22. I aim to write stories that anybody can see themselves in.

77 posts



This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 18:

Chapter 17:

Trying to have a baby was difficult if the man you wanted to be the father seemed to be avoiding you at all cost. When Tate was gone with Monica I would come home ready to spend the night with him but he was never home. He would come late and by that time I was already in bed sleeping peacefully. When Tate was here he always wanted him present, which was unusual because when he was over he would send him with John atleast one night. One time I tried going over to his office. A coat robe ready to slip off and available to him but nothing. He had a “Meeting” to get too. I was becoming frustrated but not because I needed all of the pent up feelings to go away but because he is making it seem like he doesn’t want me anymore. “You are being paranoid” I shake my head at the liquor being offered by Beth.

“Stop. That is what they say to women who’s husband are cheating on them” I roll my eyes and start pacing the floor.

“Well it's a good thing he is not your husband then” I look over annoyed at her words. “Kidding. Well not” She smiles getting up to take my arm. “Kayce loves you and you know how busy this world can get you” I hated talking about the ranch. Call me crazy but after leaving the ranch and only taking care of it legally, I didn’t want to be involved with anything else. I hated Kayce was involved but I understood where he was coming from when he told me he couldn’t just leave. We had a huge argument one night when he came beat up so badly it kept him in bed for days. I cried non stop but showed how angry he was with what he was involved with. It took days before I came to terms with it. It took weeks to look at him and finally come up with a solution. He wanted to give up everything so we could be together but I told him it was okay. I knew what I got myself into even before we were together. She pulls me to take a seat.

“It's hard to believe when he doesn’t even kiss me atleast a goodbye!” I stomp my feet seeting back into the couch like a littel girl who is being denied candy.

“How about we go out tonight?” I close my eyes thinking about it. Tate was with Monica until Tuesday and it was currently Saturday. It was enough time to get blasted, like I am sure Beth will try to get me.

“Sure” I threw my hands up in defeat. I will just have to talk with Kayce before I get to the point where I get my frustration out some other way. “I’ll see you at 7?” I get up grabbing my things

“5” I turned over looking at her. We never go out that early. “You need to relax your mind and I know this wonderful place but it's far. '' I shake my head not caring aslong as my mind is not thinking of Kayce for as long as possible. “I will pick you up”

“At the office” I say walking out the door. I was going to spend the rest of the day in the office. Being at home with it being still 11 in the morning wasn’t wise. I would be pacing around the whole house probably eventually crying until I am balled up on the floor. Trying to unlock my door I hear my phone ring. “Hello?” I answer without looking at the caller ID.

“Hey are you busy?” I hear Monica’s voice on the other side of the phone.

“No. I was going into the office to have somthing to do but it can wait. Do you need something?” I pull out my key setting in my purse and put my attention to the phone call.

“Tate has been talking about this restuarant all day when you took him to once. And since it's almost lunch time he was thinking maybe you wanted to join us?” I look over to my office. Being here with only my thoughts might be the same as being stuck at home. Maybe going to lunch with Monica and Tate would be better.

“Of course. I will see you there in 5” We hang up and I go back into my car. I drive up and park waiting for them to show up. “Hey buddy” I smile seeing Tate run up to me and give me a hug.

“He has not stopped talking about this place” She looked up, not really sure about the place.

“It's great!” He pulls away running inside.

“They are good. One of my favorites” I smile waiting for her to walk in behind Tate.

“Welcome” The host smiles as we walk inside. “Table for 3? The gentleman is waiting for you” We turn as we see Tate talking to the waitress already.

“Thank you.” We say walking to the table.

“I will have that in a second” The waitress made sure what Tate had ordered was correct before she left.

“Grandpa said I can come over today for a fishing day!” He said excitily. “Do you want to come too?” How can I tell him no? I don’t mess with horses more than I did the last time I was near one.

“Kid she doesn’t know how to ride a horse” I thank Monica with an uneasy smile.

“But last time you rode with dad. You can ride with me or grandpa this time”

“Thanks buddy but I am not dressed up for the occasion” Yeah a pencil skirt and heels isn’t proper for riding a horse or even fishing.

“Aunt Beth can let you borrow something”

“Okay but if the horse tries anything I will have to skip the fishing trip”

“Deal” He smiles. The food came soon after that.

“So how is the house going?” Monica spoke as we were digging into our food.

“Good. Hard to compermise but it's getting there.”

“Dad doesn’t like the couch” I laugh nodding my head. I didn’t want a leather couch. My parents always had dark brown leather couches in the house but I always liked the large cloth couches.

“And it's a cream color so his fear of keeping it clean is worse” Monica laughs along. “It's not like we have 20 people living at home”

“And what did you have to agree on?” I smile knowing she has been in the same place as me so she knows how annoying it can be to deal with Kayce.

“Having a bathtub” I didn’t like bathtubs. I preferred showers. I wanted a vanity or something more useful in that corner but I agreed to have my couch.

“I love the bathtub!” Tate says with a mouth full.

“That's why I don’t regret the decision. He doesn’t fight taking a bath anymore” Monica turns over with a smile.

“So all it takes is a bathtub to keep you clean?” Tate nods with a big smile. “Have to get one at home because I can’t keep him clean” We were exaggerating but Tate had a difficult time wanting to take a shower but now we have a difficult time getting him out the tub.

“Can you get one with the jets?” He saw the cataloug where we were picking them out and was angry at the fact we didn’t choose one with jets

“I will see” We smiled at Tate who had finished his first plate and went on to the next. Once our food was done we met again in the ranch. Thankfully Rip called Tate over to work on his horse and that took most of the day until I looked down and checked the time.

“It's okay if you have plans, Tate will understand” I looked over to Monica who was standing next to me with a smile.

“No” I shake my head. It was almost 5 and I had texted Beth that I was going to the ranch so she would find me and honestly if she didn’t I don’t really feel like going anywhere right now. “Beth invited me for drinks tonight but I think it's best if I don’t go”

“What?” I look over to her, confused. “I wasn’t going to say anything but you have not been in a good mood for a couple of days.” Gee thanks. “I think you need this,” I was about to say something like no I don’t and going out with Beth will only get me in a worse mood but she wraps her arms around mine and leads me inside the house. “To prove it I will be going too” I smiled a little allowing her to lead me upstairs and into Beth's room. I was forced, which says nothing since I didn’t fight Monica on changing into different clothes. Beth soon came in trying to get ready for the night before she spent getting me ready.

“Alright I think we are ready to go, '' Beth says, looking infront of the mirror before turning to us. “Lets go” We go downstairs and wait in the car so Monica can say goodbye to Tate as she leaves him with Rip until John comes home.

“Come on. We were going to have fun” Monica says from the back seat.

“She is having troubles with my little brother”

“Oh so that's why you have been pissy all day” I look over annoyed.

“I have not!” I argue. I have not, I didn’t even believe myself

“He has been busy and to make it worse she hasn’t gotten some for,? How long has it been” She looks over quickly at me with a grin.

“Shut up” I groan slidding down more into the seat. I fold my arms together looking over to the window. “Almost 2 months” I whisper. I hear them chuckle at my responds.

“I can’t go a week without it,I can’t imagine 2 months” Beth says laughing.

“I am going to throw myself out the car”

“Don’t be pissy. We are going to make you feel better, you will see” Monica said as she laid a gentle hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath, I don’t know what is going to happen but I need to get this tension out before it drives me crazy. We have been driving for about 10 minutes and I am beginning to think they are going to ditch me in some ditch since I have not stopped frowning since we got in the car. There is nothing 10 minutes away from town that is interesting enough to take this ride.

“Alright we are going off road a little” Beth says turning into a dirt road. Now I truly believe they are going to kill me off somewhere.

“If this is your idea of fun and distracting, I don’t like it” I hear a low chuckle from both of them. I sit up leaning forward when I notice a faint light ahead. The sun was going down on the other side of us so it was dark enough to see light coming from torches? “Are we going there?” I pointed and turned to look at Beth who only nodded. “You know I hate the outside right? If this is supposed to make me feel better than you don’t know me at all” I didn’t have time to take a full glance at what was infront of us since it was still feet away but also because I almost went throught the windshield. Always wear your seatbelts kids!. “What the hell Beth?” I look over as she puts the car in reverse.

“Get out,” She says dryly. “Y/N” She unlocks the car and points outside. “Get out” I roll my eyes a bit. “I need to back up and I don’t want to hear anymore of your whining” It should have pissed me off but it didn’t. Beth was like that. I opened the door and as soon as the door slammed shut she was backing up at a fast pace.

“What the fuck Beth?!” They did ditch me. Not in a ditch dead but ditched me non the less. I will probably be dead before the sun hides away. I gave up looking at the direction they went hoping they would show up. I turn around and walk toward the lights. As I came up you could see torches around the set of multiple pillows and blankets. A middle platter with drinks and what I am guessing is covered up food. “I have totally pissed them off when Beth took her time to do all of this” I lift my hands up in frustration. I have let Kayce’s absence get to me. Usually I didn’t need his attention but lately it was all I was craving. Not sexually but emotionally. I haven’t been attached to someone as I have gotten with him. It's not like I needed him every second of the day but lately since I feel like we have spent less and less time together, I have missed him so much.

“She only did part of this” I looked up frightened at the voice until I saw it was Kayce popping up out of nowhere. It was an open field. It was a field of some sort of grain but it was short so it didn’t even reach my knees.

“What are you doing here?” in the distance you could see a faint building but nothing after that. When did he get here?

“I heard you have been pissy all day?” I see a slight grin on his face as he walks around the pillow and blankets.

“I have not” I roll my eyes not wanting to look at him right now. How dare he show up right now? If he did all of this, what was it for? For the amount of time he has been neglecting me?

“Hey, come back to me” He uses one hand to grab my chin so I have no choice but to look at him, which I didn’t mind. The other wraps around my waist to pull me closer. I guess I was so engulfed in my mind that I didn’t notice the faint music playing until he started swaying. “I need you to stay with me until I finish the speech I have prepared” I furrowed my brow, curious about what he was doing.

“I can do that” I smile, moving my hand up to grab a hold of each side of his face to pull him closer.

“I need to get throught the speech before any of this goes on” I close my eyes, feeling his nose rub against mine before he pulls apart. He puts some space between us holding onto both my hands. “I am not for speeches so don’t give me hell for it” I smile faintly nervous about what is to come. He takes a deep breath before continuing, “Years ago I was so stupid to let you go. I was scared and when I heard about your dreams and goal I knew I couldn’t get inbetween that. Well also back then I didn’t think I deserve someone like you so I held myself back from trying. But the past is the past and now that I have you I will never be that stupid again. I still think I don’t deserve someone like you. So smart and witty. Beautiful and kind to even the ones who don’t deserve it. You accepted me with my whole crazy family but most importantly Tate. He loves you and he was actually the one who pushed me to do this, not that I didn’t want to do it but was procrastinating at the right time.” I wanted to laugh and hug him but his movement stopped me. I always see these in movies. How the guy gets on one knee then he has a hard time finding the ring but finally he extends his hands and opens the little black box and says, “Will you marry me?” I usualy would roll my eyes and smile because even if it was annoying it was their moment. Their piece of heaven and this one was mine.

“Yes” I nod my head wrapping my arms around him once I fall onto my knees. He was my piece of heaven.

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More Posts from Lolitastories

5 months ago



Chapter 16

I was currently taking my morning walk admiring the place this once was for me. I look down at my watch and pull out my phone. Yesterday I didn’t get a chance to call Javier back. “Hello?”

“Steve?” I was surprised.

“Hey, How are you?” One of the things I took time thinking about was Steve. On the flight I decided not to forget but to forgive him.

“Good. How are you and Connie?”

“We have been better” I could hear a sadness in his voice. “Connie moved back home with Olivia” I felt speechless. “She was having a hard time here,” The only words I was going to say are, I'm sorry, but I know that wouldn’t be enough. “Javier passed out on his desk, we have been working all night”

“I can feel the exhaustion in your voice” I chuckle a bit.

“Good to hear from you, I’ll pass the phone to Javier” I whisper okay. “Javi” I hear a groan from far. A groan I remember lively from that one night. “Your phone” Steve grunts

“Tell them I'm dead” I let out a laugh this time.

“Y/N, he will call-” A loud screech and a stuffled noise cut Steve’s words off.

“You could have started with who was calling!” Then the muffled voice started to sound better. “Hey” He was panting. “Y/N?”

“Good morning Javi” I whisper, taking in a deep breath. It was so nice to hear his voice again.

“Goodmorning angel,Is everything alright?” He still sounded worried. I could hear how he shuts a door behind him and sits Lays? Down somewhere.

“Yes Javi, everything is okay. You were right?” he scoffs laughing at my words.

“See what happens when you listen to me sweetheart?” I smile not wanting to give in more into his cockines

“Yes Javi, you know what's best for me”It was low and seductive. I couldn’t have him getting adjusted to having an upper hand here.

“My god woman” He grunts. “Oh what you do to me?” He speaks it like a prayer.

“Miss me?” I find a spot in the shade and lean against a big tree not far from the house. I could hear a low mm-hmm. “I miss you” I slowly sat down trying to be careful to don’t dirty myself. “More at night. Sometimes I wake up or get to my room hoping you will be waiting for me like you used too”

“You know it was all fun and all when you were here because I could do something about that mouth but since you are far, I won’t hesitate to get on a plane”Javier whispered, his voice low and husky. He could make my heart drop with only his tone and my legs struggle to stay firm.

“Yeah but you won’t” I continue to tease

“Oh yeah?” I bet he could hear the slight chuckle I was trying to hide.

“Yeah, because you are too busy with work. By the way, who was that lady screaming at you yesterday?” The moment was over. The tone was serious but soft.

“Messina. Noonan is gone so the new ambassador assigned us a babysitter” he was angry. Most of his tone was exhaustion, like Steves. “We followed a tip line and it led us to a Bush dummy” Now that I couldn’t help but laugh. “The worst part is they expect us to capture Escobar but before doing anything we have to tell our boss to tell her boss”

“Weird” I say.

“What is?”

“Javier Peña doesn’t like following procedures” He groans

“Not everybody can be a goody two shoes, princesa” Javier said, his tone playful but laced with longing.

“Not even with me?”

“I behave enough with you but thats because I can fuck it out on you” He said it too nonchalant. Without a second thought. Flowed so easily out of his mouth. “And if you were here I could fuck all this frustration out on you too”

“So romantic Javi” I rolled my eyes but a small smile lingered on my face.

“Always aim to please” He laughs. “God it's so hard” He groans louder.

“Everything will be okay, Javi. Capturing a guy like Escobar isn’t easy. But I know you and Steve will find a way”

“That's not what I meant” I could hear a shuffle in his posture. His voice turned lower and somehow animalistic. “It's hard having you far. All I dream and think is you. I could have you home right now so things like last night wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t be satisfied with sleeping on my desk knowing you were home. I would happily and tirelessly drive home to you.” I let out an unsteady breath. It pained me to hear those words from him. “Get wrapped into your arms so I can forget about this place for atleast a couple hours”

“Javi” My voice is barely audible. I hide my head between my hands. Wanting nothing more than to be there for him right now.

“I never needed anyone like I need you” fuck. “To have you under me. Or riding me” There he is. “I can close my eyes and still hear you screaming,begging, and speaking my name like a prayer” A smile appears again on my face. “ How tight you held me. How sweet you taste and how merciless you can be”

“Keep it in your pants Javi, you are still at work” I whisper looking at the distance to make sure no one was sneaking around.

“You have me so unattended I don’t know what else I can do” I chuckle, shaking my head at the nonsense he says.

“Give me a couple of days?” I asked but of course his sweet responses didn’t make it seem like a sort of question I was hoping he would be okay with.

“I will be waiting here for you”

“Promise?” I am hopeful. Like in any minute he could change his mind and find someone else. I am putting too much hope on someone who I barely know.

“Promise mi amor” But he makes me feel sure, like he is the only one for me. We said our goodbye and soon I was walking into the house to get ready for the day.

“You are never awake this early. I guess being away did some good” I held back rolling my eyes to my mother but I imagined it. “Do you eat breakfast?” I look over to her menu. Coffee. Bread. Fruit. I shake my head leaning against the island. “Who were you on the phone with so early?” I searched for a lie she would fall for. “You have no friends and I know you don’t want to tell the rest of the family about your return too soon so my best guest is, work?” I sit up straight. I was never afraid to tell her the truth, I just wanted to avoid the lectures she always started.

“No. Not directly” She sets her cutting board infront of me and continues to slice fruit up.

“When is your flight?” She didn’t even have to look up at me. I was always the kid to never beat around the bush when wanting to tell her something.

“Haven’t bought a ticket yet” That doesn’t mean she believes me.

“But you are planning to travel?” Everytime I was unsure of something, with her questions she called me a liar. Like I wasn’t telling her the whole truth. Truthfully I avoided the question but never told her a lie.

“Yes” I look down but quickly glance up when I hear her set the knife a little too harshly on the counter.

“Listen” She looks up. “I will never tell you what to do because you are a grown adult” I didn’t like this kind of discussion. She will usually start with telling me something long and loving. “You have always known deep down what you wanted in life” Then it will follow with a blow. “But since you’ve come back and what your grandmother has been telling me, you have been miserable” Then it will contine with even harsher words that got me against the wall. “You decided to leave and go into whatever you called your job and leave us here worrying. You quit and come back but for the love of god can never tell us where you are going next. If you are going to leave tell us again tell us, it's not like we are not used to you being gone” She lets go of a heavy breath. Scooping up the fruit and setting it on their separate bowls.

“You want to know the truth?” Whenever we have a conversation like this it ends with an okay. I say okay, she nods and then we go our separate ways. But not this time.

“You’re scared?” She looks up. My eyes are on the verge of crying but I hold it in. It stings but I blink the tears away and feel nothing more than anger, towards myself.

“No. I’m terrified” It took me a second to look back at her eyes. “I was terrified to leave. I love my job and what I choose but I was terrified to take the leap because it meant leaving everyone behind. I took it because once in my life I wanted to be selfish. You know how I fitted into this family and I hope you know I love you all of you to the point that I cried each night in bed” I see her shoulders fall wanting to interrupt but I didn’t allow her to. “But then I was terrified to return. Terrified to come back and bring my life with me. Terrified to put you all in danger and now that I am done with that part of my life, now I am terrified for me.” It was words spilling out everything. Like I was reaching for fresh air. “I have always loved the idea of being a teacher but not at this age. Not when my heart craves another thing. I want to keep being selfish but I need to know you guys are with me. That there is no hard feeling on me leaving again. Because if I stay am afraid I will be further away than me being in Mexico, or Colombia, or some other place across the world”

“The school-”

“You are not listening mother” I stood up throwing my hand in the air in frustration. “That is not what I want right now and I don’t know if that is where life is going to take me at the end”

“If you go back to your old life it is going to take you to a quicker end!”

“Good!” Fuck. Our breaths were quicken. I could see her eyes full of hate and sadness. My hand itches to punch the nearest wall and for my feet run away until they are exhausted. “I’d rather it do so because then I will die doing what my heart wanted” A slap. She moved quicker than ever before. I didn’t fight it or argued. She had the right to be angry. I look up with a death stare. My hands clenched as she held in her tears.

“You have nothing to go back on. Are you going to plead your last job back? Because if you are, don’t mind coming back this time” She turns to go back to her chopping board.

“I have plenty to go back on and don’t worry, you won’t have to hear about it”

“Y/N” My feet took one step but soon it was placed back. I look at her face, waiting for her next words. “There is no use of searching for him anymore” She might have been right, but I made a promise.

“Goodbye Mother”

It felt easier to leave this time. This time I didn’t cry in bed and slip through the morning dew so I wouldn’t have to face them one last time and regret my decision. This time I slip through every loved one I had with a sympathatic smile so I wouldn’t have to explain that I don’t regret my decision. I took one last glance at my mother and although everyone around us saw us stand tall and proud, we both knew we were broken. Stubborn to admit defeat, even if it meant we both wanted nothing more than to mend our relationship. I let out a sigh and continued walking and walking until my feet finally stopped, allowing my mind to process where I was.

“Ma’am, you need to tighten your seatbelt” I nod at the flight attendant. The sun was setting by the time I got to the plane. I took my glance away from the window so I could get comfortable in my seat. It was going to be a long ride.


Chapter 17

Tags :
6 months ago


Javier Pena x Reader


Chapter 3

“Hey Lola” I smile and wave at Miguel as I make my way to the bar. “Same as usual?” He was already preparing my drink before I could answer.

“Thank you” I let out a sigh sitting on the corner of the bar. I look over and see Diego coming out. “Hey”

“What's going on?” He asks with a smile coming up and starting to dry the glasses. “Haven’t seen you in awhile” Miguel comes up and lays the drinks infront of me.

“Yeah, I've been busy with work. Its hits always at the same time” Miguel didn’t know to make my drink virgin but thankfully I needed this drink.

“Taxes season right” Miguel laughs before leaving to attend the other guests.

“Anything new?” I shake my head.

“Since he showed up on my doorstep I got a sweet invitation for dinner” I downed the drink. I’ve never been an alcoholic person, never got the point. They said it relaxed you and some other shit and maybe it does but never wanted to test out the waters. “More people have been around so I actually had to start working” I get a laughfrom him. Atleast someone is getting the humor out of all of this.

“That was quick?” Miguel comes over and takes the drink and goes to prepare another one. Diego just shakes his head.

“His movement has been still for a while and aslong as it stays there it means he doesn’t feel pressured. '' I smile as Miguel set another drink infront of me.

“I was wondering something” I lifted my eyebrow waiting for his next words. “Would you like to go out sometime? Maybe here for some drinks?” Stuck in the corner with that one. Miguel was a nice guy, hell with it.

“I would like that but I will let you know when. I’ve been swamped at work so I don’t know when I will get a chance to relax again”

“You know where to find me” He smiles walking away again.

“Look at you,” Diego says with a smile. “This will be your first date, since when?” I roll my eyes, taking my attention back to my drink. “Since never?”

“Shut up”


“Don’t call me that” He knows when I am serious but he also knows just because it upsets me doesn’t mean I won’t get over it.

“Sorry” he lifts his hands up in defense. “I have knowed you since middle school and after that guy, you haven’t given nother guy the time of day” He moved closer making sure nobody heard. “And I know you are only doing this as a cover but it's time you put yourself out there again”

“I will” I shrug finishing me drink

“I can’t remember how many times you got the chance and never took it.” As he places his hands over mine I feel a smooth surface. I turn it to act like I am holding his hand and slip to grab the piece of paper in it.

“I will” I smile getting up.

“No late drinks tonight?” It was 9 and I usually stayed sometime after midnight.

“Not tonight Miguel. Got so much work to finish and I have until the end of this month” I thank them and leave. I carefully move into a spot where it's not suspicious to people who may be watching. I checked the note and intently grew tired. Close the blinds. Hell. As I walk home, well the motel. I drag my feet. This is the fifth night Pena has done this in the span of 3 weeks. He would sneak into the motel and have me close the blinds. Later after we spoke he would sneak out when the men across the street would turn off the lights. This usually happened when my lights were off for a while so it would send Pena out around 1 to 4 in the morning. I got the door acting all normal. I would set my things down and walk into the bathroom doing my usual routine. “I thought I told you to stop coming” I groaned, walking out the bathroom and placing my clothes on a table in the bathroom.

“And I told you I wasn’t until you decided to let us in” I rolled my eyes walking back out frustrated. This is how the night went. I got home and he would be sitting on the toilet. I would take a shower as we start our discussion. After that I would come out and close the blinds. Go into the bathroom and change as Pena moves to the kitchen table. Finally I would ignore him and give him bits and pieces as I try to catch some sleep until morning. He would be out by the time I opened my eyes. Today I was over it. I ignored him as I took a shower and even as I got ready for bed. “You’ve been working overtime and spending time on road trips, what does he have you doing?” I shrug, removing the pillows from the bed and getting into the covers. “Y/N!”

“Shut up” I groaned. It was close to eleven now and all I wanted to do was sleep. I wasn’t tired enough not to stay up. I was tired of the life that I have to live right now. I can’t leave and it's looking like it doesn’t have an end. “Pena” I sigh sitting up. “I don’t have time for your threats or whatever speech you prepared” I say a little too loud.

“You would have to hear it if you would just tell me what's going on” He gets up from the table and walks over. I get up and turn off the lights. I place on my shoes and walk towards the back. “Y/N” he warned. He knew to stay hidden behind the wall as I walked out into the sort of porch outside. I wrap my arms around me as the cool air hits my face.

“I stand out here sometimes. I like to look at the sky and picture myself somewhere else. Usually surrounded by water. Floating and letting the motion of the waves rock me to sleep” I turn my head catching Pena's eyes. “Ironic because I am scared of the open water. I am going to say this as nicely as possible” I turn my body to walk towards the door outline without stepping in, I needed to still feel at peace to not let the frustration out on him. “No matter how much this involves you, you can’t be putting me,you,Murphy, and any other agent on the line. I am not a little girl, all the information I give goes directly to you and the ambassador” Thats when Pena stands up and stops right infront of me. “I can’t have you coming here and risking this operation because of your stubbornness and pride” I say this a little harsher as his presance radiates. It's like I could feel him so much closer than he was. Like he has engulfed me in a tight hug and somehow, that made me feel at peace. “It's not the right thing to do and if I am being honest I feel like everything is slipping off my hands” I hate not having control. Something I should have since it's my damn operation but with him involved it like I can’t get a hold of it.

“Y/N '' I felt his fingers grab my own until he enterwines our hands. “You are stressed”

“No! Pena” I finally let out. “I am scared” That was the last straw. I don’t know what caused it. I don’t know if he hugged me first and tears started falling or he heard my whimper as I cried and wrapped his arms around me. Silence surrounded us both not knowing what to say. The truth came out and I felt vulnerable. I hadn’t felt this way. Losing control wasn’t part of my traits. I was close to losing control and it was making me think of unnecessary feelings I learned to put in the past. “I know what I got myself into. I learned to not take it personally. A great deal of my life I have always been good at keeping my emotions in. To ignore. But-” I look up not knowing what to end with. There is nothing to think about. There is no other choice here, I must finish my operation. I must get back in control. “I'm sorry” I whisper, moving my hands to cup his cheeks. I pulled him closer pinning us against eachother. The kiss was breathtaking. I felt down and sad and having him kiss me felt like a solution. He didn’t seem to mind. It felt like he was desprate to take all the sadness I had in this one kiss. I push him inside, not letting us reach for air just yet. We stumble upon the kitchen table. “Careful” I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him as he slips around my waist. It was a simple long kiss but it was turning into something I craved for.

“Querida” He groaned as we molded together. His back knees hit the bit and it makes him sit down. I dare not let go yet and crawl on to him pushing him even closer for the kiss to never end. I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want to go back to reality. I only wanted to listen to his moans and groans as I start to slowly grind agains this jean pants. I only wanted to feel his heart beat beating with mine. His smooth finger continued to travel along my back and unclapsing my bra.

“Javi?” It sounded like a question to me but I was begging and he understood that. He took out my shirt and started to leave butterfly kisses starting from my mouth to my collarbone.

“Sounds so sweet when you say my name” I smile. My head falls on his shoulder moving up to kiss beside his ear.

“Javi!” I groaned louder, knowing he was ignoring my plea. Then there was. Not what I needed but it was a start. One head on my breath and his talented mouth on the other. Kissing first and the next licking and sucking like no tomorrow. I throw my head back pushing my chest closer. “Javi!” I screamed. “Fuck” I grab on his head pulling and tugging his hair. I forcefully continue to grind on him wanting nothing more than to get rid of the barrier of clothing between us.

“Mi amor” It was the heat of the moment I told myself. But it made a shiver run down my spin to my core. “Stop, you’re killing me” He groans and I start leaving kisses and hickies on his neck.

“Don’t you want to hear me scream your name some more?” I move up again, nipping on his ear and slowing down my hips but with more force.

“Yes” he whines. His hands grab on to my hips following my rhythm.

“But, we can stop if-” I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence when he wraps one arm around my waist and the other helps him not fall on top of me as he turns us around and lays me down on the bed. “No?” I try to hold my laugh but it's cut short. His eyes hold seriousness. Still hovering over me he moves on hand to cradle my cheek.

“No” His deep voice sends another shiver down my spine. His thumb slides over my lips and I give him entrance. A simple suck and his eyes shut. “Mi vida” He groans. With his affirmations alone and sweet nicknames I could orgasm faster than if I was doing it myself.

“Wait!” I pushed into the bed, not in the way I wanted. I hold my finger up signaling him to keep quiet. I run to close the back door and the curtains. A quick chatter from outside and shadows that the moon allows to cast make me jump. I see Pena stand up and walk quickly towards me.

“Do you think-” I shushed him quickly. I grab on to his hand and push him into the bathroom. I open the cabinet and take everything from underneath.

“I need you to keep quiet and don’t come out until I let you out” I open a secret compartment. It was a small space fit for one person. “Pena” I turned around and stood up. “If you hear no commotion you let yourself out” I move out the way to let him. That's when a knock is heard on the other side.

“No way in hell-” I grab a fist full of his shirt.

“Don’t give me that shit right now!” Another knock. “You will do what I say. This is my operation and I won’t have you mess it up. I will send for you when I decide. And only then will you show up, understand? I can take care of myself” I ran back to the room and put my shirt on again. “Get in Pena” I hurry him inside and close it. I get the time to put everything in place before rushing back to open the door. “Hello?” I act like they just disturbed my sleep.

“We are sorry to come at this time Miss, but the boss would like a word with you.” Fuck.

“Okay. Give me a minute to change and I will be right out. They nod and I close the door. I can’t tell Peña because he would be right after us. I changed quickly going back to the bathroom and putting my head inside the cabinet knowing he would be able to hear me. “Please don’t do anything stupid and listen for once. I will keep you in the loop but I need you to promise me you will follow what I said before”

“Okay, but Y/N-“ I cut him off quickly

“I don’t have time Pena, I have to go over things with them so it will be awhile. In an hour you walk out the back door” I didn’t wait for his response as I walked to the door and into the car with these men.

Chapter 4


Tags :
7 months ago


Javier Pena x Reader


Chapter 2

“When were you going to tell us?” I turn around freighten at the voice only to see Pena standing infront of the exit door. “Were you even going to tell us that you were this involved?” He walks closer, the only light being the light of the moon coming from the windows.

“Pena,” I warned in a low tone. I look through the window discreetly noticing signs of people on the other side.

“Don’t Pena me! Answer my question” I took the rest of the steps forward to be right infront of him. I slowly roam my hands up his chest and I find his lost eyes narrowed on mine.

“People are watching from the other side. I know you have questions but you can’t come in here and put us in danger like this” His eyebrows relaxed. I don’t know if it was because of the explanation or because by this time my hands were wrapped around his neck and my body pushed against his. “I check the room regularly so it's not bugged but they can see us” I lean my face forward pulling him down towards me to make it seem like we were kissing. “I don’t need to explain anything to you but I will for the sake of you not mess this operation up for all of us” I pull his hair back earning a groan of dislike?. I smirk, pulling away. I go to the window acting as I am happy with company as I close the blinds. I turn around walking into the bathroom to get unready from the hell of the day that I just had. “How did you find me?”

“DEA, remember?” I walk out standing in front of him with my hand on my hip not fooling with his sarcasm.

“I know that stupid.” I rolled my eyes taking out my jewlery as I continued to speak to him. “The only people who know about this would never blabbed” I walk closer looking into his eyes in case he lies. “So either someone went looking into something they shouldn’t or you got really go instincts'' There goes that dumb smirk again

“Thanks for the compliment” He turns around and sits on the bed. I had turned the light on in the bathroom so it cast a light in the room but not enough to make a shadow from the inside.

“That wasn’t a compliment” I say coldly. “If you figure it out somehow, that means anyone from this side can easily look into it.” I was beyond the breakpoint of stress and this made it break somehow even more.

“I was careful. I followed you from a distance then I heard a description of a woman around this side of town.”

“From who?” I ask walking back into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

“Miguel from the bar” Of course. I turn on the water and need a much refreshing shower. “Said you go there every friday and take shots like there is no tomorrow” I smile.

“Water shots that is” I have a guy working in that bar that is not Miguel. That's where I give my daily intel. “What else did he say?”

“Not much” I looked up as I waited for the shower to heat up. I focus on the mirror and see him standing behind me as I remove my makeup. “At first I thought it was just some woman who he seemed to have a fascination with, a hooker” I rolled my eyes again. “But then he told me of a certain tattoo of hers' ' His right hand circles around my waist. His face lay gently on my shoulder to look straight into my eyes using the mirror. His fingers ghost over my shirt until he finally pulls it up to reveal the tattoo on my hip. “There is only one woman with this tattoo” A while ago he spilled coffee on my dress. I knew he did it on purpose but he denies it. He walked in on my change and happened to catch a glimpse of me without a shirt.

“Hate to ruin it for you but it's fake” I hear a quiet hmm. I focus back on him, his eyes are focused on roaming and tracing the tattoo with his finger. I would be lying if I didn’t want to relax against him. Close my eyes and just soak in his presence. I'm making myself believe it's because it's been 2 months without actual human contact. Someone that I don’t have to put my defence up with. It’s a sort of relief from the fake life I am living for god knows how long.

“Either way you choose this tattoo for a reason” He looked up with a smirk playing on his face. Truth was he was right but the tattoo had nothing to do with him. The letter J in a cursive font that fades into a life line and a heart. The only color being the red heart. The whole thing inside a picture frame with selected flowers growing on the borders. I rolled my eyes pushing him away.

“It had to be an over the top ridiculous tattoo that matches my story” I grab a towel and wrap it around my body. “I need to shower” I thought it was obvious what I wanted him to do but what could I expect?. He nods, turning around to sit on the toilet seat.

“And I want to hear more about the story behind the tattoo and your story behind disappearing for 2 months and not telling us about this” I roll my eyes once again letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Fine” I did say I was going to tell him the truth. As I begin speaking I start to undress under the towel. “Pablo is tied together with an investigation I am running. I needed all the evidence but not to take it away from you and Murphy like you accused me of” I threw my final piece of cloth on the ground. “ I can’t tell you what the investigation is about but I can tell you what I am doing here.” Which is plain simple. I get into the shower and close the curtain. I throw the towel out and get under the water. “The ambassador does know about this and thought it would be best to not get you involved. The whole thing with Pablo has taken a hit and we couldn’t risk anything going bad”

“How the hell does that help us? If we are not supposed to know about this, how do we get the information you collect?” The man is not patient enough.

“The random hits you get from locals is how. In the bar there's an intel who spreads the information and he makes sure it gets to you”

“Miguel?” I chuckle, shaking my head.

“No” He would cry with such an easy task. “You don’t need to know who he is.” I finish washing my hair and moving on to my body. The soap here sucks. “I am collecting evidence on Pablo. We couldn’t run on crooked people such as the police to tell us the truth about him. We needed trustworthy information so the ambassador brought me in”

“For how long?” That was the dreaded question I have been asking myself for the past 2 weeks.

“Another month tops” And that is what I have been telling myself for those 2 weeks so I don’t go crazy counting the seconds I have to be here.

“How are you going to get out? Is it just you and the intel? I hope you have a plan because if you are close to Pablo or any of his men you won’t be able to get out easy” I nod my head waiting for him to stop saying things I already knew. I crack the curtain open a bit to grab the towel from the floor. “They will find out and come-”

“I understand” I stand infront of him, making him look up at me. “This isn’t my first rodeo” With that I turnt to walk out of the bathroom.

“So you do have a plan?”

“Yes Pena, I have a plan” I grab my clothes and as soon as he steps out the bathroom I go back inside but stop at the entrance. “But that's none of your business” I closed the door so I could finally be in private. Knowing Pena he is going to make it his business. I need him to mess this up for us. But he is not the only one I am worried about. My undercover story would never justify this. It's not the kind of person I pretend to be. “Pena” I walk out to tell him my idea or to figure out one but now it seems we are running with mine. He probably laid back and sleep took over. I grab a throw blanket and cover him. My plan involved him being here for a couple of hours so having him asleep is perfect. I don’t have to hear him while I do some work.

So as I was currently working at the kitchen table hoping it would make time go by faster but no luck. I closed my computer taking in a deep breath. Pena was currently taking up the bottom half of the bed and I had no strength to move him and I needed to stay awake to make sure I got my plan in place. The ringing of a phone scared me. I ran quickly over and answered it. “Why haven’t you texted me? I know you have been looking for her but-”

“Murphy, I have no time. Pena will explain everything but I need you to promise me something” I look out the window hoping he wouldn’t give me hell right now

“Y/N” he said in a low tone

“This phone call is probably being traced. I need you to listen” I hide behind the blinds again. “Pena will probably want to look into what I am in. I don’t need that. I need you to promise me that neither you or him or anyone else would get involved”

“I don’t understand”

“You don’t have to. Promise me”

“I promise” . With that, I hung up the phone. I like to keep my phone calls under a minute.

“Pena” I shook him carefully. “Pena” I said his name a couple more times, losing hope. I probably needed to say it a little louder but I can’t run that risk. “Pena!” I say in a hush tone. I move to sit on the bed next to his head. I grin a bit as I place one hand covering his mouth and the other pitching his nose. I wait a couple seconds and his eyes pop open. “It's me” I grunt as he got up grabbing my hands and pinned me to the bed.

“You don’t do that” I lost count on the things he had told me I couldn’t do.

“Well you wouldn’t wake up” I moved my wrist with no luck. “Can you let go?” I narrowed my eyes but nothing.

“It's my turn to have some fun” He was currently leaning over me with his legs on the floor. But within a second he crawls up, placing one knee in the middle of my legs and the other on my right side. I tried to push myself up but his free hand pushed my hip into the mattress.

“We already had our fun” I pushed him with all the strength I had and took advantage of his confusion to get up. “They think we had our fun” I point outside. “I think I gave you enough credit. Don’t you think so?” I pick up hit jacket and throw it towards him

“Honey, I can last longer than 2 hours” He stands up with that same grin. I roll my eyes looking back at him.

“I bet you could baby” I say with a seductive voice. Once I am in front of him I run my hand up his chest without looking him in the eyes. “I bet you could make all these people in this motel jealous” I push him back as he grips both hands and kisses my wrists. That act almost made me change the direction I was pushing him towards. “I bet-” I choke on my words as I turn the door knob but not because of that. He gently places his arms around my waist and pulls me with enough strength to take my breath away. “I bet the millions of girls you brought to bed gave you enough practice” That made his smile drop. One thing, the only thing that has kept me away and awake from his charm is the fact that many women have fallen for it. But that's not all, we all know his reputation and know he makes them fall but never catches them. I played the part as I pushed him out the door but not before leaving a kiss on his cheek and smiling as I closed the door. I shake my head not wanting to think about it any longer. I had to get this job done and now with Pena involved I have to get my head in the game and be more careful. I turn off the lights and get into bed. It was 3 in the morning and sleep was the other thing keeping me sane.

Chapter 3

Tags :
7 months ago


Javier Pena x Reader

I was going to write a series but I get more inspiration just with Javier Pena alone. So this will follow a story line and I hope it makes sense.


Chapter 1:

“Come in” I open the door and make my way inside to the closest desk. The blonde guy acts on his emotions as he is shocked to see me infront of him. “Hello am-”

“Agent Steve Murphy” I brushed off shaking his hand. “Am aware.”

“What do we owe the pleasure of your visit? Or are you even talking to us?” I brush off the annoying voice. Well to explain it better it wasn’t annoying, it was arrogant which is worse.

“I need copies and list of people you have encounter in the Escobar case”

“Aren’t you just an analyst following behind the ambassador like a lost puppy?” I took a quick deep breath before turning around to Agent Pena.

“Something like that” I lower my voice walking over until I am standing over him. He spreads himself into his chair, turning his chair in my direction.

“Then why would you need information on our case? Did the ambassador approve this?” He sits up straight looking up at me. His eyes are so innocent from my point of view. A little smirk playing on his lips, tempting.

“I think it doesn't concern you beyond this point,” I lean forward resting my hands on both of the armrests. “I am not just some analyst. If you decide to utter a single word towards the ambassador both you and your partner will be on the next flight out to the states.” I move my head to the side, getting closer to his face. “I know how important this is to you and him” His dark brown eyes stare deeply into mine without blinking. “And if you still have doubts I will tell you one last thing so you can believe me” I move even closer until I am right beside his ear so only he could hear me. “The ambassador can be right beside you on that flight. That's how much power I hold as just an analyst” With a smile I stood up straight. “Leave them in my office as soon as possible”

“Yes ma’am” . Satisfied I fix my skirt and walk out the room towards the ambassador's office. From afar I could hear a groan or two. Those are men for you. I shake my head as I open the door to see the ambassador talking on the phone.

“Of course, I will” She says her goodbyes. “Have everything you need?” She asked, knowing exactly what I was doing.

“Yes” Just need to brush up on some information but I am practically ready.

“Good” She stands up, making herself a drink. “You picked your people, you have 1 week left” I nod my head understanding how it usually goes. “Pablo is leaving so you will have time to infiltrate without much noise”

“Of course” I give her a smile before walking out to my office. A stack of files already thrown ontop of my desk.

Chapter 2

Tags :
6 months ago


Javier Pena x Reader


Chapter 5

The person who met me was Connie. I knocked on the door and she answered, pulling me in. “Are you okay?” I nod. “They attacked the supreme court” She says as she closes the door.

“Yeah. I guess those 2 millions worked. I need to go back to the office” I start to turn but Connie stops me.

“You need to stay here, they are probably looking for you right now” I know she was right but now more than ever we need everybody on the case. “Listen” She grabs my hand to look at me. “You are safe. No need to worry about anybody outside. You will be back to working, just give it an hour or two before thinking about work” I let out a sigh knowing she was right. She continues to hold my hand as she walks us down and stops infront of a door knocking. “I have to go to work, you will be okay here. '' Seeing those eyes in the daylight didn’t feel the same, maybe because we havent spoken or seen eachother after what happened.

“Y/N?” Pena cocked his head, opening the door wider. “What-?”

“Steve will be calling. I need to go to work now” She hugged me and continued about her day.

“Are you going to let me in?” he nods, slowly moving aside. I walk in stopping at the entrance hall not knowing where to go.

“What happened? What are you doing here?”

“Javier-” Shit. “Sorry” She gives a quiet smile before walking back to the living room.

“I forgot you had a guest” I say with a little humor but there was none in me. I turn around to lean against the kitchen island. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. Can I use your phone?”

“Dead” He answers quickly walking towards me. “Are you okay?” I finally found the strength to look up to his eyes.

“Am alive” I ignored the gravitational pull I was feeling near him. “Don’t worry, I will be out of your hair in a couple hours”

“Y/N” He whispers but I put up my head walking around him to not be caged up by him.

“Why aren’t you at work? Busy with your guest?” I look over as her eyes are already on me. “I don’t want to bother so pretend I am not here”

“Y/N” he groaned this time not liking my tone of voice.

“It's okay Pena. No need to worry about me. You continue living your life, this is your house anyways” Before he spoke the woman spoke first.

“Javier?” He turns towards her.

“Please not right now” He turns back to me but I only stare at him not giving him anything.

“I need to know-!” I respect that she has a voice. A man curves you like that? I wouldn’t take it eitheir.

“Pretend I am not here” I mouth and that made his vain appear. I like to get under his skin like before. Before I knew how his lips felt. How it felt to hear his groans and moans against my skin and his hands travling to grope and touch, placing me on fire.

“Javi, I need to know what happened” That made my blood boil. A quick glance at the women and I reacted like a child.

“Javi?” I say innocently. That's when he took action. Grabbing on to my hand and pulling me into a room. The last noise from the actual world being the door slamming shut. But now I was in my own little world. The one where Javier doesn’t stop kissing me. Where his arms grab onto me tighter and his moans are louder.


“You can’t be saying my name like that '' He stops leaving us in the middle of what I am guessing is his room. “I dream of you at night” He buries his head in my neck breathing in. “I can hear you saying my name and fuck..” Fuck exactly. I smile as I feel him humping on me like a horny teenager. I move my hands to run my finger throught his hair. “You don’t know how many nights I couldn’t finish because all I want is to do it inside of you” He is beating my better judgement here. “This little dress' ' It was tight on the upper half but loose on the bottom, it was a simple dress. “When I saw you standing in my kitchen I thought of you there in different scenarios' ' He starts to take a step forward leading me back. Trails of kisses start to travel up. “Coming home and bending you over” I am a feminist but I would want nothing more than to have his fantasies come true. “See you preparing me a plate and as I eat, you ride me slowly taking my stress away '' We fall back crawling up until we hit the headboard. “And we would continue until you are unable to move”

“Javi,” I moaned, pulling him up for a kiss. I wrap my legs around him pulling him forward.

“Yes? Mi amor?”

“In your fantasies?” he hummed for me to continue as he pulled down the upper half of my dress to reveal my breast.

“JAVIER!” I would have ignored it if it were the women out there but it wasn’t.

“Fucking hell!” He whispered. He looked at the door and down at me again and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You don’t want to know what I think of your fantasies?” I know I should get up but when I see him sitting up infront of me. Messy hair. Swollen lips. Desire radiating from us both, I just can’t help myself. My hands move up tugging on his shirt. “Javi?” I unbutton his shirt one at a time ignoring the knocks on the door. His eyes slam shut as he rests his forehead against mine.

“It would only take a second to kill him” I smile as my hand moves under his shirt. Tracing an imaginary trail all the way up to his neck.

“Escobar took over the supreme court” Fuck. We both gave a knowing look. We rush to get changed.

“I was in the bathroom this whole time!” I pointed at him trying not to give explanations so soon to someone. I shut the door and heard him open his room door.

“Where’s Y/N?” I try to fix my hair and face as best I can. Then again I was almost killed and ran down the streets in flats, who wouldn’t look bad? “Everything was lost. She was right, they were working with the M19” Steve was pacing back and forth unable to keep his hands still.

“2 Million is a pretty incentive” I walk out taking a seat directly on the bed. “If I could only get-”

“No” Pena was quick to answer.

“You didn’t even know what I was going to say” I groaned, rolling my eyes.

“I can take a quick guess and bet on it that I would be correct” I stood up throw my hands in the sky in frustration.

“I could do it at night. My point wasn’t to dig or get involved in Pablo so much that it would draw attention but now that I am out-”

“No” He said again ignoring me before I finished my sentence.

“He is right. We need to get you back in protective custody. Pablo will send someone to look out for you and they will be searching your office first” I roll my eyes taking a seat on the bed again but this time laying back. As they continued talking I thought to myself and realized they were nobody.

“You two dimwhits will not be telling me what to do” I stood up walking inbetween the two. “I will admit it is stupid to go back to the office. I have a protocol to follow when things like these happen so I will not be going into protective custody. I will stay here until things calm down”

“They will be looking for you! The best-” I hold my hand up stopping the trail of words from Steve’s mouth.

“Have you two ever tried to look into me?” I look at both ignoring the slight smirk on Pena’s face. “You didn’t find anything right?” Steve shakes his head. “That's because I never had a file.” They both look shocked. “Don’t get too excited. I will explain everything eventually but for now I will stay here until I arrange something better. Which reminds me, I need you to take a message to the ambassador”

“Tell Javier, your new host. I need to go back to the office and you better be there soon'' Steve pushs Pena’s shoulder. “We are at our necks with this whole thing” He motions outside.

“Alright” He waits until he hears the door close to slam his room door again.

“Why did you think it was a good idea to house an informat like her?” I didn’t mean it to come out with poison but it did.

“Connie dropped her off! Like some kind of package” He looked exhausted at the fact.

“Well she might have gotten confused. Normal labeled packages to the certain address” I stood up. “Women, Pena” and I am one of those women.

“Do you have something against her?”

“No” I say quietly nonchalantly. Pena takes this chance to walk towards me until he is able to pull me closer

“Then why the pout?” I fix my posture and push him away. I took a quick look at him.

“Both times I was exhausted. That is not happening” I pointed between us. “Things will go back to normal as soon as I get out of this mess, plus I don’t want to get in the way of you and your guest”

“Jealousy much?” I roll my eyes, turning around.

“Of a manwhore? Or the whore?” I spoke quietly so the women wouldn’t hear. “Maybe you are what eachother needs and at the end, she will be nothing, like you will be to her” He walks closer pushing me against the wall.

“I will be back in a couple hours. When I come back you will fix that attitude” He grabs ahold of my chin forcing me to look up. “I don’t like that kind of energy in my room” He lets go but only to move to my hair. Tugging it until my head is pulled back a bit. “My room is secured. I don’t let just anyone spend the night, that's why I have the spare room” His other hand moved up. I thought it would stay on my hip but it grabs a fistful of one breast. “Guess who will be sleeping next to me?” He starts massaging it and I try not to moan but as he starts kissing my neck my body reacts. It moves forward wanting him closer.

“Empty space?” I smile, taking his arm away. “Tell the ambassador I need the place cleaned out urgently.” I fix my dress on the way to the door, opening it wide. “Have a good day, Honey” I say the nickname last as he walks through the door of his bedroom. “I’ll be waiting for you to come back home” I say sweetly before slamming his own door in his face. Thankfully he didn’t open the door and burst inside because I couldn’t handle myself and I would allow him this time to burst inside me.

Chapter 6

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