The Holy Hand Grenade Of Fuck You Curse: You Get To Break Shit Edition
The Holy Hand Grenade of Fuck You Curse: You Get To Break Shit Edition
What you need:
Clay/mud/something you can mold and that hardens but isn’t harmful to the environment
A picture of the person/their full name and birthday
Any herbs/oils/salts/rusty nails/war water/whatever else you feel would enhance the spell
A ‘Fuck You’ song
What you do:
Take your picture and rip it up into large pieces that can be put back together like a puzzle.
Then take your clay and just abuse the hell out of it. Pour your anger and frustration into it. Tell the clay all the reasons you want to fuck this guy’s life over. Eventually start to form two halves of your grenade (like when making one of those round bathbombs).
Between the two halves, place your ripped picture as complete as you can make it. Add your extra stuff at this point as well. Bonus points for if you add bang snaps.
Fit the two halves together so they stick and let the whole thing dry. If you want to carve sigils or other words on the outside, now is the time.
It’s generally going to take at least 24 hours for this thing to dry thoroughly, so now would be a good time to charge it under the sun/moon/your chosen sigil, if you choose
Go someplace that’s really good for throwing shit on or at. A brick wall, a tall place, whatever. Pick a spot to throw your grenade at, visualize that person standing there, and sing the ‘Fuck You’ song at them.
When you’re done, make a promise to them that their life is gonna go to shit to reflect the shit human being they already are and hurl the grenade at that place as hard as you can. Watch it smash. The picture inside should break apart and your grenade should be in pieces.
Sit back and watch their life fall apart around them
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More Posts from Loewecraft
Guided imagery exercise to connect to the elements
Shake your limbs to relax yourself. Settle down with your spine straight and take our time taking three breaths with your surroundings, then allow your mind to linger on the words: earth, air, fire, water.
Earth. You have imagined the earth beneath your feet. Now think of the many manifestations of earth on the planet. Feel your feet on the earth of your choice… marshland, desert, forest, mountains, hills and valleys, sandstone, granite, chalk. Feel, with the pressure of your feet against the earth, the pull of gravity, keeping you anchored. Feel the current of energy from the earth throbbing upwards. You are a creature of earth. Relax into this feeling, and then open your awareness out and find yourself in a high place…
Air. Feel the air as a tangible presence as you gaze out to the vast horizon, laid out below the huge arching dome of the azure sky. In this high place, your awareness expands: the great winds of the earth, swirling round, think and pure, sharpen your wits and blow the cobwebs away. You breathe in air that sparkles like wine and are intoxicated, feeling yourself light and buoyant, You extend your arms above you as if you could float on the thermals that support the birds in their flight, feeling at one with the wind that carries messages all over the world. Stand firm, as your awareness is pulled high into the sky…
Fire. High in the vast expanse of blue, feel the blaze of the sun, striking down, warming the thin grass and bursting the buds of the alpine flowers, drying up the atmosphere. With your eyes shut, stretch in an attitude of ecstasy, fed by the warmth that pours down in golden rays. The water is pulled up into the upper atmosphere and you open your eyes to see a large cloud on the horizon. Watch it travelling with speed, and whilst it is in the middle distance in that huge vista, you see it disgorging its rain as a hazy mist over the landscape…
Water. In your imagination, see the rain from that cloud sinking into the soil, percolating through the ground to a deep subterranean spring that makes its gradual way to the surface. There is a tiny trickle of crystal water emerging from the ground, and you see it in your mind’s eye gaining strength as it tumbles downhill, changing eventually from stream to river, and making its way to join the massive depth of the sea.
Allow the scene to fade as you come back to everyday reality. Stretch, yawn, and wriggle to feel fully back in the present here and now.
Source: The Path of Druidry by Penny Billington
Energy Work FAQ
These are Frequently Asked Questions I get about energy work. Please check this guide before asking me questions concerning energy work!
What does energy feel like?
It just…feels like energy. Energy, in a way, is a catch-all term. There really isn’t a way to describe the whole of energy; sure, you can describe parts of it, like the texture, color, or scent.
Does everything have energy? Even inanimate things like paper, crystal?
Yes everything has energy- science says so too because you know, potential and kinetic energy- though that’s not the only parts of energy you can sense.
Are there any energies that are better for beginners to start with while sensing?
I wouldn’t say so, I believe it’s best to do it wherever and whenever you can. There’s no place or energies that are better than any other to sense
How do I sense energy?
This is the tl;dr version but honestly there is not much more to sensing energy than this. It is genuinely simple
1. Ask yourself, “What does the energy of (insert thing here) feel like?”
2. Use your gut/intuition and pay attention to whatever comes to mind.
3. Practice.
How do I send energy?
This is the tl;dr version but honestly there is not much more to sending energy than this. It is genuinely simple. You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send energy.
1. Focus on your target or a representation of your target.
2. Imagine energy flowing from you/your energy source to your target. You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send energy.
Do I need to see energy with my physical eyes or third eye to be able to sense or send energy?
You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send or sense energy.
What kind of exercises can I do to strengthen my energy sensing skills? How can I practice?
Basically just try to sense energy everywhere; try to feel the energy of a certain object, try to feel the energy of a certain room. Then describe it; and try to be specific in your descriptions. At first you might just be like “the room feels nice”, but as you keep trying to grind for detail it will turn into “the room feels nice because of the plant energies and generally calm and warm emotions of the owner of this bedroom”. So basically just try and practice anywhere, everywhere! You don’t need any specific tools/items to do this which is why u can practice anywhere.
But how do I know I’m right? How can I verify that’s what the actual energies are and not something I’m just thinking is there because I want it to be?
Your gut, practice, and possibly input by other people/spirits. There’s no way to scientifically/empirically verify that whatever you sensed was right. You’re just going to have to be confident in yourself.
What is grounding? When should I ground? And how do I ground?
Grounding is an energetic exercise that can help balance and cleanse your own energies. This is only one version of “grounding”; grounding is sometimes used as a catch-all term to bring yourself back to reality, out of magical feelings. You can ground before/after a magical working, and whenever you want.
1. Sit or lie down somewhere
2. Imagine roots extending from your back down into the ground
3. Imagine those roots absorbing energy from the ground and giving it to you, and/or have a second root branch that gives your negative/unnecessary energy back to the earth.
4. Do as long as you want.
A few Not-Energetic Exercise forms of grounding, to bring you back to reality, are:
Eating food
Going for a walk outside
Playing video games
Talking to others about mundane topics
It is not limited to these few, these are just a few examples. Anything where yu are focusing on the mundane/physical reality an be considered the not-energetic exercise form of grounding.
What is centering? When should I center? How do I center?
Centering is the act of gathering your lost/scattered energy. It can also be used to raise/store energy for a magical working. Center whenever you want and/or before a magical working.
1. Focus on yourself
2. Imagine glowing bits of your lost/scattered energy flowing back into yourself.
Again, please check this FAQ before you ask me any questions concerning energy work, please ^-^
Bottle Cap Salt Tabs
Another cheap and easy way to protect an area
With the salt hardened in the cap I wrote the rune of elhaz on the other side with sharpie. You could probably use any sigil or rune or protective markings for it, but I’m using the futhark runes because I wanna.
Then I’ve placed them in out of sight places all around the suite to protect the whole place and everyone in it.
I love using jars for spells but sometimes I need something that takes up less space.
lavender self love jar
simple self love jar ritual
ingredients 🔮large jar 🔮dried lavender 🔮rue 🔮white candle 🔮rose water
steps 🔮place a single white candle in the middle of your jar. your white candle represents the destruction of negativity. 🔮place your dried lavender and rue around the candle, for the lavender represents healing, and higher consciousness. your rue also represents healing and health. 🔮light your candle, and chant:
“my body is ethereal, too pure for this realm. i light this candle in recognition of myself, for i am one with the wind and sky, beautiful.”
🔮blow out your candle. feel the positive energy in the room. 🔮sprinkle rose water around your creation, to cleanse and protect your jar. 🔮seal your jar with a cork or wax, and follow the same steps when you need to feel a little more love for yourself.