad I feel posting this.
To any eating disorder recovery blogs, this is also not aimed at you. I want to be able to support you on your brave journey, so please don't take this to mean you have to unfollow me. I love you and I think you are amazing.
Ok so I am in a creative slump.
What should the theme for witchy weekly challenge 8 be?
Leave your comments below 💗
Time for a new segment I like to call: Coincidence or magic?
I do a daily affirmation every morning and today I was mixing it up and chose "I am safe and protected, nothing negative can harm me".
Fast forward a few hours, I was on a walk with my friend and literally some bird poo dropped and splatted right near the tip of my shoe. Admittedly most would argue coincidental because getting a bit of bird poo on your clothes or body isn't exactly harmful. However, I like to think of it as my affirmation this morning worked. I was protected from getting bird poo on my head and having my day ruined!
Ben Platt is a singer that soothes this music witch's soul 😍
Hi everyone! So sorry I've not released witchy weekly challenge 8, it's been a bit of a stressful week so far and I'm having a mental block x
I promise it will be up ASAP xx
So guys...your resident duck has fallen for someone 💗 hence the quiet, and also because I have severe writers block! Sorry for being a huge pain I love you all!
Witchy Weekly Challenge 8: Inspiration!
Hello my lovely humans! Your resident duck is alive and well! After a massively long period of creative block for Weekly Challenges, I've decided to make WWC week 8 about inspiration! I apologise for the extreme delay in coming up with it, I didn't want to release anything that didn't have my full heart and soul in! Thank you all for being so patient and I hope you enjoy this weeks challenge. I will apologise if any of the daily tasks are the same as previous weeks, but it's always good to check back on some favourites Haha!
This weeks challenge is:
Journalling time! What does the word inspiration mean to you? When have you felt most inspired in your craft? What inspires you to progress in your craft?
Start your day with setting your intention, perhaps when stirring your morning coffee or making your breakfast. You could focus on inspiration or you could set a different intention for the day.
What is a path in witchcraft that inspires you? Whether it be kitchen witchery, green witchery, sea witchery. Incorporate something related to that path into your craft today! Remember it's your personal path, nothing has to be structured and set!
Follow your inspiration with your craft today. Do you feel inspired to write an entry in your BOS? Or inspired to practice tarot? Go for it! Witchcraft has no rules and regulations!
Are there any particular deities or aspects of witchcraft you are drawn to? Research them further today, develop your knowledge. There might be a future part of your craft waiting to develop!
Observe/talk to a fellow practitioner and see where inspiration takes you today!
Spend some time in your favourite place, whether in nature or in your home. Is there anything you could use/incorporate into your craft in this environment? Alternatively what does this place make you feel?
BONUS DAY: meditate with a crystal you are drawn to today. Document your experiences and continue to document anything you notice following this meditation.
As always wonderful people, you're free to share your experiences! However, you're not expected/obligated to. Hope you enjoy this week! Please feel free to share any feedback and ideas with me, I'm always open to hearing it! Again sorry for the delay, thank you for being so patient with this little Duck
Let's start a helpful thread:
What do you do to protect yourself and your energies?
Wear protective jewellery such as jewellery incorporating protective crystals
Visualise a white impenetrable light around me
Chants and affirmations
Avoiding situations that I get negative feelings about