Kayce - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Not a chapter

This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce

 Not A Chapter

Chapter 12

Chapter 11:

I was at my desk working on a case I had just taken when there was a lady and a kid’s voice outside being a little too loud.

“I understand but you just-”

“Jennifer?” I say walking out my office only to come across a red face Tate and Jennifer trying to block his way.


“It's okay,” I told Jennifer as Tate came running towards me. I send a thank you to Jennifer before walking Tate into my office. “Are you okay?” I give him a bottle of water and sit beside him on the couch I had.

“I was with my mom shopping for winter clothes when she told me I would be going back to live with her and I don’t want to!” Tears started to leave his eyes agains. “I ran and I saw your name on the outside of the building”

“Tate it wasn’t right to run away like that, your mom is probably freaking out right now”

“She is not! She doesn’t love me, she wants to take me away from my dad and grandpa” He wraps his arms around my neck continuing to cry.

“Tate she loves you very much” I rub his back trying to make him calm down a bit. “Did you ask your mom why she decided to move back?” I feel him shake his head. “Tate?” I asked, wanting him to look at me but it didn’t seem that the six year old was going to budge. “You know what I do for work”

“No” I chuckle a bit finally hearing his voice calmer

“I am a type of lawyer. As a lawyer who fights for a client in any case but sometimes it comes to the point where you need to listen to both sides and figure out what the best solution is” I grab a hold of him and sit him in my lap. “Point is you need to listen and read every little things because without all the facts making a decision so fast is not right”

“So you argue your way to what they want at the end?” I laugh, wiping away his tears.

“You can say that. I do what's best with all the facts on the table that favors my client” He hears that and gets off my lap to stand right infront of me.

“I would like for you to fight for me to stay at the ranch with my dad” Oh buddy. “Or talk to my mom and have her say yes” I stand up and walk over to get my phone knowing Monica is probably way over freaking out and I don’t want her to do anything bad.

“Buddy let me call someone first and we can all talk about it okay?” Tate nods, taking a seat again. “Hello?” I say as her phone is answered

“Y/N?” That wasn’t Monica’s voice

“Kayce?” I ignore the fact that he had Monicas phone. She probably called him freaking out. The last time Tate went missing it wasn’t pretty. “I have something of yours in my office. He came walking in upset”

“Oh thank god” He lets out a sigh. I hear him tell who I am guessing was the other cowboys and Monica. “We will be right over” I hung up the phone and soon enough after a couple minutes there was more chaos outside my door. “He is in my office” I tell Monica and Kayce but block them from going in. “Before you go in and talk to him I want you to know what we spoke about”

“But is he okay?”

“Yes” I tell Monica. “He came in upset about the talk you might have had while shopping.” Monica nods understanding what that meant. “I calmed him down but while doing that he got an idea that I could help him get his way and that was certainly not my intention.”

“Maybe you can help us” I nod, opening the door for them to walk in.

“Dad” Tate runs towards him hugging him.

“Buddy you can’t be running off like that, your mom really got scared for you.” He was soft with his words, maybe being careful preventing memories from arising again.

“You don’t understand she wants to keep me away from you!” He cried looking over to Monica. “I want to stay with dad!”

“Can we sit down to talk about it?” Monica says pointing towards the two chairs infront of me. Tate nods allowing Kayce to carry him over. “Baby my intention is not to take you from your dad or your grandpa. I love that you have a home at the ranch but you also have a home with me.”

“But you are moving all my stuff out of my room. I don’t want to leave” Monica looks over to me as I could see tears filling her eyes.

“Tate” I say, making him look over to me. “Can we make an agreement?”

“You are going to be my lawyer?”

“Something like it, but you have to promise to listen and take in account everything” He nods. I take a piece of paper and start a list. I didn’t want to mention anything about the divorce and what it meant in custody because I didn’t know if they had talked with him yet. Yes he was aware they weren’t living together but up to this point Monica spent some nights at the ranch and they spent time as a family too. “Tate I know you want to live at the ranch full time but your mom would like to have you at home too since she loves your company”

“I can come and visit” He turns to her.

“Buddy, how about we split the week?” Kayce says “Half of the days you stay at the ranch and the other with your mom?”

“If we have time and when if is a good time I can bring you over to spend time at the ranch” Monica says grabbing hold of his hands

“What about my stuff?” Tate says looking over at Kayce

“You will have your clothes at the ranch and other at your moms same things go with your other belongings”

“What about my horse?”

“That would certainly stay at the ranch” Monica dry laughs and a smile appears on Tate’s face.

“Okay” He turns over to me with a smile.

“Alright. So have the days with mom and the other with dad. Clothes are to be separate and the horse must stay at the ranch” I wrote everything on the paper and made three lines. “If we have an agreement parents can sign here and Mr Tate you can sign here” I hand him a pen and they all sign. I placed it in a laminated folder and handed it over to Tate.

“How about school?”

“What about school Bud?” Kayce stopped as we all stood from our chairs.

“Can we agree on me only going half the day?”

“No,” Monica laughs, taking hold of his hand. “Let's go get you some jackets. '' They said their goodbyes and left the room.

“That kid,” Kayce laughs, shaking his head. I go over and place both hands on his chest.

“Are you okay?” I search for his eyes but he keeps looking away. “Kayce?”

“When she called it felt too real again” his voice broke and I took a second before wrapping my arms around him.

“I'm so sorry” I whispered as soft cries came from him. “Everything is okay” I tell him, caressing his back. “He is okay”

“I know” He pulls away but does not let go of my waist. “Am just hoping it doesn’t haunt him anymore”

“You and Monica and everybody who loves him will be by his side if anything happens” I try to reassure him.

“I know” I smile as a smile appears on his face.

“So who should I bill my time to?” I say hoping to get him in a happier mood.

“I thought it was on the house?” I feel his hands enterwine and pull me closer to him.

“On what grounds?” I move his hair from his face.

“On the fact that you live on our grounds and we pay you”

“Correction, it's John’s grounds and John pays me” I say, pressing my finger with each word on his chest. “But I guess I can do an exception for you since you’re kind of cute”

“Stop you’re making me blush” He pulls forward giving me a quick kiss. “Does your door lock?” he says looking over

“Yes” I whisper, pulling him into a quick kiss again.

“Really?” He grins, making me walk backwards towards said door.

“No” I shake my head with another kiss I pull away from him. “I got work to do and I bet so do you commissioner” I open the door.

“Yes ma’am” He grabs his hat which he layed down on my desk. “What time will you be done?” He walked backwards towards the door.

“Not sure, I can text you?” He nods, stealing another kiss.

“I will pick you up” before I could deny the offer because one I had my own car here and two because I probably would be getting off sooner than him anyway but I didn’t decline.

 Not A Chapter

Tags :
1 year ago


This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 13

Chapter 12:

I was walking up the stairs from a long night at the office. “Yes Jennifer, don’t worry about it just enjoy your weekend” I was in another divorcee case but the soon to be ex wife I was representing wanted more and more. Everytime we finished an agreement she wanted another meeting set up the next day. “Yes, don’t worry about it, I will be the one calling her tomorrow” She was currently blowing up Jennifer’s phone because we told her we wouldn’t be able to set up a meeting until next thursday and that is an inconvice for her. I soon finish my phone call and walk into the house.

“Seems like you need a drink” I place my things on the island as I shake my head.

“The only thing I need is a vacation or maybe a radar that would tell me when I am accepting a crazy person as a client” I knock off my heels and fall onto the couch. My eyes opened as soon as I felt someone overlooking me. “Liquor isn’t good for me” I say, taking the drink from Beth’s hand.

“Don’t I know it?” She laughed, moving my feet so she could sit. She normally drinks at any hour but this time her expression told me it had a deeper meaning

“What's going on with you?” I sat up a bit, turning over to her.

“What?” I raise my eyebrow, turning my whole body in her direction. “Okay” She set her drink down, turning towards me now. “John found out about you and Kayce and the words he used weren’t exactly accepting” Great. I let a sigh slip, as I fell onto the couch again. We have been seeing each other for almost 2 months now. We didn’t keep it a secret exactly but we weren’t screaming to the world. We barely see eachother with getting up before the sun and spending late hours at work. We have had a total of 3 dates and one of them was interrupted by his work. He hasn’t even asked me to be his girlfriend! “Don’t freak” She says, pushing the drink towards my face finishing it in one go.

“What did he say?” I sit up, placing the glass down. She stands up grabbing the said glass and pouring more liquor in. “Beth,” I stood up, taking the drink from her and finishing it. I sure will need it.

“He said something along the lines of, He doesn’t need any distraction” Distraction?

“What else?” I pour more than a shot in the glass walking back to the couch.

“y/n” She warned as I took a sip.

“You know what!” I turn towards her. “It doesn’t even matter” I finish the drink and set it on the side table. “He doesn’t have to worry about me, I never want to be somewhere where I am a bother to someone” I start walking up the stairs and hear Beth’s footsteps behind me.

“What are you doing? I will talk to him! He didn’t-He is just stressed” I turned over to her.

“You don’t need to talk to him about anything, I will.” I go right into my room and pull out my suitcase. “I never took anything for free. Never. I am grateful for the help he gave me but am not going to be a chess piece he can move when he likes” I never carried a lot of belongings so it didn’t take long for me to finish.

“Y/N. You can’t just leave”

“My parents thought the same” I look at her plainly in her eyes. “You will see the checks he paid me weren't cashed. Money will be wired for tuition with interest.” I put on a coat and grab hold of my suitcase. “I will call you tomorrow” I leave her standing in the middle of the room to walk downstairs. My nerves were a wreck right now. My mind was telling me there was a better way to go about this but my heart was taking over me. I got out the door and onto my car. I turn on the car and place it on reverse before I hear my phone ring. “Hello?” I glimpse at the caller ID. I didn’t want him to worry so I calmed my voice hoping to get him off the phone as soon as possible.

“Y/N. Beth told me what happened” Fuck you Beth. “I am almost home. Just wait 5 more minutes”

“I can’t Kayce.” I want to do nothing more than not to see him. I back up then change gear to drive off the ranch.

“We can talk about it. Baby don’t leave” I pressed the end button before reliezing it. My eyes were getting blurry and my hands were shaking. I didn’t know if it was because of the coldness or because I was holding back freaking out. Minutes went by and I had to stop the car to the side, it wasn’t smart driving like this. I saw my breath in the air. I move to the passenger side and lean against my car. I look up to the night sky feeling no tears coming out.

“Am so stupid” I hit my forehead sliding down to the ground. I had my own money and could go anywhere. I have a good background and could be accepted anywhere. I’ve dreamt of living beside a body of water and I could do that. I had no attachment here, so why is it hard to get back in my car? Was I even going to go through with it?. The Duttons were the only family I really felt needed and loved by. I hated to hear John wasn’t happy with me. Was it a stretch to think I meant something to him more than what it was? I was only a girl he helped years ago go through college so I could be of use to him later on. Or was I thinking too hard?

“Y/N?” I turned to my left and I didn’t even notice the headlight shining towards me.

“I have to go” I stood up walking to the driver side door. I felt a tug on my arm pulling me back.

“If you wanted to go you would have '' He took hold of my face forcing me to look up at him. “Look at me. Am here” Even if my face was right infront of him my eyes were elsewhere. “Look at me damnit'' He tugged my jaw to get my attention. My eyes filled to the brim with tears but I dared not to blink. “Am here” He nods and my head unconsciously follows along

“I know,” I whisper, moving my hands up to grab onto his jacket. “I don’t know what happened” His hands move to hold my cheeks. The cold wind was non existent by then. “I hate feeling like a bother. He has done so much and-” I couldn’t hold it. I burst out crying and cling onto him harder. His arms wrap around me pulling me in closer.

“Doesn’t make what he said right. He loves you like a family, don't ever forget that. He just gets hot tempered with things and can’t think straight” He pulls away allowing me to look up to him. “You have done nothing wrong. You have done everything he has asked for, you do not belong to him” He lays a gentle kiss on my lips. “Don’t feel like you owe him something, okay?” I nod. A smile appeared on my face. Some weight has lifted off my shoulders. I still need to talk to John. If he wants me out of the house and fires me as an attorney I will find somewhere to live and get another job. I feel deep down that is what I really need right now. Maybe a break from all the Duttons is best. “Can I take you home?” Maybe not all the Duttons.

“Not tonight. Can we go somewhere else?” he lays another kiss, nodding his head. I grab his hand before he starts walking away. “It's best if you drive, I had a couple of drinks tonight”

“Let me call Rip” I nod, getting into the passenger seat and looking at the rearview mirror. Watching as he gets his things from his truck and walks over to get into the car. “Yeah. Tell her she’s okay” My eyes widen a bit feeling bad about worrying Beth. “Can’t do nothing with her. She’s a stubborn one” He chuckles a bit earning a hit on the arm. “And abusive” He grabs my arm before it makes contact with him again. “She has to put up with so much more, I can handle this” I shake my head leaning back waiting for the phone call to finish. “Where to?” He turns on the car and turns over to me.

“Keep going straight, I’ll give you directions from here. '' He switches gears but does not let go of the break yet. I look over and see him offering his hand. Without a word I enterwine our fingers as they lay gently on the console. “Am okay” I whisper while looking over. “I just want you, okay?” I lean closer.

“Yes ma’am” He smiles, letting go of the break.


Tags :
1 year ago


This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 14: Part 1

Chapter 13:

“When am I going to be a big brother?” My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. I turned over to Tate seeing how he looked at me before both our eyes looked over to Kayce. He was sitting on the other rocking chair as we enjoyed the morning light. “My friend just got a little brother and my other friend already has two” he turned back to me with a wide smile and hope in his eyes. “I want three so I can beat them but I will settle with one” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Buddy, Y/N and I need to talk about it first. It's a decision we can only make but am glad you are all for it” Tate stands up from my lap facing us both.

“Listen I understand so let me tell you what's on the table” I looked over to Kayce who had a slight grin on his face. “You know I don’t mind sharing and being nice but with a sibling I will learn so much more. I will be more responsible. Protective. I will have a love for teaching because I will be teaching them everything about the world they don’t know. As an only child I will be such a mess!” I subdue the laugh I wanted so badly to let out.

“You know some studies have linked only children with having superior verbal skills. Others have concluded only children are more motivated and better adjusted. And not to mention they get better grades.” I say sipping on my coffee.

“I promise to get better grades! To study day and night and do all my chores on time!” He comes closer to me.

“Bud. We expect that of you either way, not the all day and night thing but we will keep that in account when your father and I have the discussion of your sibling”

“Yay. I need to go tell grandpa” He ran off before I could hold him back.

“Your sibling? As in present tense?” I look over with a smile. I kicked off the blacket and set down my coffee.

“Don’t get too excited cowboy” I move over to sit on his lap. “You haven’t even made me your wife” I lift my hand to show him an empty finger.

“I thought you didn’t care much about marriage” he wraps his arms around me pulling me back. I lay my head on his shoulder as he pulls the blanket he had on us.

“I can make an exception” I smile, digging my head into his neck.

“With the sibling before marriage or marriage?” I pull back looking dead in his eyes.

“Both” My smile drifted away wanting to see his reaction before getting my hopes up. I know he was smiling and grinning talking to Tate and teasing me but now it was a serious conversation.

“I would love to give Tate a sibling. I just want us to be on the same page” His hand moved to my cheek and down my neck pulling me closer so my forehead rested on his. “I don’t want this to rush us into something you are not ready for or don’t want” I know what he meant. Before we started dating we got into an argument like we always did when we talked. I told him I didn’t want to be held back by people. People usually disappointed me and I found a way to either disappoint them or kick them out of my life. So as far as that goes I told him I wouldn’t think twice about having a kid. It wasn’t something I wanted to ruin.

“I know what I said before and that doesn’t change the fact that I am still scared.” I move my hands up his chest to rest on the side of his face. “I don’t need a ring to know that I want this” I give him a quick kiss. “I want you, Tate, and your crazy family” I hear him chuckle. “I also want your future kids but maybe not right now” I cuddle closer to him resting my head on his shoulder as we both look out the distance. “I want to enjoy you and Tate before we add to the world” He lays a kiss on my head wrapping his arms tightly around me.

“If that is what you want” He whispers in my ear.

“You don’t want that?” With a slight humor in my voice but I was worried what he was going to say next.

“I want what you want” I pull a little back, turning over to look at him. “We are a team but when it comes to your body it's your choice. I will do and give anything you are okay with” I laugh laying back down

“Where’s my orchard?” I say with sass in my voice. “I want my orchard and you have yet to give me one” I smile hearing a huff behind me. “You know I can always go back to Gideon” This time it was a groan I heard. I was lifted off the chair and placed to stand on the porch.

“Damn woman, What I got to do to keep you happy” He shakes his head grabbing onto his hat but I stopped him from putting it on.

“You still love me right?” I whisper, putting my hand behind my back. He had gone down one step on the stairs so it even out our height a bit.

“That should never be questioned ma’am” I smile walking closer. “That is why to show you I will plant you an even bigger orchard than that Gideon guy” He rolled his eyes looking in another direction. I laugh at his response. I take the hat from behind me and place it on his head. He turns towards me, lifting his head. I plant a kiss on his lips pulling away with a smile.

“Oranges and apples” I whisper still close to him

“Yes ma’am” he smiles, pulling me closer by wrapping his arms around me.

“Should’ve gotten a cowboy a long time ago”

“But you were too busy messing with those city boys” I laughed hitting his shoulder. “If you had just given me a chance years ago” I laugh a little louder pulling him away

“What are you talking about?!” Years ago he was still with Monica. I heard them arguing once but it wasn’t like couples don’t argue. The only interaction we had together was dinners and maybe the occasional hello, how are you?, and goodbye. We didn’t get a chance to continue as Tate was running up to us screaming.

“Dad!” With a giant smile he runs up to the porch to stand beside me looking over to Kayce. “Grandpa thought it was a good idea. He said once the baby is born he is going to buy another horse so I could train him!” I hold in my laugh this time not wanting to give hime hope. I watch as Kayce kneels down infront of him. He took a quick glance at me and with a smile and a nod he knew what to say.

“Buddy I know you are excited but y/n and I decided to wait. That doesn’t mean you won’t be a big brother, it's just not going to happen right now” I can already tell he has a sad look in his face as his shoulders slump down and as he looks up at me my statement is made true.

“That's okay, I understand. '' I smile gently, getting down aswell.

“I promise you” I look over at Kayce before moving closer to Tate’s ear. “It won’t be long. So you better start practicing before then”

“You’re right!” He smiles, pulling away. “I need to learn how to change diapers, oh! And how to wash their bottles.” He continues to mumble to himself as he walks through the house door. I turn over to Kayce looking him dead in the eye.

“What?” He smiles

“Don’t you have work to do?” I say sternly with my arms crossed

“Yes ma’am” He bows his head, turning around.

“I love you”

“I love you too,” He shouts. I know I don’t want a baby right now but he is really making it hard as I see him walk away. I can imagine him with Tate by his side. Both holding one hand of a baby who is learning how to walk. Maybe another baby in Kayces arms as they walk throught the ranch. Laughing and smiling.

“I need to get on birth control soon” I whisper to myself.

“You should have gotten on it a long time ago” I jumped back, turning to see Beth standing behind me. “I mean I know you were never much out there but I know Kayce and you do it like rabbits”

“So you will understand why I need it more than ever. Even more now that Tate has brought an idea that won’t be going away anytime soon”

“I thinks it's a great idea”

“Of course you do Beth” I smile wrapping my arms around her. “But you are just going to have a to wait like the others”

“Not long right?” She laughs.

“If I don’t get on birth control, no” We both laugh knowing my words scared me but the humor it cost her eased my nerves.


Tags :
1 year ago


This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 15:- Part 2

Chapter 14:-Part 1

For the past week it has been the same routine. I get home and lay my things on the couch. Find Kayce if he is home so we could continue to finish up the house. I don’t know how I got dragged into this idea. I wanted to find a house close to the ranch, check. I didn’t care if it was a fixer upper, check. I wanted to wait until atleast a bathroom and the kitchen was done, not check. Kayce got me to agree to move in right away. I should have known better. The kitchen needed painting. The bathroom didn’t have the shower set up yet. And that's only a few things on the list. “Kayce!” I screamed as I got into the house. Eachday we tried to knock something out the list. The first few days we got the bedroom ready. Only a bed was occupying the space. I walked to the kitchen noticing the paint had dried. Another thing that was a hassle is agreeing with things. I wanted a simple white color around the house with a mix of black and greys. Kayce called that the city side of me but that nut jobs wanted browns,greens and reds. What is this supposed to be? That would remind me of my grandmother's house, if I knew her. We decided on a sage green and beige and light blue eggshell color. The wooden floor was all his idea but my bathroom had to be tile and that is as far as we’ve gone.

“In the backyard!” I looked out the far window and saw his back but what I could also see was a figure standing infront of him. Who had come over? I come around cautiosioussly. I stood frozen on the doorway. “Hey-”

“Honey” Last time I heard those words he was using it in a hurtfult way. In the conversation he would call me many other things that weren’t appropriate to call your own daughter. “I wanted to see you” He comes closer but Kayce blocks him from my view.

“Who are you? I thought you were the contractor” His voice was rising and his posture was stiffer.

“Kayce” I stepped forward gently placing my hand on his arm. He got my message and moved aside “I don’t want no lies anymore. I know you are not here to see me” I hadn’t seen him in awhile.His grey hairs were more prominent. Wrinkles probably caused by his companion have worsened. Of course all of this was due because of time other than that he has stayed the same.

“Y/n” He softly spoke. “I am here to see you”

“And?” I raised my eyebrows seeing through his lie.

“And to give you something but that can wait” His shoulders slump down. It might be wrong of me to not even try to hear him out but mistakes back then showed me that people don’t deserve a second chance and it will be okay because I can live without them in my life.

“I said, no lies. Tell me what you need to say or give me, I have no heart to hear anything else”


“Mom!” Our heads turn over to the doorway seeing Tate there with two paint swatches in his hand. “I finally choose the color I want”

“Mom?” I look over to see the shock expression in his face. “You had a kid?” His voice was still soft but all I heard was judgment in his tone.

“Who are you?” Thankfully before I could turn to Tate with tears on the brim of my eyes he took him into the house.

“What do you want? I am not going to give you another 5 minutes” I wiped the tears that had not fallen yet.

“I truly wanted to see you but now that I know you have a kid-”

“No” I shake my head furiously. “That will never happen. When you decided to stand there that night and also do nothing when mother screamed at me you also made the decision to have nothing to do with me from that day on”

“I am his grandfather!” I was not going to correct him. The timeline correlates with Tates age so he should have no doubts he was truly mine and I wasn’t about to deny anything. He was the man to forget about wanting to know his grandchild if he knew he didn’t share his blood. Call me evil and stupid but I wanted him to leave here knowing he wasn’t ever going to cross paths with him again and it was for the best.

“Like I said. You are not his grandfather because if I remember correctly you nodded when she said something along the lines of, you can forget your parents, you are no daughter of mine!”

“You knew the reason why! But now it's all cleared up” He took a step forward but I deny him getting closer.

“Yet it took you years later after the truth was announced to come see me and not even an apology was offered”

“You have to understand we felt hurt that day and even after, it was still hard on us” That made me chuckle.

“Hard? You know what was hard? Hearing from the people that gave you life that they didn’t love you! Kicking you out of their house with nothing in hand! Not checking up on you when they knew they were wrong when all they spoke about how bad pride was and how forgiving you should be! I guess it only works for distant relatives and not your own daughter!” Anger was fueling me to let out things I couldn’t control. I didn’t know I felt this way until all the words had been said out loud. “But it's okay. I learned from my mistakes. Like you taught me daddy, you should not trust the one who broke their end of the deal first”


“Don’t” I shake my head. Hearing that nickname only added fuel to the fire I was trying to control. “You have another minute to tell me what you are truly doing here before you get kicked out” I look up to his eyes and see sadness. For the first time I wasn’t the one crying. Then I see a big legal orange envelope pulled from behind him.

“You have been served” And just like that he won the game of chess again. Yes he was crying but I was left broken. “And there will be a rewrite to the list of demands”

“No,” I say coldly. I know what he mean’t. I was the one who walked closer this time. I grabbed the envelope and stared at him in his eyes. “No matter what is in here and what you want, I will not let you take something of mine, I don’t let go of things that easily”

“I saw you in your cousin’s case, you are a good lawyer but good is not going to be enough” He grabs his coat from the chair and walks to the doorway.

“I am not good” He stops his steps turning over and I swear I saw a faint grin. “I am great and if you want a recond you can ask your associate but you can also wait until we are in court ourselves”

“I can’t wait honey” He walks through the doorway allowing me to finally get some air. Closing my eyes I let the faint air caress me and allow it to take away the tension.

“Was it all true?” I turn around frozen at the expression on Kayce’s face. Before I could respond he walked forward wrapping me in his arms. At that time I let out all the frustration in tears. “I'm so sorry. I didn’t know who he was, he told me he was a contractor” I shook my head wanting to tell him not to worry about it but nothing was leaving my mouth. “I thought you called someone about the pool I wanted” I laughed, hitting his chest.

“You’re an idiot, you should have known better. I don’t want a pool in the backyard.”

“How stubborn you are, I should have” He laughs. His hands moved upwards pulling my face into a kiss. “Am sorry” He whispers with sad eyes.

“It's okay. I don’t even know why I am crying, I have bigger things to handle” I left my hand showing the envelope but he pushed my hand down gently.

“Don’t shut down your feelings with me” He kissed me again, pulling closer.

“Trust me when I say I am okay. I guess it was all the emotion of seeing him again. It made me relive that day again.” I look up, wrapping my arms around his neck. “But I am okay. He and my mother will not cause me any more pain” He nods, moving down to place another kiss on my lips. “Now can we talk about the envelope? He nods again. “I haven’t read it but I can tell you he got some ideas by seeing Tate?” His eyebrows furrow. “If I am correct the content of this envelope is to rip me out of the shares in their company and to a new addition to pay some kind of settlement”

“Okay. Where does Tate come in?”

“My mother is vindictive but so am I” I smile pulling away. “I don’t know exactly what card they will pull for Tate but they are going to use him to get me. I will fight for those shares and the money but trade it under a deal for Tate”

“Would you have done it either way?”

“Yes” I smiled up at him. “I don’t want or need anything that ties me to them” I move my hand to his chest messing around with his coat. “I promise Tate will not be involved in this more than just his name”

“I know” He grabs onto my hands and kisses them. “I have a fiance whos the best lawyer here to New york, I bet I can put a good word in to help you”

“I bet I am better than her” I grin, feeling his heartbeat. “In a lot of ways” I hear a low chuckle.

“I will have to verify that” I placed my hand between our lips before he could kiss me.

“Your son has been staring at us for 4 minutes and if I remember correctly that's the same stare you have when you are getting impatient” I look over to Kayce again and laugh. “Yeah just like that” He didn’t get a chance to speak before there was a bang on the glass. We both looked over, almost bursting out laughing at his expression. The stare. The hand pressed against the glass with the paint swatch he chose and the other pointing at it.

“You know what he needs?”Kayce says as we take our time walking towards the house.

“Hmm?” I didn’t look back, mouthing to Tate we were going.

“A sibling” I almost lost my balance. A bit of a blush was surely appearing in my face.

“You should let your fiance know” I turned around letting go of his hand. “Maybe she will agree to start trying tonight” I smile rushing into the house.

“Come on!” I laugh. Tate doesn’t have a bed yet so he is sleeping with us tonight until he goes back with Monica and that is in 3 days. I ran into Tate on the floor spread out.

“Am here buddy” I smile seeing his annoyed look turn into a smile.

“Buddy you are staying with your grandpa tonight” Kayce says rushing in behind me.

“Nope. We are finishing my room even if it takes all night!” He says standing up rushing to the supplies.

“All night” I tell Kayce with a smile.

“3 Days and then you will need many nights to recover” That made two things fall. My smile and my jaw. Now I wanted Tate to go with John


Tags :
1 year ago


This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 16:- Part 3

Chapter 15:-Part 2

The following morning after spending all night painting Tate’s room, we went straight to bed after getting somthing in our stomachs. I was up before the sun was up and around here it's pretty early. “Where are you going?” Kayce sits up trying to bother Tate. I was already dressed just getting my phone from beside him. I kneel down to see him eye to eye.

“I need to get to the office and deal with this” I nudge at the envelope. “I can’t count this over until Jennifer files this away” I faintly smile giving him a kiss before standing up.

“Wait” He quietly shouted. I turn around seeing him rush up towards me. He stalked closer and I walked backward out the room seeing him follow me and close the door. “Are you going to be okay? I mean-”He walks much closer placing his hands on my hip. “I know you will be okay but Jaime can be there to help if needed” I smile looking down. I understand where his worry is coming from, but I didn’t need anyones help on this. I look up, placing my things down on the island and wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I will take him in account” I enterwine my fingers together pushing him head forward.

“Promise?” He whispered leaning into the side still enough to look perfectly into his eyes.

“Kayce” I warned. He knows I hate making promises. If I were to make one it meant there would be a way to disappoint someone. And I didn’t want to do that to people I care about.

“This is the first time you have dealt with your parents so closely after many years. I just want you to know that this family you have now will be beside you when you need them. You have us on the sideline to pick.” I chuckle a little.

“You have been getting into sports too much” His smile gets bigger before nudging at me.

“Am serious”

“I know cowboy” I move in to kiss him but he pulls back. I groan, rolling my eyes. “Okay” I move in again but he pulls back again!. “Kayce!” I groan. I see a faint smile but other than that he continues to stand there not saying another word. “Fine” I stomp my foot slightly. “I promise if it becomes too much I will put someone in the play to help” It sounded like a question more than a statement. But I look back at him and I guess he accepted what I was giving him since there was a smile on his face. I pull my hand looking at the time. “I have to go” I push away grabbing my things

“What? What about my kiss?” I smile walking towards the door.

“I gave you a second chance and you know I don’t do that” Before I could reach the door he was on me. I dropped my things, grabbing onto what I could. My body pressed against the door, his hands entangled in my hair. “Kayce!” I groaned wanting to push him back but my hands were pulling on the fabric of his shirt. He groaned, moving his kisses down to my neck.

“We should christien the guest room” He whispers and I only shake my head quickly.

“What are you doing to mom!?” We pull apart, frantic to the expression on Tate’s face. He must have heard groans and mistaked it for pain. I was horrified seeing him come rushing inbetween us pushin Kayce away.

“Bud I was only kissing her goodbye” Kayce whispers kneeling infront of him with a smile.

“No you weren’t!” He turns around wrapping his arms around me into a hug. Thankfully he didn’t ask or said anything else. I smile a bit, rubbing his back. “You can’t hurt her! She might have my little sibling in here” I smile lifting him up.

“Bud, he wasn’t hurting me” I whispered in his ear as he wrapped his arm tightly around my neck. “And he definitely would never hurt your little sibling” I wasn’t pregnat. Tate knew that and Kayce knew that. Tate and I had been talking in the present tense of a baby since he asked for one. He understands it won’t be soon but it became a habit, I am just thankful he won’t have anything against one when it decides to show up.

“Can we go back to sleep?” Tate looks over to Kayce and then turns to me.

“Can’t” I put him down grabbing onto his hand. “I have work but I will be back early today so we can be lazy all afternoon” I lead him back to the room and tuck him in again.

“Can you bring pizza?” I look over to Kayce and he nods.

“I think that would be a yes” I turned over to Tate who had a big smile on his face as he turned to the side and cuddled into the mattress. I get up walking out the bedroom door and closing it. I look over to Kayce before walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. “I will text you when I am on my way home!” I quietly scream before grabbing my things and walking out the door. When I got to the office it was 10 minutes till 6. I took a moment to sit down peacefully before work began. I open the file and read it word per word. She was asking for my share that was given to me once I turned 18. Legally you cannot take hold of it after and since she waited years to do so she needs my permission. It also states that I should agree to never sue them and that my last name should never be connected to them or I could choose to change it. I can’t do anything until I have the right and full legal suit here. My father said there would be some changes and I bet it will be here soon.


Tags :
11 months ago


This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 17:

Chapter 16: Part 3

I tried to be present for the last weeks but I stood no chance against work. The court date moved on pretty quickly and soon I was standing infront of the judge on the last date. I had Kayce sitting behind me and Tate thankfully wasn’t allowed in court because my mother had made it a strong belief that he should be here. “Your honor” I say approaching her. “It is clearly stated in the paper that is infront of you and plaintiff they are reasoning behind my son not being present” I had not adopted Tate Legal. He still had both parents and I never wanted to over step. We did write a couple papers indicating I am a legal guardian/parent of him and under that paperwork it was written he would not be used or even attend family matters in court. I wanted to protect him and anyone that was born into this family. Kayce has a hard past and so do I, I didn’t want anything affecting kids.

“That cannot be suitable in this case, your honor!” My mother stands and with a rush her lawyer urges her to sit back down.

“If you are not going to let your lawyer talk and with permission I am going to dismiss this case for a further date until you learn how my courtroom handled it” She backs up and takes a seat. “Now continue Miss. Y/N” The judge looks over to me and nods.

“Thank you” I shifted back to my desk. “The paper clearly states he will not be allowed at court for any case unless it's life or death.” I picked up his birth certificate. “This gives it more credibility and the reason the plaintiff does not have any copy or knowledge of it, is because it is not suitable” I look over to my mother and her lawyer before handing it to the judge. She scans over it and quickly straightens up.

“I will need to see you in my office” She says sternly and I nod. “Give us a 5 minute recess and we will be back” She announces as she starts to walk back to her office.

“Everything okay?” I hear Kayce call out to me but not loud enough for everyone to hear. I nod my head.

“I wanted to have something against her but since the agreement is not enough I needed to tell the whole truth even if it won’t knock the smile out of her face” I groaned walking off.

“Couldn’t you have started with the birth certificate?” She shakes her head behind her desk. “Saved you and I much time”

“I know there is a way around everything so not matter how officially the paper may be she would find a way to get what she wants”

“You know what?” She stands up and walks to her fridge. “I have never seen you this stressed” I thank her as I grab the water she handed me.

“It has never involved my kid” I say sitting up straighter. “I guess I prolonged this so I can see her lose something she really wanted, even if it was to get back at me” I shrug and get up. “But I am not going to lose a kid just so I can win this game”

“Couldn’t agree more” She sets her cup down. “I'm glad even after everything you don’t change” I hate change. I was going to say but I only smiled. “Recess is over let's go” I nod, getting out of the room and waiting back in the courtroom for her to appear. We all stand as we hear the doors open. “After hearing and seeing all the evidence I have come up with a decision” The viewers were the only ones to sit down. “When it comes down to the shares and every last of the demands such as last name affiliation or change I grant in favor of the Plantiff” I could see the smile in her face. “When it comes to visitation of Tate I grant favor to the defendant. Case is close”. I know I won. Bickering days back and forth about the company and the name. We stood facing eachother knowing this might be the last time I get to see my mothers face.

“Y/N?” Kayces voice reaped my eyes from following her walking figure. “Everything is done?” I look over before handing the file to Jennifer.

“Yes. Everything is done” I smile. I pull my hand forward to enterwine with mine. “Let's go home, I need a vacation after this” He chuckles walking out of the courtroom. The image I saw was something that made me unable to swallow.

“Think about this” I heard Kayce warn me but my feet had already started walking towards them.

“Y/N” I pull my hands up stopping John from talking.

“Whatever you are saying or trying to do here is not worth it. As stated, I am no longer part of the family so that means you don’t belong in mine”

“No matter what they said he is my blood and the problem was never with him!” She stepps forwards but I don't move an inch. Tate was currently hiding behind John.

“I don’t care!” I took a deep breath not wanting to scare Tate more. “You will never get a chance to hurt me again. And trust me when I say that if you even try, remember I know everything about you and your name”

“You have always been so sensitive” She smiles while fixing her purse.

“You can think anything you want. If you decided to show up again I will make sure I am not the only thing stripped from your last name” I turned around grabbing Tates hand.

“Who was that lady?”I look down, finding a sort of calmness in his eyes.

“She’s my mother,” I say as I get to the truck. I hear the car unlock and help Tate into the back seat.

“Why were you screaming at eachother?” His innocent eyes didn’t compel what was happening.

“Sometimes mothers and daughters fight. Sometimes you need to walk away to give people time to breath”

“Do mothers and sons fight?” I look over with a grin. He smiles knowing the answer. “I guess I have a good mother. She fights for me” I ruffle his hair checking that his belt is secure enough. “But I got really lucky I have two”

“Yes you are bud” I look over and see Kayce and John finally begin to walk towards us. “How about some ice cream? I could definitely use one”

“Yes!” He screams.

“What's happening here?” John says come to my side.

“We decided we need ice cream, will you come with us grandpa?” I turn around leaving them to talk.

“Are you okay?” I look up nodding my head. I move forward wrapping my arms around Kayce. He immediately wraps his arms around me.

“Yes. I just need some ice cream” I smile.

“Yes ma’am” He whispers, pulling my face up and leaving a gentle kiss on my lips. “Guess what?”

“Hmm?” I tried to catch his lips again but was denied.

“I got the stove set up”

“Oh thank god!” I groan, pulling away. “I think I hate every take out in this town” He laughs as I move around the truck to get in.

“Don’t act like you are a great cook either” If I had something to throw at him I wouldn’t think twice.

“Shut up. Now I can practice and you will see” He laughs again pulling his door open. We both get in and turn around to Tate. “Tate, you like the food I make, right?” Tate looked lost. He looked between me and Kayce not knowing what to say.

“Bud, you can tell the truth” I smile nodding my head at Kayces words.

“Well” He stretches his arms trying to come up with his words. “You have only made breakfast and dad has done most of the cooking so I can’t judge” I hear a snicker from Kayce earning him a hit in the arm.

“Thank you buddy.” I smile turning to face forward. “Let's go get ice cream and then we are going to the grocery store. There is a recipe I know you will like”

“You know what that means Tate '' Kayce starts up the truck and looks throught the rear view mirror. I didn’t have to look back knowing he had a smile on his face just like his father.

“Pizza!” At his words I hit Kayce again

“Damn women! I am trying to drive here” He laughs

“You haven’t even put it in drive” I roll my eyes. I feel a presence leaning into me and I turn and see Kayce close. “What?” I groan annoyed

“I love you” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes again but soon enough I smile going in for a kiss.

“I love you too!” Kayce’s face is pushed back to replace the kiss I wanted with a kiss on a cheek.

“I love you too” I say as he takes his seat back.

“Put your seatbelt back on” I turn to see Kayce. “How does staying with grandpa sound?” I laugh moving over to grab Kayce’s hand

“No. I want to stay with you two” Tate say innocently

“Right” Kayce’s groans. He leans in again and starts whispering. “You were right not having a baby just yet. If my only child is cockblocking me right now, imagine a littel one? I wouldn’t even be able to spend the 10 minutes we get alone in a day” I chuckled looking over making sure Tate wasn’t paying attention.

“Really?” I say. I move my hand up to rest on his cheek. “I was thinking we were ready for baby #2”

“Oh now he is really staying in the ranch” He groans, straightening himself in the seat before starting to drive. I know my intention was to tease him but there was some truth behind my words. After all of these I know I have Kayce beside me. Always. There wasn’t anything that could stop me now. Giving him another baby was my promise to him. I wasn’t planning to go anywhere either. I was ready to stay, to stay with him and our family.


Tags :
11 months ago


This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 18:

Chapter 17:

Trying to have a baby was difficult if the man you wanted to be the father seemed to be avoiding you at all cost. When Tate was gone with Monica I would come home ready to spend the night with him but he was never home. He would come late and by that time I was already in bed sleeping peacefully. When Tate was here he always wanted him present, which was unusual because when he was over he would send him with John atleast one night. One time I tried going over to his office. A coat robe ready to slip off and available to him but nothing. He had a “Meeting” to get too. I was becoming frustrated but not because I needed all of the pent up feelings to go away but because he is making it seem like he doesn’t want me anymore. “You are being paranoid” I shake my head at the liquor being offered by Beth.

“Stop. That is what they say to women who’s husband are cheating on them” I roll my eyes and start pacing the floor.

“Well it's a good thing he is not your husband then” I look over annoyed at her words. “Kidding. Well not” She smiles getting up to take my arm. “Kayce loves you and you know how busy this world can get you” I hated talking about the ranch. Call me crazy but after leaving the ranch and only taking care of it legally, I didn’t want to be involved with anything else. I hated Kayce was involved but I understood where he was coming from when he told me he couldn’t just leave. We had a huge argument one night when he came beat up so badly it kept him in bed for days. I cried non stop but showed how angry he was with what he was involved with. It took days before I came to terms with it. It took weeks to look at him and finally come up with a solution. He wanted to give up everything so we could be together but I told him it was okay. I knew what I got myself into even before we were together. She pulls me to take a seat.

“It's hard to believe when he doesn’t even kiss me atleast a goodbye!” I stomp my feet seeting back into the couch like a littel girl who is being denied candy.

“How about we go out tonight?” I close my eyes thinking about it. Tate was with Monica until Tuesday and it was currently Saturday. It was enough time to get blasted, like I am sure Beth will try to get me.

“Sure” I threw my hands up in defeat. I will just have to talk with Kayce before I get to the point where I get my frustration out some other way. “I’ll see you at 7?” I get up grabbing my things

“5” I turned over looking at her. We never go out that early. “You need to relax your mind and I know this wonderful place but it's far. '' I shake my head not caring aslong as my mind is not thinking of Kayce for as long as possible. “I will pick you up”

“At the office” I say walking out the door. I was going to spend the rest of the day in the office. Being at home with it being still 11 in the morning wasn’t wise. I would be pacing around the whole house probably eventually crying until I am balled up on the floor. Trying to unlock my door I hear my phone ring. “Hello?” I answer without looking at the caller ID.

“Hey are you busy?” I hear Monica’s voice on the other side of the phone.

“No. I was going into the office to have somthing to do but it can wait. Do you need something?” I pull out my key setting in my purse and put my attention to the phone call.

“Tate has been talking about this restuarant all day when you took him to once. And since it's almost lunch time he was thinking maybe you wanted to join us?” I look over to my office. Being here with only my thoughts might be the same as being stuck at home. Maybe going to lunch with Monica and Tate would be better.

“Of course. I will see you there in 5” We hang up and I go back into my car. I drive up and park waiting for them to show up. “Hey buddy” I smile seeing Tate run up to me and give me a hug.

“He has not stopped talking about this place” She looked up, not really sure about the place.

“It's great!” He pulls away running inside.

“They are good. One of my favorites” I smile waiting for her to walk in behind Tate.

“Welcome” The host smiles as we walk inside. “Table for 3? The gentleman is waiting for you” We turn as we see Tate talking to the waitress already.

“Thank you.” We say walking to the table.

“I will have that in a second” The waitress made sure what Tate had ordered was correct before she left.

“Grandpa said I can come over today for a fishing day!” He said excitily. “Do you want to come too?” How can I tell him no? I don’t mess with horses more than I did the last time I was near one.

“Kid she doesn’t know how to ride a horse” I thank Monica with an uneasy smile.

“But last time you rode with dad. You can ride with me or grandpa this time”

“Thanks buddy but I am not dressed up for the occasion” Yeah a pencil skirt and heels isn’t proper for riding a horse or even fishing.

“Aunt Beth can let you borrow something”

“Okay but if the horse tries anything I will have to skip the fishing trip”

“Deal” He smiles. The food came soon after that.

“So how is the house going?” Monica spoke as we were digging into our food.

“Good. Hard to compermise but it's getting there.”

“Dad doesn’t like the couch” I laugh nodding my head. I didn’t want a leather couch. My parents always had dark brown leather couches in the house but I always liked the large cloth couches.

“And it's a cream color so his fear of keeping it clean is worse” Monica laughs along. “It's not like we have 20 people living at home”

“And what did you have to agree on?” I smile knowing she has been in the same place as me so she knows how annoying it can be to deal with Kayce.

“Having a bathtub” I didn’t like bathtubs. I preferred showers. I wanted a vanity or something more useful in that corner but I agreed to have my couch.

“I love the bathtub!” Tate says with a mouth full.

“That's why I don’t regret the decision. He doesn’t fight taking a bath anymore” Monica turns over with a smile.

“So all it takes is a bathtub to keep you clean?” Tate nods with a big smile. “Have to get one at home because I can’t keep him clean” We were exaggerating but Tate had a difficult time wanting to take a shower but now we have a difficult time getting him out the tub.

“Can you get one with the jets?” He saw the cataloug where we were picking them out and was angry at the fact we didn’t choose one with jets

“I will see” We smiled at Tate who had finished his first plate and went on to the next. Once our food was done we met again in the ranch. Thankfully Rip called Tate over to work on his horse and that took most of the day until I looked down and checked the time.

“It's okay if you have plans, Tate will understand” I looked over to Monica who was standing next to me with a smile.

“No” I shake my head. It was almost 5 and I had texted Beth that I was going to the ranch so she would find me and honestly if she didn’t I don’t really feel like going anywhere right now. “Beth invited me for drinks tonight but I think it's best if I don’t go”

“What?” I look over to her, confused. “I wasn’t going to say anything but you have not been in a good mood for a couple of days.” Gee thanks. “I think you need this,” I was about to say something like no I don’t and going out with Beth will only get me in a worse mood but she wraps her arms around mine and leads me inside the house. “To prove it I will be going too” I smiled a little allowing her to lead me upstairs and into Beth's room. I was forced, which says nothing since I didn’t fight Monica on changing into different clothes. Beth soon came in trying to get ready for the night before she spent getting me ready.

“Alright I think we are ready to go, '' Beth says, looking infront of the mirror before turning to us. “Lets go” We go downstairs and wait in the car so Monica can say goodbye to Tate as she leaves him with Rip until John comes home.

“Come on. We were going to have fun” Monica says from the back seat.

“She is having troubles with my little brother”

“Oh so that's why you have been pissy all day” I look over annoyed.

“I have not!” I argue. I have not, I didn’t even believe myself

“He has been busy and to make it worse she hasn’t gotten some for,? How long has it been” She looks over quickly at me with a grin.

“Shut up” I groan slidding down more into the seat. I fold my arms together looking over to the window. “Almost 2 months” I whisper. I hear them chuckle at my responds.

“I can’t go a week without it,I can’t imagine 2 months” Beth says laughing.

“I am going to throw myself out the car”

“Don’t be pissy. We are going to make you feel better, you will see” Monica said as she laid a gentle hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath, I don’t know what is going to happen but I need to get this tension out before it drives me crazy. We have been driving for about 10 minutes and I am beginning to think they are going to ditch me in some ditch since I have not stopped frowning since we got in the car. There is nothing 10 minutes away from town that is interesting enough to take this ride.

“Alright we are going off road a little” Beth says turning into a dirt road. Now I truly believe they are going to kill me off somewhere.

“If this is your idea of fun and distracting, I don’t like it” I hear a low chuckle from both of them. I sit up leaning forward when I notice a faint light ahead. The sun was going down on the other side of us so it was dark enough to see light coming from torches? “Are we going there?” I pointed and turned to look at Beth who only nodded. “You know I hate the outside right? If this is supposed to make me feel better than you don’t know me at all” I didn’t have time to take a full glance at what was infront of us since it was still feet away but also because I almost went throught the windshield. Always wear your seatbelts kids!. “What the hell Beth?” I look over as she puts the car in reverse.

“Get out,” She says dryly. “Y/N” She unlocks the car and points outside. “Get out” I roll my eyes a bit. “I need to back up and I don’t want to hear anymore of your whining” It should have pissed me off but it didn’t. Beth was like that. I opened the door and as soon as the door slammed shut she was backing up at a fast pace.

“What the fuck Beth?!” They did ditch me. Not in a ditch dead but ditched me non the less. I will probably be dead before the sun hides away. I gave up looking at the direction they went hoping they would show up. I turn around and walk toward the lights. As I came up you could see torches around the set of multiple pillows and blankets. A middle platter with drinks and what I am guessing is covered up food. “I have totally pissed them off when Beth took her time to do all of this” I lift my hands up in frustration. I have let Kayce’s absence get to me. Usually I didn’t need his attention but lately it was all I was craving. Not sexually but emotionally. I haven’t been attached to someone as I have gotten with him. It's not like I needed him every second of the day but lately since I feel like we have spent less and less time together, I have missed him so much.

“She only did part of this” I looked up frightened at the voice until I saw it was Kayce popping up out of nowhere. It was an open field. It was a field of some sort of grain but it was short so it didn’t even reach my knees.

“What are you doing here?” in the distance you could see a faint building but nothing after that. When did he get here?

“I heard you have been pissy all day?” I see a slight grin on his face as he walks around the pillow and blankets.

“I have not” I roll my eyes not wanting to look at him right now. How dare he show up right now? If he did all of this, what was it for? For the amount of time he has been neglecting me?

“Hey, come back to me” He uses one hand to grab my chin so I have no choice but to look at him, which I didn’t mind. The other wraps around my waist to pull me closer. I guess I was so engulfed in my mind that I didn’t notice the faint music playing until he started swaying. “I need you to stay with me until I finish the speech I have prepared” I furrowed my brow, curious about what he was doing.

“I can do that” I smile, moving my hand up to grab a hold of each side of his face to pull him closer.

“I need to get throught the speech before any of this goes on” I close my eyes, feeling his nose rub against mine before he pulls apart. He puts some space between us holding onto both my hands. “I am not for speeches so don’t give me hell for it” I smile faintly nervous about what is to come. He takes a deep breath before continuing, “Years ago I was so stupid to let you go. I was scared and when I heard about your dreams and goal I knew I couldn’t get inbetween that. Well also back then I didn’t think I deserve someone like you so I held myself back from trying. But the past is the past and now that I have you I will never be that stupid again. I still think I don’t deserve someone like you. So smart and witty. Beautiful and kind to even the ones who don’t deserve it. You accepted me with my whole crazy family but most importantly Tate. He loves you and he was actually the one who pushed me to do this, not that I didn’t want to do it but was procrastinating at the right time.” I wanted to laugh and hug him but his movement stopped me. I always see these in movies. How the guy gets on one knee then he has a hard time finding the ring but finally he extends his hands and opens the little black box and says, “Will you marry me?” I usualy would roll my eyes and smile because even if it was annoying it was their moment. Their piece of heaven and this one was mine.

“Yes” I nod my head wrapping my arms around him once I fall onto my knees. He was my piece of heaven.

Tags :
11 months ago



Chapter 19:

Chapter 18:

That moment was filled with just amazement. Truthfully I never imagined myself with a ring on my finger but maybe it was because I hadn’t found the right person yet. And now you have me here. Infront of a man who loves me, all of me. Drinking and laughing. Talking as in the background music plays. It's cheesy but it works. The sun is gone by now and the only light is the torches around.

“If you ever ignore me like that again I won’t be as forgiving as I was today” I say taking a sip of my drink

“I guess I will just have to make you make a wife soon so you won’t have a choice, you wouldn’t even be able to run away” He shurggs looking elsewhere. I throw a small pillow at him with a laugh.

“Am a lawyer, I can find a way” I get up walking towards him. “Not that I would want to” I smile gently getting on his lap. I feel him set him drink down leaning back on both hands. I move my hands upwards and tug a little on his jacket. “But I am serious, you made me feel bad these past couple of days and I don’t want to feel like that again” I whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear me.

“Am sorry” He reaches up to cup my face, laying a gentle kiss on my cheek. “You won’t ever feel like that again if I can help it. If you do, you can always talk to me and even smack me when I am being irrational”

“Promise?” I look up with a slight grin.

“Promise, for as long as you will have me” I get up slightly moving to straddle him.

“We are going to be married. And when we walk out that church it's forever cowboy”

“I like the sound of that miss” I move to wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

“Stop. You know I think it's the way you speak that got me wanting to marry you” Slowly my hips started moving against him. Killing me but I enjoyed how his eyes closed and his hands around me tightened. “But it was who you are that's gotten me wanting to give you a baby” Shit that got me going hearing him groan. He pressed his face against my neck holding onto me like I was going to disappear. Slowly getting more speed as his arms helped me move faster. “I love how you are as a daddy of one, how about we make it two?” I whispered, grabbing his face so I could kiss him but I took a moment to watch the sight infront of me. His eyes closed as faint whimpers came out of him. I got down, starting to kiss his neck.

“You can’t do that to me” He complains as he pushes my face back only to smash his lips on mine. I moan filling the tight knot tigethen. I pull on his jacket wanting to hold on to something.

“But I want your baby” I whine, not really knowing what I was saying. But it was true.

“We will have time for it, let me make you feel good before we get there” I groaned, getting a little mad at the fact he was willing to wait. I mean yes I liked to foreplay. Or him going down on me or me on him but I wanted him more. I lift myself up hearing a groan coming from him.

“I want your baby” I say a little louder, going to unbukle his pants. “I need it.” I don’t even take it off, already unbuttoning his pants. “Please?” I look down at him. With his eyes locked I hurriedly try to push his pants down. I stop my hand movements leaning forward to trace a trail of kisses all over his face. “You don’t want to give me a baby?” I feel him nod desperately. “That’s another way to secure I won’t ever leave you” It took him a second to get rid of his pants sliding down and sliding into me.

“We aren’t going to stop until we use all of our time tonight” Fuck. “I didn’t even have to prepare you” I moaned, holding him close. “So open and ready, right?” He asked as he lifts me up and sharply pulled me down again. It wasn’t the stimulation that has me over the edge but the feeling of him with me. How he is going to my husband and forever be mine. How he wants to have a baby and never leave my side. This is love and he is making me feel it all the way to my toes.

“I love you” I whisper as our pace is slow feeling every inch he gives me.

“I love you” He pulls my dress down as I take off his jacket and shirt. Moving against him we look into eachother eyes. “Going to be such a wonderful mommy” I nod my head humming at his words. “So beautiful” He grabs a hold of both breasts moving forward to take one of them in his mouth.

“Fuck, Kayce” I moaned looking up at the sky full of starts.

“So caring, you will have time for me right? You won’t forget that I will need you to survive too, right?” I shake my head, clawing him and pulling on his hair. The emotion was too much. The sensitivity of my breast was making it hard for me not to come quick. I move up and down as he goes on to the next boob.

“Kayce” I whine.

“I know, baby. I want you to remember the night you made me the happiest man” The pace slowed but the friction continued to increase. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer and tighter. He was trying to get as far as he could reach. I felt like he was splitting me into two but I didn’t care, I wanted more. I didn’t want to be able to walk tomorrow morning. “That is until I get you to say yes or when our little one finally decides to come into the world”

“Mphm. So pretty” I moan, pulling him into a kiss. I scratch his back as my stomach tightens. “A sweet baby. Just like you” I whisper, kissing him again.

“Beautiful like you” He says as my hand searches for something more steady to grab as my climax hits. “I love you” I wanted to say it back but the feeling of him cumming in me had been going overboard again.

“More!” I scream, not stopping at his cries. The over stimulation was rough but the want of him over took that.

“Baby” He groaned trying to get a hold of my hip but his hands denied him as a second later they were helping me ride him faster. “Fucking hell” He moans. I could feel our mixture slipping past us making a hell of more noise as our bodies collided.

“So good.” I scream holding onto his shoulder trying to pick up the speed. “Kayce” he looked up at me knowing what I needed. He flips us over and it took him not even a second to pound into me at a faster rate. “Fuck baby” I try to turn but his hands pinned my hips down.

“Don’t try to run so soon” I grabbed onto his wrist, feeling the pleasure increase. “I thought you wanted it faster” That cocking motherfucker. My legs widen and wrap firmly around him.

“I want everything” Not leting him move as he cums in me again and another climax reaches me. He falls onto me, capturing my lips. The hunger is still apparent in his kiss. “How long do we have?” I whisper as we pull apart a few inches.

“All night and as long as you want to stay here” I know he was joking. I wanted to stay here forever but that wasn’t possible. He still had worked at the ranch and John needed him most of the time. I would go crazy if I didn’t have something to do, I would miss my job. Not to mention Tate. He would probably love it here but as a kid he needed to go to school and most importantly be with Monica.

“All night is enough” I smile up at him, caressing his face. “We have forever right?”

“Yes ma’am” I laugh rolling my eyes. And with that ladies and gentlemen we rolled over and continued what we started. I wasn’t going to lose another minute without him in me. Even as we held ourselves tighter together inside the little cabin that was a couple feets from us he stayed in me. Surely enough it was going to be uncomfortable in the morning but it was something I was willing to deal with.


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11 months ago



Chapter 20

Chapter 19:

A month has passed since Kayce asked me to marry him and ever since it has been like a new honeymoon phase. Everytime I saw him my heart sped up and I forget how to breath. I blush as every kiss and smile he sends my way like I was 16 years old again. And let me not mention the sex. If people thought we couldn’t keep our hands from eachother, I need to ask them what they think of us now. “Remember they need to be at school before lunch”

“I know Tate. I am on my way to pick them up after this” I smile motioning him away. “Now go, you are already late” I had to drop off Tate this morning to school and I may be 10,15 minutes late. “Love you!” He waved back with a smile, mouth something before heading inside. I reach for my phone and dial the only number I had on speeddial.

“I just picked them up. I am on my way to the office. In 15 minutes you have the meeting with the Townsends”

“Thanks. I am heading that way now. Don’t forget she was supposed to give you a smaller package too”

“Got it” I thanked Jennifer before hanging up the phone. I rush into the office hoping to get enough time to settle in. “Jamie?” I questined surprised to see him standing outside the office.

“Goodmorning, I need your help” he says as I come closer to him. His eyes averted to our surroundings every chance he got.

“Okay” I look around and see no other car other than his and mine. I guess we have a couple minutes before my clients show up. I unlock the doors and walk into my office with Jamie trailing close behind. I heard the door shut so I tooke liberty to start the conversation first. “Does this involve the Duttons?”

“In a way” I furrow my brow letting out a deep sigh. I take a seat pushing it close to my desk so I can lean against my hands. “I have a baby” Well that is a surprise

“How?” I said quickly. And just as quickly I tried to rephrase my question. “I mean I know how but like, how?” I lead back and stare at him. He was fidgeting with his hands as he took a seat infront of me.

“Christine. You remember her right?”

“Yeah. She worked with you when you were running against Reid” I nod now understanding. It was a hard time for Jamie and he departed from her when he went back to the Dutton ranch. But that has been a while back.

“Yes, exactly. I know I don’t have to explain to you how he came to be”

“Right. I know how that happens” I smile hoping to get he awkardness out of the way.

“Yeah well months ago she contacted me and told me about our son. She gave me a decision which will affect whether she allowed me to see him or not” Okay, “She wanted me to leave everything behind and not be involved with the ranch” Smart. “If I didn’t make that choice she would move on and not allow me to see my son”

“So what do you need me for? You want to fight for custody?” He shakes his head quickly.

“I want to ensure his future. Beth has made a promise when she found out and I don’t want anything happening to him”

“So you are thinking of a restraining order?”

“That would alert her. I need you to be my lawyer, My son and Christine need to be protected. She is not going to get to them if I can help it” I nod. There's more than a couple of ways to ensure that and he knows it. Being related to them doesn’t help so I know why he is asking me. I hear the door ring letting me know someone is in the lobby.

“I will make sure of it. I have clients out there but I will keep in contact to let you know every step of the procedure” He stands up walking towards the door.

“Thank you y/n” I sent him a smile. “One last favor” I nod. “Don’t tell Kayce any of this, for now”

“Don’t worry” I walk over to send him off. “Goodmorning Mr.Townsend” I smile leading him into my office. I watched as Jamie got in his car. How the hell am I supposed to keep such a thing from Kayce? I guess if it doesn’t come up I technically wouldn’t be hiding or lying about it right? I finished with my meeting with enough time to get to Tate’s school with the baked goods.

“You were late” Tate says with his arms folded

“Actually” I go down on my heels to meet his eyes. “I am right on the dot” I showed him my watch that marked 11:30.

“According to James’s mom, you are late” He points over to the tall women setting up things around the main table.

“Well she was wrong. The flyer said to be here at this time and I was. Can’t argue with the facts now can we?” Tate smiles, shaking his head.

“No go enjoy the party” His class was having a party to celebrate Valentine's day. Sweets filled two tables. His classroom is decorated with pink and red hearts. Everything on theme including most mom’s outfits. I quickly got Tate’s attention and waved at him as he had fun with his friends.

“So you are Tate’s mother?” I don’t know why Monica and Kayce agreed to change him to this school. I get that education is important and a school where you pay tuition too just has to be the best which it may be but it doesn’t mean the same for the parents.

“Yes I am” I stand up straight reaching out my hand to her. “And you are James’s mother?” I already knew the answer. Tate and James try to be friends but it has its bumps.

“Yes,Amanda” She gives me a small laugh and she takes her hand back to smooth out her dress. “You seem very young to be his mother”

“22” I say looking at her expression in her face made giving her my time worth it. “But unfortunately I am not the one who birthed that angel. Am just the seconded mom” Now that totally got her. I saw her face, she was trying to find something to say.

“Well” She huffed out trying to still be nice. “You seem pretty decent. You can uphold the reputation it takes to be here” My eyebrow lifts up trying to acknowledge her words.

“Right” I fake smile drinking out of the drink Tate got me earlier.

“Can’t say the same about other people” I looked over to see what she was referring to. Monica steps up looking around. She is in her usual outfit. “How is it that they get the good ones?” I wanted to laugh knowing she was now referring to Kayce. “I want to take a ride” I took that chance to wave over to them.

“Hey where is Tate?” Monica asks, still trying to scan the room for the boy.

“I will go look for him but first I would like to introduce you to Amanda, James’s mom.” I give her a slight wink before turning towards Amanda. “Amanda this is Tate’s other mom” She shakes smiles extending her hand to shake Monica’s.

“Oh” She smiles awkwardly. “I didn’t mean anything about my comment” she tries to whisper but I shake my hand.

“Oh don’t worry about it” I fake laugh turning over to Kayce. “This right here is his father. Got the right sperm wouldn’t you agree?” Kayce’s eyes widened a bit. “Would you be in love and find Tate?” A push him on to start walking which he thankfully does.

“So when you meant you were his other mom, you meant he mainly had two moms?” She steps back unknowingly.

“Yes, is that a problem? I thought you meant that it would uphold the reputation of this school?”

“I didn’t mean” She looks around, frightened from the sudden information. “I would need to speak to the principal,” She says holding her head up and walking out the room.

“What was that about?” Monica looks over at me.

“Just trying to set some knowledge about acceptance” I shruggs. I see Tate and Kayce coming over. “Did you know James keeps stealing Tates things? He says he is borrowing it but always seems to lose them when he tries to give them back?”

“I wouldn’t blame the parents but its hard when she acts like that” Monica laughs a little as the boys come closer we stop.

“Mom!” Tate wraps his arms excitedly, grabbing her hand. “I need to show you something”

“Alright kid, am coming” She smiles back at us who stay right in the same spot. When we are alone separated from any kid or adult I feel Kayce leaning in to rest his head on my shoulder and his arms around me.

“So I was the right sperm?” I grin feeling his smile widen.

“Wouldn’t you think? Look at him” I point over to Tate. Truly not really focusing on him since Kayce’s warm breath is all I can focus on right now. “Why do you think I want a kid from you so bad?”

“Just one?” He whispered. It was so hard not to close my eyes and just feel him.

“We can fill a whole classroom if you allow me too” I know it's bad to have the thought I am having right now with kids present so god forgive me but would it be so bad to want him to take me against the wall? Or just lean me against one of these tables? Maybe even just right here. In this spot. He could lift me up with his strong arms and push into me. Over and over and over again. He's a cowboy he can do it standing up, we’ve done it before.

“Honey I would allow you to do unspeakable things to me. Anything your little heart desires. If you can take it?” I smile. I come back to my sense noticing we were feeling eachother up. That went unnoticed it seems like so I stopped before someone could notice us.

“I need to get going. I need to be away from you for a bit” I smile, going up to plant a quick kiss on his lips. “Rememeber to meet me at the ranch at 6” I point back to him grabbing my things

“Yes ma’am” God why are you making it so hard on me? The only things I had the courage to do was turn around and leave. I didn’t trust myself with telling him I love you or giving him a goodbye kiss. God knows I wouldn’t have made it. I would have scarred all those kids forever. I just needed to wait 6 more hours.


Tags :
10 months ago



Chapter 20:

“Are you sure about this?” I shake my head no. I am not sure about this or many other things but when I think of that one thing, it makes everything feel right. “You could always do it here at the ranch. I can tell all the workers to leave for as long as yall need” Rip bumped my shoulder with his and the glare I gave him set him back right again. “Sorry. Have to be careful with your state nowadays”

“Shut up or I am revoking your rights” he lifts his hands in defeat. “Plus it's still not set in stone until Kayce says yes” I turn around noticing Rip wasn’t following beside me anymore.

“So I am doing this for nothing?” I laugh looking at his stupid expression as he holds the last pieces I needed to finish what I had planned for Kayce.

“Your love for me should be enough” I continued walking knowing he would follow eventually. “It's not even that far away either” I roll my eyes looking at the distance. It is far but I wasn’t going to admit it knowing he would offer to ride the horse down to the water.

“You know what I just realized?” I don’t turn or respond knowing he would just continue talking. “Recently you have been letting yourself go” I stop at the remark, turning to look over at him.

“What is that supposed to mean?” My eyebrow rised and a hand on my hip.

“Not in a bad way” My head turns a little to the side still waiting for him to continue. “You came down here with a wardrobe and it has gradually changed and it's good on you” I was still waiting. “You looked great before and it was what you were used to, do you like what it is now? You used to say you would never get used to this and how it wouldn’t look good on you” ah.

“Things changed Rip” I shrug, turning around to continue walking. “I certainly never saw myself staying in a place like this. I was born in the country but my heart always belonged to the city. A place where people don’t sleep. As early as 5 in the morning people are already out and about. You don’t need cars because you turn a corner and everything you need is there. But things change. I was never afraid to get myself dirty. I had boundaries and now it has expanded. Kayce made me love this place even more and settling here is what I crave more than anything now”

“Love changes you” I burst out laughing shaking my head. “Yes, big guy. Love does change you” Beth has certainly done a number on him since they got officially together. Before he could ask I left him with a bigger question in his head. “When are you two going to get hitched?”

“That's personal” I rolled my eyes.

“Aww. Is Rip the big bad wolf getting nervous?” I chuckle setting down what I had on the floor.

“I pick my timing. It's not time yet” He lowered his voice and I nod understandingly. What Beth and Rip has gone through hasn’t been easy and now that they are together, they aren’t rushing it.

“Alright big guy. Last trip.” I smile walking back to the ranch. By the time we reached the ranch it was 10 past 6.

“I will go ahead and take the last thing there and I will be on my way”

“Thanks” I smiled heading to the main house. I walk in seeing Beth, Tate, and John sitting in the living room talking. “Hey” I smile at them before taking a seat.

“I heard you’re doing something special for my little brother” Tate stands in attendance curious when he hears his dad mentioned.

“Something like that” I smile leaning further into the seat. I didn’t tell them what I was doing purposely. “I felt like it was my turn to do something for him. I know I am no romantic but I better up my beat if I don’t want to lose him”

“Trust that boy won’t leave unless he is ripped away from you” We laugh hearing the front door open.

“Can we have a talk in my office for a minute?” I look over at John and nod. We both stand heading to his office. I look back noticing it was Kayce walkingt through the doors. I leave him with a smile before walking into John’s office and closing the door. I turn around and take a seat before eyeing the folder he was sliding across his desk.

“Can you talk to me?” When John found out about Kayce and I, it wasn’t a pretty ride. It took months before he could even turn to look at me. But of course like a true Dutton he came to find me when he needed a lawyer who knew how he liked things done. I didn’t deny him since I owned him for everything I was. I still wasn’t going to stay if he didn't do something bad against me because I am still a person. But since then we have been getting closer and closer. He leans forward resting his elbows on his desk.

“When I saw you on my land years ago I wanted to do what I do with everyone else” Get rid of them one way or another. “I wanted to, but that was until I looked into your eyes. Scared. Alone. Broken. I saw that look constantly in my kids” They have had their share of it. “When I decided to bring you in I was going to make you a cowboy but I knew with those clothes you wouldn’t last a minute” I laughed knowing he was right. “You gave so much prospect to someone who belongs in a place like this.” He stands up reaching around the desk to lean against it infront of me. “And one day when I saw you and Kayce speaking. I saw the conversation unfold and it was like seeing two old people '' I furrowed my brows unsure on where he was going with this. “I didn’t want anyone messing with his future since he left. I wanted him to learn when he decided to leave this land that he wasn’t going to get better.” Tingles in my legs start moving all over my body. “I knew you being here would change his mind” I stood up and was a little dumbfounded.

“So you paid for my schooling to teach Kayce a lesson?” This has to be a cruel skit. I don’t know why I was angry. I believe in things happening in the right time so I wasn’t angry at the missed opportunity to be with Kayce years ago, I was upset that I was part of a lesson.

“You have to understand that back then you were just a little girl who came into our lives. A chess piece” I let out a frustrated chuckle shaking my head. “Since that day I saw the attraction between you two and my eyes were blinded with anger to see Kayce just give up”

“Wasn’t that what you wanted years ago? It would have made him come to his knees and beg you to come back” I sigh letting the upsetness defuse. I go to take a seat again. “What is your point in telling me all of this?” He takes the folder and places it on my lap as he kneels infront of me.

“I wanted you to know everything. You are about to be family although I considered you family for a long time "I look up in disbelief. “I was telling the truth when I told you, you are better than this place. You were already broken and this place would finish breaking you but when I saw how Kayce helped you and how you helped him I realized you two are strong enough for eachother to stay together.” He moves to open the file and reveal papers that needed signatures. “And for it to work properly with no further headaches I need you not to be attached to us professionally.”

“You’re firing me?” I was shocked.

“I need you to make your own choice. If you want to continue with the Dutton Ranch you are more welcome but if you decide not to, you are still part of this family regardless” I smile nodding my head.

“Either way I am here to stay” I close the folder and throw it on the desk. “You will be receiving an updated contract in a couple of days. I can’t let my number 1 client go” I smile standing up.

“Send it to my lawyer” He smiled gently, motioning me to follow him to the door. He stopped me by my arm as soon as I tried to open the door. “Thank you” I only smiled at his words, nodding before I left towards the living room.

“Is everything okay?” I nod going over towards Kayce and wrapping my arms around him.

“Everything is fine.” I look outside seeing the sun setting. “But nothing will be for what I have planned if we don’t leave right now” It was already past 6 so I was running behind schedule.

“You know you can’t get rid of me right?” I nudged him a bit as we walked down the path.

“Not like I have an option now” He furrowed his brows looking confused at my comment. I hold up my hand. “I would have to return the ring and it's too pretty” I smile, grabbing onto his forearm.

“So all it took was a pretty ring” I shrug

“Yeah! You put a ring that sparkles in front of a girl and a man with pretty eyes and they would fall to their knees in a second”

“I didn’t have to put a ring in front of you to get you on your knees those other times” I turned around shocked.

“Shut up” I slap his arm pushing him away. “And for your information I wasn’t as happy those other times” I cross my arms and speed walk to get to the destination faster.

“You seemed pretty eager” I try my best not to chuckle as I feel him wrap his arms around me making us tumble a bit until he caught balance.

“Yeah well, I was pretending. It helps the moment” I look away. I hear his low chuckle and his head falls inbetween my neck. I almost melt to the touch of his lips placing careful kisses.

“Baby,We both know that is a lie but.” He grabs on to my jaw making me look at him. “If you don’t like it, I am more than happy to be the one on my knees all the time” I held on to what I could but my legs were functioning less and less as he pulled me closer.

“If you don’t stop we won’t get to the surprise” I whisper as he hover over my lips. I want him to kiss me. Just like a couple hours ago.

“Alright” He sighs. I cursed at myself. I wanted him to see the surprise I had for him but the feeling for him was stronger. “Ready?” I nodded with my eyes closed trying to take a deep breath in and suddenly those strong feelings slowly started turning to sadness. “Are you okay?” He cups my face as I try my hardest to hold in the tears. “My love, talk to me” I shake my head as I tried to speak but no words came out. I feel his arms pull me into a hug and that is when the tears start to spill. “Whatever it is we promised to talk about it and figure it out together” I feel a kiss on my head before he pulls me in closer. “If you are not up for it can we go back? I won’t be disappointed” I lift up my head to look at him shaking my head no. He goes to remove the hair that was now sticking to my face due to the tears. “You sure?” I worked too hard on this and it was something important to not due today because if I wait any longer I will die.

“Am sure” I grabbed his hand and removed myself from him and continued on walking. “Am okay” I say, feeling his eyes on me. “I don’t understand my emotions right now but I can tell you that showing you your surprise will make me feel much better” I look back sending him a smile and pull him closer so I could wrap myself in his arm.


“Shh” I quickly quieted him seeing the lights lit up. Fairy light hanging around the closest trees. A blanket on the floor with pillows just like he set up for me. But with the exception of something big in the middle of the set up.

“You got me a horse?” I laugh seeing his expression. His small smile with confusion trying to be nice to me. I grab on to his hand and pull him forward. “Baby?-” I roll my eyes walking around the young horse and pull the rag around his neck so Kayce would see it. I lift my eyebrows trying to give him a hint to go on and read what it said. As he walks forward I walk around to move behind him. I wait and I wait for a good 5 minutes.

“Kayce?” The humor in his reaction soon became anxiousness. I was worried to look at what reaction he had to the words. I took a step forward but soon froze as he turned to look at me.

“You are not joking with me right?” I shake my head quickly. “Because if this is a joke, it’s one cruel one” Soon I was on the verge of crying again.

“It's not a joke Kayce” I walk forward taking his hands and placing it on my stomach. “This is real”

“A baby?” A smile finally appeared in his face allowing the stress and fear to slip right off my shoulders.

“Our baby” I smiled bigger, pulling his eyes to look at me.

“Our baby” He connects our lips for a short second before wrapping his arms around me. “You are having our baby” I laugh feeling even happier than when I found out. “A baby,” He whispers, still holding on to me. “Really?” He pushes me back carefully to look at my face.

“Yes Kayce. I confirmed it with the doctors last week”

“You went to the doctor without me?” I roll my eyes laughing at his sadness.

“I just went to confirm there was a baby. I promise, you didn’t miss anything that important. You will be invited to further doctors appointment when it really counts”

“I better be. That's my baby in there.”

“Sure is Cowboy.” I smile grabbing onto his face to pull himin for a kiss but he takes them off but doesn’t let go. He only pulls me around so my back is now leaning against his chest.

“How are you feeling about it?” I sigh. I was content. There was nobody else I would rather do this with. He is caring and respected my wishes to wait until I was ready. Truthfully when the positive test came I forgot how to breathe. Tears came and I fell to the floor crying. It felt like hours before I could stand up and take another test to make sure. Once that one came out positive too, that was when the tears were happy tears. Saying I wanted to have a baby was one thing. Knowing it actually is happening and now it's a reality, it stomps you. “I can’t lie and say I was 100 percent ready. My heart stopped and all the confusion and uncertainty came to mind.” He rubs my hands and arms listening to me. “But then I came to feel happy. I realized that I wouldn’t be doing this alone. This baby is going to have a wonderful father” I look up smiling at Kayce. “A crazy family”

“Yeah they can count on that” I laugh.

“You forgot to mention me!” We looked out to the darkness as now the sun had gone down and the only light was from the fairy lights.

“Tate?! What are you doing out here?” We looked left and right and didn’t see any small figure.

“Oops” I hold in my giggle looking over to Kayce. “Forget I am here!” That was when I lost it.

“He is part of this. I felt it wouldn’t be right without him here” I whisper. “But he was supposed to come way later when the food arrived” Kayce smiles. “You can come out bud” We turn our heads hearing footsteps.

“Did I mess it up?” He came out shyly towards us.

“Of course not” I motioned him to come closer. “Do you want to tell him about that” I point at the horse.

“Yeah!” He takes Kayces hand and starts pulling him. “I picked it all by myself for my baby!” I smiled hearing him call the baby his. Of course I had to tell Tate about the baby. Well truthfully I had no other choice. I was in the bathroom for too long. He came to check on me. He wasn’t oblivious when I told him the test was a thermostat. Since that day he has been calling the baby his baby and I couldn’t be more happy about his reaction. I smiled at Kayce who looked back as Tate ran around the horse telling him how he is going to prepare and train the horse for the baby. As Kayce turns his attention to Tate again I tell myself this is what I needed. I needed someone like Kayce to come into my life. So I could love and be loved and getting Tate is a bonus.


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