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Chakra activation 🎉 triggers spiritual awakening by clearing blockages and balancing energy centers, leading to greater self-awareness and a deeper connection to your purpose and the world around you.
Energy Work FAQ
These are Frequently Asked Questions I get about energy work. Please check this guide before asking me questions concerning energy work!
What does energy feel like?
It just…feels like energy. Energy, in a way, is a catch-all term. There really isn’t a way to describe the whole of energy; sure, you can describe parts of it, like the texture, color, or scent.
Does everything have energy? Even inanimate things like paper, crystal?
Yes everything has energy- science says so too because you know, potential and kinetic energy- though that’s not the only parts of energy you can sense.
Are there any energies that are better for beginners to start with while sensing?
I wouldn’t say so, I believe it’s best to do it wherever and whenever you can. There’s no place or energies that are better than any other to sense
How do I sense energy?
This is the tl;dr version but honestly there is not much more to sensing energy than this. It is genuinely simple
1. Ask yourself, “What does the energy of (insert thing here) feel like?”
2. Use your gut/intuition and pay attention to whatever comes to mind.
3. Practice.
How do I send energy?
This is the tl;dr version but honestly there is not much more to sending energy than this. It is genuinely simple. You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send energy.
1. Focus on your target or a representation of your target.
2. Imagine energy flowing from you/your energy source to your target. You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send energy.
Do I need to see energy with my physical eyes or third eye to be able to sense or send energy?
You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send or sense energy.
What kind of exercises can I do to strengthen my energy sensing skills? How can I practice?
Basically just try to sense energy everywhere; try to feel the energy of a certain object, try to feel the energy of a certain room. Then describe it; and try to be specific in your descriptions. At first you might just be like “the room feels nice”, but as you keep trying to grind for detail it will turn into “the room feels nice because of the plant energies and generally calm and warm emotions of the owner of this bedroom”. So basically just try and practice anywhere, everywhere! You don’t need any specific tools/items to do this which is why u can practice anywhere.
But how do I know I’m right? How can I verify that’s what the actual energies are and not something I’m just thinking is there because I want it to be?
Your gut, practice, and possibly input by other people/spirits. There’s no way to scientifically/empirically verify that whatever you sensed was right. You’re just going to have to be confident in yourself.
What is grounding? When should I ground? And how do I ground?
Grounding is an energetic exercise that can help balance and cleanse your own energies. This is only one version of “grounding”; grounding is sometimes used as a catch-all term to bring yourself back to reality, out of magical feelings. You can ground before/after a magical working, and whenever you want.
1. Sit or lie down somewhere
2. Imagine roots extending from your back down into the ground
3. Imagine those roots absorbing energy from the ground and giving it to you, and/or have a second root branch that gives your negative/unnecessary energy back to the earth.
4. Do as long as you want.
A few Not-Energetic Exercise forms of grounding, to bring you back to reality, are:
Eating food
Going for a walk outside
Playing video games
Talking to others about mundane topics
It is not limited to these few, these are just a few examples. Anything where yu are focusing on the mundane/physical reality an be considered the not-energetic exercise form of grounding.
What is centering? When should I center? How do I center?
Centering is the act of gathering your lost/scattered energy. It can also be used to raise/store energy for a magical working. Center whenever you want and/or before a magical working.
1. Focus on yourself
2. Imagine glowing bits of your lost/scattered energy flowing back into yourself.
Again, please check this FAQ before you ask me any questions concerning energy work, please ^-^
Grounding and Centering
If you haven't already, visit my visualisation lessons for the background info needed for this lesson.
Being able to ground and centre your energy is very useful in meditation and spell work. Using basic visualisation techniques, you can change and manipulate the energy you are putting out, raise your vibration, or bring yourself back to reality after spellwork. Let's go over the specifics and how to do them, but the TLDR is that grounding is connecting to the energy of the universe around you, and centering is aligning this energy with your intention.
Grounding can be done before or after spellwork, and it depends on what feels right for you. The idea is to draw neutral energy from the earth and the universe, as the energy within ourselves can often be unstable because of our emotions or other external influences. It can also be used to send excess energy back into the earth, preventing feeling wired or unable to sleep after spellwork. Here are some easy ways to practice grounding.
Visualise tree roots spreading down from your legs, connecting you to the earth, and branches spreading up from your arms into the sky connecting you to the universe. Consider the energy of the universe being drawn into you through these roots and branches.
Consider your energy as running water, perhaps from a tap or a river. To prevent excess energy, visualise this tap being turned off, or the flow of the river being stopped.
When I practice divination or dreamwork, I sometimes visualise my third eye opening before and then closing again after to prevent using this energy constantly.
Eat something or take a shower after spellwork to quickly ground yourself.
You can try standing barefoot in the dirt or even rain as a quick and more literal way to ground.
Centering involves drawing energy inward before spellwork, allowing us to align this energy with our intention and the mentality needed to carry out magick. It prevents passing thoughts, feelings and distractions from making our energy and spellwork less effective. Where you feel your energy centering is different for everyone - it might be behind your third eye, in your heart, your stomach, or in the palms of your hands. Wherever it may be, the point is to draw this scattered energy inward. Here are some methods.
Visualise your energy fragmented around you, as shattered glass, water droplets, or whatever feels right. Consider drawing this energy towards your centre, as though you are a magnet pulling these fragmented pieces back into a whole.
As you are drawing your energy in, meditate on your intention and the end goal of your spellwork. Or why you are centering your energy - is it to have better control over the existing energy in your body, or to set an intention for the neutral energy drawn in through grounding? The aim is to have a concentration of energy with a specific intention.
Centering can be used for changing your vibration specifically for different kinds of spellwork - where a protection spell would require a different type of energy to that of cursing.
Note: Some people will use these terms interchangeably or to mean one overarching thing, and others will specify whether they mean centering or grounding as I have done here. The two practices are very similar and can overlap, so don't worry about getting them confused. The important thing is to do what feels right for your practice and whatever helps you.
As always, thanks for reading! If you have any questions or suggestions for future lessons, feel free to message or send an ask. Visit my tags for previous lessons!
Aché 🧘🏾♀️
it was always in you 🫀
gently reminding 💘
«Центрация, прийти в себя за 40 секунд» - Это инструмент для гармонизации внутреннего состояния.
Как часто мы живем в спешке, интернет и жизнь, все становится слишком скоростным, это так же может быть связано с работой, семьей, друзьями и социальной активностью. Иногда мы не успеваем за всеми своими делами и наше эмоциональное состояние начинает нести нас на своих волнах. В такие моменты нам нужно быстро прийти в ресурсное, сильное и гармоничное состояние. Именно для этого было создано 5 видео роликов, соответствующих различным циркадным ритмам.
В каждом из этих видео определенные аудио частоты и визуально-цветовые спектры, чтобы помочь вам выбрать подходящий ролик для вашего настроения и времени суток. РАССВЕТ, ПОЛДЕНЬ, ВЕЧЕР, НОЧЬ и ГЛУБОКАЯ НОЧЬ - в каждом из этих времен мы можем настроить свою энергию на ступень сопряженную с циркадным ритмом. Например, утренний ролик с более высокими частотами и заряжен цветами солнца - дает возможность откалибровать день с энергией и уверенностью. А вечером, теплые приглушенные и низкие частоты могут помочь успокоить наш разум и подготовить наш организм к отдыху.
Для качественной гармонизации внутреннего состояния в видео используется техника центрации, одного качественного глубокого вдоха задержки дыхания и выдоха.
Центрирование позволяет сосредоточиться, успокоиться и прийти в гармонию с окружающим миром. Центрирование - это процесс настройки энергии и концентрации на своих целях. Техника центрации позволяет быстро и эффективно прийти в себя (к себе настоящему) в течение всего 40 секунд.
Таким образом, ролики помогают быстро и легко прийти в гармонию, сосредоточение и силу в любое время суток. Это простой и удобный способ обрести внутреннюю гармонию и осознаться за считанные секунды. Почувствовать силу и уверенность в любой ситуации.
Video & Sound Design:
👽 Oenilloc
Remember also that the sun is a star.
Earth Grounding/Centering
Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground or sit on the floor with your legs crossed.
After doing some deep breathing and getting yourself to a relaxed state, begin imagining roots growing from the base of your spine and burrowing into the ground. Visualize any negative or excess energy flowing from the top of your head, out the base of your spine, and into the earth.
After you feel your negative vibes fade away, be sure to thank the Earth for its assistance.
To center, imagine a glowing ball of energy forming in the center of your body (on your abdomen above your navel).
Now, visualize that energy flowing from the center of your body, through your arms, and into your hands
Direct this energy into whatever act of magick you are doing