22. I aim to write stories that anybody can see themselves in.

77 posts



Description: She worked as a lawyer in New York until she received a phone call from the man she owes her career to. She knew she would be back and what she was in for but what she didn’t know is that her life would change even more than she imagined.



Chapter 5:

I walk down to the kitchen smelling breakfast, but there is no one home except Beth and I but I knew for a fact she was spending her time with Rip. “Good Morning” My heart stopped worrying thinking someone had broken in. “Monica made breakfast before leaving. Kayce motions at the eggs, bacon, biscuits and coffee in the island table.

“Thought you put on an apron and became a housewife” I wasn’t annoyed by him but it surely came out that way. “Aren’t you supposed to be out at camp?” I fill a cup of coffee and turn to lean against the island to look at him.

“You said we needed to talk,” He said calmly, taking a bite of his bacon.

“Kayce, it's nothing important to ride all the way up here. This conversation could have waited until you came back” He nods, going back to eating. “But since you are here and it seems Monica made food for a whole village I guess we can finish what we can and talk” I pull out a stool beside him. “So where do we start?” His whole body turns my direction

“I need to know the truth.” I look over. “If you are going to stay here and be part of this family like my dad wants, I want to know that I can trust you. I want to know that you are here and on our side, because I don’t want anyone else that I love to be put at risk” I could hear his voice crack a bit and he is no longer staring at me but at a distance.

“Okay” I whisper, putting my coffee down and turning towards him again. “If that's what it takes I understand. But all I ask is to hear my side of everything before you judge anything” He only nods. “When I was 16 I had an argument with my parents, mainly my mother. Maybe it was my fault and maybe there was a fix to things but at that time I was only 16. It sounds stupid to say that it was only because of a rumor that I ended up away from home but for me it was a ball of snow and that day was the push” I moved my eyes away knowing I would not be able to say anything by looking into his eyes. “ My family thrived on being perfect and better than anyone else. They didn’t believe in mistakes and I was the example of everything they stood for. I got good grades, I never missed school, I listened with respect and gave respect even when the person didn’t deserve it. I hated it but I did it because I knew it was important to them and for me they were the only thing that mattered. That day I came home and they were waiting for me. Before I could even open my mouth to speak I was met with a slap. My mother screamed at me saying how I was a horrible daughter. How I was a disappointment. They heard from a lady that I had allowed myself to sleep around with a guy. The guy telling everyone around town that I offered myself like some kind of prostitute to him and his friends. I tried to defend myself knowing the fact of the matter was that the rumor was true but I wasn’t the girl they were talking about. While she stood there not allowing me to speak she took her time to scream and physically abuse me. I told myself maybe this is it. This is my chance to get away from it all. To not only escape from the image but to break theirs. My father got in the way once I was on the floor limp. I grabbed what I could and rushed out the door. I walked and walked until I could no longer move. Getting here was days of hunger and days of asking for a ride.” I look over to him getting out of my stool to place the coffee cup in the sink. “Since then I haven’t been back home. I could have gone back and remedied everything but I won’t”

“Why?” I turn to see him stand next to me. “Why not go back and prove that it wasn’t you? Why go all those years without giving them a chance to change what happened” I turn off the water and look over to him again.

“There is nothing I can change about that now. They made their decision. They could have looked for me all those years but have I heard from them once? No.”

“Then you should be the one to go and talk to them” I shake my head starting to get frustrated.

“No. I could but I won’t. I won’t face those people who don’t care about me anymore”

“You don’t know that” He followed close behind as I walked towards the door.

“I don’t, and I also don’t want to find out.” I got to open the door but I stop once I hear his words

“Is this what you are going to do? You are just going to quit and not fight? You speak about having loyalty to us but the people you loved the most you won’t fight for?” I turn around pushing my finger in his chest.

“You don’t know me. All I asked of you was to listen and not judge. You don’t know the full story of everything I went through, that was just the top of the icing. You wanted to know how I got here, I told you! And like I said before, you can either be nice because you truly feel like it or show me who you really are but don’t try to be someone you are not with me.”After the discussion with Kayce I walked out the door only to realize what I was wearing wasn’t appropriate for the cold weather. But being the stupid person I was I just continued to walk down the road.

“You’re going to get sick!” I turn my head to see Rip leaning against the railing of his porch. “It's too early for you too, what's wrong?” I walk up sitting on the front steps.

“I told Kayce how I ended up here” I looked up waiting for him to say something but he only looked at the distance. “I told him to trust me but the only thing I got from him was judgement.” I feel him sit beside me and offer his cup. “I already had my coffee”

“It's not coffee” I smile while taking the cup. “I needed it this morning” I chuckle while finishing the rest of whatever alcohol was left.

“You and Beth seem to be geting along better” I look over and see a grin not wanting to smile.

“You can say that” I was about to intervene to get more details until I heard a horse come closer. “Why don’t you go inside to warm up? Beth is in there” I nod moving my eyes away from Kayce. I walked in grabbing a coat nearby because I was still cold.

“Do you have something to tell me?” I turn around to see Beth in the kitchen with only Rip's shirt on. I furrowed my brows not knowing what she meant. “Showing up to Rip's new home in little clothes?” mI shake my head with a laugh

“Shut up” I walk over setting the cup in the sink. “Had a little argument with your brother, walked out the house without thinking”

“And too stubborn to go back” All the Duttons make me roll my eyes, and I notice maybe it's just them? “I heard you and Rip talking. Why did you decide to tell him?” I shrug and take a seat.

“You know I hate hostility and that was all that he was giving me. People around here don’t trust easily and I wanted to get that out the way, instead I feel like I got more hatred” Beth sits down beside me

“It’s hard for him.Trust me that he has a good heart. A better heart than us Dutton” She sighs, taking in a deep breath. “He is too good for this place. I thought when Monica came into his life and he left he would be gone for good”

“I thought he liked this place?” She shakes her head.

“This is like a trap for him. He is only here because for him this is all he can give Tate.” I nod understanding just a little more about Kayce.

“Doesn’t mean he has to be an asshole and annoying” I whisper until I hear Beth start laughing.

“All you need to do is spend more time with him. Let him know you and you him” I look over seeing a grin on her face.

“Oh for fuck sake Beth, he just got divorce!” I whisper yell not knowing if he was still outside the door with Rip.

“What?! I didn’t say anything but what I will mention is that he has not gotten some in a while and I know you haven-”

“Okay” I stop her. I take out Rip’s coat. “I will leave before anything else is said” Beth follows me towards the door as I walk out.

“He can keep you warm at night!” I walked past Rip and Kayce toward the main house. I only shake my head at Beth’s comment. I would be lying if I said It didn’t cause a smile to appear on my face.

Truth is I do find him attractive. He needs to cut his hair but the rugged look he can surely pull off. I grew up in a town where cowboys or farmers weren’t a thing, mainly country clothes but they didnt get down and dirty with cattle or horses. Then moving to the city was a drastic change. I switched my converse to heels. I didn’t wear jeans anymore but pencil skirts and dresses. I didn’t tie my hair up or put on a cap anymore. Around me were suit wearing men all the time. A little wrinkle in your shirt made you unwealthy. Since the day I arrived I have been wearing my same wardrobe but included some leggings. On accusations that I wore pants they were business pants with blouses that weren’t considered country attire. So when I saw him in a plain brown jacket and jeans that seemed to be dragged through the dirt I found myself wanting to be closer to him. It was the rough hands and the rough not comb through hair. He looked presentable enough but always showed he was a worker. Can’t explain it but just know I didn’t mind him, that was until he opened his mouth. That made me wonder what I was thinking. Cowboys are rude and distateful. They can be sweet at times but they are mostly cussing out people or fighting. They have a short temper and have a look of hatred all the time. But when they smile it is like every red flag gets thrown out the window.


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More Posts from Lolitastories

1 year ago


Description: She worked as a lawyer in New York until she received a phone call from the man she owes her career to. She knew she would be back and what she was in for but what she didn’t know is that her life would change even more than she imagined.


Part 8

Chapter 7:

“Dad?!” I open my eyes seeing the fire of the cowboy camp.

“Hey bud. What are you doing awake?” Kaycee climbs down giving Tate a hug.

“We are having fish” He pointed towards the fire and the rest of the cowboys talking around and laughing.

“Where’s grandpa?” Tate looks over and points at a tent. Kayce tells him to go back to the fire and wait for him. “Come on” I move my legs to the same side and jump off.

“Don’t do that again '' I told him, walking off. “John?” I hear him answer and I walk in. “This is cute and warm” Two sleeping bags on the ground and a portable light hanging from above.

“Never would have thought of seeing you in those clothes or out in the woods” I roll my eyes hearing his chuckle as he sits on the ground.

“Don’t get used to it, I almost died coming here” We both laugh this time. “I am leaving tomorrow for a couple of days. Sofie asked me to come back. She doesn’t like the settlement they are pushing on her and her stupid lawyer won’t do anything about it”

“I thought they were settling on only being in the list?” I thought so too until he thought he was smart enough

“When I get finished with him he would beg to only be placed on that list. Not only would he be fighting Sofie but I will go on trial on my part. They told me to go back and fight for what was done to me and that's what I am going to do. He started everything and he will pay for the anger I have stored in me.”

“How's Jamie?”

“I bet he is having fun dealing with what happened, haven’t received a call all day” I shrug.

“And you won’t be receiving one all night” I furrowed my brow looking down at my phone. No service.

“I see I will be back at the ranch before you”

“I like it here” I smile. I finish up talking with John before heading outside. I turn my direction towards the fire camp.

“Would you like some or are you too good for fish over the fire?” Ryan laughs, placing a piece of fish on a cold tinfoil.

“This place change you city girl?” Lloyd said, passing over the fish. I take a seat beside him on the fire as the rest laugh. The laughs die down as I cut open the fish and carefully start eating it with no hesitation

“My family on my mother's side loved to fish. Most of what was in our freezer were fish and I also spent a good amount of my childhood until I moved in the lakes with them” I look over to Ryan. “I have no trouble with a little dirt in my hands but I also won’t say no to the finer things” I shrug hearing a small laugh.

“Do you know how to fish?” I looked over to Tate who for a fact was exhausted. I bet he was enjoying himself.

“No” I shake my head.

“I do. My grandfather taught me and I have caught plenty of them today” He had a big smile on his face as he looked over to Kayce wanting to see his reaction.

“Well thank you for the amazing dinner” All our heads turn as we

hear footsteps coming up towards us.

“We are glad you liked it. Now it's time to clean up and get to bed” John says but mainly directing it towards Tate. “Kayce?” I look over seeing him nod his head towards his father.

“Help them clean this up and straight to bed you go. I will be there to say goodnight in a bit, okay?” Tate nods as Kayce gives him a kiss in the forehead and heads towards John. I finish disposing of what's left of my fish. I walk over covering the remaining cooked fish.

“This is a bad look for you” Lloyd says coming over to me.

“I can make anything work” I laugh as I continue helping clean up.

“Can you help me get water?” I look down at Tate who is handing me an empty bucket.

“Yeah” I dust off my hands and grab the bucket from him. I head behind him not really wanting to touch freezing waters right now.

“Don’t worry, it's totally safe” he turns to take a quick glance at me with a smile.

“Totally” I smiled but behind it I was scared. I know I said I have been around lakes or bodies of water like this one but this one is a rapid moving body of water. Not to mention it was dark and the light of the camp was just a glime when we arrived at the edge.

“Just throw it in but don’t let go of the rope” Tate tells me as I see him following his directions. I move down a bit and do the same. “There you go!” He smiled excitedly. “Oh look” I looked over at him pointing towards something I couldn’t see and I really didn’t care as his sudden movement caused him to slip.

“Shit” I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him towards the ground but causing me to fall into the water.


“Am okay” I tell him in a hurry seeing him get up and walk towards me. “It's okay” I struggled to get up on the edge with it freezing me to the bone and the speed of the water wasn’t helping. “Lets go before we choose to take a dip in the water again”

“Am sorry” Tate looks down as we continue our walk up.

“It's not your fault. People take cold plunges everytime, it's apparently good for you” I smile not wanting him to feel bad about it.

“Why?” he finally says with a hint of a smile on his face.

“Who knows, they are crazy people in my books” A small laugh falls from his mouth as we finally arrive. Most of the cowboys were in their tents I guess.

“Not the time to take a dive in the water” I motioned for him not to go on further knowing Tate was still feeling a little guilty about what happened.

“Lloyd and I will make sure to fire it off, why don’t you get to bed?” he nods setting the bucket down

“Goodnight” I wave him goodbye and watch him go into his tent. I seat down taking in the warmth of the fire.

“He almost fell into the water” Lloyd lets out an oh and takes a seat across from me.

“Heard anything about Jimmy’s problem?” I didn’t take my eyes from the fire as I shook my head no.

“I better not hear anything that has to do with Jimmy good or bad in the next couple of days because I won’t be here to take care of it” We laugh

“That boy needs more work than I have seen anybody needing but sure does know how to take a beating”

“Those are the beating that you can’t avoid, they help bring out the better person in him”

“I thought the older one was supposed to be the wiser one” I laugh looking over.

“You might beat me in age but not in soul.” He throws me something as I avoid it laughing together at the remark. Before he could say anything his eyes looked up and he cleared his thoat.

“Take care of the fire, I am going to get some sleep. Goodnight” I smile

“Goodnight” I wave. I turn over hearing footsteps.

“Tate told me what happened” I look over and nod my head. I see him take a seat down beside me.

“His only 7, things happen” I get up not wanting to hear anything else from him. I grab the bucket and throw the water at the fire.

“I set up a tent”

“Thanks” I grab the other bucket and make a circle around the

already turned off fire.

“They only had one tent to spare” I set down the bucket realising what he was saying.

“Great” I just wanted to get these wet clothes off and go to sleep.

“Also” Fucking great. I sigh walking in so he could follow. “Cowboys aren’t the best prepared.”

“I can see that” I don’t know why I laughed. If it was because of how tired I was and the cold running down my whole body was making it worse or because the circumstance has placed me with a guy who I carred not even a tiny bit to be close to right now. Okay. I say to myself taking off my shoes and socks laying them to dry for tomorrow. I look over and see Kayce taking out his big coat. I turn around and do the same but also take my pants off. The shirt thankfully is long enough to reach my mid thighs.

“Okay” I hear Kayce clear his throat before moving to the only sleeping bag we had. I was freezing so I didn’t take another second to turn off the lights and slip into the bag with him. “You’re shivering” I heard him whisper behind me as I had my back turned towards him.

“Maybe because I was wet and it doesn’t help that I get cold easily and that it's almost below zero right now” I wrap my arms around myself hoping it would help but it doesn’t. Minutes went by but sleep was not coming.

“Turn around” Before I could ask I felt one arm going under my head and unknowingly my body on its own turn to face him. His other arm slips over me and pulls me tighter. I let out a deep breath, getting comfortable. I don’t know if I was getting warmer because of his body heat or because being this close to him was too much for me. “Thank you” I smile. I think I was supposed to say that to him but I know why he was saying it. Definitely getting warmer because I was wrapped up in his arms right now. I was right, he didn’t smell like what I thought a cowboy would. He smelled nice. He is gentle, soft, not what in daylight I would describe him. Yet that somehow was comfortable for sleep to take over. In my head I tried counting the second but after 1219, I gave up. Frustrated and not only because I couldn’t sleep. “It's been almost 30 minutes and you can’t sleep?”

“It's been 21” I said annoyingly. I wanted to move to be more comfortable but I was currently in a stick position. My legs were straight and so were my arms.

“No wonder you’re not a morning person” Moving was the wrong choice. I only wanted to get out of the sleeping bag.

“Sorry” I whimper, pulling my hand up all the way not wanting to rub it against him any longer. I didn’t know where to go from there. The awkward tension was overtaking my anxiety and I needed to move.

“Wait” He whispers, taking hold of my hip with one hand. Second mistake was not moving after that. I closed my eyes trying to not let his touch affect me but that diffenetly didn’t help. I could feel even the warmth of his fingertips as they traveled along my back.

“Kayce” It was my last plea. The last piece of strength I had in me to leave. He pulled me even closer and the fire in my stomach ignited even more. I wanted to touch him. How close his face was to my hand.

“Tell me to stop” Those words left me breathless. My hands moved up his chest, cursing at the jacket he still had on. His other hand still under my head moved to push me closer just barely touching his lips. I touch up to his neck until I get to his face. The only thing being heard was the noise of our silent breaths. The shivers in my bones wanting and pulling towards him. When he finally comes closer brushing against my lips with his it wasn’t enough. I took hold of his jacket and pulled him to meet. At first it was only one kiss. Then another, and another. Until my fingers were wrapped in his hair gripping, wanting him to catch on to my wants. We explored our mouth what seemed like forever, not that I mind but I wanted more. I start grinning my body and I feel him put some distance with his other hand on my hip. “Do you-” I rolled my eyes. Of couse he tries to be a gentleman right now. I cut him mid sentence as I unzipped the bag but not to leave. No, he did this and now he is going to fix it. I climb on top of him to capture his lips again. Moving my hip trying to control a little of my urges.

“Don’t try to be nice right now” I say trailing kisses on his jaw and down his neck. “I need this jacket off” I mumbled frustrated.

“Yes ma’am” He grabs my face, kissing me as he pulls us up to a sitting position. What am I doing? The cold wasn’t bothering me anymore. As he takes his time taking his jacket off I can’t help but stop to think. What the hell am I doing right now? He just got out of a marriage. He has a child he must focus on. Was this just something to pass time? Why did I care? Surely it wouldn't be anything more. I didn’ let him take a look after pulling my shirt off. My lips attach to his as my hand works his belt.

“Can you help a little?” I look up hearing a slight chuckle from him. I lift my hip a little as he slides his pants off. I couldn’t focus any longer. Once I lowered myself knowing the only thing that separated us was the bare fabrice of my panties. “God” I moaned as he started kissing and sucking on my neck. His hands cared for my back before fiddling with the band. I huffed a little before moving them to the side and gently placing him where I wanted.

“Fuck” I tried. I wrap my arms around his shoulder trying to restrain myself. “Honey,” He whimpers grabbing fistful of my hair. I tried. My breathing was getting heavy as the bottom half of me couldn’t relax from squeezing him.

“I can't,” I whisper. He was big. Jesus was he. Where was all the confidence I had before?

“I won’t last long” He moves over to kiss my cheek. The sweat already forming was making my hair sticky. He moved it out the way to attach his lips to mine gently. “I want to cum” This was a plea and a whine together and damn did it take me to the peak. He continud to kiss me as his hands moved down to my hips to help me move.

“Shit.” I could feel tears swelling my eyes. “Jesus fuck” I didn’t know what to hold on to as his pace fasten. Slowly I feel his strength weaken. I follow my own rhythm up and down as fast as I need to.

“Honey..” My eyes roll back along with my head feeling my arousal almost reach its peak.

“Kayce” I moaned. To my surprise he attaches his mouth on one breast. “Fuck!”Jesus. I know it's wrong. I have spoken his name in tears, he must think I was praying to him hard.

“Mm. y/n?” I got out my thoughts looking down at him. My pace slowed down, putting more pressure on reaching my spot. God did he look beautiful. The slight shadow the moon casted I could see his messy hair. His pleaing eyes and swollen lips. Glimming. I grabbed his face to kiss him but he latched himself to my other breast giving it attention. Correcting myself, he looked the most beautiful right now. I kept on looking at him as his eyes never left mine. As the pace never slowed. The pressure is building up. Cumming on only fucusing on his eyes on mine. How the warmth of him and the kindness in his eyes has made me feel. His lips detach himself but not before leaving one last kiss. I hiss as they are sensitive.

“Tired?” I roll my eyes tracing my fingers down his shoulders onto my thighs. “I can make those eyes roll back for other reason now”


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1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 13:

I rush over to the Maesters' den, opening the door to see Gemma peacefully sleeping. I let out a sigh of relief. I turn to where my brother was and see him carrying his son. “I will be back with some food and to check up on her again in an hour”

“Thank you Maester Wolkan” I wait to hear the door close before walking closer to the two. “I understand if you want to enjoy this mome-”

“I am, but we need to speak about father” He stood up placing his son next to Gemma. “Father has gone rogue. He plans to execute every Dothraki in the city, no matter if they are involved or not with the Dothraki on the other side of the wall.”

“We can’t allow that to happen, we also can’t take him out the throne, our people

wouldn’t understand”

“We have no other choice unless we allow him to move forward and let the people see he has gone mad and then intervene”

“I won’t let innocent people die just to prove a point, not even if it's the easiest route” I care about my people and I am sure they will fight to keep their king but I am not going to let Dothraki die to show them their kings true colors right now. A knock on the door interrupts us.

“We are all meeting in the war room” I turn my direction away from Sansa to my brother.

“I will think about it and let you know” Sansa walks alongside me.

“Is there something wrong in Omnis?” her thoughtful tone almost made me angry. How could he possibly do this? This was his idea. Be a city where everyone is welcome. No stupid rules such as killing for no reason. No heachry as long as the ruler is appointed by the people. No such things as labels. No women was allowed to be known as whores and they would be looked down upon if they had kids with no husband. No child was known as basterd and no men was above anyone unless they earn it.

“I would be lying if I said no. My father is causing a disturbance back home, threatening to kill innocent people” I took her silence as an apology for his actions, like when you feel sorry for someone. “I have to find a way to not let that happen” Sounds so simple yet my head is hurting, aching to find the solution. We walk into the room and I see Missandei,Daenerys,Varys,Greyworm,Tyrion,Jon,Arya,Sansa,Qhono,Sam,Bran,Davos and Brienne all standing around the map table of Westeros. As we all settle Greyworm moves to pick a handful of Winterfell markers.

“Half are gone” I move myself to stand beside him.

“Northmen as well” Jon adds.

“And the Golden Company has arrived in King's Landing, courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet. The balance has grown distressingly even.” We moved a couple more markers away as Varys moved some towards Kings Landing.

“The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying King's Landing.” Tyrion adds

“Thankfully, she's losing allies by the day. Yara Greyjoy has retaken the Iron Islands in her queen's name. The new Prince of Dorne pledges his support.” Varys responds. All my thoughts fade. I just wanted to close my eyes and fade with them. I could go back to Omnis and take father away from his crown and place Grisill in his place. That will leave me to figure a way around the guards and if they find out about my moves they will just get father back in the throne on his orders. I can’t take the Unsullied or Dothraki to help but maybe I can find people in town to help me. Very few people but we might be able to do it.

“Princess?” I look over to Tyrion who looks worried. “I was saying, if we all are in agreement Jon and Ser Davos will ride down the Kingsroad with the Northern troops and the bulk of the remaining Dothraki and Unsullied.”

“Of course,” I nod. Focusing back on the conversation.

“A smaller group of us will ride to White Harbor, and sail from there to Dragonstone with our queen and her dragons accompanying us from above. Ser Jaime has chosen to remain here, as a guest of the Lady of Winterfell.”

“We have won the Great War. Now we will win the Last War. In all Seven Kingdoms, men will live without fear and cruelty under their rightful queen.” Daenerys has the last word before dismissing everyone as she follows last. I need to speak to her about my plans.

“Y/N, wait” I turn around seeing the Stark siblings looking at me. “I told Arya and Jon about your father”

“I already knew” I ignored Bran’s words and looked back at Sansa. I walk forward trying to figure out a way to tell them.

“I need to go back to Omnius. My father is broken and has threatened to take it out on the people who he thinks caused that.”

“Are you planning to just go alone? Take your father's place?” I shake my head towards Arya.

“I will be leaving the Dothraki and Unsullied under Daenerys' command. I will go back with my brother and place him in the throne if I don’t come to an agreement with my father”

“You are not alone anymore. We can help” Jon walks towards me, taking my hands in his. I can feel the other Strak kids stare but Jons eyes are so intriguing.

“I would have left the second Grisill told me the news but I learned from my mistakes.” I turn to the rest still holding on to Jons hands. “I am not taking anyone else because I don’t want my people and especially my father to feel cornered.”

“We understand, we just wanted to make sure you were aware we were here for anything you may need” I smiled at Sansa’s words.

“Especially since you made our brother here so happy” I looked over to Jon who was probably the same shade of red as I was right now.

“Don’t you have to go practice or something?”

“I am better at the sword and any other tactics then you” A laugh escaped my lip hearing the siblings argue before Sansa walked Arya out and Bran followed soon enough. Our laughs quiet down. His arms embraced me closer and my eyes shut as I felt calm with it only being the two of us.

“Can I ask you for a favor?” Jons pulls back with a shocked expression in his face.

“The princess is asking for a favor? Must be important” he laughs as I only roll my eyes, setting my head to lead against his chest.

“Can Stella, Emma, and my nephew stay here?” He hummed a yes. “Also. can you promise me no matter what, we will see eachother again?”

“I promise” His hands move up to take hold of my face and he gives me a quick kiss. “Can I tell you something?”

“No” I say planly, but I couldn’t hold in the laugh when I saw his face of disappointment. “Am messing with you” I give him a quick kiss. “I will never stop wanting to hear your voice”

“After this war is over it's just going to be you and I”

“Yeahhh” I say with a smile.

“And then we can go anywhere we want” I lifted my brow unsure of where he was getting at. “For as long as you will take me, I will follow wherever you want to go” I know those words can make any person swoon over the person they love and they did, but I soon felt sadness over them.

“I will be more than happy” I remove his hands from my face and cradle them with mine. “As long as I know you are happy” He looked at me confused. “This is a two person relation, I want you to be happy too, whenever or wherever we go”

“I don’t know where I want to go, I just know it includes you” I laugh

“Well we are in the same boat then buddy, because I don’t know where life is pulling me” I focus on his eyes. “But I am with you, all I want is for it to be always you and I”

“You and I” He whispers. I thought this was a kissing moment but he pulled back. I watch as his fidgets with his hands before taking my hand and walking out the door.

“Jon!” His eyes were focused on his destination. We run through unknown halls, atleast for me until I can finally catch my breath. We stop infront of a red leave tree. The surrounding area was white due to the snow. A small lake was standing a few feet away from the big tree in the middle of it all. “Jon” I caustionlly walk closer to him and he turns to face me. He takes my hands and knels in one knee.

“I was going to do it in that room right there and then but I knew you needed something more special” I look around and somehow with the snow falling from the sky, this has become my favorite place. “I want everything. No matter the place or the time. If it's hot or cold. If we hate eachother or not. As long as it's you and I.” oh. I look down and my insides are panicking.

“Will you marry me?” I don’t know what the world has for us. If the gods he prays too listen to him and make this happen. Or the god I pray to at times has given me this to take care of. Maybe it's a big joke from both of them and maybe they are just waiting to catch us off guard to take it all away. It's too good to be true. Oh how fast this man has come into my life and changed it forever. No matter the reason or result he was right, it's just him and I and that is what I want.


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1 year ago


Description: She worked as a lawyer in New York until she received a phone call from the man she owes her career to. She knew she would be back and what she was in for but what she didn’t know is that her life would change even more than she imagined.


Part 7

Chapter 6:

I avoided doing anything else than what was already on my plate. I didn’t stop by to check on Jamie on his first day. I didn’t try to instigate anything to do with what happened with Tate. The only things I tried focusing on was the trail back home. “How are you doing?”

“Okay. My lawyer pulled a restraining order on him and all of his immediate family” I have been keeping in contact with my cousin. It took her two years to admit she was the one in those rumors. I knew of it back then but it was up to her to tell everyone not me. I didn’t get angry or upset that she didn’t defend me when she heard I left or say something when people were bashing my family for the kind of daughter they raised. I was waiting for more but she didn’t continue.

“What happened?” I heard a slight cry on the other side of the phone. “Sofie what happened?” She had filed a restraining order against the guy two years ago and I didn’t find out until a couple months ago that she dismissed it 4 months later and were still talking. The case continued and when he found out she wouldn’t stop he got aggressive. Didn’t know about that either.

“My lawyer advised me to take the deal. They said if he is put on the list of offenders his lawyer could place me with child endangerment” At the time of the accident she was with a younger family memeber. No evidence was proved to have affected the young child but anything can randomly appear and touch the jurys heart. “The deal agree on the restraining order being removed, the payment of his lawyer fees along with emotional damage” That mother-fucker. “I don’t want to let this go” She whispered. “Please” I knew what she was asking but I only shaked my head, closing my eyes. I can’t. “I know you don’t want to get involved but I need you here, like old times” I can’t, I can’t go back. “Y/N?” I put my attention back on the phone call. “I know I don’t owe you anything after all I did but I need you here, just like I know you need it in your soul to come back and put everything behind you”

“When is the next court date?” I don’t know what I was pulling

myself in. I didn’t only have to face the people who talked and looked my way in a form of disgust but I will also have to face my family. The one I worked so hard to forget and heal from, I could almost see it. I got out of the office early and rushed towards the ranch. “I need a ride” I scream when I see Rip climbing down from his horse.

“Beth is not going to like that” I hit his arm earning a fake groan.

“Not that kind of ride, I need to go see John” Rip laughs

“Well I thought since you never in your life would ask to be on a horse” He shruggs pulling his horse into the stable. “But no can do, you will have to wait til tomorrow” I look over at the direction he was looking and see Beth making her way down the path towards his cabin. “Ask Kaycee” I looked over to where he was pointing. He was getting out of his truck and going into the house. I turn towards him again. “Those eyes always worked but not against the fire in Beth’s” I roll my eyes.

“I hope she burns you” I scream walking out the barn and into the house.

“I didn’t expect you to be here for lunch?” I look over to see Monica in the kitchen. “I can cook something real fast for you, without Tate here I am going crazy not doing anything after school” I smile climbing on to the stool.

“No thank you. I have a long walk ahead of me” She questions me with her look. “I have to talk with John. I am leaving planning to leave for a couple of days”


“Home” I sigh, getting up. “If I leave soon enough I won’t have time to question why” I smile knowing she doesn’t need to know anything about what's going on. I grab some water and head towards the door.

“You can’t go dressed like that” This time I was wearing sneakers but she was right, the clothes were appropriate. Then again I didn’t have anything else. “Am packing since there is no reason for me to stay here so you can borrow some of my clothes”

“It's okay, I can just dirty some old clothes” I watch Monica shake her head, grabbing my arm and pulling towards Tates room where she has been staying.

“I have seen your wardrobe and they are not going to keep you warm enough and comfortable enough to get there and back” I whisper a thank you as I watch her pull out some clothes for me.

“Do I look funny?” I say walking out the bathroom already changed and with her boots on.

“Other than the hair, you no longer look like a city girl” My hair was still down and with curls in place.

“Thank you” I look over to the window and see the sun going down. “I need to go”

“You won’t take a horse?”

“No. Am not afraid of them but I am afraid of falling” I say walking out the door with her following close behind.

“That's why you hold on tight” she smiles as I open the door.

“That would help if I also knew even the first thing in riding one” I wave goodbye before starting my walk down the path. I run miles and walk even more than them so how could this be any different?

Let me tell you. Huge!! Difference. First of all, I am not in a warm facility running in the same spot. I am out in the fields freezing in every inch of my body. Second I am not surrounded by four walls to protect me and in company of people that show to not be harmful. Right now I am currently walking in the middle for everyone to see me. There are creatures here that can tear me to shreds in a second. Why in the hell did I decide to do this while the sun was coming down, down came the temperatures and so did my energy. But I needed to do this today. I was planning to leave in the late morning. I knew this trip was going to take a long time regardless of how I got there.

“Are you crazy!?” I scream, kneeling down to the ground and looking around my surroundings “Y/N?” Of course the not long enough grass wasn’t covering me.

“Kaycee?” The yellow/orange hue of the sun was disappearing so it was hard to see from a distance who it was.

“Monica told me you decide to walk instead of riding” I rolled my eyes about to say something “I know you don’t know how to ride but you could have asked Rip or another cowboy here” I cross my arm as he comes down his horse. “Rip or me” he corrected himself. All the other cowboys were with John. It was nice of him to follow me but when he starts off telling me things I knew I did wrong it reminds me of how mad I am with him. “Where are you going?”

“To see John” I had already turned around and walked away.

“Let me give you a ride, that's why I came here” so nice of you, but no. Stupid. “Stop” I hear him scream from behind. I get startled by the sound of the horse coming closer to cut me off “I said stop!” I look up annoyed

“Just leave, I will get there eventually” I look down, focusing on the horse itself. How scary. In my life I have never been so close to an animal bigger than me. I don’t know what came over me but my hands started reaching out to touch its main. That was until my hands were grabbed and I could no longer feel the ground. “Let me down!” My body was placed over the horse, stomach down.

“You don’t get to pet the horse until you stop being so stubborn” The horse wasn’t going quick but the anxiety in me did.

“Kaycee” I reach over to grab anything not trusting myself to touch the horse in any way that could affect it. The hand he used to hold on to me quickly moved to position me up.

“It’s okay” I was currently facing forwards with his arms wrapped around me for support.

“You’re so stupid” I whisper. I didn’t know if I was shiving because I was cold or how afraid I was right now. The horse continued walking now. My eyes stayed shut as I leaned further back.

“You’re the stupid one. Coming down here alone not even with a horse. You know we have wolves here right?” I nod my head slowly. “These clothes would keep you warm for a while not for a long walk” I nod my head again, taking hold of his hand that he was removing from mine. “ I need to take hold of the reigns”

“Okay” I nod but not noticing I was still holding on to him until he chuckles and stops the horse to get down.

“Slide down” I look down with panic in my eyes. This time I shake my head no and he rolls his eyes. He quickly grabs hold of my waist and pulls me back trying not to alarm the horse. Before I can argue he gets on and my arms instantly wrap around his waist. “Hold on. We need to get there before we freeze out here” I wasn’t listening to him. I was only holding on tight with my eyes closed and pressed up against him. I was afraid. I was afraid of something I could control. The horse I was on I couldn’t control. It could take off and drop us somewhere causing pain. Other things I was afraid of was anything involving me on it or in it that moved on its own. Elevators, cars other people were driving, ferris wheels, hell I was afraid of bridges no matter the length. “I'm sorry” The wind was a distraction but I still heard him. “I told you I would listen and all I didn’t was question you. I had no right”

“Am going back home” Silence fell. “Not because of what you said”

“Of course” I could hear the sense of humor in his voice. “When do you leave?”

“In the morning hopefully” My voice was no longer shaking. “They are having trials. They think they can just settle a deal and be done but I won’t let them. Settling falls more on his favor and that I won’t stand”

“Do you know the person who he did it too?” I nod my head.

“Back then I knew too. I didn’t have the right to say anything”

“But that could’ve changed everything”

“Maybe that's what I wanted. I had a chance to tell them and I was going too until they would let me talk. I thought to myself maybe it's for the best. I wanted to get away for so long. Why not let it run its course?”

“And now you are helping them?”

“She’s family. We might not be a perfect family but we promised that we would be different” We promised we wouldn’t make the same mistakes as our parents. They are all fighting to keep their appearance and be the best. They talk behind eachothers back and the next second hug and talk about how great each of them are. We told eachother we would never be like that. We protect eachother but most importantly listen and understand. Because we know we are not perfect, it's us against everyone else.


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1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 15:

I could feel my father’s stare on me from the moment I passed through the doors. The guards placed me and tied me up to the chair right beside Gris. He looked badly beaten up. Once the guards moved I could finally see my fathers face again. Some of his right hand men were beside him. The room was some kind of dungeon except there were windows and we were certainly on the main floor of the castle. I stared directly into my father's eyes trying to get anything out of him, he seemed lost. His beard has grown longer than before. His eyes filled with sadness and pain. A cane present on the hand that never needed one before. He was young but now he could pass as a Walker. He scoffs, directing his eyes away from mine and begins to walk out. “Can’t even stand there and look into my eyes to tell me what the hell you have become?!” I didn’t want to be the first one to talk but he left me no choice. He was going to just walk out? Leave me and his son tied up in a chair while he seems half dead? “The man I admire the most” A lump stuck in my throat but I continued. “The man who taught me everything I know” My mouth is so dry. “The man who built a place people years ago couldn’t imagine just-”

“I AM NOT THAT MAN ANYMORE!” His loud voice pushed me back in my seat. The fire in his eyes got bigger but I knew I couldn’t stop there. He was either going to burn himself down or this whole kingdom down, but I wasn’t going to let either go down. “They took that from me!” I shake my head. The Dothraki did something terrible yes but nothing like he is doing right now. “She made me a better person and you!” he paused, taking a hold of his chest. “You, the one who was supposed to stay here, the one who swore to protect them left!”

“You can’t hold that against me! You taught me to do what I most desire and that's what I did! I got out of here!”

“AND NOW YOUR MOTHER AND SISTER ARE DEAD!” I shake my head. It wasn’t my fault. He is hurt and in pain but it wasn’t my fault. I feel his rough hand grab my chin to look up at him. “You can tell yourself anything you want but It is all your fault. If you hadn’t intervened to save your so-called queen they would have respected the treaty. They wouldn’t have attacked and your mother and sister would be alive” He pushes me away harshly. The tears sting my eyes wanting to be let out.

“What they were doing was wrong and you know that. You know I had a right to fulfill in Dothraki. I don’t regret what I did” He struts to me, landing a hand on my cheek and then the other.

“You had an obligation here! You always had and never did you take such pleasure in fulfilling that obligation like you did for the Dothraki” I look up not fazed by his words. He always knew I was no one to fill his shoes. He told me to run and do what I wanted as long as I always came back to see them. To not live an unhappy life doing things just because people expect things from me. To never promise when in my heart there was an obvious choice. “You never stepped up to accept your responsibility or own up to it. You always did what you liked and never apologized for your actions. Those are some things you never took up from your mother”

“I am not her!” That one stinged. “I was never and will never be her. No matter how many times people say I am her. No matter if all I did was follow her around until the day I left. I WILL NEVER BE HER. As for me being selfish you are so wrong. All I ever did was try to make you happy. Maybe I wasn’t as happy about it but I was there. I was there going to consuels with you. Taking a trip to the people to hear their complaints. I took a class about what every ruler should know. I STEPPED UP!. I didn’t want to but I was there. I never did one thing from me until I left. I know I had my doubts but up until the point I got the news about Drogo and you told me to follow what I believe in. That it was finally my time to live. I thought you were okay with it, because until then I was going to accept the crown. For you and for everyone, I was doing it for everyone else but me! So who is the selfish one?” He comes closer taking out his knife and slowly running it down my face.

“You will never be her. You will never suffice anyone. No matter what words you try to use to explain yourself you know deep down you will never be good enough for nothing” My eyes stare blankly at him as the blade continues to trace down until it reaches the end. With that he stands up straight and walks out as do the rest of the people in the room. When the door closed I rapidly tried to wake Gris up. “Come on, we need to get out of here!” I whisper yell knowing there were guards outside the door. Damnit. The rope around my wrist was painful but I pulled and pulled until I finally released myself. I drained my body from most of my energy. My bones ached and my eyelids felt heavier than it ever did before. I look out the window and see the sun coming down. I hurry to untie my legs and continue on with Gris but stop mid untying. He can barely move, he is better off staying here. I look around only to see a torch. I guess that has to work. “Can I get some water?!” I hid behind the door and as the first one came in I knocked him out and that the other one out with a hit in the throat. I tie their hands together and gag them before continuing down the hall. It was a secluded hall. A hall we were not welcomed to go into and now I can see why. I make my way down to the cells and see an image I wish to erase from my memory. Dothraki all piled up. The smell came from some who were surrounded by their own blood.

“Princess” One says in their tongue. I turn over, nodding my head. I hurriedly opened up the cells so let them out.

“We need to free the rest and then get out of here” This night can go any which way. I just hope whatever happens, we do the right thing. I watched the Dothraki unlock the rest until there was no cell left locked. “We will take the night to our advantage. We work better with our hands anyways” I speak to them at the bottom of the stairs. “There are guards everywhere guarding every inch of this castle. There are more cells and I will take a group to free the rest of our people and for the rest, you will take care of every guard” I motioned them to follow.

“My name is Iter” A dothraki beside me whispers. “I heard many things about the Drogo Princess”

“Call me Y/N” I smile towards him while avoiding any guards. We get to the cells below and I send men to unlock the cells and to tell them my orders.

“Is it true we traveled the sea?” He was young. Not an adult young, he was still a child. Dothraki grew big and tall and it was hard to tell the different in ages but the way he spoke so unexpericence, he hads to still be child.

“Yes” Calmly I continued along most of the cells without coming in contact with a guard or two. Most of them stayed outside the doors but by using the walls we could get in and out. We used the walls to continue our way to gather weapons. Gris was brough out and once I knew he was out of harm's way we stood outside the gate of the castle. Dothaki men, women and children stood beside me.

“We stand with you Drogo Princess. Lady of the Night. Our Khalessi” I look over to the man beside me. His name was Rohno. I don’t deserve any of those names.

“Y/N” He looked unfazed. He stood up straight looking at the motions on the gates walls. I look over and by the figure thanks to the many nights I sneaked arounded in the castle unable to sleep I can tell it was my father.

“You can try to run but I will continue to chase until all of you are dead!” He screamed from ontop of the walls.

“You got us mistaken, father! We are not running away, we are here to fight!” The Dothraki starts screaming. “Unless you want to talk it through and agree to stop all this tyranny” It hurt my heart to let those words out to my father. The man I once looked up to. I know he is hurting and needs help but he isn’t allowing us to do that. His pain has created a dark hole in him and is trying to fix it with killing innocent people. Not all were Dothraki in the field. They were our people too. People from Omnis.

“I am doing what is right. I was blind a long time ago to think these people could live in peace. It caused me the greatest pain and I am not going to allow them to cause anymore. Call it whatever you want but I will never again rule in peace as long as they are still alive!”

“They are not the problem. They were following their leader, one who they swore their loyalty to!. Sounds familiar? He was the problem, not all of them” I pointed at the Dothraki behind me.

“You are so naive!” I see his figure move away. I look up around as the archers take their stand. “I will avenge your death, my daughter!” I hear his faint voice but I can no longer see him.

“We will stand by you,” Rohno says. The only noise other than our quicken breath is the string in the bows.

“Fire!” I close my eyes, holding my breath.

“We need to move” I open my eyes. I nod, taking hold of my sword and rushing forward. I missed the arrows and now we are running towards the food. Dothraki are screaming behind me, ready to fight for their freedom. We make noise on the door and they open. Not because my father felt kind enough to but because I left men inside for this moment. The doors open and we are met by guards, not enough. I look over and make my way towards the stairs. I need to find my father.

“I want him alive, no one kills him,” Rohno nods, rushing up ahead. I avoid a sword to my head, kneel down and stash it in the guards stomach. The Dothraki moves most of the guards out of the way as my vision is just focused on catching my father. Once the crowd that covered him is cleared he just stands there. No weapon. Not even his cane in hand. His fierce eyes only looked at me.

“You wouldn’t kill me.” He laughs, turning around to walk away. I take out the knife in my belt and throw it towards him. “Oh!” he screams, falling to the ground. He twisted his leg, taking out the knife and throwing it out the way.

“You’re right, I would never. I love you too much”

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1 year ago


Chapter 17 is the last part of the story. I will be making cut ends on the stories here and there. You are more than welcome to send me ideas on what you want to see from these characters. Its not my best work but hopefully it will get better as I start writing more. 

Thank you to all the people who have enjoyed it and I hope you continue to read my writing. 

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